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12819966 No.12819966[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

how do i into neoplatonism?

>> No.12819972

to what end?

>> No.12819974

to the end i can use it in everyday life to inform my science and decision making

>> No.12819980
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>> No.12819982

for fun and enlightenment

>> No.12819988

Start with the Islamists like Al-Farabi

>> No.12819989

I wish i was that couch

>> No.12820038

fuck you, degenerate

>> No.12820045

>flesh slave
>how do I get into neoplatonism
You can't.

>> No.12820059

god i wish i was the air conditioning unit installed in that house just so i can circumventelate around the house eventually literally brushing her skin because i am in fact a gas. i might work my way into her skin and have her absorb me god i'm getting a hypthetical boner

>> No.12820068

Here is proof, that the male sex drive is really nothing more than a desire to be physically subsumed within a woman, to, in fact, become a woman. Heterosexuality consists in an unconscious desire to become a woman.

>> No.12820069


>> No.12820085


Are you just interested in Plotinus, or do you want to go deeper?

>> No.12820117
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>mfw reading that

>> No.12820125

interested in it all m8, i'm just kind of skirting around western mysticism in general right now and my ignorance of neoplatonism seems pressing

>> No.12820135

Just be gay bro

>> No.12820139

OP here, already done

>> No.12820170

Start with Plotinus

>> No.12820171

Is there a theory like this? Any books on that?

>> No.12820195

best translation?

>> No.12820260


>> No.12820266 [DELETED] 
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This would make a decent start. You mighht follow it up with Neoplatonic Philosophy: Introductory Readings by Dillon and Gerson.

This will be the Plotinus version to get going forward. The paperback is coming out in May.


>> No.12820271
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This would make a decent start. You mighht follow it up with Neoplatonic Philosophy: Introductory Readings by Dillon and Gerson.

This will be the Plotinus version to get going forward. The paperback is coming out in May.


>> No.12820335

bums look so soft, but i'll always be a boy who loves big breasts. i wish i had a loving gf who let me suck them every night

>> No.12820349

I have a vore fetish and I figured this out when I was 10

>> No.12820358

What is v*re? Can u explain why you like it? I'm interested in human psychology

>> No.12820361


>> No.12820375

I want a giant woman to swallow me alive. At least that's the fantasy. It's not something I "actually" want, if that makes sense.
Why do I like it? I don't know. Probably when I was a fetus, I would hear my mothers stomach digest while I was inside her, and the other strange sounds of the internal workings. But that doesn't explain why other men don't themselves have vore, specifically. However, I have thought that men in general, our sexuality, is primarily about being absorbed by women in some way, but not in the way the other anon was saying (about becoming a woman) but more like a 'return to the womb' type deal.
Although then women should also have that because they also started in the womb. But my friend (who's a girl) who I talked to about this said that she also believed that males desire to go back into the womb and be absorbed by women, but women don't develop those feelings because they themselves have a womb so it doesn't happen to them.
Most of this is just bullshit speculation, probably, though, so take it with a grain of salt.

>> No.12820384

It's the final stage of a femdom fetish. Total degeneracy.

>> No.12820386

I'm not degenerate actually, so keep your judgements out of this. You don't even know me.

>> No.12820391
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>> No.12820419
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That's so strange, anon...my goodness, I can't even grasp such a complex. Not judging you, but it's very alien to me.

I am entirely submissive and want nothing in romance besides a gentle femdom relationship, like attached. The most wholesome of male-female dynamics, in my view. The essence of boyhood, transported into adulthood. There's nothing degenerate about it, to me. But muh masculinists always tend to think so, being unable to consider the fact that not all men want to lead their lady, but rather desire the opposite.

>> No.12820433

You've actually sexualized female sexual manipulation. You are on the level of the meta-sexual. Pretty /lit/ fetish, actually.

>> No.12820445

anon that's so scary, don't you realize you'd die if that happened? haven't you seen how disgusting human insides are? gosh the concept of being swallowed makes me so scared

>> No.12820447

Female sexual manipulation? What do you mean? I just want to be loved unconditionally.

>> No.12820454

>That's so strange, anon...my goodness, I can't even grasp such a complex. Not judging you, but it's very alien to me.
I can't grasp it either.

I like mommydom/GFD stuff too, like your pic, but I think that it's also essentially related to what I was talking about in the other post. Also, you think the wholesome ideal of male-female relationships is a mother and a child, and that should be expressed (in some way) in romantic relationships too? Why do you think that, and also, do you think a woman would also think that?

I feel like every guy has a GFD/mommygf fetish. I certainly do, even if giantess vore is my main sexual stimulant.

Yes, I trained myself about 8 years ago to lucid dream, and sometimes I'll have a lucid dream where I get swallowed by a giantess qt, and it burns and is very painful, incredibly painful. I have been burned by acid before in a highschool chemistry class, so my brain has the memory to pull from.

>> No.12820457
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>> No.12820459

islamist? typo? or was he legit an islamist lol

>> No.12820469

I mean, a lot of those images have to do with love as an enticement to "work." So it looks to me like you have sexualized the unconditional encouragement mothers are culturally supposed to give their offspring, specifically their sons, when they perform a task adequately. This form of inducement is carried on by most if not all women in a man's sexual life, and men usually don't realize this and do nothing about this because they are so accustomed to it. You, on the other hand, have thrown yourself into it, and whereas for most men the vagina itself is the sexually fulfilling end, for you, the encouragement and the relation of that vagina to a mother-figure that impels you to activity through complimentary "love" is the source of sexual excitement. Makes sense as a fetish given the gynophilia of the culture, likewise with crossdressing/transgenderism but for different reasons of relation.

>> No.12820499

>how do i into neoplatonism?
Read Plato and Aristotle first. You cannot skip this step. Once you have a very confident grasp on these two move onto Plotinus. The Essential Plotinus (translated by Elmer O'Brien) is probably your best introduction.

>> No.12820510
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I made this recently for my own benefit so it's messy and has lots of notes that only apply to me, but maybe the groupings of the names can helpful

>> No.12820517

Also: Blue is personal connection (they knew or met each other), red is influence through reading their texts alone

>> No.12820561

this is fantastic and since you seem like you know stuff I want to ask, the Origen mentioned in relation to Porphyry and Plotinus isn't Origen of Alexandria, the christian theologian, correct?
I remember reading there were two different Origens at the time, one the theologian the other a pagan philosopher.

>> No.12820589

super cringe and highly bluepilled tbqh

>> No.12820595

Do I have to read all of these figures to understand Neoplatonism? :(

>> No.12820625

this post gave me serious deja vu for some reason

>> No.12820650


>> No.12820658

her rear end, obviously



thanks for the link. I've read Stephen McKenna's translation

There's a couple scenes in American Gods season 1 where this goddess swallows men whole, through expanding goddess love hole.
Not the same as vore though. Or is it? I don't know

>> No.12820659
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>> No.12820718

I think there's a chapter on Sabato's Abaddón, el exterminador where he kinda gets inside of giant pussy. Idk, maybe you would like to read that.

>> No.12820758

I am definitely a beginner with reading Neoplatonism in primary sources as well, I just drew that to give myself some guidance and get a feeling for the historical developments. The Origen listed there is the Christian Origen actually, drawing from Wikipedia/Stanford.

Reading how much interaction all these guys had with each other directly REALLY made me want to read them.

No, most of them aren't even extant.

>> No.12820844

>I've read Stephen McKenna's translation

Also very good, if less precise a translation.

>> No.12820884

That’s the Anima

>> No.12820979
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Honestly I think I'm just broken, anon. My psyche never developed much beyond my earlier years, and I'm seemingly incapable of seeing girls except as maternal figures to me. It's quite strange from the perspective of society, but for me I've never known anything else, and therefore can't find anything odd about it. I have never once looked at a girl and desired to dominate her, or even to lead her in the slightest sense. I see someone whose neck I just want to nestle myself into, to look up with innocent eyes, to kiss on the cheek, to be disciplined by and try to be a good boy for. And no, my relationship with my mother has always been fine, though people assume it must be the source of my condition. It's true roots are likely more complex, though I won't bore you with my speculations on that here. That said, no, anon, I guess I know that technically a romantic relationship *shouldn't* be like that between a mother and her son, but I personally desire nothing besides that. I do hold that most men are still little boys inside to at least some degree, unlike women, whose maturation occurs much earlier and more drastically than with ourselves, in my view. And this naturally makes it at least somewhat fitting for a man to be motherly nurtured by his women, though I wouldn't say it should be the whole relationship itself. But for me, absolutely. I'm lately realizing that I don't even have much of a sex drive, and possibly coming to acknowledge myself even as asexual, which might explain why I've never been fond of fornication as a concept or attempted to engage in it, be it in real life or virtual media. That said, I'd also answer negative to your second question: that most women do not desire the relationship I do, and recognizing the asymmetry of my fantasies is one of my greatest sources of pain as a person. That everything I long for I do so alone, with almost no female counterparts somewhere in the world simultaneously carrying the feminine inverse to my desire. Even writing this here makes me quite sad. Regardless, I wish you the best with your giantess fantasies. I'd tell you that "I hope you get eaten someday", but then you'd be gone, and we could never speak further. So I'll instead say that I hope VR, specifically the Japanese sector of it, comes to offer a variant whereby you can live out that dream of yours. You're not tummyanon, are you? Another anon who posted some humorous comments about "wanting to be in a girl's tum". Again, I can't grasp this at all, either psychologically or logistically, but I hope you get to painlessly experience it one day my friend. :)

>> No.12820992


>> No.12821024

This is not a bad psychoanalysis, be it of me or in general. But on one crucial fact do I differ from it: my complex is not, to my recognition, anything sexual. As I mentioned >>12820979, I am realizing that I may possibly be asexual, and don't believe that I desire the motherly encouragement above for sexual purposes. That said, would you say that anything I said is "dysfunctional", and needing alteration? Because I don't think I can change it at this point, I have really tried to adjust my view of women to something matching other males my age (and generally), and it really hasn't panned out even a bit. Is it wrong to want what I want? Is it wrong to possibly be asexual, too? And thus only want what I've verbally described and visually displayed above? Are there any girls who would ever be interested in such a strange relationship? I truly, sincerely doubt it. I am a freak of nature, then. I better learn to lucid dream like my friend >>12820454 did, since dreams are the only place I'll be able to experience this longing in any vivid capacity. What a life.

>> No.12821095


>> No.12821109
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>> No.12821134

Go fully into it. Become a house boy for a nice lady that will let you feel her love after devoting yourself to her, or as a servant, do everything she tells you, do it perfectly, or at least as close to perfect as you can. You'll decide for yourself at that point whether or not it is what you want.

>> No.12821167


>> No.12821310

fwiw anon i think i used to be a lot like what you describe until i started taking on more responsibilities in my life and actually got a gf, once that happened my desire to lead/dominate increased and all the submissive shit stopped. are you a neet? do you have prior relationship experience? serious questions, since once both of those things changed for me i changed fundamentally as well.

>> No.12821328

It's called autogynephelia

>> No.12821343

I don't really want that anon, the submissiveness I'm into is not male-servitude, merely the wholesome loving of a woman from a position of being beneath her. Not her servant, but her son. But speaking about such non-realities as if they would ever happen is the even greater delusion of ours, which we should just bring to an end here. However much I appreciate your advice, and however sad this makes me.

I am a NEET, yeah. And maybe you're right to some degree, and I've wondered if I'm here now due to some degree of internalized learned helplessness; but overall, I do think this is more or less my true nature and won't change much even if I drastically changed my lifestyle.

>> No.12821373

You need a strong background in Plato, Aristotle and Stoicism, as well as the presocratics, but mostly Plato and Aristotle, make sure you've read those two well.

Then go straight into Plotinus, then Porphyry and Proclus, then St Augustine, pseudo Dyonisus, and Boethius.

After that you'll know enough to know if you want to get even deeper into it or just read something else.

>> No.12821397

Your service is your love to them, seeing how you are emotionally deficient that is just where you are. Trust me they will love you for it very maternally as you describe, just don't tell them you want a mother that puts them off usually.

>> No.12821406

Okay anon, how do I do this? What is a "house boy", and how do I become one for a "nice lady"? I've never heard these terms before.

>> No.12821433

House boy is a well known term and is definitely a thing I've seen but nice lady I just mean a woman who is dominant in the "D/s" dynamic. Depending on the liberality and size of your town kink circles are easiest found on fetlife. Best advice I can give is don't do it for them, do it for the sake of discovering yourself.

>> No.12821441

I would look for "munches" which are basically casual meet ups at a bar or a restaurant or something, they're generally very accepting and not always super liberal, a femdom group I found in Phoenix was strictly male female though most of them were swingers.

>> No.12821529

It's as well a matter of intellectual assent to let anyone guide you toward your own void :^)

>> No.12821542

Guys, I'm sorry but I mentioned above that I'm not a sexual person. I don't have fetishes, nor have interest in such areas of human activity - sites like fetlife are really not for me, along with any other similar organizations. Again, I'm not being rude, but I'm genuinely not into that kind of stuff and truthfully find it kind of repulsive, being sickened by sex in general. If I find a girl to "work for", it'll have to be through other sources.

>> No.12821998


>> No.12822125

>"For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh.” This mystery is profound...
You should read more.

>> No.12822140


All i want to do is remove her underwear, part her cheeks like moses and the red sea, stick my nose in there, and get a good whiff whilat simultaneously going brrbebrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrrrrl you know what i mean?

>> No.12822217

Plato's Symposium.

>> No.12822296

Honestly you're underestimating the number of girls who want to mother their boyfriends, there's a reason the jokes about boy wanting girls like their mom or couples calling each other "daddy" and "mommy" are so prevalent. Your main problem is not the lack of girls who like a submissive boy (there are entire nightclubs dedicated to that) but the fact that most girls like to engage in that kind of relations sexually.