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File: 63 KB, 580x386, slavojland.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12813888 No.12813888 [Reply] [Original]

Now that Slavoj Zizek is an accelerationist, is he going to debate Nick Land? I would rather see that than the Peterson debate. Also I read Zizek's book on post-human capitalism and he mostly talked about Lenin; he should stop resisting and publish his accelerationist manifesto already.

>> No.12814618
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>> No.12814706


>> No.12814724

>I am ignorant of this person, therefore they are irrelevant

>> No.12814742

>yellow vests are accelerationists
irrelevant or not, they very well might be mentally challenged

>> No.12815430

>I know what you are
what did he mean by this?

>> No.12815450

finer things take time. zizek is waiting for a bitcoin rally before he start going full digital on normies who just don't get m/s^2.

>> No.12815489

this person is not relevant therefore they are irrelevant

>> No.12815543
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oh shit
the literal who knows 'what' 'we' 'are'!!!

>> No.12815553

>zizek is now lumped in with fascists
I still haven,t gotten used to this after so many years of him being the memey marx man. What did he even do to get excommunicated by the progs?

>> No.12815594

he means Russian bots

>> No.12815603

>Nick Land
>i know what you are

how the fuck could anyone know what this is

>> No.12815635

does YV = Yanis Varoufakis?

>> No.12816858
File: 84 KB, 512x512, nazbol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he criticized the US and even appeared on RT

>> No.12816865

He doesn’t stick to the script.

>> No.12816867

Because those people are bourgeoisie bootlickers

>> No.12816883

Probably meant yellow vest

>> No.12817167

why would you post this nobody? generic npc pseudoliberal dolt.

>> No.12817300
File: 514 KB, 607x609, 14b.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Supporting the AI meme
confirmed clown. He's just good for me as long he's an opposition to JP, useless for the rest.

>> No.12817351
File: 190 KB, 757x615, 1553272252331.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah bro, it's just a meme!! AI with intelligence equivalent to a 3 years old baby is already putting millions out of work.

>> No.12817610
File: 42 KB, 171x266, 1551142944527.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>intelligence equivalent to a 3 years old baby
>defined and measured by criterion pulled out my ass

>> No.12817619

Not the point brainlet.

>> No.12817702

AI singularity that destroys humanity is the meme.
AI putting people out of work is just what automation did for over a century, it's just an evolution of it.

>> No.12818253

>robots will never be intelligent
>AI can outdiagnose doctors and we have robots far more agile than humans
>tech advancements are at an all time high
>dw though robots will NEVER be intelligent

>> No.12818282
File: 186 KB, 854x722, 816E3F3B-EF5C-49DC-8ABF-35170026F917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He sounds more Heideggerian than anything here, which is very based indeed.

>> No.12818283

You didn't even watch the clip did you? He says very clearly he doesn't mean AI will kill us, he means it will make us obselete. and automation over the last century has not taken jobs, it has opened new ones. Only now are we passing the point where automation is taking jobs rather than reforming he process of labour

>> No.12818928

>automation over the last century has not taken jobs
choke on black cum you bluepilled fag
>he doesn't mean AI will kill us, he means it will make us obselete.
He talks about the singularity and rendering us obsolete as the whole human race will be obsolete, not just some random ppl whose job has become automated with AI

>> No.12818942

Accelerationism is retarded Christian eschatology secularized through Deleuze and suspect readings of Marx.

>> No.12818985
File: 138 KB, 723x577, Crypto or CRYPTO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>robot in 2003 does backflips
>robot in 2019 does backflip

>> No.12819016

>automation over the last century has not taken jobs
>machines are no more efficient for converting labour value
>capitalists actually wanted to be less efficient
Imagine believing this...

>> No.12819369

The full interview is very good:


At around 25 minute he talks about the Peterson debate. He says he likes MILF's, too.

>> No.12819481

what the literal fuck are you people rambling about? before, automation meant a conveyor belt or a cotton gin. these still needed people to work on them. the meme was that farriers were going to lose their jobs when cars were invented, but it turned out the car market produced more jobs than the horse market anyways. now this is totally offset so that automation means removing human labour altogether. this is why the new meme is "learn to code", the joke being that modern automation will not be able to produce significant new labour markets (the entire labour force becoming programmers is supposed to be an obvious absurdity)

>> No.12819497
File: 125 KB, 500x382, 1545432478557.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people think rocket ships are technologically advanced but I built a rocket ship using baking soda and vinegar when I was a kid

>> No.12820232

I was also thinking a size land debate would be way more interesting but I don’t think nick is a good debater

>> No.12820243

he's a good mas debater

>> No.12820272

he schooled that one professor who didn't understand game theory

>> No.12820278

Has he ever had sex? Is there any evidence that his chidren exis

>> No.12820325

I want to watch a nick land debate where can I find one

>> No.12820404

Accelerationist retard can't into basic logic. Imagine my shock.
Same response.

>> No.12820411

>now this is totally offset so that automation means removing human labour altogether. this is why the new meme is "learn to code", the joke being that modern automation will not be able to produce significant new labour markets
Accelerationists really cannot meme.

>> No.12820507

it's like talking to a wall. we tell you that intelligent automation designed to replace humans WILL replace humans. you just shake your head and say no because..?

>> No.12820587
File: 215 KB, 886x1200, 1546570680246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The accelerationist goes beyond the simple purpose of memes which has thus far been worked out, that is, memes in their existing actuality, but rather into the proper speculative realms of wissenschaftenmeme in which the movement of memes is intuited as their own unfolded coming-to-be.

>> No.12821692

not really a debate but this was good

>> No.12821700

I'm the pokemaster.

>> No.12822279

You are a fucking retard, and let me explain you why!
>A machine does the job of 10 people, 1 person is needed to operate it
9 people are out of work, they have to be relocated
>but by producing new goods for the masses, there will be work for anyone!
It only happens if you assume the economy will grow forever, but that just doesn't happen to be true
>progress in automation leads to more complex machines, you need more skilled workers at each iteration
not only people are out of jobs but retraining becomes increasingly more difficult, not to mention one doesn't exactly know what kind of job he will be able to find. This reaches a point where finding another job becomes impossible for everyone
>saturation of markets drives prices down, production costs must be cut
factories are sent overseas where labour costs a fraction, so finding a place in the job market at all becomes increasingly harder for the new generations
>the production of essential goods employs only a mere fraction of the workforce
markets now rely on creating new superfluous needs and on dirty tricks such as planned obsolescence or economic bubbles, becoming inherently instable

And so on, it all already happened several times in several places. This is just automation taking its toll in not rigidly planned economies. AI just makes more sophisticated automations.

>> No.12822356

an icky unperson

>> No.12822932


One of the better non-seminar talks in recent years

>Zizek's book on post-human capitalism
What's the title?

>> No.12823447

A Theif in Broad Daylight

>> No.12823493

this is like one of those late night talk shows where they ask little kids what they think of political issues

>> No.12824419

the fuck you mean by that anon
I posted that