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File: 100 KB, 1080x1246, E6982272-E37C-492D-A895-ABE14B8D1CB1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12815447 No.12815447 [Reply] [Original]

*snatches book from your hands*

>Hey there, ranger. Whatcha reading? I hope it’s not postmodernism.

>> No.12815458

P-please don’t hurt me, gigachad. I’m just trying to read Lacan in peace.

>> No.12815469

lmao ranger

>> No.12815475



>> No.12815482
File: 191 KB, 680x760, 801C3654-5E50-42F7-AD4D-65D42E75CED3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lacan? When Georges Bataille exists instead?

>If you wanna be a real man like me, you need to step up your French philosophy that isn’t knockoff Freud, son. First the philosophy, then the mind, then the soul, and then... the women.

>> No.12815504

Chad I'm really uncomfortable with how you just unbuttoned your pants in front of me. Just to be clear, I'm not gay.

>> No.12815531

No, I’m reading The Bell Curve. What race are you? You don’t look pure white.

>> No.12815558

lol, hey chad x3 nooo it's not!

>> No.12815590
File: 111 KB, 1080x1336, 3B5160DB-7D48-418C-A8DD-750AE7D5DD75.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Bell Curve? It’s almost as if you want women to be repelled by you.

I can assure you that I’m of pure European blood. My dark features are merely a product of being Mediterranean Caucasian. The ladies love it and find it exotic. They’d love you too if you read something better. Try Kant or Robespierre—the philosophy of the Enlightenment, my child. It’s what I was reading even I met my beautiful woman here. We found out last week that we’re going to be having twins.

>> No.12815599

I love this picture because it looks as Chad is realizing his state of being like Helmholtz in Brave New World

>> No.12815601

Gay wolfman needs to stop repressing and actually go after little boys

>> No.12815607

He's a Russian model

>> No.12815614

He's really not that big..
....his head is just really tiny....

>> No.12815621

Einstein had a smaller than average head..

>> No.12815624

No, Chad, just reading a little bit of Marx. Gotta know your enemy, right?

>> No.12815636


Enough is enough. This man is a man who does not know what it feels to have a dry dick.

>> No.12815649

>This man is a man who does not know what it feels to have a dry dick.
Imagine the smell

>> No.12815667
File: 135 KB, 1080x1331, BE6505AB-F267-40B7-B612-243C217D1398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ahhh, Marx. My favorite fantasy writer. It’s such a shame his fans are so rabid and LARP as vanguards to revolution to feel as if their lives have meaning. An important text, no doubt, and worth a read, if to just understand why we live in the world we do now. Just don’t be seduced by it. Strength comes from within, not the proletariat. I didn’t become as handsome, dashing and successful at having children by collectivization.

>> No.12815672

>Says the CGI fictional human model that has fueled many gays and females orgasms

>> No.12815677

O-okay thanks...

>> No.12815694

Lol in all seriousness people like this are usually complete dumbasses. But yeah these threads are always funny because like WHAT IF one of these people weren’t as dumb as a brick

>> No.12815703

Arnold is relatively intelligent

>> No.12815714


>> No.12815715

>I beg your pardon, Incel?
>Do my masculine and desirable features make you uncomfortable? Do you have to tell yourself that I am stupid so that you are spared the burden of knowing that not only am I more desirable than you, but possibly more knowledgeable?

>If you depend on your “intelligence” to put yourself against other men in this world then you are sure to die childless and alone. Do not shame perfection because it makes you feel inadequate. Strive for it. You can be beautiful, strong AND intelligent, like me. Three features women find desirable and wish to reproduce with for a strong, wise future generation.

>> No.12815721


>> No.12815724
File: 33 KB, 680x794, 2A54B440-3BB7-46C6-8641-0B5CD9F9DA30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, one more thing... my photo. I was so caught up in trying to enlighten you that it didn’t cross my mind to give you an example of what to work towards.

>> No.12815738

Okay this is just getting sad man. Who do you really look like? Post YOUR picture

>> No.12815742
File: 28 KB, 300x370, 22BCBCA4-F8A4-4016-BAF1-FD6D848BFE04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You pride yourself in your appearance and intellectual capacity; yet your vanity is obstructing your already frail reason. Who are you to tell another he is a fool, or inferior in mind? Surely, as it is written, he who says “thou fool” is in danger of hellfire.

>> No.12815745
File: 45 KB, 500x500, 6595144._UY500_SS500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe? I dunno. There's lots of pointless navelgazing about film.

>> No.12815773
File: 462 KB, 988x1190, AB8F92CD-E9CA-4B7C-B399-4A967EDDD4A7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ahh a man with the strength to challenge me.
>No doubt I am vain, but my vanity is counterbalanced by my reason. Good sir, I did not insult the man for being a fool. I insulted him because I saw in his behavior something that had once been me. Something self destructive that I recognized from long ago. Once I lashed out and attacked and discredited those on their appearance. I know he will not be like this forever. I wasn’t. One day, he will be humbled by his place in the world.

>> No.12815780


>> No.12815782

You are clearly not humbled by your place in the world.


>> No.12815825
File: 24 KB, 400x542, 2AF67DB0-E2EF-4D04-B208-B0B2256214F8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is it not possible to admire and respect who you are and what you are capable of while, at the same time, reconciling with your limitations?

>> No.12816711
File: 88 KB, 1280x720, serveimage-15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kant or Robespierre—the philosophy of the Enlightenment
Mere footnotes to Plato and Aristotle. Read Timaeus, Theaetetus, Parmenides, Metaphysics, the Organon and On the Soul.

>> No.12816730

>the Enlightenment
The root of all evil.

>> No.12816744
File: 84 KB, 750x600, serveimage-14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12816848

Generally speaking attractiveness and intelligence correlate, there are a lot of ugly midwits though

>> No.12816857

You mean inversely?

Because I only ever see them inversely correlate. Honestly if you interact outside the house, the person who is a spitting image of OP is going to be stupid 99% of the time.

Not even cope, just truth

>> No.12816861

Please note: he will still get more women than you. And he knows that intimidates you, so you’ll be intimidated.

But yeah, they are usually pretty dumb

>> No.12816863


>> No.12817124

This thread is stupid

>> No.12817293

>Just to be clear, I'm not gay.

>Lacan and I would disagree.

>> No.12819043

>Don't read postmodernists
>Do read enlightenment
Why would you have sex with the grandmother of a family instead of the 18 year old daughter? Its the same shit but at one is far hotter and in its prime while to other is outdated and no longer fun.

>> No.12819208

Don't worry, I'm just reading the West's greatest poem, Vergil's Aeneid