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12827408 No.12827408 [Reply] [Original]

>Shakespeare is the best

>> No.12827410

I don't read anything written by nigger and ESPECIALLY not a nigger woman.

>> No.12827413

Based, Jordan Peterson hardly ever mentions him

>> No.12827414
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OP is a Shylock

>> No.12827424
File: 436 KB, 2000x1334, Billy Wigglestick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the end of zombie Shakespeare?

>> No.12827784

Spoken like a true philistine.

>> No.12827909


I'm convinced that Shakespeare is an Anglo litmus test of introjection. If you can pretend to like him then you can pretend to like anything.

>> No.12828699

makes sense

>> No.12828711

Shakespeare is a non-Anglo pleb filter. If you dislike Hamlet, you can dislike anything Anglo, regardless of quality.

>> No.12829089

I hate shakespeare so goddamn much

>> No.12829114

Alright, so what’s your critique of his work? Feel free to go in depth.

>> No.12829119

Why would everyone say this if it weren't true?

Also fuck Brecht, he was a half a fag.

>> No.12829151


>> No.12829171

Your critique of his work is babby’s first literary criticism (which ultimately amounts to: Lmao weird dialogue)? Did Tolstoy even speak English?

>> No.12829180

he's still even translated better than 99% of writers in their own fucking native language.

may as well claim that liking beethoven make you an NPC.

>> No.12829191

Ive never readed any shakesphere
Am i uncultured

>> No.12829196
File: 594 KB, 746x691, shaw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12829199


>> No.12829220


The disturbing revelation in criticizing Shakespeare is that the arguments - logorrhea, asynopsis, vulgarity, "humor" - apply to the Anglo in general. Shakespeare and Joyce are the same bumbling chav. Even Anglo "Philosophy" is nothing but quips holding together otherwise disparate rambles.

>> No.12829231

Ah okay. That is very disturbing

>> No.12829241
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I'm not from an english speaking country, what is the thing with shakespeare, what makes him so great?

>> No.12829243

He invented some words or something

>> No.12829304

He invented the modern english language.

1000 words he made.
Basically half of modern english daily language words were invented by him.

you can google what words he invented like alone.

>> No.12829333
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>1000 words = invented the modern english language

>> No.12829348

2000 words are like 98% of the language you need to have a normal life in an anglo country, so he invented 50% of modern english.

>> No.12829370
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You can't be fucking serious. Just stop and think how absurd what you're saying is. Was he Tolkien writing plays in an artificial language to the public?

>> No.12829379

Nice reaction images you fucking annoying spazoid

>> No.12829393

It's considered that 98% of the daily language you speak are around 2k words.

Shakespeare was calculated to know around 25k words, which is a modern PHD literature professor level.

Which is impressive if you take into account It was written in the 16 century.

>> No.12829410

>Dr Jonathan Hope, a Reader in English in the Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences, has found that, while Shakespeare may appear to have used and coined more words than his contemporaries, this could be attributed to the fact that more of his writing survives and his rate of word coinage is actually similar to other writers.

>"He was writing at a time when the English language's vocabulary was expanding rapidly but, while he had a rich vocabulary himself, it was on a par with other writers from the same time. Originality in language was not necessarily seen as a good thing in Shakespeare's time and he did not always use elaborate words with Latin roots- when he did, he often tended to follow them with an explanation in more straightforward English.

>> No.12829427

shut up nigger, anglos made their language mixing the bible and shakespeare.

the average anglo couldn't afford anything else than the bible and some shakespeare play he saw at the teather.

>> No.12829439

>It's considered that 98% of the daily language you speak are around 2k words.
The top 2000k words which are words like "the, you, I, to, me, want"


Did shakespeare invent those?

>> No.12829449


>> No.12829794

Yeah, but nobody uses phrases like "turning Turk" or "hanging the shingle," so I guess Shakespeare did it better

>> No.12831388

Doesn't explain shit, a letter adding to the already incorrect essay of tolstoy. Read the Orwell counter, and Bernard Shaw plays don't come close to Shakespeare