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12813630 No.12813630 [Reply] [Original]

When are you going to grow out of your embarrassing political radicalism?

>> No.12813636

have gender

>> No.12813641

>when are you going to stop caring
never, hopefully

>> No.12813649

>I recognise that bocadillo!

>> No.12813650

When are you going to grow out of white bread?

And your peanuts aren't roasted enough.

>> No.12813653

I try not to be politically radical but the liberals just keep making decisions that push me over the edge.

>> No.12813657
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When is the world going to grow out of its embarrassing political retardation?

>> No.12813663

When are you going to grow out of the embarrassment that is the political?

>> No.12813666

When you accept theology as next logical progression which sees the futility of politics and turns your focus inward rather than out. It's like discovering a new planet.

>> No.12813677

when i learn to embrace moderation

>> No.12813694

My "radical" beliefs would be completely moderate 100 years ago.

>> No.12813701

I only respect radicals

>> No.12813703


>> No.12813704

Is this Zizek?

>> No.12813708

have gender

>> No.12813716
File: 116 KB, 630x531, gray_1-071212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zizek likes Robespierre and has a picture of Stalin in his bedroom.

>> No.12813762

Enjoy your fatty liver and leaky gut, nigger.

>> No.12813771

lol man you little zoomlets are such sterile authority worshipping faggots lmao I can't wait until you guys ban smoking in every city and people snap

>> No.12813790

> authority worshiping
How did you infer that from my post?

>> No.12813819

manlets can't help but expose themselves

>> No.12813821

Do you realize how much of an actual underage retard you look like parroting
You have to be like a skid row wino or in any case the kind of person who drinks a liter of whiskey every day. Every establishment in the country that can legally sell alcohol, does so. Yet liver disease is not even in the top ten causes of death in the USA. Nobody gets out alive dude. Might as well get off the internet because you're going to get carpal tunnel. Enjoy your surgery xDDDDD

>> No.12813855
File: 40 KB, 749x403, 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>liver disease
Where did I say this? That is why I specifically noted the carbs. They're no better for your liver than alcohol.

>> No.12813884


>> No.12814897

in the process, almost over it, but i dont think i can ever get over intellectual racism

>> No.12815068
File: 488 KB, 900x900, Kolfie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

radicalism is a useful political tool, but it renders its users to pawns (often sacrificed)
A move that's good if you desire success for your ideology but it negates your personal happiness/success as an individual. A lot of people don't have control over their radicalization.
If you find you do have control obviously the best choice for you as a person is to stop it. I'd be surprised if anyone on the (nel) wasn't already a memeoid though.