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/lit/ - Literature

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12819080 No.12819080 [Reply] [Original]

Why so many threads about Russians? 2-3 Dosty threads, Nab memes, Tolstoy, Chekhov, Sorokin wtf... I moved to Israel 2 years ago but Russian culture still continue to haunt me.... I don't understand you, guys.

>> No.12819093

Russia has the second richest literary tradition (after the United States).

>> No.12819099

russian literature seems cool when you're a teen

>> No.12819106

russia has an amazing literary tradition. Now that we're in the thread, any lesser-known recommendations from your school curriculum or something? I've been getting into lieutenant's prose recently

>> No.12819143

good luck with the israel move. i lived there for five years and finally left that hell hole.

>> No.12819169
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>(after the United States).
fuck this gay board

>> No.12819178

Chekhov's short stories are geniusly detailed, not sure if the translations are comfy enough.
Sorokin as op mentioned, if you like spicy postmodernism (i checked The Day of Oprichnik in translation, it's decent)
Lermontov's "A Hero of Our Time" is rarely mentioned, i like it.
Then for some reason no one ever talks about Gogol when some of his lit is the comfiest folk-themed mystic stuff out there (evenings on a farm near dikanka), and his famous Dead Souls shows the degradation of humanity very brightly

>> No.12819215
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>(after the United States)

>> No.12819218

lit talks about chekhov, lermontov and gogol all the time, retard

>> No.12819225

thanks, sorokin is new to hear, but the others are fairly well-known here as well. i'll check out oprichnik

>> No.12819251
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This doesn’t get talked about on /lit/ much.
If you saw it mentioned in a /lit/ thred, it was probably me.
One other guy read Odessa Tales by Babel.

>> No.12819253

guess i just visit the wrong threads then. i started frequenting lit less than a month ago, so far i only see people obsessing about Dostoyevsky.
only a few of his books are translated, sadly, though i guess his countless stories wouldn"t be as interesting for someone outside of culture

>> No.12819258

i can read russian so that doesn't matter, which is why im interested in lesser known texts.

on /lit/ tolstoevsky, chekhov, gogol, pushkin (pretty much only onegin) and nabby are mentioned fairly frequently, same with grossman

>> No.12819259
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>(after the United States)

>> No.12819264
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>what ameritards actually believe

>> No.12819367

Where are you from?

>> No.12819409

That hardly matters

>> No.12819571

Also Ilf & Petrov!

>> No.12819585
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anyone read this?

>> No.12820087

>Nab memes

>> No.12820324

Anon. A third-rate fraud. Dislike him intensely.

>> No.12821058
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>(after the United States)

>> No.12821067


>> No.12821381

Fathers and Children by Turgenev, Pushkin's Eugene Onegin (get the Falen translation), Czech but Skvorecky's Engineer of Human Souls was beautiful

>> No.12821437
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>> No.12821494


>> No.12821616


>> No.12821640

thanks, never heard of skvorecky but it looks interesting