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File: 216 KB, 636x800, 349-Rose-Avenue-Venice-July-7-19803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12809429 No.12809429 [Reply] [Original]

What are some decent books on how frozen in time contemporary culture feels like besides capitalist realism?
Pic related for example would be without the ad close to undatable unless you started really looking for details, even though it was shot nearly four decades ago.

>> No.12809493

>how frozen in time contemporary culture feels
>nearly four decades ago
anon, rapid change is not the norm

>> No.12809601

who the hell paves their entire yard?

>> No.12810053


>> No.12810082

The front yard of my childhood home was paved. I remember riding bikes in circles on the pavement in the yard with the boys who lived next door. Making forts out of boxes. Sitting on the hot pavement reading books on warm summer days, until the sun went down and the air got cold. The zoom of airplanes up in the sky overhead, the sound of late afternoon.

Being a kid was fun. Paved yards are OK.

>> No.12810091

A Korean family just moved into my neighborhood. They painted the whole house grey, added floodlights out front, and paved over their front yard. They're being sued by the HPOZ and the HOA for their violations

>> No.12810094


>> No.12810099
File: 557 KB, 1274x1578, brrrrr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like hell.

>> No.12810101

based, fuck immigrants

>> No.12810102

I agree with them. Grass is a waste of water. Too bad the hoa is retarded as fuck about a e s t h e t i c s.

>> No.12810221

But paving it is stupid. Just let it be dirt and various types of native grass/weeds/flowers.

>> No.12810702

Is that a billboard in someone's backyard?

>> No.12810714

Lmao you sound 12.
Contemporary culture is changing faster than it ever has before. If you can’t recognize the change, it’s because you haven’t experienced wnough of life to have a frame of reference. Get off this site and live your life.

Also, while I’m here, anyone have the Dante’s Inferno pasta? My dad deleted my /lit/ meme folder and I really miss it.

>> No.12810722

>who the hell paves their entire yard?
Chainsaw murderer Max Frank. He paved his front yard with bricks. He then proceeded to sculpt shrubs in brick. This was the one event where, during interviews with the neighbors, everyone said that he was nuts.

>> No.12810813

>how frozen in time contemporary culture feels like
You have it backwards. Things are suddenly changing so fast that culture can't catch up.
Culture changes rapidly in this day and age. In the past you could have a Zeitgeist for one or two decades at least. Now you get a new one every 2 years

>> No.12810831

>frozen in time
Maybe if you live in a country in decline like the US. go to the richer regions of China and tell me how frozen it is. The world is always changing, it's just that Anglos are being left behind.

>> No.12811115

have you heard about rain, retard?

>> No.12811122

Someone intelligent who doesn't have time to waste. This, were it not for the playtime-area, for what I presume, or at least hope, children, would be a great place to park a vehicle. This is a shit-tier neighborhood. If you have less than an acre of lawn, then you are just playing pretend. Might as well be paved at that point.

>> No.12811126

I hope they win.

>> No.12811902

The lawn is the most Jewish of Tricks. During the housing boom after WW2, more people needed houses than ever. So the first subdivisions sprang up, trouble was, they didn't have any LAND. And people were slow to buy them.

They found if they gave Joe Blow the smallest smidgen of tillable land, he felt he REALLY owned something.

So it goes, we all have these tiny spits of bullshit grass we have to pay to take care of, and buy lawn mowers, and fertilizer, and spend time taking care of it to keep up appearances for the neighbors.

Fuck lawns

>> No.12812082

great little piece of writing, anon

>> No.12812087

>Grass is a waste of water.


You zoomers need to lose your guilt on what you shouldn't be guilty about, and get some guilt over what you should. Water cannot be wasted.

>> No.12812090

Nigger, I live in the desert. Grass is a waste and it's ugly too. Plus, snakes can be hiding in it and it attracts cat shit. Fuck grass and fuck you.

>> No.12812103

depends where you live. Here in east coast USA with plenty of rainfall, grass is *fine* though there are many better ways to provide cover on a yard that provide better support to the local ecology than grass. Much better than an impermeable surface like concrete at least.

>Water cannot be wasted.
It took me a minute to actually realize what you meant here. Truly unbelievable.

>> No.12812110

nigger dont you ever see lawns getting watered every fukken day? thats a fucking waste of water.

>> No.12812177

Land of the free.

>> No.12812409

>So it goes
As it was meant to happen.

>> No.12812584


Lawn of the free.

>> No.12813607

You sound like you're 15. For anyone who's been around a while it's obvious we're just culturally aping the 80s. Trump is a nightmare Reagan; voodoo economics is even more undead than ever. Everything we think looks futuristic is ripped from Boomer sci-fi. Every form of protest is hippy LARPing. What, pray tell, do you find so new in our culture?

>> No.12813654

just so we're clear, they were from north korea, right?

>> No.12813670

you sound like owning guns is a primary part of your identity, though you have never served

>> No.12813682

based obsessed yuroslave poster

>> No.12813712

That's literally what 'bourgeois' implies

>> No.12813794

What the fuck? Are they from the Unification Church or something?

>> No.12815058

>Every form of protest is hippy LARPing
Apparently, you are unfamiliar with Brenton Tarrant's work.

>> No.12815737

that wasn't protest. that was crippling autism coupled with whyte priveledge