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1281250 No.1281250 [Reply] [Original]

I am writing a 10 page term paper about how representative democracy is justifiable.

Your all good writers. I need your tips on how to turn 500 words into 2750.

>> No.1281255

I need big words people.
Big spaced out sentences.

>> No.1281256

I hate to discourage you but that is a very very easy topic to write 10 pages about.

>> No.1281259

first off "you're" not "your." second, but relalted, avoid contractions. i am going to put on my thinking cap for a second and see if i can come up with some suggestions regarding the content of your assignment.

>> No.1281260

If anything, I am slightly less discouraged.

>> No.1281261


>> No.1281262

>Your all good writers
>Your all good writers
>Your all good writers
>Your all good writers
>Your all good writers

This is why I have no faith in the upcoming generation.

>> No.1281266

Good writing eliminates words. Your only option is to include more content.

>> No.1281269

I've basically just spent my first page and a half describing what it is, and how it differs from different forms of government.

>> No.1281270

at least it wasn't "u r." or maybe not... at least "u r" is not possessive and it works symbolically... shit. head full of fuck and now equally w/o faith. thx.

>> No.1281274

It was an accident guys/girls...
I don't usually make that mistake. Calm down.

>> No.1281275

Well then, "you're" paper is off to an amazing start, fucknuts. Can't wait til they award you the Nobel prize for you're genius.

>> No.1281276


>> No.1281279

>you're genius

>> No.1281281
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>> No.1281286
File: 39 KB, 720x480, paddlin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You make a simple grammar mistake and then you play it off as a troll?
/lit/ doesn't like your kind.

>> No.1281287

Don't take it personally, kid.

/lit/ doesn't like helping people with their homework.

>> No.1281295
File: 48 KB, 520x385, literatureboardfulloftrolls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1281298
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>> No.1281299

OP here.
So, are you people all the same poster?
>>1281259 t
This guys post seemed promising.

>> No.1281306

We are all part of the collective hivemind.

That said, try filling it up with diagrams and charts. Or even in-depth examples of other governing styles and how they went horribly wrong; comparing back to representative democracy.

>> No.1281307

sorry for delay. i am "that guy." hmn, so with the aforementioned thinking cap affixed snugly, i ran into a few impasses. you see i am and anarchist. i believe in direct democracy. one man/woman, one vote and all votes count equally. i find that the history of governance via representative democracy is a history of corruption and exploitation. my only suggestion to you is to use a metric shit-ton of quotations. sure, this will require more research (i.e. reading) but perhaps you will learn something. fluff that shit up with filler, dude. peace and good luck.

>> No.1281309

this too. info-graphics even make usa today and time magazine falsely appear sorta smart.

>> No.1281311

Google Panapoticism(sp?)

Essay I read a while back about power and how it reacts on a plane. Essay was by Foucalt(sp?) some French Intellectual. Pretty heady, but excellent stuff

>> No.1281314

thank you kind sirs.

>> No.1281315

good. this is a great suggestion op.

spelling is correct as well. not so difficult as it is DRY.



>> No.1281331

I see a lot to do with punishment and discipline.
I can't think of how I can fit this into representative democracy's legitimacy but thanks for helping still.

>> No.1281339


The essay I read was an excerpt from Crime and Punishment, specifically dealing with Panapoticism.

I'm not sure I have the best grip on it yet, but basically the Panapotican is your ultimate prison. Where you are in a cell that IS your world, and can always assume you might be under surveillance.

But it extends beyond that into discipline, and how power grows and extends.

>> No.1281352

i understand. i think that the dude that suggested looking into the panopticon and myself, who seconded it, are thinking on a similar plane. it is a bit abstract and we both were expressing an issue/example that we might ref in a paper of our own w/o any knowledge of your actual thesis. apologies if we did nothing but confuse you.

>> No.1281499

The firt thing I felt upon reading the assignment is shock. There is nothing justifiable about democracy, in all of its forms. To force student to disregard this reality in this fashion is quite hard to accept.

>freedom of belief

>> No.1281506


>> No.1281531
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Its got somethin' to do with young men killin' each other...

>> No.1281532

>I am writing a 10 page term paper about how representative democracy is justifiable.

Well considering it isn't, you have a long road ahead of you.