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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 58 KB, 463x325, 1553204948725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12809888 No.12809888 [Reply] [Original]

I became an avid reader like three weeks ago and I can't stop. I stopped watching tv and I don't spend much time on 4chan anymore.

Here's how I did it.

-Remember the average person reads like zero books a year. If you read 5 pages a day, you are like 5 pages above the average person

-Don't force yourself to read. Commit to read like 5 pages a day. I swear after three days you'll feel like reading more and after a month or so you should be reading 50-100 pages a day for pleasure

-Read various books at the same time. When I grab a difficult book or one that makes me sleepy I grab another and switch. This should refresh your head. Keep them thematically different. I read economics and fiction.

-It isn't a race. Reading slowly won't make you sleepy that fast. Try to acknowledge what books are for you to read fast and which aren't.

-Buy the physical copies. When you get the books from your own money you'll feel the need to read them to avoid the feel of wasting your money.

-Start with books highly discussed here so you feel motivated to discuss.

>> No.12809896

This is a long break without butterfly ;_;

>> No.12809898


>> No.12809901


>> No.12809904

Quitting masturbation helped me read more than any other behavior, including quitting the internet. Prolactin is a real bitch.

>> No.12809912
File: 8 KB, 250x202, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck that insectoid retard.

>> No.12809919

I missed this meme.

And most of the advice is unironically good.

>> No.12809921

How do you do it when there's so many books about fucking? I wish there was a label on books to tell me if it contains pornographie material or not.

>> No.12809923

No one likes her... ;_;

She likes me. There will be a future. Butterfly! You must find a way to get around the ban! Now!

>> No.12809928
File: 80 KB, 780x439, trump.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I only do things if I can contextualize it as scoring points
>I only do things that constantly validate me as being "superior" to my peers
>I watch tutorials on how to eat cereal on Youtube

>> No.12809930


>> No.12809932

I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say you're butterfly without the tripfag nonsense.

>> No.12809939

but how do you eat cereal

>> No.12809940

Yeah I'm confused. I thought I reported that poster and not butterfly.
I'm also drugged out of my mind so maybe I did mix up.

>> No.12809948

Why don't you look it up?

>> No.12809955

You probably reported me, I was drunk the other night and started harassing him and got banned for a day ;_;

>> No.12809958

Ohhhh okay so someone else reported Butterfly.
phew at least I don't feel guilty about that anymore.

>> No.12809963

Why would you feel bad about reporting a tripfag, they should get banned by default

>> No.12809968

this, fuck tripniggers

>> No.12809973

Yeah but it wouldn't be right to take credit where credit isn't due. Maybe this is just a /lit/ thing where they don't but I'm fine with trips as long as they stay in their own general or have a purpose or anything.

>> No.12809979


>> No.12810167

got some bad news for you my dude

>> No.12810171

Avoid them if they're explicitly vulgar.

>> No.12810325

>brags about stopping going on 4chan
>on 4chan

>> No.12810727

>tutorials on how to eat cereal on Youtube
give me top 5

>> No.12810735

Do you even Millennial? Once you have watched one video you know it all. Here is the Good News on Cereal. Prepare to take your life to lvl 2.

>> No.12810740
File: 260 KB, 700x972, aquinas-e1401722793792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fear the man of a single youtube tutorial.

>> No.12810751
File: 75 KB, 588x666, Landy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the beauty of Youtube my friend the cereal tutorials never have to end. Eventually if you click on enough they will start auto-playing for you. You could become the most highly trained Cereal eater on the planet.

>> No.12810757

Does anyone else remember the thread where someone had randomly scrambled the words of this pasta into new sentences? I remember that some of them were actually kind of profound-sounding, like “Read your wasting feel to books.”