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File: 133 KB, 800x1205, 800px-JudithButler2013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12828195 No.12828195[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

*destroys western civilization*

nothing personal kid

>> No.12828199

>destroys western civilization
The sentence that everyone will agree

>> No.12828201

>presupposes that something is bad just cause, based on nothing but baseless subjective inexperience with actual human desire

>> No.12828208

shut the fuck up

I wipe my ass with your subjective ethical system

>> No.12828211

Is she better than Beauvoir?

>> No.12828213

She IS western civilization too, whether you like it or not

>> No.12828216
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>> No.12828222

Everyone is better than Beauvoir

>> No.12828228

her philosophy: provocative and interesting
her politics: bush-league

are you 12?

>> No.12828239

Insofar as things include their opposite, sure.

>> No.12828276
File: 52 KB, 585x390, http___blog.oxforddictionaries.com_wp-content_uploads_shakespeare1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the world's a stage,
And all the men and women merely players;
They have their exits and their entrances,
And one man in his time plays many parts,
His acts being seven ages. At first, the infant,
Mewling and puking in the nurse's arms.
Then the whining schoolboy, with his satchel
And shining morning face, creeping like snail
Unwillingly to school. And then the lover,
Sighing like furnace, with a woeful ballad
Made to his mistress' eyebrow. Then a soldier,
Full of strange oaths and bearded like the pard,
Jealous in honour, sudden and quick in quarrel,
Seeking the bubble reputation
Even in the cannon's mouth. And then the justice,
In fair round belly with good capon lined,
With eyes severe and beard of formal cut,
Full of wise saws and modern instances;
And so he plays his part. The sixth age shifts
Into the lean and slippered pantaloon,
With spectacles on nose and pouch on side;
His youthful hose, well saved, a world too wide
For his shrunk shank, and his big manly voice,
Turning again toward childish treble, pipes
And whistles in his sound. Last scene of all,
That ends this strange eventful history,
Is second childishness and mere oblivion,
Sans teeth, sans eyes, sans taste, sans gender.

>> No.12828285

Also, postcolonial thinkers and their sympathizers (Said, Fanon, Spivak, Zinm, etc.) Did and currently do more harm to the west than Butler even if her influence is wholly.negative.

>> No.12828297

colonism good?

>> No.12828309

It's the course of all healthy nations. What is bad is bad is when one's citizens value life and "humanity" !ore than they do their nation of of residence.

>> No.12828318

which book I can learn about those courses and types of nations?

>> No.12828319

>muh westurn civiliezashun!!!!
Riddle me thing: if Western Civilization is so fragile that is crumbles against the slightest breeze of liberal insanity, is it actually worth saving? Shouldn't a truly great civilization be robust against ideological subversion and threats both internal and external? It seems to me westcucks were good at one thing - subjugating and oppressing their technological inferiors with raw firepower. Once the battle of wits took center stage, a small tribe of cunning israelites dismantled the great fearsome western world brick by brick.

>> No.12828329

Fragile things are often the most beautiful. And the juxtaposition of the west as we knew contemporary global liberalism only makes its existence more desirable.

>> No.12828330

It’s not about Western Civilization and Jews anon, it is a fight between Catholicism and cosmic/gnostic cults.

>> No.12828339

How can you possibly be this stupid?

>> No.12828349

>Fragile things are often the most beautiful.
They are also the least lasting. Why save something that is doomed to fail?

>> No.12828355

Is this what Ready Player 1 was referencing?

>> No.12828361

Remind yourself about this when you get married.

>> No.12828363

It's possible with effort, and when the alternative is so horrific, the effort is worth it.

>> No.12828375


>> No.12828381

Decline of the West by Spengler

>> No.12828388

There's nothing healthy about reckless military expansionism, which only creates meaningless conflicts and wasted lifes.

>> No.12828391

No. The saving of fragile thing is beautiful. The Weak is not necessarily beautiful, strong and efficient things are inherently natural and man with the esthetic finds beauty from it. If WC is so weak and unsustainable without massuve effort it's unnatural and perverse.

>> No.12828396

it isn't a small gaggle of libs, it is a large cadre of lib academics that have poisoned a sufficient critical mass of a single generation.

Making the complex economy and pension and debt system buckle thanks to no kids meme (muh bringing life into a hetero normative supremecist carbon dioxide producing world) and make it cool to shit on anything white or western

Literally eating a sandwich in a cafe the other day and the three white zoomers running it were talking about how fucking shit white people are and how they want the whole town (majority white) to just fucking be abandoned. Yeah sure guys, go live in Mogadishu I'm sure it's so vibrant.

It doesn't take much to hamstring any complex system for a long time, but it takes much more than you are imagining anon.

>> No.12828399

it gave you the westbux you ungrateful slob

>> No.12828402

Sartre's worse than Beauvoir, but otherwise true.

>> No.12828403

It's anyone who knows their bible vs the Catholic Church, their elite Jesuit cult, and the Gnostic cults that are having their strings pulled by the anti-pope.

>> No.12828417

>Making the complex economy and pension and debt system buckle thanks to no kids meme
If debt system can't even produce essential ingredients to sustain itself how we can help it?

>> No.12828425

>I got kicked out for being a Jansenist or Calvinist
Nobody likes you, it's just you vs the grace of God.

>> No.12828432

my point was that the kid-free lifestyle is toppling us faster and faster, as we are having to import immigrants to "do the work the whites don't want to". It's a fucking meme, but it is perpetuated by boomers that want an under-class they can pay pitance to for cheaper and cheaper goods. Now, with no kids, the economy grinds to a halt and the aging population must make a choice between some kind of automation and hope there is some UBI that works to offset the loss of jobs, or import the third world and have a crime riddled heterogenious society but cheaper groceries.

>> No.12828459

>tfw skipped the lover part

>> No.12828464

feminists are literally psychotic

>> No.12828465

>import the third world and have a crime riddled heterogenious society but cheaper groceries
I get your point of view and it affected my mind.Ty for the effortful long explanation.

>> No.12828470

that's okay anon, good conversations were had here, thank you.

>> No.12828472

18th century military aspirations were a giant waste of funds and time by kings trying to make use of their newly developed, expensive army without being annihilated by a similarly well equipped nation. As the circus of the past got duly supplanted by market relations, it's only natural that we see the colonialism for what it is.

>> No.12828489

The decimation I’d the other is the only way that a life can save itself from being wasted. The only wasted lives I see are those that are in the act of flagellating for the formerly colonized.

>> No.12828535

>intellectual barbarism
Hypocrisy, as usual

>> No.12828539

she is low-key landpilled

>> No.12828544

>people I'll never meet are discussing books I'll never read in university courses I'll never apply for
>therefore civilization as we know it over

>> No.12828546

Violence and conflict of this type is the basis of civilization, and as such, it is antithetical to barbarism.

>> No.12828559

>the contents of these courses will inevitably affect society as a whole through the university’s function as the gatekeeper of meaningful employment and social mobility
>but you shouldn’t care cause you’re too dumb to take that class
Apologists for intellectuals are THE most despicable people out there today.

>> No.12828563

Violence is a mere tool, not a cause or basis.

>> No.12828564

we should do what hungary did and ban post-structuralism and gender studies courses. behead those who insult kant

>> No.12828591

Care to explain your critic? Do you even read her?
>hurr durr 12 year old lmao
Stupid cunt
What do you mean by "western civilization"? The concept is so big that it includes opposite ideas and models for sure, in the same way in which with "greek philosophy" we intend both Plato and Aristotle

>> No.12828594


>> No.12828605
File: 48 KB, 645x729, 8d6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>new philosophy WEIRD and SCARY
>burn the witch!!

>> No.12828617

Gender Trouble was published in 1990. Your thesis appears to be that before this date all Western countries were homogeneous ethnostates where everyone was white, read Milton and Homer, and listened purely to western classical music. Is this correct? It is an influential book, but I didn't realize much so.

>> No.12828630

if you don't think that society has changed dramatically in the past 30 years culturally and politically you are a brainlet, and your attempt to gaslight the anon by asking if pre-90s West was like 1750s West is pretty cheap.

>> No.12828642

West was pretty much dead and buried by her time. Were just watching its corpse being pupateered around for shits and giggles. Preserve and learn what you can now since it will alll dissapear and be resented by the futures history books

>> No.12828661

Cultural marxism is just the superstructure of postfordist capitalism

>> No.12828677

That which exacerbated the harm caused by long-standing trends is still pretty despicable. But just because Butler wasn’t the first doesn’t mean her ideas have had no impact on society, particularly in the generally influential spaces occupied by educated laborers.

If anything the people outside of these classrooms have the greatest stake in these discussions because they effect them without having any input. But for all your blathering about imancipation, it seems you still want a rigid hierarchy with intelligence as it’s justification.

>> No.12828704

explain yourself. how so?