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/lit/ - Literature

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12816267 No.12816267[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Its old, thus it is of importance

>> No.12816271

When has anybody said this? When has anybody implied this?

>> No.12816275

if it's old and we still remember it then it probably is important

>> No.12816277

i mean that's a very general statement.
>It's new, thus it is at the forefront.

>> No.12816282
File: 9 KB, 200x252, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The 2010's was a decade defined by dust worship. White suburban nerds cant find meaning in anything that isn't old enough to be out of their reach. It's pathetic

>> No.12816286

What are you even talking about?

>> No.12816292

Anon is bitching about people who make do with old things instead of big box store crap. Mainly just angry because such people find a way to make life not only tolerable, but enjoyable.

>> No.12816300
File: 310 KB, 1134x1056, F04EC7FB-5086-4EAE-939F-AE49B0D1341D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is a general tendency among so-called conservatives to worship the old, the past, to the point of caricature. I love me some old books, but it’s a delicate balance one must practice in order to not o overboard

Drooljack poster has a point, but not a very lit related one

>> No.12816301
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Found you

>> No.12816305

So am I going to have to read the full list of books to get you moist? :3

>> No.12816306

How is your hatred of hipsters related to literature?

>> No.12816321

old = good
new = bad

even a baby knows

>> No.12816352

>eats moldy and spoiled food

>> No.12816363

it was a bad decade but i think that trend began in the mid 200s and ended a little bit before and around 2015.
I think the 2010s was really about the institutions beginning to realize they had no choice but to completely kowtow to the power of the internet.

>> No.12816368

it's a transexual, fuckhead.

>> No.12816392

The counter to this is the tards that find inherent value in something merely because it is new. I do not see the issue as a balance. I see the age of an item to be, in itself, irrelevant. The value of an object lies in its expression of its fundamental properties - whether this be a book or anything else.

>> No.12816426

There is not a book worth reading that was release after 1996. Prove me wrong.

>> No.12816455

i think Mason&Dixon, i would go with post-2008 or so.

>> No.12816456

I would call that balance

>> No.12816457
File: 810 KB, 750x670, never.enough.dicks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Prove me wrong
PKD's Voices from the Street.

>> No.12816461

Could be argued that anything old which we still know about/use today is especially good.
Time-tested is a concept for a reason.

>> No.12816463

Balancing age versus value? I see the age as being irrelevant. There is no balance.

>> No.12816468

and the fulcrum is >>12816426

nothing current is good.

>> No.12816471

True. It is a window into a different time, and we should value that more, instead of being autistically disoriented only within our little moment in history.

>muh decades
Go back to /mu/

>> No.12816476

maybe nothing is cataloged in 2019, everything in the present goes through psychological barrier ands people create groups and ideologies behind certain books that it is unclear which one would be popular in the future, in a sense everyone will always have their egos and ignore most literature currently. maybe it was like this in the past and for every 10,000 books a 1 or 2 really good ones came out. same metaphor crime and punishment

>> No.12816485

>/mu/ created decades
i learned today.

>> No.12816498

This obsession with categorization of decades, which is defined by what, is by far the most common on /mu/.

>> No.12816503
File: 24 KB, 270x406, My struggle book 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go to medium and tell me if anything written lately has any value. I'll do some selections for you:
Everything published (outside of a few small publishing houses and online radical blogs and magazines, left and right, some hyperrational others mystical, god bless'em all) is academic credential fetishist op-ed disguised as non-fiction/fiction/satire or not disguised at all.
Basically if anyone mentions their field of study in the piece and includes more than two letters after their authorial name, ignore it. Good luck finding shit.
Zadie Smith is good and Lincoln in the Bardo was good. Pic related and the sequels were enjoyable af.

>> No.12816504
File: 55 KB, 180x261, 30B34AFA-84E0-4858-A457-75F7F3340B3C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Balancing shit and lies with beauty and wisdom from any era of the past and the contemporary.
That’s a balancing act, Stevie.
>muh novels
This was published in 2007. Very Borgesian, Calvino like

>> No.12816505

there's a reason for that that is long and hard to explain, but basically it works well for categorizing music in particular, but also for a lot of other things as well

>> No.12816528

My name is buttmad, ma'am.

>> No.12816535

Honestly no one believes this though. The books we keep from the past are one in a thousand, and the rest get forgotten.

>> No.12816548
File: 96 KB, 500x455, 34AC0BE2-D4E3-4D38-8D6B-9FECA5FBC3A5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yo name is Stevie!

>> No.12816557

Is it really? First I was worrying about the age but she lied about that shit.
You aren’t a tranny right? RIGHT?!

>> No.12816568

Oh yeah you’re not. I just checked my photo album again.

You know, most of what you’ve revealed is between you and me. And that is because of interest. I think you’ll discover you love me. ;)

>> No.12816573

nu-age trannies are good at photoshop.

>> No.12816587

>Honestly no one believes this though.
Seriously? Plenty of people believe this, since when does belief have any connection to reality?

>> No.12817107
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Pls stop, this is cringy