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/lit/ - Literature

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12823683 No.12823683 [Reply] [Original]

Just read this and now I want to kill myself.

>> No.12824042


>> No.12824104

Are you black?

>> No.12824380

IQ has been debunked by Taleb

>> No.12824657

I'm too high IQ for society.

>> No.12824666

Same desu famalam

>> No.12824694
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Just read this and now I want to kill myself

>> No.12824701

u guys wanna come with me and build a society without society?

>> No.12824708


>> No.12824718

You should.

>> No.12824733

>/pol/ has a made a once respectable piece of work subject to controversy
well done, retards

>> No.12824738

It was once respectable because most people were brainwashed. :3

Just super saiyan

>> No.12824741

... and you believe in God?!

>> No.12824742

>Bell Curve
>wasn't controversial
pick one, please

>> No.12824744

Of course. You must have a different idea of God. God has let entire cities engage in homosexuality before destroying them and righting the course.

God does not interfere in mass manipulation. It is up to the vessels to resist.

>> No.12824750


>> No.12824755


>> No.12824766

the entire book isn't about race and IQ. but some people who pretend they read it think that's what it's all about.

>> No.12824771

It was always controversial though...

>> No.12824802

because retards made it all about race and IQ even though that's not even the main point of the book
> The Bell Curve: Intelligence and Class Structure in American Life is a 1994 book by psychologist Richard J. Herrnstein and political scientist Charles Murray, in which the authors argue that human intelligence is substantially influenced by both inherited and environmental factors and that it is a better predictor of many personal dynamics, including financial income, job performance, birth out of wedlock, and involvement in crime than are an individual's parental socioeconomic status

>> No.12824835

It was an order or magnitude less controversial than now, though.
You actually had debates like this 30 years ago:

(also see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DSgG6QxbtHY))

>> No.12825760

Because I can't accept mediocrity. I've tried to tell myself that my shitty grades in school were down to external factors and that I can be exceptional if I try but it is becoming increasingly clear to me that I am just exhibiting the Dunning--Kruger effect when I do this. In reality, I'm just a mediocre shitstain. I'll never be able to achieve anything or even comprehend the majority of philosophical and scientific work. I'll probably get a job as a plumber or electrician and drink my life away like every other piece of fucking shit around me. All because of some genetic and environmental factors I had no say in.
When I read about geniuses like Ramanujan or Kaczynski I can't help but weep at the unjust nature of fate. God, I wish I wasn't a fucking coward, then I could just commit suicide.

>> No.12825820
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just clean your room, bucko

>> No.12825858

do you want to write with me?

>> No.12825907

I'm not a good writer.

>> No.12825916

reminder the only other IQ obsessed board is /pol/

>> No.12825953

everything else had already been discussed. The parts about race and iq are not really discussed

>> No.12826041

Work is more important than talent.
Getting bitter and envious because you aren't Ramanujan is silly.
Maximise your power and have fun doing so.
That's what it's about.

>> No.12826270

Brain boys unite

>> No.12826315

Never been to /sci/, huh?

>> No.12826323

It was merely a jest sir :3

It’s a very dry work by Aristotle. Infinitely necessary, but very dry.

>> No.12826374

As a fellow brainlet, my advice is to stop viewing high intelligence as the gold standard for being worthwhile. I don't know why you chose it as your benchmark, seeing as how you haven't produced any tangible results of it in the first place. Your focus should be on grinding out one single mission. There are plenty of average as fuck people who have tunnel-visioned one interest and brought their desires to fruition from following that.

>> No.12826381

IQ is everything. If I had it my way I would exterminate everyone with IQs between 80 and 120, leaving only the truly intelligent people and the mentally challenged. We need a slave class, after all.

Also, all literature that refutes The Bell Curve and IQ in general is just COPE.

t. high IQ person

>> No.12826530

based as fuck i'm pretending to be flutterby this place is such a weird place

>> No.12826956

i was being ironical

>> No.12826999

you only fetishize geniuses because you think they achieved things without the work you're unwilling/unmotivated to do. but people who accomplish those things sacrifice a lot. you might think that you have nothing to lose, but having nothing to lose and having to sacrifice are two very different things.

>> No.12828312

No amount of hard work will turn me into Ramanujan. All that's left is suicide.

>> No.12828463

Being stupid isnt that bad anon, join the winning team.

>> No.12828478

>implying average joe can outdone genius

>> No.12828483

Because it sucked so bad.

>> No.12828524


>> No.12828533

1. Youre probably exagerrating. Between genius and average theres a lot of smart.
2. I am sorry you were born into a society that thinks a persons value is a reflection of their qualities, such as "ability to contribute to the greater good." This is a lie.
3. The value of a person stems simply from the fact that they exist. You will disagree because you are stuck in (2.), but if you can begin to love the mentally handicapped, the alcoholic, and the everyday, you will begin to realize you are also worthy of love.
4. One more time, for clarity: your life has worth, regardless of anything you do, can do, do not do, or can not do. You are no more or less important than Albert Einstein or a retarded quadriplegic.

Good luck

>> No.12828624

IQ does not correlate with earnings above a certain level. You can have a great life and family, etc and be thick as a plank.

>> No.12828641

What makes you think I give a shit about being loved? Knowledge is the highest virtue, that is what I strive for.

>> No.12828772

Nobody's born a good writer. Writing is a skill you develop through practice. Any retard can do it.

>> No.12828777

You might've initially been more right than you think. I know very intelligent people that simply never had the right nurturing circumstances come their way and so their intelligence was kind of just stamped out by the environment. When you talk about really in depth science or philosophy, those are not subjects that are inherently accessible to the mind and require quite a lengthy introduction. That being said, I'd say there's a lot of fluff in the realm of philosophy as well. People can get away with a lot more intellectual masturbation in that field. I'm also starting to think that's the case for a lot of higher level academia as well. Follow stuff that innately interests you and I think anything given a serious amount of effort can be innately interesting.

I don't really believe in special talents, I suppose some people are more innately driven toward certain subjects, but it's generally not an issue of ability in my opinion but just how much someone's willing to devote their time to a specific thing to become better at it.

It's a mix of factors but the older I get the more I see how deeply environmental factors play into a persons lot in life. So just cultivate yourself and stop comparing.

>> No.12829366
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>> No.12829386

That’s why you read Plato :)

>> No.12829488

>tfw high IQ but learning disability
If we're taking about suicide...
Seriously anon, if you work hard to cultivate yourself you can surpass a lazy "genius". Those numbers just tell you what you could be capable of, but not what you actually do. Your value is in your actions.

>> No.12829638

Anon, I haven't heard a brainlet speak like this. Take a step back and observe yourself from a further state. You probably don't even know what your IQ is, and not to mention you still have a drive for learning which is more than most can say.

tl;dr -- Chill out buddy it's okay.