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/lit/ - Literature

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12818105 No.12818105 [Reply] [Original]

18th century was Kantian
19th century was Nietzschean
20th century was Deleuzean
21st century will be ___________?

>> No.12818108

Nick Landian

>> No.12818111


>> No.12818136

Female. Silly boys need to stop arguing about philosophy and listen to womens lived experiences.

>> No.12818148


>> No.12818150

nothing, feminism is destroying western civilization. there will be no art in a hundred years, just pornography, the only art women are capable of

>> No.12818207


>> No.12818238

so fractionated to the point of nuclear war? sounds dank

>> No.12818262


>> No.12818267

18th century was Sadeian
19th century was Nietzschean
20th century was Freudian
21st century will be Lacanian

>> No.12818273

t. closeted homosexual

>> No.12818280


>> No.12818287

Nuclear holocaustian

>> No.12818293

Kantian--if we have any sense

>> No.12818295

because you like dicks in your ass

>> No.12818299


>> No.12818301



>> No.12818314

Land is a hack

>> No.12818319

>19th century was Nietzschean
I'm quite sure marxist is more appropriate answer.

>> No.12818329

It already is. The modern West is as gynophilic as Classical Greece was androphilic. I'm glad pornography exists so I can cloister myself in paraphilia

>> No.12818354

but all 3 of those authors published their work at the end of those centuries, respectively, and received a lot of their attention afterwards.

>19th century was Nietzschean
he was literally 5 in 1850

>> No.12818361

stop projecting my child

>> No.12818368

>tfw circumcised so don't fit in to perverted western "society"

>> No.12818370

>he even lets dogs fuck him

>> No.12818372

>19th century was Nietzschean

Hegelian would be a better claim. Nietzsche wouldn't become a prominent philosopher until the 20th century.

>> No.12818379

>he spends his precious time projecting his own perverse fantasies onto others

>> No.12818385

21st century is Deleuzian
22nd will be Nick Land

>> No.12818386

>holy fuck he actually lets horses fuck his perverse ass as well

>> No.12818394
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>> No.12818395


>> No.12818412


>> No.12818517
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>> No.12818622

hopefully this

>> No.12818660

Rupi Kaurian

>> No.12818665
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>19th century was Nietzschean
>20th century was Deleuzean

>> No.12818670
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>feminism is destroying western civilization

>> No.12818676

20th century was heideggerian.

>> No.12818702



>> No.12818753

19th century was hegelian
20th century was nietzchean
21st century is deleuzean
22nd century is lemurian

>> No.12818851

18th century was kantian
19th century was hegelian
20th century was marxist
21st century, philosophy is dead

>> No.12819797

My Diarian

>> No.12820204
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>> No.12820206


>> No.12820215

The 21st century will be Goonian.

>> No.12820259

18th century was Kantian
19th century was Hegelian
20th century was Nietzschean (Nazism, WWII, the Holocaust, post-WWII "imperialism", military expansion - it all came from Nietzsche. Every bit of 20th century's culture carries Nietzsche's footprint on it, unlike 19th's.)
21st century will be remember as philosophy-free unless media and modern "intellectuals" force some charlatan like Steven Pinker and Sam Harris, some absolute meme like Douglas Hofstadter, or some enterpreneur PR figure like Elon Musk to become the patron of this century's "philosophy"

>> No.12820898
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>20th century was Deleuzean
This fucking board sometimes, I swear.

>> No.12821218


>> No.12821298
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>> No.12821311

Katiean (also Tylerian)

>> No.12821319

>unironically this
You realize that he is a globalist shill and a Leninist shill? He became popular because he jammed the accelerationism of the manufactured campus revolutionary SJW-types. But really, he only did it only because they threatened to derail the generations-old, mlre subtle Fabian socialist movement.

He hides behind monickers like humanism and Enlightenment values but he is all for replacement-level migration. Heck he even wrote some of the UN's documentation on thw subject. He thinks that individual responsibility means a monastic abstention from reactionary tendencies. Good goy. Now keep paying your taxes while you are replaced.

He is a atheist, a pseudo-cyberneticist and sociopath who dresses up eyes-wide-shut style and admires Lenin to an unhealthy extent.

>> No.12821353


>> No.12821356


>> No.12821368
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>> No.12822046


>> No.12822102 [DELETED] 


>> No.12822171

wtf I love Peterson now

>> No.12823516


>> No.12823531
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neo jina aribe brum gabbidul :DDDD

>> No.12823545

Yes we know thats why we like him. /lit/ is a philosemit board.

>> No.12823555


>> No.12823556

Christian like all other centuries.

>> No.12823558


>> No.12823647

black future

>> No.12824038

Deleuze is ostensibly 21st century, the majority of his works weren't even translated into English until the late 20th century.

>> No.12824045

He's also irrelevant outside of certain internet circle jerks.

>> No.12824051

Wrong, he's also relevant inside academic circilejerks. He pops up a lot on all sorts of subjects

>> No.12824229

>equates "female experience" to philosophy

>> No.12825158


>> No.12825164

Deleuze is by far the least memey and most substantial of those french faggots

>> No.12825329

True this

>> No.12825822

this, on a more serious note it should be:

18th: Kantian
19th: Hegelian
20th: Marxist
21st: Deleuzian

>> No.12825912

sadly but true, they cannot create art if pornography isn't involved. I guess that's what happens when the definition of art loses its meaning.

>> No.12825982


>> No.12826022

Not at all, maybe when studying gender studies in Burgerland but certainly not in Europe.

>> No.12826061


>> No.12826252


>> No.12826256

I will restore the dragonsphere

>> No.12826488

no deleuze actually gives you tools. mental tools. its not just fluff. its actually not fluff at all. even the way he writes is a tool in itself, form, function, and content are all useful.

>> No.12826526


>> No.12826575

this is the gayest thread ever

>> No.12826608

>french philosopher
>not popular in Europe
philosophy was born in france sweetie, analytics is just old british men playing with model railway sets.

>> No.12826629

Climate change is going to make vast swathes of the planet uninhabitable, and leave billions dead and impoverished. Acceleration will be viewed as a quaint pipe dream. Cioran's pessimism, Adorno's negative dialectics, and Ellul's anti-technological thought will all make a resurgence.

>> No.12826640

Spenglerian. The first Caesars have already been born.

>> No.12826649

accelerationism isnt a "pipe dream" it isnt something you'e for. it happens whether you want it to or not.

+4 degrees hotter will make most of the world uninhabitable. but it will open up northern canada, russian, and western antarctica for development. it will continue.

>> No.12826670

yes but those new regions will be pretty poor and full of refugees. things will actively regress. it will decelerate. any idea of "progress" will stall and fracture and be rendered obsolete - accelerationism is the apotheosis of all progress narratives. it will have no followers in 20 years time, it will be a silly relic like the french utopian socialists talking about rivers flowing with lemonade

>> No.12826698

>+4 degrees hotter will make most of the world uninhabitable
It has been hotter than that in the past

>> No.12826824

uninhabitable to human beings

also the last time the earth was 4 degrees hotter, the landmasses were relatively close to each other, shielding the interior from the warming. today, the continents being more seperate, are mor vulnerable to warming via ocean and winds.

>> No.12826828


>> No.12826829

>uninhabitable to white people

>> No.12826831

what makes you think refugees will be accepted into these areas? the wealthy and powerful will be fine as always. the poor will be fucked and condemned to live in the dessertified or undeveloped areas. not too different from what happens now, just in an overt and exteme way resulting from extreme situations

>> No.12826885

>coastal cities flood and there's more mosquitos

>> No.12826904


>> No.12826905

literally eveywhere outside of russia canada west antarctica and like new zealand become unsuitable for agriculoture you retard.

>> No.12826924

Petersonian and Zizekian simultaneously.

>> No.12827003

>leninist shill
so this is your brain on /pol/

>> No.12827013
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had to bust out an old image for this one

>> No.12827037

Te quiero, mamasita

>> No.12827185


>> No.12828075

Absolutely. Follows things perfectly in fact.

>> No.12828079


>> No.12828080

>18th century was Elitist
>19th century was Democratic
>20th century was Chaotic
>21st century will be Nightfall

My retreat from the frantic tendentiousness that pervades this WE SELL ADS epoch deepens every year. The air of panic is palpable to anyone with enough mind to tell the difference between discourse and uproar, fact and opinion, vicious wishing and creative aspiration. No matter what fresh technology could ameliorate of the terrible scarcities sure to to come, very little in the trend of culture and its patronage portends well.

>> No.12828094

it makes me mad that deleuze was such a leftist cuck

>> No.12828097


>> No.12828104

lol no, nietzsche redefined philosophy

>> No.12828108

you cant just claim one century was dominated by one philosophy you retard

>> No.12828148
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recently there was a story about a guy who was dying in the hospital, the doctor sent over a robot with a tv screen on it to tell the patient he was dying.
If white people are to become a minority.


There will be three ways

Right wing acceleration: accelerating the process of techno capital towards the destruction of humanity. Nationalism and fascism are left wing. Human beings are the real nigger

Left wing acceleration. Accelerating the process of techno capital towards the benefit of human beings

And the kaczynskists:
The destruction of the techno capital system itself. The eco fascists. If nationlism is off the table, tribalism it is. Tribalism and deep ecology

Its all about technology

>> No.12828163

I won't post my name in 4Chan

>> No.12828172

r/the donald tier take

>> No.12828238

Nick land, ted kacynski, christian cosmism, state capitalism (china), transhumanism

I think these thoughts will have great influence on the 21st century.

The christian one is a long shot though. I want them to abandon liberal modernism and embrace a christian futurism.

>> No.12828250


>> No.12829240
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Lainian rolls off the tongue better