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/lit/ - Literature

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12823641 No.12823641 [Reply] [Original]

be honest with me lit.

am i wasting my time reading LOTR? i genuinely am enjoying it, but everytime it’s so close to pulling me in to its world i forcefully pull myself out because people here said its bad to get lost in fantasy

>> No.12823650

Tolkein is good. Stop listening to peer pressure. Geez

>> No.12823651

Do what you like unironically. But just know that you really are wasting your time. There are equally “fun” non fiction books
>inb4 name them

>> No.12823664

they are getting to me bro. i’m pulling myself away from enjoying it

name them!

>> No.12823665

Do like the woman in your pic.
Enjoy yourself

>> No.12823686

No, you're not wasting your time, especially if you're enjoying it. LotR is the tits, and it's more than your typical cheap escapist fantasy. It has a great anti-industrialist message.

>> No.12823697

u being honest with me bro? also check these dubs

>> No.12823707
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>*walks in*
Nice try, you talking about these dubs?

>> No.12823709

after the 1:00 mark, christopher talks about just this question of 'escapism', which is a criticism often levelled at tolkien's works.
well worth a listen, and a more authoritative view than anybody on this board could give, imo.

>> No.12823727

Yeah, I'm being honest. But have a little faith in your own taste. If you happen to like a book a lot of people on /lit/ dislike, so what? Writers a lot brighter than anyone here were huge fans of Tolkien, like WH Auden.

>> No.12824159
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i completely fuck myself out of reading books when i watch the movie adaptations. the book is ruined because i imagine the stupid actors when i read it. i guess i'll never read that lotr shit. RIP tolkein bilbo frotting chodemort

>> No.12824602


>> No.12824645

Yes. Tolkien hated nationalsocialism, so i don't understand how everyone can like him. If you don't idolize Hitler then I won't read your biik, simple as that.

>> No.12824654

Are you 16yo?

>> No.12824693

That's funny because I'm whatever its called that won't lead to you going
And yet despite my horrific brutish bigoted ways I enjoy pomo fiction and have read benjamin/baudrillard etc. Meanwhile you have people sincerely whining an award mentions lovecraft and refusing to read muh white males. But yeah m8 your joke is HYSTERICAL I was roasted.

>> No.12824749

>because people here said its bad to get lost in fantasy
You are worse than those idiots for literally caring what a bunch of anonymous good for nothing mongrels said about a book.
Enjoy it! It's far superior to all the pseudo intellectual shit these faggots read.

>> No.12824795

>i genuinely am enjoying it,

You answered your own question mate. Life is generally a pretty melancholy affair, pure joys should be treasured.

>> No.12824983

this would only be a hot picture if she were barefoot

>> No.12825060
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The first time I read LOTR i wasn't using the internet. I was laid off over the winter and read exactly one chapter per day, every morning, while in a comfy chair with a cup of tea.
You could say I got lost in the fantasy, and to this day was the best reading experience I've ever had.

It's not a drug, my dude. it's not going to launch you into cravings and binges. what the fuck? Enjoy it. Read it slowly, don't skip over the songs. re-read especially good passages. immerse yourself and have a great time. I envy you being able to read this for the first time.

pic related they're Rohirrim steeds.

>> No.12825074

very interesting. thanks

>> No.12825143

you're wasting your time seeking the approval of virgins in an anime forum

>> No.12825219
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>> No.12825235

>erytime it’s so close to pulling me in to its world i forcefully pull myself out
>because people here said its bad to get lost in fantasy
This applies only to The Neverending Story.

>> No.12825275

Holy shit, imagine being this delusioned by the idea of intellectualism that you can't enjoy a book about two midgets throwing their wedding ring into fire.

>> No.12825322

>because people here said

>> No.12825435
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" right before the credits roll, Sam fucking flat-out bricks in Frodo's mouth."

>> No.12825450
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>these dubs
I think you'll find it is in fact, these dubs

>> No.12825462

People here tend to think that just because literature is a higher brow form of art that all lower brow art forms are useless.

>> No.12825464

Read if you have not Tolkein's lecture on Beowulf. It is the true basis of the modern fantasy genre. tldr it's okay (and not a waste of time) to be entertained by a story.

>> No.12825504

t. mme de staël

>> No.12825580

>People here like me tend to get completely asshurt and think that because literature is a higher brow form of art that all lower brow art forms need to have endless, perpetual threads bitching about how they're totally literature even if it's a fucking video game on this board
Fascinating. Your post doesn't even have anything to do with the OP you fucking newfaggot. Back to >>>/v/ and then >>>/r/eddit jesus fucking christ