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File: 30 KB, 341x512, sdut-true-stories-invented-tao-lin-at-work-2010sep02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12823770 No.12823770 [Reply] [Original]

Is Tao Lin a literary fraud? Did he steal and cheat his way to the top? Does his work have any merit at all?

>> No.12823776

The Chinese are soulless bug people and have never written or invented anything of worth

>> No.12823873


>> No.12823914
File: 60 KB, 750x1000, img-tao-lin_085529844583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On the cover of Interview magazine

For a novelist, I would say this is the top

>> No.12823925

Tao Lin is legit and a better writer than 99% of /lit/.

>> No.12823947

I don't think being ingrained into the NYC literary hipster publishing scene really counts as being at the top desu. I also don't think that is cheating. Guy wants to spend 20+ years of his life hanging out with hipsters in parties/coffee shops in NYC until he becomes a 'figure' in the local scene? So what? If that is how he wants to spend his life so be it.

>> No.12824017

okay, this is epic

>> No.12824079

He’s chinese. They’re the Jews of the east.

>> No.12824085

>Is tao lin a literary fraud
>Did he steal and cheat his way to the top
>Does his work have any merit at all
Alt lit turned out to be meaningless. Tao Lin is broke and nobody reads his work. I don't know what you mean by "the top"

>> No.12824089


>> No.12824103

He is an honest fraud.

>> No.12824122

>>Is tao lin a literary fraud
You think his work has merit?
>>Did he steal and cheat his way to the top
Really? So the claims of plagiarism are false? The copying? The "intern" tricks? The Gawker fiasco?
>>Does his work have any merit at all
> Alt lit turned out to be meaningless. Tao Lin is broke and nobody reads his work. I don't know what you mean by "the top"
He's regarded as the top writer of his generation, which is why I mean by the top. Not saying it's accurate, but there it is. His advances for his recent books are so high that only a writer at "the top" could command them

>> No.12824129

Can somebody post the pasta of Tao Lin and DFW breaking into Pynchon's home?

>> No.12824135

>He's regarded as the top writer of his generation
haha what?
he tried to do some creative shit but it fell flat. An artist or writer can be unsuccessful and flaccid without being a fraud.
The plagiarism scandals and copying was almost all generated by him and his cronies on purpose to create buzz. Buzz is the central value and ultimate mediumof alt-lit.
All was part of the act except for the sexual assault allegation, which pretty much shut him down. I'm inclined to say he did it because he comes across as an ugly creepy fuck (met him twice lmao) but the accuser is also a psycho and it's probably one of those skeezy grey areas scumbags find themselves in.
Anyway. Unsuccessful loser with bad ideas but not fraudulent.

>> No.12824169

He made a million and got his face plastered all over the place I think that is not the mark of an unsuccessful loser

>> No.12824177

true. He was successfulish for a second there.
15 minutes over though. I expect a vegas show in 10 years.

>> No.12824532
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>> No.12824543
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>> No.12824561

>He's regarded as the top writer..
By who, you? Just because you're a nobooks college freshbait doesnt mean the rest of the world is as stupid or gullible

>> No.12824570

wtf did i just reed

>> No.12824578

i thought he was nabbed for plagiarism. didn't he blatantly copy some stuff?

>> No.12824703
File: 609 KB, 1080x902, 1548107703513.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that last comment

>> No.12824717

Dank reddit maymay, comrade.

>> No.12824722
File: 11 KB, 275x183, 721A557A-F686-48EC-9323-E82805F387B1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is going on in this weird, odd world. I am quite confused and alarmed

>> No.12824730

Yes, all Chinese are liars. Yes, all Chinese are cheats. No, Chinese work has no merit; you need a soul to write anything good.

>> No.12825347

the dude built his reputation on using people, stealing, cheating. there was a long blog about this 3-4 years ago. he is not original in the least.

>> No.12825588


>> No.12825590

I get this guy mixed up with Yuk Hui all the time, how many chinks shill their garbage on this board

>> No.12825593

so gay women on twitter now sound like tv footfags

>> No.12826673


That's one of them. Meanwhile Ellen Kennedy, the victim, is relegated to nothingness. Abusers, if they have power, remain in power. Very sad.

>> No.12827119

thats bad

>> No.12827199

I read only far enough to realize "Ellen Kennedy" was a "transgender" experimental personality and not a normal person. Its a shame that crazy people can get such incredible and harmful publicity, completely parasitical in nature.

>> No.12827233

Ya want a lit?
I lay in bed trying to get my breath,
slept a long hour or two before dawn.

Gradually I became aware my body
had risen slightly from its sleeping form.

This felt good so I didn't move,
went in and out of sleep several times.

I could hear differently then,
wheezing groans, coughs and forced breaths
and sounds like long sonorous moans.

I was either asleep in this raised state
hearing my own flesh cry out in pain,

or awake hearing the world's sound,
louder in night which had since calmed down.

It was like a train or a moan the world cried out,
a patient deep in pain this resonant thing

with a mellow groan and travail.
I heard it snoring in some detail.

I conclude from this a spiritual world exists,
that its spiritual body lacks sense
and that something is terribly wrong
if it makes these sounds like an old folks home.
Back in flesh I didn't hear it again

>> No.12827247

The next night he ate whale.

>> No.12827251

Tao Lin has gerbels.

>> No.12827262

Those afflicted with rheumatism are advised to sit inside its belly for a day or two: "the whole time we were sitting and standing there great blasts of gas and horrible bubbles would gush out around us and make our hair stand on end." If the patient will stay the course and withstand they are promised 12 months relief from pain

>> No.12827268

If you prefer less to more then look at the myths that infested this gulf as nothing if not astronomical and terrestrial. All the secrets institutes of Rand and Hitchins believed that the side of Pluto facing its largest moon, Charon wore a so-called “tail” of a dark whale leviathan-stretched along its equator that rotated from view whenever observed. You could not see the Loch Ness either.

>> No.12827274

You could look at the project as being about the size of the world as a whale, which "bathing," or standing inside the rotten stomachs is believed to have started in the whaling town of Eden, off the southeast coast of Australia --

>> No.12827276

Is your name Cameron

>> No.12827288

They tried to force meme alt lit into a thing but millinals dont read books. So the only people who still talk about that movement are the rejects who post on here. He got cancelled by the social justice squad after one of his fomer gf's who is now a ftm tranny (lol) accused him of rape.
If you read his twitter i think he did a bunch of psychedelics and it fried his brain. He only talks about like chem trails and like anti vax stuff now

>> No.12827524


This is Tao, isn't it? Thank you for reading so much. You are a great vessel for human knowledge.

>> No.12827536

People give too much credit to SJW types. If Tao's twitter is any indication, he's delving into interesting subjects that seem perhaps the reason he wrote his previous works, like they were preparation for something more interesting and important in the future.

>> No.12827542
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He looks Cambodian, more than anything

>> No.12828131

>"publicly cataloging his drug use..."
already bored to death; dropped

>> No.12828151

Why has the foot-fetish meme been pushed so hard over the last 18 months?
(The subject of a large-scale study of trans-cultural information transfer and incorporated behavior...)

Will just leave that there.

>> No.12828185

>Did he steal and cheat his way to the top?

Sort of.

You will like Tao less after reading Raymond Carver.

>> No.12828651


>> No.12828823

tao published ellen kennedy on muumuu house, you guys should check out her book it's sweet
