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/lit/ - Literature

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12818804 No.12818804 [Reply] [Original]

Is China's economic and political rise going to mean a lot more good Chinese literature?

>> No.12818894

I hope so, an intelligent intellectual emerging from the shawdows to create uncanny yet masterful works of literature, oh man, so it goes.

>> No.12818904

Capital as spirit has no need for literature

>> No.12818922

Not necessarily, the US proves you can have a large economy without having literature above the mediocre.

>> No.12818999


>> No.12819007

the chinese don't have the capacity to create art

>> No.12819385
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>> No.12819400


>> No.12819415

天安門 六四事件 1989

>> No.12819466

Xi would like to know your location.

>> No.12819508

tiananmen square massacre june 4 1989

>> No.12820123
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tell me more

>> No.12820133

>does not mess around with you

Tell that to Africa.

>> No.12820168

what of it?



what about it?

>> No.12820191

The rise of China is not happening in the way that many people have been convinced it should be. It is a regional power in military terms, no greater than an average small European country in global cultural soft power, and economically it is just big, not particularly powerful, innovative, or efficient, just big, as it has always been.
Huge armies that are poorly trained and equipped, just as it has was during the "century of humiliation."
Huge GDP that doesn't translate to anything that might lead them to superpower status, just a hell of a lot of construction, including those pointless islands.

>> No.12820212

come on and fuck off:
China grabs for power outside of its country in every way possible, artificial islands etc etc.

>> No.12820238
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>expecting good literature to come from a country that is emulating a place where there is no more good literature

>> No.12820246

Imagine defending a country that is basically the US on meth.

>> No.12820257

come on man that's infowars tier, at least post some Foreign Affairs article scaremongering about the yellow peril

>> No.12820318
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why do you lie?
let see. Who would win?
Huawei vs the entire intelligence and diplomatic apparatus of the US plus 70 years worth of alliance


>> No.12821180

Chinese art is great, going back thousands of years. Stick to 4chan, bud.

>> No.12821657

Excellent meme comrade! Out of curiosity, where do you live?

>> No.12821673

name a good piece of chinese art created in the last century

>> No.12821690

Nothing but propaganda anon. But this board is full of reddit cucks and communist fags so I can expect high praises.

>> No.12821723
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I doubt it, its an economic boom not a cultural one.

anon, i dont know how to break this to you

>> No.12821730

Not when their minds are kept in such a small authoritarian box that is only barely better than North Korea's.

>> No.12821733

t. Chang

China has made too many enemies. It has allies of convenience, but no real, genuine partners outside of North Korea. If the modern world mistrusts the United States, it mistrusts China just as much.

>> No.12821737

>China is communist.
The tiananmen protests were literally in response to people believing China to be becoming too capitalist.

>> No.12821887
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I associate with lots of Chinese. There are interesting things being published in Taiwan these days, and I am aware of books exploring the way that younger generations are starting to see themselves more as Taiwanese than as Chinese. My friends say there are very good books along these lines, but I can't find any translated and cannot read Cantonese. I like the older Chinese literature that I have read in translation, but my Chinese friends (from Taiwan, Hong Kong, mainland, and diaspora) tell me that the way the government works on the mainland stifles Chinese literature these days. I had a professor in college who grew up during the Cultural Revolution and came to America in the late 80s, and the last time I spoke to him a year ago he was concerned that life in China would become more restricted like it used to be under Mao (but probably not to the same degree and certainly not in the same ways). Maybe if the ways things are in mainland China changes and it becomes more in line with the Three Principles things will be better, but I wouldn't be surprised if there were masterpieces going unpublished because they went against the grain. These are people who will ban Peppa Pig, you see.

>> No.12822073

Nah its too far into neoliberal/modern consumer capitalism, capitalism that just produces cheap junk to consume, this is the natural end goal of liberal capitalism.

>> No.12822108

Climate change on the coast of China is also going to have a big impact on their economic rise so I don't know if that will happen

>> No.12822122

That's right, thousands of years ago. Mao and all that came after ravaged them culturally, if not beyond repair, pretty close to that.

>> No.12822674

It it's good art, China would probably censor it.
So, no.

>> No.12822740

I signed a contract to go teach in China beginning in August. I don't want to go anymore.

>> No.12822784

/lit/ is a shit board with shit taste, as evidenced by that outrageous list.

>> No.12823061

Ancient Chinese art is good. Though after the Chinese genepool was polluted by Manchu and Japanese invaders, the Chinese turned into a subhuman race.

>> No.12823081

What does reading Cantonese have to do with reading works that come out of Taiwan. Thay use Mandarin there.

>> No.12823145

>Tao Lin


>> No.12823861

there is no such thing as genuine partner, friend. The US also has no "genuine partners" outside of Canada.

>> No.12823895

Oh yeah, just like it did for Russia in the 60s, America in the 50s and Japan in the 80s.

>> No.12824197

I strongly believe that prosperity and political clout has no impact on the quality of literature produced. Much of China's finest literature was produced during periods of fucking INTENSE unrest. Simply put, writers had more time to write when they were laying low in the countryside, and they had more reason to write when they were in a horrible situation.

It's mainly effective censorship that kills a nation's art. Russians and Germans produced art despite censorship because German censors were kinda lenient and Russian censors fucking sucked. Chinks are neither, and WILL ban your book just because it uses a few quotes of too strong Mandarin ACCENTS. Not even separate dialects, let alone languages.

>> No.12824203

It's Zhang now, American.

>> No.12825726

Fuck off. American literature is great. You just have an anti-recency bias.

>> No.12825774

Yeah I heard they were so overwhelmed by all the new great writers that they had to kidnap publishers from Hong Kong.

>> No.12825808

Are you... retarded?

>> No.12825819

China could be so cool if they were't authoratarian commies.

>> No.12825823

Isn't it funny how /pol/chan obsesses over fucking nothing Blacks or Muslims when China is quite literally replacing us?

>> No.12825891

Remind me how much violent gang rape Chinese math students skewing a coastal real estate market are oh that's right it's none at all. Yeah, real obsessive to worry about bombers and gang rapists over people who just want to make a lot of money.

>> No.12825897

the Chinese are ultimately a much bigger threat though. Blacks and Muslims are only a 'threat' because our societies are suicidal. We could bomb africa and the middle east into glass in a month if we wanted and genocide their races. China not so much.

>> No.12825994

Why did you do that? You get paid more in the Middle East

>> No.12826369

I was planning on reading To Live by Yu Hua. Any thoughts on the book?

I tend to agree. Just to add: Not only is China's 'negative' contraint on information (censorship) rigorous, their 'positive' methods (actively forcing certain info on the population) are also unprecedented. The new mobile app equivalent of the little red book being the latest example.
The Chinese are a bunch of slackers though: https://foreignpolicy.com/2019/03/06/how-to-cheat-at-xi-jinping-thought/
The slackers' guide to the app: https://jingyan.baidu.com/article/9f63fb91429806c8400f0ef7.html

>> No.12827423

They just banned soap operas and rap music, so yes.

>> No.12827497

>this cope
accepted burgers, yes you have a few great writers but in general, America is not synonymous of literature.

>> No.12827505

because at least they deserve it, unlike niggers and sand-niggers, if it wasn't for the decadent state of the West, China would not be as powerful as it is today.

>> No.12828635

The appification of Chinese dogma and the NZ shooting is like the sort of stuff I'd have come up with for a roleplaying game ten years ago.

>> No.12828636

He is right. The most famous American literature is from before the boom.