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12821146 No.12821146 [Reply] [Original]

Tfw one book made you realized you’ve been living a lie.

>> No.12821153

Not a book but a short story
Tlon,ukbar and orbis tertius

>> No.12821160
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Wow you’re such a genius. You’re a super clever fuck.

>> No.12821166

I dont really get your post mate

>> No.12821169
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>Take the old Racist theory of environmental determinism
>Remove any implications on human biodiversity and adaptation and focus on agriculture instead
>It's added to the woke canon of modernism

>> No.12821194

Basically this book changed my life bruv

>> No.12821236

What book?

>> No.12821247
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>> No.12821505
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>When you realize Guns Germs & Steel is just the Richard Dawkins version of Ishmael

>> No.12821545

Been a while since I've read this, wasn't the argument mainly that privileged whitey was just occupying the right place at the right time? I can almost believe it at this point.

>> No.12821550

pls try fernand braudel and peter zeihan
grand narrative history is definitely my cup of tea
but lets not gloss over the fact that africans are dumb

>> No.12821586

good post

>> No.12821703

right place right time accounts for so much history lol

>> No.12821753
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>geography is destiny

>> No.12821754
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Yikes. Thank God I’m a white male

>> No.12821967

i know exactly what you mean..

>> No.12821982
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>> No.12822000

Unironically Propaganda or Manufacturing Consent.

>> No.12822011

is guns, germs, and steel worth reading? i'm not alt right or anything, but i tend to think that there probably are average differences among races just as a matter of common sense (if certain populations are geographically separated for 10s of thousands of years, won't they inevitably develop different levels of intelligence?). i don't think iq is the best way to gauge that, or that these differences are necessarily substantial, or that environment and discrimination plays no role, but i don't see any way around at least some of this being genetic. would love to be proven wrong, though.

>> No.12822022

white people tamed zebras though this nigger retarded

>> No.12822028

You should probably read "Plows, Plagues, and Petroleum" instead. Dead serious, no joke. Read "Plows, Plagues, and Petroleum" and then read "Guns, Germs, and Steel."

>> No.12822837

The problem with the theory of geography is its vast oversimplifications and it's broadness. There are many aspects that can dictate why certain civilizations progress as they do. Institutions and culture play a huge role. As does religion and economics. Read Why Nations Fail.

>> No.12822842

*theory of geographical determinism

>> No.12822873

The problem of Africa lies in its 'extractive' institutions, i.e. slavery, despotism, and lack of judiciaries.
Race plays a far more minor role.

>> No.12822975

Closing that book I had the thought that the sustainable human race can only raise upon the global ruins of our failing greedy era.

>> No.12823034
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Well, they complement each other. The geographic theories are good at explaning basic things like why eurasian germs killed 90% of indians, and not the other way round. Theories about institutions etc. are also essential when going into details and more modern history.

These are also really good

>> No.12823044
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>> No.12823049

(((Jared Diamond))). It's propaganda.

>> No.12823062

Its amazing how it manages to be hated by both wings.

>> No.12823073
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For me, it was Rousseau’s Discourse on Arts and Sciences. I’ve never been so utter btfo’d by a book before. It’s ruining my life. I’ve read hundreds of books and never been so eviscerated. I’m always able to refute the arguments I read or integrate them into my life or just ignore them. Then this little pamphlet comes along and puts me on the path to a nervous breakdown. I’m seriously fucked.

>> No.12823106
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>> No.12823107

For me it was the non-A trilogy of A.E. Van Vogt. Not that it told the truth, though.

>> No.12823296
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>To those in whom the will has turned and denied itself, this very real world of ours, with its suns and galaxies, is – nothing.

>> No.12823754

Swallowing the lies of the jew (((Diamond))) and devaluing your own races accomplishments. This is what they do. It is not us against them. It's us against the weak NPC scum they indoctrinate.

>> No.12823801
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>> No.12823981
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>i read or integrate them into my life or just ignore them

>> No.12823993

Based and red pilled.

>> No.12824037


>> No.12824113
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The zebra actually can be domesticated. Jared Plastic is a hack.

>> No.12824152

I guess it's just like how in Russia a soviet scientist started an ongoing experiment in the 60's in which he would breed the most human friendly and naturally domesticated Foxes and now the Foxes are pretty much just dogs that are difficult to train that still look like Foxes.

>> No.12824160 [DELETED] 

Natives societies lived a much more fulfilling (closer to human nature) life as we do today(native Europeans include). (((they))) are actually the ones to keep this Industrial Technological Society afloat, because (((they))) are the ones who profit from it. You are the one who has to wake up. Take the TED pill

>> No.12824165

Do we have a good idea of what the now thoroughly domesticated species were like before? What made pre-domestication horses so much easier to tame than a zebra?

>> No.12824168
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Yes. This is why blacks are so successful when living outside of Africa.

>> No.12824172
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>> No.12824179
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>he actually likes siege

>> No.12824182


>> No.12824186
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Native societies (native Europeans include) lived a much more fulfilling (closer to human nature) life as we do today. (((they))) are actually the ones that keep this Industrial Technological Society afloat, because (((they))) are the ones who profit from it. You are the one who has to wake up. Take the TED pill

>> No.12824622

>devaluing your own races accomplishments

People actually care what colour you are if you did things for humanity? Literally retarded. Spooked hard.

>> No.12824633
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Now read this and realize Diamond is full of shit.

>> No.12824635

People don't like determinism.

>> No.12824640

Looks like an album cover.

>> No.12824647

Kino covers. Sell me on these books anon. I heard of Fukuyama a few times.

>> No.12824648

Zeihan's based. Parroting everything he says makes people think I know what im talking about

>> No.12824661

Books on race and why Africa is such a dump still and why asians have higher IQ but most of asia is also shit but still better than Africa? Outside japan and SK and parts of China, much of asia is very 2nd and 3rd world while africa is 10th world levels of ass

>> No.12824762

>100 years of solitude
all your life is written in Melquiades manuscript, only that instead of sanscript, is written in code along the vast literature known to man

>> No.12824777

>Outside japan and SK and parts of China,
They prospered under the auspices of western military might and free market capitalism. If Japan hadn't been bombed to shit and forcibly westernized it would basically be Thailand today.

>> No.12824799

>the entire continent of africa didn't do this so obviously it doesn't count
>also wolves don't exist anymore and haven't for 40,000 years

>> No.12824843
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Societies that experienced frontier pressures lived much more fulfilling and natural lives.

>> No.12825320

>Societies that experienced frontier pressures lived much more fulfilling and natural lives

that wouldn't even contradict Kaczynski. Modern society is leading us to no pressures. The biggest pressure we would have to experiences in the future is prob just a mental pain. There will probably come a point where humans become totally obsolete to the system. We are already seeing that by the introduction of the unconditional basic income.

>> No.12825357
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shit's fire

>> No.12825370

uh... o-ok Mr.Diamond... sorry for my racism...

>> No.12825424
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Also primitive societies always had pressure, more than the average roman ever did. Also primitive societies always had pressure, more than the average roman ever did. Germanic people never where a conected society. They did fight against each other before Romans came.

>> No.12825482

Modern society also forces people to bind together(at least until now), so that they can build big Economic system to compete against other big economic systems.

>> No.12825490

Determinism has been disproven.

>> No.12825530
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this broke me

>> No.12825736


Just because Diamond is shit doesn't mean Hanson isn't even worse. That said his work before 1989 is actually pretty good and in a sense even his later work represents the view of a now obsolete school of thought quite well. However, generally speaking in 1989 or so when he was writing The Western Way of War his politics seem to have taken over his critical faculties. This made him into a classic case of the person with a pre-conceived opinion who then proceeds to cherry-pick anecdotes to fit his narrative.


So, I must admit I haven't read Fukuyama, but everything I've heard of him has made me think he is one of these celebrity academics whose main claim to fame is writing feel-good pieces more dictated by his politics than any research. In his case he happened to strike the jubilant chord of West celebrating the downfall of Soviet Union in the 90s while supporting the policies that ruined the societies that actually won the Cold War and have kept on ruining countries ever since.

>> No.12826134

Whats Jean's stance therein?

>> No.12826167
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Never realized i was gay until i studied Neetchads profound science

>> No.12826255

brainlet redditor detected

>> No.12827460

anon delivars. thnx bb

>> No.12827466

>i haven't read him...
>but hes just like this so...

>> No.12827769
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>> No.12827773

ITT: brainlets who didn't realize everything was a lie on their own at the age of 14

>> No.12827806

I could still cope by going against my personal enemies for two years. At the age of 16 I had the realization.

>> No.12827818

Kikes lie to degrade and discourage others, news at 88.

>> No.12827827
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>> No.12827841
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>the two greatest conquerers in history, atilla the hun and genghis khan came from nomadic tribal civilisations
>rome was overthrown by nomads

>> No.12827974

>reeee me not happy why world not make me happy

>> No.12827977

the antichrist, maybe

>> No.12827986
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>> No.12828023

Horses are skittish. Zebra are incredibly high strung and violent.

>> No.12828039

The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit.

>> No.12828059

et al

Isn't it true that this book, once well-received, has mostly been discredited now?

>> No.12828069

You have to be kidding me. If that book changed the way you see the world then you lack the ability to think critically to an enormous extent.

>> No.12828078


>> No.12828110

And that was true for pre-domestication horses too?

>> No.12828113

>Zebra are incredibly high strung and violent.
and shorter and weaker and slower than horses

>> No.12828179

>your race's accomplishments
Kek. Imagine being this spooked and self-hating that you identify with other people's accomplishments simply because they have the same colour skin as you

>> No.12828408

Books are quite good. Fukuyama complements acemoglu in that he believes that supporting institutions are the backrock of societies, and that inclusive flexibile institutions will thrive while frigid, immobile institutions will destroy societies, esp when nepotism and tribalism is introduced.

>> No.12828598
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>> No.12828657

>You haven't done anything, your society is only great because of the sum of achievements of your ancestors, just accept all these immigrants from completely dysfunctional societies, what interest do you have in your nation's future? Stop having children goy, think of the future, there are too many people on this planet, give more to the Africans, they need our help, it's racist to tell them to stop having 6 children each, climate change is going to cause droughts, over population isn't a problem, it is only a problem in white countries, and only because of whites, we need more immigrants because you're not having children, who is going to look after you when you're older? Pay more taxes, anon, we need to reduce inequality, how can it be fair that Tay-shawnda has to live on only $200 a week, she has 5 children to feed? Africans would be just as smart if only they lived in a society that delivered clean water, medicine and food, Africans built this country, anon, you haven't contributed anything, they deserve places at university, business and government despite clearly being unqualified, because of all the institutional disadvantage they are at, IQ is junk science, Stephen J Gould disproved it. Why are white people so violent?

>> No.12828709

>rome was overthrown by nomads
Turks, anon.

>> No.12828710

>and shorter and weaker and slower than horses
No wonder zebras are so high strung and violent, they are cucked by horses on every measurable scale, i bet horses also fuck the girl zebras and there is nothing those striped cucks can do about it.

>> No.12828764
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>> No.12829275

Yes. Don't read it. For a book of comparable scale but far better received, read "Why the west rules for now" by Ian Morris.

>> No.12829464

based and redpilled

>> No.12829521

An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding