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/lit/ - Literature

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12805480 No.12805480 [Reply] [Original]

Demonic Plato edition

>> No.12805489

I really wish lifetime didn't stop airing Unsolved Mysteries. They air the Closer in the mornings now and it's just garbage. Nothing gets you in a good mood in the morning like Dennis Farina and serial murders.

>> No.12805494

I realized that I'm a retarded faggot and I'm not sure how to fix that

>> No.12805499
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Plato was based.

>> No.12805548

White supremacists want every family to live in a cozy little cottage surrounded by greenery with little white kids running and laughing around the house while the chaste wife prepares a meal for her self employed husband as he heads back from his satisfying, un-alienating work (that is if he even has to work in the first place, as they're beginning to reject even that). There will be no sprawling, congested cities, the air will be clean, the water pure, and the women polite and demure. Thing is, there was a time when people lived like this, and it sucked absolute dick. Sherwood Anderson wrote extensively on life in pre-industrial America, a religious place where almost everyone was of European Protestant stock. Life then was horrible. You worked from seven to five then did a round from seven to nine. People walked around with black teeth and crooked backs, their clothes (which they rarely changed) perennialy tattered and soiled with mud. Brothels abounded and women had their fair share of premarital sex. Sure, there were no SJWs or woke capital back then, but pretending that there is are no tradeoffs to be made when rejecting modernity is nothing short of absurd. If you are personally conscious of that tradeoff and yet are willing to make it then that's your thing. What you can't do is claim that it doesn't exist, or that even a minority of people would find that it is worth it.

>> No.12805553
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I'm lonely and poor. Possibly the worst combination of traits, ever.
On the bright side, I am more hopeful than ever and feel that I'm really growing into my twenties.

>> No.12805603
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imposter syndrome setting in as i receive this email (I was the only one going into honours in english at my university this year) while procrastinating a coursework essay on the tempest by watching the sopranos (good show)

>> No.12805616

Make some friends. To be rich in friends is to be poor in nothing.

>> No.12805642
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I'm lying in bed. I'm hungry. I feel like shit mentally and I don't know why. I really don't. I'm not particularly upset about anything and everything is normal and relatively routine which is the way I like it. Yet, still I feel like shit. I legitimately want to weep but over what? There is no cause for it. It's such an odd feeling.

>> No.12805646

I am in the same boat. I really need to make money too. I am going to be off my dad's insurance and my medical supplies are going to cost me so much. If I don't find a way to get insurance and start making money/ income I will be majorly fucked.
blow it out your ass

>> No.12805666

The depression I have is so strong, it feels like I'm living in a separate world, like "unreality". I can't feel any emotions toward real people, but only to abstract concepts in my head, and when I cried last year it felt like nothing. It's not schizo, you know, but I feel I've descended into a form of existence away from all the others, and now I'm like a "fake person" with the image of a real one. Like I have lived 5000 times and the end result is inescapable numbness to all things.

Well, what can you do but wait? Keep taking classes. Message your parents when they ask. Take the meds. Hope somehow you become a real person again. I can't be the only one on 4chan in this exact situation. It is sad, but if there is no other way, it's what I'll do.

>> No.12805667

I should be studying but I want to read Dubliners.

>> No.12805675

I despise theories of the subconscious for depriving me of the apparent source of my own thoughts (my will) and depriving my will of the coherent structure which it assumes.

I wonder if there is much literature on the psychoanalysis of psychoanalysis, and suppose there must be given the large salaries of university professors and their lack of good things to do.

In other words the ideas of Freud must be tainted with the irrational and hidden forces of his psyche, as would be any critique of him along these lines, thus making psychoanalysis generally vulnerable to its own productions and thus granting my mind the freedom which it desires from such theories, as I had wished it.

Well there you have it self, carry along and nevermind the static about the static underneath you.

>> No.12805684

>In other words the ideas of Freud must be tainted with the irrational and hidden forces of his psyche, as would be any critique of him along these lines, thus making psychoanalysis generally vulnerable to its own productions and thus granting my mind the freedom which it desires from such theories, as I had wished it.

That's literally just Lacan.

>> No.12805727

Lacan is never worth reading or even considering. An autist who spazzes out in lectures. He's dead to me. I will piss on his grave next time I am in France.

>> No.12805746

That isn't very nice.

>> No.12805954

hmmm... cringe BUT somewhat based

>> No.12806987

>we have to revert the shitty parts back too

>> No.12807018
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I made a 32 on my ACT recently. I’m in my last year of high school and and it was my first time taking it. I know I should feel accomplished and satisfied, and to an extent I do, but I’m very disappointed with my math score which was what dragged down my score. I had 35 in English, 35 in reading, and 33 in science. I guess I have imposter syndrome as someone else in the thread mentioned, becuase I feel like anyone could make my score if they really tried. I’m thinking about applying to some Ivy League colleges, but I don’t know if I’m ready for the atrocious discipline of those schools.

>inb4 underage b&
I’m 18

>> No.12807563
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All my life is just chasing after the youthful experiences I never had. I am wistfulness.

>> No.12808565

>Ivy League colleges
literal meme unless you're upper or at least upper-middle class and are going solely to network

>> No.12808715

The meme russiagate report is finally finished, surely Drumpf is finished this time!

>> No.12808857

How am i supposed to kick myself in the ass and finally get started on what i want to do woth myself if i keep falling back onto the same excuses. These excuses are so comfortable to me. When i grab this comfort by the chains that shackle me i can feel them giving way, but i fall short of bursting through every goddamned time. Surely there must be something in this forsaken plane of existence to move me forward.

>> No.12808972

made a few breakthroughs. realized that overall the root of my issue is my fear of new things. this is somewhat ironic as i work in the arts and am constantly looking at and exploring new media and combining them. this might be an unconscious overcompensation to my fear in every other area of my life. im not scared of women, i talk to women just fine. but any flirtation or sexual advances made towards me evokes a feeling of fear, impotence, and perverse satisfaction. i tihnk this satisfaction is me further justifying my own view of myself in the world which is.....negative to say the least.

i was bullied alot and suffered physical abuse at the hands of my parents and later my peers basically throiughout my life which left me wit marks. I now see that I playe a complicit part in this, through the abuse i could victimize myself and affirm my worldview as a victim, someone different and less than.

But this is just a distorted ideology. Theres no truth in this. Its a convenient identity ive created for myself and constantly affirm because without i dont know what I am and am too scared to try to find out or make myself.

This is childish and not right.

I take this seriously, almost like a cancer. This will kill me if something is not done. I've made the decision to travel on my own with only a few hundred dollars in savings a sleeping bag and a few clothes after this semester is over. I will find something out there, or maybe I won't. But i know i can't do this anymore. And i know I am not this.

>> No.12809235
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Looking good, Mundus

>> No.12809730
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What's the IRL equivalent of being an RPG adventurer?

>> No.12809741

bicycle tourist

>> No.12809758

I've been developing a sort of tinnitus in my right ear. It's a very low rumble, almost inaudible but unmistakably there. I've been fantasizing about driving a nail into my ear canal, if not to make it stop then to spite my malfunctioning body.

>> No.12809765
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How do you go about creating literature in a dying language?
Are there any books for this feel?
Is creating translations of other works a good place to start?

>> No.12809832

Gonna slay some dragons

>> No.12809871

write light novels instead

>> No.12809974


>> No.12810003
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i'm so tired of it all

>> No.12810025

will that help me develop new vocabulary?

>> No.12810175
File: 139 KB, 754x1024, 1553039688549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Met with my new therapist for the first time this week. Went well, we really seemed to click. I do t knoe if it will be of much help but it's good to get stuff off of my chest regardless. Actually feeling optimistic for once.

I've been thinking of getting back together with my old girlfriend. We got along very well and never had any issues except for religion. She's a devout Christian and I'm a closeted ex Christian (although a conservative one). I wouldn't want to put her through the pressure of bring "unevenly yoked" except for she's getting old and still isn't married. I do love her, but it can be so hard. I never told her I didn't believe anymore. We are still on good terms, and whenever I see her face... It's like... Seeing an angel. An angel. One time I got drunk and saw her from across the room and told my buddies that she looked just like an angel. I do love her still. I just wish that I could be the man she wants

At least spring is right around the corner, I'm so tired of being cooped up inside. Running, walking, cycling, it's a whole different world in the summer here. I almost never go outside during the winter and never stay inside during the summer. I can't wait to see the blue skies and the march of clouds and the light of fireworks

My aunt is having her baby soon, her name will most likely be Lorelei: "mumbling rock, or siren, mermaid" I cannot wait to meet her. My aunt says she is a feisty girl. It is such a joyous and melancholy ocassion to introduce an infant into the world

>> No.12810217

It is a restless moment. She has kept her head lowered... to give him a chance to come closer. But he could not, for lack of courage. She turns and walks away.

With women, I feel inadequate don't matter what I do.

>> No.12810258
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People treat me in a pitiable way.
They think.I don't notice they just want to include me.
It's obvious, that's why I always stay on my own and don't talk to anybody.
Being alone is better than staying with the kind of person that treats you like a poor thing.
To hell with everyone, they're all fucking trash .

>> No.12810334

>To hell with everyone, they're all fucking trash
You're right to not stay around those people, but you shouldn't hold it against them. They're just trying to be kind and that kind of thinking will only make you more bitter.

>> No.12810425
File: 62 KB, 807x812, 1553123189036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been reading 1984 again for fun and kind of want to try to cook and eat what Winston eats in the canteen for at least a week. So, it's a pinkish-grey stew. With meat. Not very tasty but I imagine it has what you need. It has meat in it. I don't usually eat meat but for this exciting journey in dystopian cuisine I may break it unless I put fish in it. It's described as something I'm thinking is beef.

My idea is boiled ground beef in cubes, potatoes and onions mashed after being boiled to release the starch and thicken the stew, add the beef cubes back in, add salt and paprika. That should give it the pinkish-grey look. Make some plain whole wheat bread. Add in some cheese to the meal which will be extra sharp cheddar so I don't kill myself. No gin or Victory Coffee. Just water. I'll probably drink a smoothie every other day to avoid scurvy. Maybe add in some chocolate even though they reduced the ration (or did they increase it?).

Should be fun.

>> No.12810444

I am so far up my own ass in pseud-town. I have no reason at all to think I'm anything special but I have this unjustified arrogance about my own opinions and ideas. I only recently started reading again. Before that I was insufferable.

>> No.12810446


On thinking more I may add SPAM. Cubed. That should add the salt so I don't have to and would fit in more.

>> No.12810618

>ivy league
good luck lol
35 and i got into less than a quarter of the schools i applied to

>> No.12810644

Thanks heartily for this thread prompt, good gentlememer, but please may I have another?

My dad deleted my /lit/ meme folder and I cannot on my life find the Divine Comedy greentext.

>> No.12810679

I wish I could memorize what I read more effectively. Going to university is nice and all, but I probably read 10 books for each textbook I'm assigned to read every semester. I don't want to cut back on my reading just to memorize what's important for the classes, since I read mostly nonfiction in my field and I find the content of the books more worthwhile to know -- but I keep screwing up on tests. It's not even that my mind completely blanks, but I mix up phrases which are essentially the same (1-2 letter difference) and have trouble recalling exactly who wrote what.

I guess it screws my GPA, but I really like reading books.

>> No.12810685

Walking the dogs today there was another dog barking. We walk next to a trailer park and the people there are just... something else. I have nothing against anyone until proven otherwise specifically to that person but it's getting slightly ridiculous. Anyway, this little dog is barking slightly at my dogs. It's to be expected since we're close to their territory. I'm fine with it, my dogs are fine with it as we've come to expect it, and we just walk right along. Next thing we know this guy thunders out of the trailer door and yells at his little dog to shut up, grabs the leash it's tied to the deck with, and jerks the dog up. Now, I think the dog has a harness so it wasn't being pulled up by the neck but goddamn. I think if it happens again I will have words with this piece of shit. I hate it when people abuse animals. I instantly hate that person.

>> No.12810851

If you knew them you wouldn't say so.
They are the worst kind, the one that makes you feel in debt whenever the opportunity presents itself.
The kind that takes away your dignity, that treats you as if they were the superior compassionate good hearted people .

>> No.12810869

I wish I had the balls to just end it.

I’m too much of a pussy

>> No.12810898
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I can't figure out if all the higher state of being, awareness stuff I have gotten from meditation, LSD and DMT are actually real. I honestly believe that the ''war'' is not over resources, over territory or anything like that, it's about consciousness/awareness and right now the bad side is winning. Why is the ''good'' never vocal, why does goodness hide for it to be found, while evil pokes your eyes out?

>> No.12810972

Smart but lazy ughhh

>> No.12810979

If you were smart you wouldn't be wasting your time.

>> No.12810995
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>implying you can waste time

>> No.12811163


>smart but legitimately ADHD and can't get medication for it yet

Soon my life will be better, lads. Soon I'll be able to function like a normal person does.

>> No.12811208
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After I'm dead, I promise to kill God for creating this world.

>> No.12811317

you could get in if your high school grades are good, but honestly i would advise against it unless you are really confident that you are ivy league material. many lower tier liberal arts colleges will be cheaper and more likely to let you in. my failure my senior year of high school was applying only to schools that i am probably too good for (probably top student in my year at my LA college) and ones that i realistically shouldnt have applied to, because my grades weren't perfect. so choose something that is good, has name recognition, but isn't god tier. still apply for good schools if you think you can get in, but even if youre qualified, you will be lucky to get in to one.

>> No.12811319
File: 157 KB, 992x880, 4AA4BF8B-1B5C-4509-AD68-342E1CA630E6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We will never know the truth about the world. We only calculate the things but will never know the cause of thing and even if we get to know the cause of things there always will be the cause that caused the cause of things

>> No.12811331

Science may kill the beauty some day.
I don’t want to know why things are beauty because beauty should never go outside metaphysical world.

>> No.12811336

I wish I had a boyfriend

>> No.12811386
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I'm really passionate about writing prose but suck at it. On the other hand, my journalistic writings are praised by my Professors, but I absolutely dread writing them.
I don't want to be a journalist because the field is rotten to the core, and whilst you might earn a decent wage, you'll never become recognised or praised like you could be as a prose writer.

>> No.12811419

I wish I was your's.

>> No.12811430

The reaction to the NZ shootings have given me some motivation to write. Something about a small and naive community having some sort of shooing event happens to them and respond by going so far in the opposite direction that they lose touch with reality

>> No.12811432

That's just Germany though.

>> No.12811443
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Anon, please

>> No.12811454

Nah, that's not what I meant. Something more removed from reality, like Thus Spoke Zarathustra

>> No.12811456
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where do people get nice /lit/ bfs

at the library? chess club?

>> No.12811485

waving my coochie around isn't getting me anything, cant help you on that bud

>> No.12811489

what the hell is a coochie

>> No.12811494



>> No.12811520
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This winter sucked ass. Finally, it's beginning to warm up and all the snow and ice is melting, causing flooding in certain regions.
It was so nice to be outside yesterday.
The onset of Spring makes me happy.

>> No.12811561

What's on my mind is pretty much what's always on my mind. I'm thinking about how I hate living among a race of human beings who are destroying our planet, and electing prejudice, shallow, anti science, antti intellectual, backwards ass leaders to represent them, and how economic collapse around the world due to wealth inequality, overpopulation, and environmental destruction will mark the end of the greatest time in human history.

I was just reading about great works of thought which have been destroyed throughout history. My main regret would have to be the fact that either these were works of great poetry and storytelling, which are irreplaceable and reflect the spirit of the time, or scientific achievements, which we have recovered in their entirety and surely amplified times 1,000,000 by this point, but which I mourn solely for the fact that if they had not been destroyed, then we could possibly have industrialized a thousand years ago.

My other grievance is one which I've always had, ever since I started contemplating the nature of religion. I am sad that people are religion, I am sad that their brains seem like squishy, irrational, emotional, pathetic anthropomorphizing children's brains, who feel the need to project imbecilic realities onto the world with their limited understanding. That in itself wouldn't be bad, as mysticism is part of the art of storytelling, but the dogma which goes along with it, and the imbeciles which I see all the time online - on facebook, on 4chan, or even on reddit - reddit having the opposite problem, they have so many rules that even if you try to be virtuous, you can never be unless you obey their stupid arbitrary rules.

Then there's the matter of most people being unconcerned with knowledge, unconcerned with understanding (the two are different things, but neither are concerns of the general public). And they go along with their lives, following their stupid holdover religions, watching completely facile shows on television which reflect nothing of the universal human condition. Which leads me to probably the worst thing of all.

We live under a capitalist system in which the rich own about half the wealth in the world, and we are forced to work jobs which aren't even necessary, because most jobs are there simply for the sake of "earning the right to live"; and while the mega rich live in luxury, we are forced to do completely meaningless, wasteful jobs, which waste our most precious commodity, which is time. All while the first world pillages the third world, which would take 4 planets of resources to consume at the level of the first world.

>> No.12811580

Tfw no aries gf

>> No.12811590

I failed.

>> No.12811601
File: 70 KB, 500x256, sanic pain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we are the men at the door who fight the monster on the other side. we can not stop the monster but we can guard the door

there is an eternal entity which lives outside time and space. it can not be defeated and can not be stopped. Its called suffering. The only thing we can do towards this entity is spit in its face, thumb our nose at it. This is the purpose of life. To stare the beast in the face and smile.

>> No.12811619

saw myself in a video and holy shit, i look like a fucking serial killer when not doing anything. this explains a lot, like for example, this qt girl who acts all nervous and fidgety when sitting near me. probably thinks i'm going to murder her. oh well, little does she know i have the personality of a twink faggot. i used to be the clown of the class in high school (and contrary to the normal position, this has earned me exactly 0 gfs)

>> No.12811628

I've come to hate technology and technologically-based pursuits and entertainment, but I'm too young to become someone who doesn't engage with them at all.

I'm really not sure what I can do to stop me becoming some sort of weirdo cultural hermit.

>> No.12811630
File: 6 KB, 236x285, d11567e291a88d9559242383990ad77d--internet-meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god, i fucking hate The 95%. i dream about waking up to an Earth inhabited by <500mil people.

>> No.12811635

i may be wrong, but it seems like you despise not the tech itself, but the people using it - be it their stupid posts or disgusting content. or entertainment that's targeted at those people.

you can use technology solely for self improvement, in which case it's superior and more effective than the classic means.

>> No.12811647

Then I'd basically just be using a word processor and nothing else, making the laptop little more than a typewriter. That almost seems like a total waste of all of the power of modern technology.

>> No.12811660

most of us grew up with some kind of modern tech present in our lives, so we underestimate how useful it is. especially the internet. one of the greatest inventions of all time.

any piece of human knowledge, at any time. typing on a laptop is also much more efficient than a typewriter (i like them and own one myself), digital form makes everything very flexible.
i prefer a smartphone though because it's everything you'll ever need in your pocket, laptop is only better for watching movies and drawing in digital

>> No.12811674

I just assume everyone on here thats anonymous is male. Am I wrong?

>> No.12811678

Nearly half the world's population is female how do you expect them not to show up here

>> No.12811693

it doesn't really matter. once a human becomes smart enough, its gender stops being important.

>> No.12811698

Just the culture seems very male

>> No.12811720

there are women on 4chan of course, more or less of them on every board, most of them just aren't the type to start every single post with "im a girl btw", so, not attentionwhores.
they're not very different from normal males and like the same "male" shit.

>> No.12811735

Discord trannies aren't women. The number of real women browsing this board in particular is very, very low.You can even see in this thread right here how most of the posts are related to male issues. Most of the "females" in this website are probably in /cgl/ and /r9k/ (attention whoring).

>> No.12811756

The sticky has links for reading, but nothing for writing and I can't write for shit.

>> No.12811789

The political extremists today are the biggest examples of human lack of logic. The right estremists claim to be avocates of national peace but they also claim to be the inocent people under attack even if most of them live in the same vilage their entire lives, not to mention they also think they are superior and nothing outisde their country matters, they have no cultural and personal identity, their country is the only subject that exists
The leftits are just as worse. In perfect simetry to their rightist counterparts they scapegoat the rich and the white heterosexual men. They are so obsessed with diversity they try to inpose culturalism and not even joking is possibile. If you offend someone you can lose your way of life because of a joke

Worst of all if you try to keep to the center and all you want is some reason and logic you get crucified. Fuck these sheep honestly.

>> No.12811799

You're prejudice towards trans people because you're insecure about your manhood, and afraid that the only thing giving you some sort of worth, which is really a non-existent, nebulous concept and a mere fiction of society - your fantasy of being a "manly man" - is under threat, and without it you'll be "forced" to allow yourself and others to give into comfortable, natural, desirable modes of behavior - aka femininity, homosexuality, allowing women to govern men. All things which actually would make society way, way, way more enjoyable. But since you have this dogmatic fixation on a fantasy which is the only thing giving your shallow, pathetic life meaning, we can't get there as fast and must suffer imbeciles like Trump and Bolsonaro who you probably worship because they're the insecure thin skinned "man" compensating so hard for their insecurity, that you feel if you compensated as hard as them that you could be respected - among other insecure, shallow, prejudice, facile men.

>> No.12811801

My desire to be kind and treat others with love, consideration, tolerance and comprehension and my desire to not be treated like a little bitch and being taken advantage of keep conflicting.

>> No.12811814

Are you brazillian?

>> No.12811818

I am American.

>> No.12811840

im a girl btw

>> No.12811857

Huh, didn’t know you gringos cared about bolsonaro. Did you know he posted a golden shower video on twitter some weeks ago? Brazil gets more surreal every day, to the point apathy is the national defense mechanism, being practically ubiquitous nowadays. God help us all.

>> No.12811869

He wants to cut down the amazon forest. That is an issue of global concern. That and he's appeared with Trump talking about his anti-lgbt agenda, which Trump found amusing. I also know he's a fascist and is friends with Steve Bannon. Outside of that I don't follow Brazilian politics.

>> No.12811886

Frankly, being Trumps lapdog is his dream. America sure did a number indocrinating sudacas.

>Outside of that I don't follow Brazilian politics.
Lucky you, following it only brings madness, frustration and apathy.

>> No.12811905

>Lucky you, following it only brings madness, frustration and apathy.
I hardly follow American politics anymore for that reason. There is not even harmony among resistors. I think that history will play itself out and run its course, we are just spectators, what is happening on the screen was determined far before we entered the theater. Getting up and shouting at the screen and making a fuss over it is just a silly. It's best to contemplate the aesthetic beauty of life before it's over - Shakespeare, Homer, etc.

>> No.12811910

I feek like im getting more depresses the more books i read.

>> No.12811939

Been feeling that way myself. Just focus on being a decent person and improving what you can. Seems like a more fulfilling life. Little by little I’ve been abandoning the news and, to be honest, it was an improvement. If anything big happens I end up hearing about it through others, but the day by day bullshit is too tiresome, especially when feel your soul shivering little by little.

>> No.12811969

Kek. This had me legitimately laughing. Dude, no one hates trannies for fear of losing masculinity or whatever pseudo intellectual psychology trash you're mumbling on about. We find trannies disgusting by simple reasons: They are aesthetically unpleasing (cute twink t-girls are fine, however). They are simply not women, and their larpy behavior makes them cringy and pathetic. You can cry about it with god since he made you with a hard wired identity crisis, but gender, like race, which isn't only skin deep, is deeper than genitals. Women are born with genetically wired behaviors that you simply won't emulate because you take some estrogen pill and put on a skirt. You're a dude larping as female, that's all. Embrace it, stop wanting society to go along with your delusions. We don't go along with schizophrenic delusions, we put them on a hospital and care for them. Why should we follow your tranny hallucinations? Go to a mental hospital and get treated for body dysmorphia and gender dysphoria. These are probably the main reasons. It doesn't help that discord trannies are the dumbest posters on the site. Just admit it dude, multilating your boy pussy and making a hole there won't make you a woman. Just be a cute twink trap and act normal (without forcing girly behavior) and you won't be hated.

>> No.12811991

10 bucks says this person is trans.

>> No.12812097

Wait, do I not know you? If not then never mind.

>> No.12812108

The only reason to have these prejudices is because you've been taught to have them. Ie. you believe that men and women should behave a certain way, and when you see someone who doesn't conform to exactly your standards you feel turned off by it. If someone is not actually causing harm in any way then it's not a cause for alarm. What is actually harmful is the way people like you inflict erroneous dogma onto others, based on your own insecurities - yes, insecurities, as in the things which you feel uncomfortable over when you see them in others. Why else do people feel grossed out by the over weight? It makes them feel insecure about their own weight. Why do people feel insecure about economically disadvantaged black people? Because it makes them (erroneously), feel that they are inadequate. The same is true of people who look at gay people and trans people, specifically ones who they don't feel conform to their beauty standards and their standards of what a man and a woman should be. These are all - social constructs - . Some social constructs are innocuous, some are harmful, yours are harmful and on the way out. And I am leading the charge in that pursuit, which is more of a simple happening given the fact that we'll do what the fuck we want, even with your shading and dogmatism every step of the way, which can be easily pushed off to the side when we have civil rights to parade in the street and piss of people like you.

>> No.12812149

He found those tranny pics and deleted the whole folder, right?

>> No.12812224
File: 598 KB, 1920x1080, 1547176147.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like I've passed some kind of nadir. I'm not just physically alone, but am now completely estranged from everyone who used to be my friend. It feels a lot less distressing than I imagined it would, the journey here watching all those relationships slowly drift apart or crumble spectacularly was infinitely worse. And now I am alone, very truly alone. But there's still the sun on my skin and nice coffee to drink and chinese cartoons to watch, so maybe things will be okay yet.

>> No.12812302

Give when not asked to. Don't give when asked to, unless the person asking is one of your top tier friends and you know you could do the same with them.

It's not complicated.

>> No.12812314
File: 410 KB, 500x288, 1553278717534.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw my innocent "all poster on 4chan are male" comment has lead to trans arguments
Should of predicted this

>> No.12812329
File: 102 KB, 350x600, wands07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I failed my father. I wanted him to be proud of me, but having the fact how much he did provide to me and what's my output makes me a pretty bad investment. This is gut-wrenching, I can't hold myself but cry each time I think about this.

>> No.12812334

I know a woman who posts. I wish she would talk to me more. I do not hate her.

>> No.12812337

At least don’t become a neet and isolate yourself.

t. guy who was like you, became a neet and isolated himself

I’ll give it a try.

>> No.12812343

Being nice and "caring" about people does NOT render you a good person. Once you get that, you won't make the same mistakes. You remind me of my ideologically possessed hard left friend who, when pushed into a corner in a discussion, his last retort is almost always "sorry that I care about people and try to help!"

>> No.12812357

I have a job fortunately. I've been thinking about trying to join a tabletop gaming group as well, dunno where to find one though

>> No.12812373

Where did I say shit about being a good person, or about niceness and care? I treat others well because I feel is the least we should do as a people. This doesn’t make anyone special, just a target to the whims of some individuals. Solve you issues with your friend instead of projecting them at strangers on the internet.

>> No.12812446

Calm down anon.
The rapport between niceness, kindness and "treating others well" need not be explained, I'm very sure. So maybe don't be so quick about dismissing what I wrote.
Your core problem is you don't really know what "treating others well" entails, I mean shit, you said it yourself remember?
>keep conflicting
It wouldn't keep conflicting if you had a clear cut way of navigating these wimps from other individuals and you wouldn't even post about it.
Also, nice scapegoat you got there. It's not about what "some individuals" do/should do about this, it's about what YOU ought to do.That's all you have power over after all.
So again, get it in your head that bending over and going the extra mile, treating people with love and all that lovely stuff does NOT always mean you're doing what's right, in other words what a "good" person would do.

Or you can just go with the binary solution that the other anon proposed, because it's always been proven that things are indeed black and white, right? (protip: not")

>> No.12812465

I feel like I fucked up pretty bad but I also don't know how anyone could have realistically expected differently.

>> No.12812472

I am so fucking angry at everything. Feels like throwing a chair and then standing next to it

>> No.12812476

I used to feel that way very often too. Try to not drink as much coffee, eat healthier and only think of good things and not the bad times of your life. That should help.

>> No.12812479

Haha neat so you single? :)

>> No.12812500

Started reading Ender's game a month ago, or rather listening to the audiobook. I knew one line from the book that always stuck with me, the line being "The power to kill is the only power that matters, for those who do not possess this power will always be at the mercy of those who do." Now having listened to the book about 10 times over I realize that the entire book and its sequel Speaker for the Dead are trying very hard to disprove the truth in that line, but have failed to do so. The idea that truth can conquer death is a fallacy, not due to the inevitable oblivion we all must face, but because we must simply kill the speaker to silence the truth. Regardless I believe that there is more to the battle between the truth and those who would silence it, that the real victory for those who would not kill the truth is found in being vocal and resolute to their dying breath. Think "V for Vendetta," no idea truly dies so long as there is one person who believes it. I find comfort in that, yet still try to always keep the power to kill as a backup plan. I am fairly confident this makes me a bad person.

>> No.12813025

fuck you *spits on your face*

>> No.12813213

Can't stop being aroused. It's getting quite annoying.

>> No.12813405
File: 46 KB, 720x540, boi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I realized that i might me a sociopath (not psychopath tards)
I can see that i dont have real bond with any human being that i know including family or friends.
I am really close to have a gf but i cant get rid of thinking being with someone only as fulfilment for desires. WTF is wrong with me. I want to feel love and true connection but i cant. I am so pissed that i literally punched the wall few times

>> No.12813408

Raawwrr, fiesty ain't cha ;;;)

>> No.12813596

I was stuck at home for a week, due to a fever, and realised just how much contact with the outside world has kept me in check so far. It felt like my brain started to melt and I got stuck in the same self destructive thought loops. Weirdly I wanted to isolate myself further more. This a lot unsettling as this means my extroverted and introverted sides are so at odds with each other that I probably can't find a proper balance by myself. This will be a problem as summer is approaching

>> No.12813639

i love you

>> No.12813684

you too

>> No.12813688

No, this is for one person in particular. She knows who she is...

>> No.12813743

love is a meme

>> No.12813748

What does that even mean?

>> No.12813774

that the concept of love has memetic qualities

>> No.12813776

If you think you are in love you are a tard. There is only desire and you are trying to fulfil it

>> No.12813805

But she said she loved me and I need to see her once more.

>> No.12813826

Kinda sounds like depersonalization/derealization anon

>> No.12813827

If u think having desire is only a male thing you are hella wrong boy

>> No.12813838

I feel great disconnection with the world. Nothing feels real aynymore. when it’s extremely bad my limbs seem to Be separated from my counciousness. Nothing is a fact anymore and only math brings my mind back at place. Funny thing is I suck at math

>> No.12813875

I've heard that described like a terrifying experience where you look into the mirror and what you see feels like a separate entity entirely. Nah, I've never had that. My thing is just sensations disappearing. When I was a kid, the morning had such an emotional quality to it, you might be familiar with it even. The cold air from the previous night mixes with the dew on the grass and the absolute mystery you see between the dark branches of the trees, when it's not Daylight Savings Time and you're up at 7AM for school - the entire world is so dark, yet you're sensitive to it at the same time, and it's such a fresh and lively feeling, and it makes up a core part of the human experience. To me, if you can't feel stuff like this, you're not really experiencing what means to be human. Maybe you get this every morning - that's really good. For me, it happens perhaps once or twice a year.

I guess it's unbelievable, but yeah, that's my life. I had a really terrible childhood, and I think my emotions just kind of shut off in response to it, so here's hoping I can get them back some day.

>> No.12813876

I think this to anon. I was imagining cavemen watching the rain fall from the sky and thunder and thinking it was God crying, and then eating thise weird mushrooms and thinking God is talking to you. Knowing how everything works is boring

>> No.12813895

The only reason I enjoy reading as opposed to watching movies or TV shows is that I feel talked to. I can't say that to anyone else cuz I don't particularly like the people I know (they'd stay away thinking of me a sad loser anyway). I wish I had someone who'd be interesting and actually like me back

i love you guys tho

>> No.12813909

>I dont like that humanity is destroying the planet
>But i also wish that we industrialized 1000 years ago
Hum ok?

>> No.12813912

>i love you guys tho

hhaha you gaybo

>> No.12813955

I was thinking about this earlier actually, when i was a kid even the smallest thing like a sunny morning or seeing an empty field or smelling the rain felt magical, now these things are okay but not like they used to feel, and i can't really connect with people like i used to. I think it's because of my internet and drug abuse, and I'm slowly fixing that. Godspeed Anon.

>> No.12813960

I'm trying to figure out how to make my characters be active instead of reactive, but in the case of the story i have im not sure how I can make it so yet.

>> No.12814004

Anyone here read "Syntactic Structures" by Noam Chomsky? I picked it up at the library on a whim

>> No.12814007

When I play bass, I press my chin to the instrument because the feeling of the strings vibrating mimics the feeling of being close to another living thing.

>> No.12814010
File: 3.76 MB, 1726x1238, 1553011405306.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are no chains, you're pretending there are so as to absolve you of responsibility. You've run out of excuses so you pretend there is some mental block, some unsolvable puzzle keeping you welded to your couch. That way, there's forever something impassable in your way, and you don't need to deal with the anxiety of leaving your comfort zone.

There's no answer, no shortcut, no magic trick, nothing that will just bestow motivation, enthusiasm and discipline upon you, which is what I think you're looking for. There is no pill you can take that will make you comfortable with the uncomfortable. You need to force yourself. You give yourself to the count of 10 to do something, and then you do it. Start small, and work your way up. It's that simple. Just do it. Now.

>> No.12814052

>wrote a bit, was like pulling teeth
>back on /lit/ to waste more hours of my life
Just a /n/itpick but you wouldn't have "sprawling" "congested" cities if you built walkable, transit-connected, dense cities to begin with. Americans, who are the majority of alt-right, associate the word "city" with shitholes like Houston. Show me one person who doesn't like Tokyo.
>tfw want to do extensive bike touring but have bad knees and can't bike more than an hour without crippling pain
>ebikes are still shit and nowhere to charge them
Born too soon to ride an e-bike around the entire perimeter of Honshu.
Literally read the story behind the Shahnameh. tl;dr dude wrote an epic poem recording their oral history and at the same time saved the Parsi language. (It's Parsi, not Farsi, Farsi is what shithead arabic swine called it because they can't pronounce a "p".)

>> No.12814071
File: 138 KB, 736x1069, 1abe2c81808f57419d8aa60367acab31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no /lit/ bf
I've never met someone IRL who actually reads books.

>> No.12814101

who the fuck are you

>> No.12814102

I'm in the middle of finishing a writing assignment that I have to turn in to a professor who is very famous and it's annoying me because the material is getting to be rather boring.

>> No.12814111

I unironically identify with this picture, mostly because laying on the floor and brooding is one of my favorite activities. This japenese cartoon gets me.

>> No.12814141

I am the Alpha and the Omega. The beginning and the end. I am what is, what was, and what is to come. The Almighty.
Now lie down. I'm not going to hurt you.

>> No.12814161
File: 1.14 MB, 1462x878, 62913796_p2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>praising my husbando
>gets trips
Proof my husbando is eternally best boy.

>> No.12814169

fuck off. You aint no alpha and the omega if u havent heard of omnipotence paradox

>> No.12814171

I did, but I don't know if he was into that sort of thing. I never made a move.

Doesn't that get cold?

>> No.12814190

Shut up you Christian and get on the bed.

>> No.12814193
File: 172 KB, 670x503, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Is Anarcho-communism really possible? If it worked out, I'd be ecstatic. I've been revisiting authors like Kropotkin, Marx, Bookchin, etc. and I always feel sad because I don't think that capitalism is going away. Earth will become uninhabitable before capitalism ends. I'm sad.

>> No.12814197

My room has two radiators for some reason so it's toasty all year round. I'm wearing lounge shorts an a t-shirt right now even though it was snowing today.

>> No.12814201

Anarchism and Communism are both impossible pipedreams so no.

>> No.12814206


>> No.12814208

No, it's just a dream. The best you can do is to form a little anarchist community and try to live as best you can. But widespread revolution is a pipedream, maybe widespread automation will finally kick things off but I doubt it.

>> No.12814212


>> No.12814218

Isn't that why capitalism fails?

>> No.12814226

Doesn't that just rack up your powerbill though? I just get rugged up on cold days only use the heater/fire if it's absolutely freezing or snowing.

>> No.12814246

I don't pay for utilities (student accommodations).

>> No.12814262

How do I balance my yin so my irises float without three whites?

>> No.12814274

What are you studying?

>> No.12814327

How does one get a /lit/ bf

t. non-knower

>> No.12814356

Just keep dating guys until you find one who likes books as much as you do I guess.

>> No.12814359

computer science and mathematics

>> No.12814366

I'm more /lit/ than most guys I know, but I am ugly and probably have a personality disorder.

>> No.12814371

>tfw I only started using /lit/ to become a /lit/bf except not gay

>> No.12814396

what kind of books do you read, anon?

>> No.12814622
File: 1.52 MB, 1548x1098, 68240167_p28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enter the world of 2d husbandos.

>> No.12814627
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>> No.12814631 [DELETED] 

Are you ok? Did you try visiting a therapist? At this point I really wouldn't mind any company

>> No.12814645 [DELETED] 

I had a phase like that a few years ago, the reality of infatuating yourself with someone unattainable is just plain hurtful

>> No.12814659

but their unattainability is why they're so lovely, 2d is like the platonic form of 3d

>> No.12814669

How can I make myself 2D

I would gladly give up a dimension in exchange for love.

>> No.12814679
File: 29 KB, 480x637, 11533a54406da3c6d17a223b1b42f307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Become a softboi. It's the closest you can get to anime.

>> No.12814695


>> No.12814704
File: 3.35 MB, 3000x3000, 69318122_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I would gladly give up a dimension in exchange for love.
I feel this feel. Maybe if I succeed in getting hit by a truck I can finally isekai and join him.

>> No.12814710

That's just sad. I'd rather be alone and miserable than be emotionally unavailable because of some drawing

>> No.12814726

I'm lean and apparently very 'pretty' so I guess that's close enough.

That's a bit drastic anon. I don't think you need to contemplate suicide over it.

>> No.12814745

Is it human to seek love? How do I get rid of the need? Is marriage purely political?
I'd settle down for a lovable ogre than a flashy narcissist anyday. Why is money important? Why are looks important? We all get old and ugly, what's the point in looking for a prince charming of unimaginable wealth??? Dating is killing me and my social anxiety isn't helping me at all. God forbid me to love someone before I fight the good fighf against myself

>> No.12814763

Maybe if I live a virtuous life I'll reincarnate into a cool fantasy world

>> No.12814775

imagine reincarnating as someone's anus worm

>> No.12814778
File: 1.01 MB, 1202x1052, 70370420_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't think you need to contemplate suicide over it.
Amusing. Apparently you don't know who my husbando is. Anyway I'm going to commit suicide at 39 so I can join him, but I have to do it in Kamakura. If I could find the exact spot he used I would be delighted, but anywhere in the area should be alright. I should be able to write at least 6 or 7 good novels by that time in addition to what I have now. My writing style isn't much similar to his, but I'll put it all in a suicide note and explain everything properly.
>some drawing
Don't trivialize my love.

>> No.12814784

There's no need to be condescending, I know who he is and who is based on.

What are you going to write about?

>> No.12814787

Never understood this line of thinking. If I reincarnate as an anus worm, I won't have the sapience to understand the negative value commonly ascribed to such a creature, so I'll just go about reproducing and fulfilling my instincts without minding where this takes place. Same with slugs, snails, snakes, etc. I think I would being an snake, though. The way they move is soothing.

>> No.12814796
File: 55 KB, 600x600, 1505d55868f68d686ef3ffa2cc97ef9b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're /lit/ as fuck, down to the autistic suicide cliche.

>> No.12814797

yeah for you know you could be an anus worm right now

>> No.12814807

>I won't have the sapience

How do you know?

>> No.12814808
File: 2.51 MB, 2894x2039, 73408667_p4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It wasn't my intention to be condescending. I included enough hints that a devout /lit/izen should be able to guess, and was playing a game with you. He's Dazai Osamu, who now has an anime featuring him, and he committed suicide at age 39 in Kamakura.

>> No.12814815

Well things have value because we give it to them. Money one day can be valuable and the other might Be used in a fireplace. Humans mostly seek for fulfilment of their desires. But if you don’t understand what is marriage for you shouldn’t be getting involved in one

>> No.12814822

If anus worms could value, wouldn't they value living in a good anus more highly than being the human whose anus they inhabit? The reverse is like saying humans wish they could be houses.

>> No.12814826

Anon I just said I know who he is you don't need to explain it.

That being said I haven't seen whatever he's from and I only know of the character because he came up when I was looking for photos the real Osamu.

>> No.12814831 [DELETED] 
File: 18 KB, 332x359, b6186aab5813dd820ce0ee38456f1bc8d673b279_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For comparison, here's his 3d self at the same bar with the same friends group (not pictured.) They hung out and drank together, and they hung out and drank in the anime as well.
I have one life to live, and I will use it to take LARPing to the next level. If I become a famous writer and die at the same age and same place as he did, we'll reincarnate together. I'd gladly die for this dream to be realized.

>> No.12814854

Ah. Sorry, can't read properly, apparently.

>> No.12814868

Maybe I could read for you.

>> No.12814900
File: 3.27 MB, 2894x2039, 73408667_p6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you could give me a replacement set of eyes and a new brain that would be lovely. Might be hard to become a famous novelist if I can't even read.
For the record I am working on the draft right now. Just shitposting here to take a break now and then. Shit's finally coming together.

>> No.12814929

What is it going to be about anon? How long have you been working on it?

>> No.12815004

Seeing and hearing yourself has always been a strange privelige of the 21st century; you get the chance to observe yourself and see that you're actually just one of the rest of the world that you judge so vehemently

>> No.12815095
File: 641 KB, 900x498, 43245234523.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've already humiliated myself with my own autism to this extent, so why not. I post here a lot, please forgive my trespasses, I have no friends to talk about such things with and am terribly lonely. tl;dr star-crossed lovers in joseon korea and everyone dies. Ironic because I happen to despise korea, but I was lurking /his/ one day and saw a post that inspired me. I can find all of 2 sentences on the event in question, but I've turned it into a novel regardless. I'm being audaciously un-anonymous to say so, but I'm in a good mood because I just wrote a decent scene for once. I have a picture of my husbando up on a third of the screen and the word editor to the rest--should have tried doing this before now. Being me, it's impossible that there isn't suicide involved, of course. Not sure I've ever written anything that didn't have some form of suicidal inclination featured. And I can see some of my husband's influence in the writing now, like his way of social commentary. Our writing styles are otherwise dissimilar, though. When I look at images of my darling while working I become inspired.
It's about 1/3-1/2 done in terms of workload rather than time. At this pace I'll be completely finished by summer. I'm not moving from this spot or sleeping until I've gotten most of the draft finished, I've resolved.
/lit/ would probably hate it, but oh well. I think my darling would approve. I find some similar themes to Setting Sun.

>> No.12815103
File: 49 KB, 640x408, istWvlk_d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to write a romance but I can't. All I can do is horror.
what do

>> No.12815105

Write a horror-romance. Like Phantom Thread.

>> No.12815126

I looked that film up. Not only is it not a horror, it doesn't sound very romantic desu.
maybe I'll try to ease myself into it though, a short story here, a poem there. Etc. Etc.

>> No.12815146

>I post here a lot, please forgive my trespasses

I wouldn't have asked if I didn't want to know. Why don't you like Korea? You must be in North America if Summer is coming up, yeah? Good luck with it. Don't be too grim, and please don't harm yourself, you sound very nice.

>> No.12815155

What the fuck are you talking about? What white supremacist do you know that is pro-crooked-backs

>> No.12815167

Is there a way to cure or prevent autism?
I mean actual autism.

>> No.12815170

I want to write a horror but I can't. All I can do is romance
what do

>> No.12815175

i hope i dont get struck by lightning

>> No.12815176


>> No.12815192

Cat is still missing. I’ve been less angry and depressed about it these past few days, much as I’d like to prove to everyone how much I cared about him by acting like a irascible, inconsolable wreck all the time.

>> No.12815194

What an utter plebe you are, letting the internet spoon feed you opinions. It is an absolutely horrifying film, I don't think it's anything but a horror movie. And one of the best in decades, at that.

>> No.12815199

I love my family, but find it impossible to relate or connect with them. I wish the best for them, but I don't enjoy time spent with them

>> No.12815214

Okay I will watch it and get back to you.
reminded me of that one Greek myth with the dress and the poison but spread out into a full length film with some alterations

>> No.12815237
File: 111 KB, 736x1485, b6f4fb3598d01ec9cb7502ab3c021be1--artsy-dogs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's over a dozen years before the time will come. Yes, correct, and I'm not sure why exactly. The language is offputting, so even reading placenames is driving me crazy, and most of their history is rather despicable. Well, I'm not going to go on a rant about it here, they're just a pitiful country and I dislike all aspects of the culture. But this particular story was striking so I wanted to make it into a novel.
Thank you, anon.
It's surprisingly hard to manage to be struck by lightning. I wouldn't worry about it.

>> No.12815246

The same director made There Will Be Blood, of course it’s a horror film

>> No.12815247

It's not common horror, jump/shock/gore horror, so don't expect that. It's entirely psychological and behavioral. It's comparable to Don't Look Now in terms of that content, but stripped also of the traditional elements of a thriller. I don't even think Anderson intended it to be so disturbing, either, not that that matters. It's about the horror of passion, the depths into which one descends for the sake of one's obsession

>> No.12815248

I like eating 어묵.

>> No.12815281

You cannot wait for you to become a real person. You must act. Try participating in clubs. I feel it is useful to create self by helping others.

>> No.12815728

just accept it, most of us are here because we're useless morons of some kind

>> No.12815748

that makes you a garden variety /lit/ poster anon

>> No.12815755


Greed is correct. Read Adam Smith. The vile maxim


>> No.12815855

I'm 20 years old and still a fucking virgin

>> No.12815858
File: 92 KB, 698x689, io3o3p143cq11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Girls like masculinity. Being masculine will get you more women than being a douche or being a nice guy. Yet T levels keep dropping year after year. Probably from birth control pills in the water, plastics in our foods, pesticides. It's a sorry situation.

>> No.12815859

Same. Feels good, man.

>> No.12815864

you two should fug and get it over with

>> No.12815866

Don't fall for that "you have to lose your virginity or else you're a loser" bullshit. I did, lost it at 19 to the town slut, nothing changed and I haven't had sex since. Really, there are better things to worry about. Like noumena. And slow brain damage.

>> No.12815872

Alright but I call dibs on being top.

>> No.12815878

I'm not a faggot. I just want to be with a girl

>> No.12815883

sorry anon he called dibs, you have to be the girl

>> No.12816245
File: 174 KB, 576x1024, 1553371013151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do i convince my girlfriend to move out of the city and live with me on a comfy homestead in rural montana

>> No.12816459

If you have to ask this, you aren't ready to do it.

>> No.12816467

I met someone who's extremely similar to me, but she's a cute girl. It's so strange seeing what your life could've been like if you had been a weird and kind of obnoxious cute girl instead of a weird and obnoxious dude.

>> No.12816515

I'm 20 years old and not a virgin. It's true that sex and mutual masturbation brings much stronger orgasms, but an orgasm is still an orgasm, and there is a fair amount of work involved in sex with another person and in the end there is an fair amount of extra shame during and at the end. I still prefer solo masturbation at the end of the day, sexual pursuits will always be animalistic and degenerate, and I would prefer to keep it separate from people I truly love.
"Directly after copulation, the devil's laughter is heard" - from ur boy schopenhauer

>> No.12816620

How do we stop it? How do we stop inequality, war, hunger, poverty, etc? How? Do we kill the capitalists? Is it the only way? What do we do with the cuckolds that defend them? Kill them too? Do the killers get to live in the utopia created? I would think not. Is that a sacrifice made so that their children have a future beyond destitute servitude?

Climate change is already fucking us. We can't fuck it back. We can't stop it. We can only weather it. If we get our heads out of our arses. People want something done and it can't be. No one makes sacrifices. It wouldn't matter if they did. The capitalists pollute the most. The US military is the number one polluter in the world. How do we stop that? We can't. We're fucked. We're done. It can't get better. We'll never go anywhere beyond this rock that we keep fighting over. For fucking what? There's enough out there for everyone. Fuck. We never got to it and never will.

>> No.12816656
File: 306 KB, 1200x800, polder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea man were gonna destroy toothbrush (ban fluoride containing toothpaste) and put everyone back in coal powered assembly factories





>> No.12816773

I don't care about orgasms. I want a girl

>> No.12816782


>> No.12816793

I still can’t believe I found an angel like butterfly. Sometimes I think to myself where I would be, where everything would be, were I to never have done something. What if I had never talked to butterfly. What if I had never pursued her.

She wouldn’t have made a jpg of three books for me to read. She wouldn’t have posted a song and recommended it to me. She may not have even posted on this board that often.

Without me pursuing her, there would be an empty hole. And in that empty hole would be nothing. Nothing but literature discussion. And she would still be posting. But not laughing while she’s posting. Not even grinning. She would be posting with a straight look on her face, staring into the cold, abyssal depths of the impartial computer screen.

Sometimes I think about things.

>> No.12816796

I’m :3 ofc

>> No.12816970

I have been. I started going to my uni's smash club this year since I've always played lots of games, but on the whole it was a shitty experience. I discovered I don't really like Smash, yet also that I couldn't fit in with anyone there. When I tried to socialize, I felt ignored, and we were just incompatible. Now, there is one club I went to that went much better - my high school's academics quiz team. I still felt like an outsider, but I began to make acquaintances and get people to laugh, and by the end I wasn't a complete nobody.

The point is, none of it worked. Not even an improvement. It's like trying to put a bandaid on a shattered ankle. "Not being a real person" has nothing to do with confidence, and everything to do with physically being unable to experience the same emotions as other people, that makes you connect with them. When I could feel those emotions, friendship was so good it was like a literal drug. Now, I get nothing no matter how hard I try. You can't do anything but pray this period somehow comes to an end.

>> No.12817075

Bump. Sleepyhead will see this when she wakes up :D

>> No.12817260

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