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/lit/ - Literature

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12809886 No.12809886 [Reply] [Original]

im looking for my next dick

ive read flow my tears, ubik and valis. I don't want to read scanner or sheep.

>> No.12809971

>I don't want to read scanner or sheep
>without even any explanation as to why
Well, then - feel free to GFY.

>> No.12809998

A maze of death
Time out of joint if you want old style PKD
I've read the flow my tears long time ago and back then i didn't understand anyting in the book, i consider re-reading it.

>> No.12810260

both inspired movies I've already seen. I'll read them eventually though.

>> No.12810273

Scanner is scène for scène the book. Sheep (blade runner) is just a real mess of a film with a confusing book but for different reasons than the film shows
No offense to the fans of that movie but pick a better film to marvel over.

>> No.12810357

>both inspired movies I've already seen
Holy fuck - Blade Runner was likely made to ensure that Androids never got made into a movie. It is barely even seminal to the movie. None of the major points are in the movie. Not even Mercerism made the cut. There are androids and there is a dude that hunts androids; that is about all that they have in common. They barely even touch on artificial animals in the movie, and they completely ignore the social dynamic of them - and it is even part of the climax of the book.

>> No.12810373

Go for the transmigration of Timothy Archer or the three estigmatas of Palmer eldtrich

>> No.12810378

neither are really confusing

>> No.12810382

I hated how they replaced the frog with a shitty unicorn origami that makes 0 sense in context.

>> No.12810383

y u mad he doesn't know that he didn't even read the book

>> No.12810389

I didn't understand what was going on with the empathy boxes at first. Or mercerism. Or why the other guy was such a big deal when he seemed like an obvious fraud.

The film wasn't confusing, you're right. I think I was confused by the fifth element and I thought it was blade runner for a second because they both had flying cars

>> No.12810407
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>im looking for my next dick

>> No.12810408


>> No.12810410

yea the movie wasn't confusing really. the book on the other hand i can definitely see how some things could be a little confusing including the empathy box, that could've used more explaining on what it really was or its origin

>> No.12810421
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I don't get mad.

>> No.12810427

literally impossible

>> No.12810598
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>> No.12810612


>> No.12810676
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>> No.12810711

Everyone saying Blade Runner and Sheep are different is 100% correct. They are parallel stories on similar themes (although I would say Blade Runner covers less of them).

The Man in the High Castle is by far Dick's most straightforward, coherent and stylistically refined. A great book and it finds lots of ways to still be unmistakably PKD.

The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch is also really great and has a great mix of all of Dick's obsessions. Religion, consumerism, drugs, fractured realities, psychic transcendence, identity, and all the rest. The best way to read it however is as a .txt document you downloaded when you were twelve that you read in Notepad on an old computer that would unexpectedly crash every few hours.

>> No.12810731
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Who calls it sheep, besides op?

>> No.12810741
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I don't know who else does. They probably don't say it, but I wouldn't be too surprised to see it in writing. Thinking about the title, I got too lazy to write it all down and i thought about what specific word would make it clear what book I was talking about. Androids was the only other noun and would definitely not help.

>> No.12811252

Looks like Dan Harmon lol. Only Dick I've had was Man in the high castle and I liked it, pretty mind bending ending tbdesu

>> No.12811274

Androids, rest of the VALIS trilogy, Stigmata

>> No.12811655

Confessions of a Crap Artist is a pretty good straight novel and was also made into a film.

>> No.12811864

The Penultimate Truth is pretty fucking good.

>> No.12811937

/lit/ has abbreviated it as androids for years. OP is already a confirmed faggot so I gave him a pass on it.