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File: 740 KB, 750x750, 1516034023499.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12809501 No.12809501[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

what are some books about how i despise other people

>> No.12809507

You can actually know a lot more about racism than POC.
They are way too close to the issue, every "lived experience" takes you further from objectively understanding the problem and thus decreases your ability to mitigate it.

>> No.12809518

fuck off with your irony culture

>> No.12809617

This isn't even a funny parody of a philosophy student. I have no idea what person is being imagined in the head of whoever made this, but it's unlike anyone I've ever met. It makes philosophy students sound severely autistic and unpleasant as people, which is not the case. I can take some self deprecating humor, but this picture is just dumb and kinda cruel.

>> No.12809631

I agree. This chart seems like a rarer strain of a pretentious asshat.

>> No.12809638

philosophy breau seems fairly based and redpilled to me

>> No.12809654

T. Philosophy student
Kys autist

>> No.12809772
File: 18 KB, 720x362, smol pener.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12809784

Probably some girl's ex

>> No.12809800

There is nothing wrong with Seinfeld
And I like the glasses too
PBR is shit

>> No.12809808
File: 26 KB, 300x300, cool-jesus-profile-pictures-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never thought I would actually tell someone to go back, but here I am

>> No.12809833

Why do you have multiple cool pictures of Jesus on your computer?

>> No.12809839

What kind of a question is that tbqh

>> No.12809863
File: 141 KB, 518x583, manlet-cool-jesus-profile-pictures-69.jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The kind someone who should go back asks

>> No.12809894

Yeah, this looks like it's made by some hurt femanon from Reddit...

>> No.12810084
File: 120 KB, 1278x1181, 1480270113783.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's wrong with drinking from glass jars?

>> No.12810088

Jars are for jams.
Buy a drinking glass.

>> No.12810089

Nothing, whats wrong is taking pleasure in the fact that you are drinking from a jar over a normal cup.

>> No.12810097

Does the person pic related is referring to even exist? Those attributes are all over the place.

>> No.12810104

I'm pretty sure Mac Demarco hits 99% of it

>> No.12810112

drinking from mason jars became a small fad among certain groups, that's all

>> No.12810113

hey shut up

>> No.12810118

This desu. If you need proof just look how retarded white nationalist /pol/ types are.

>> No.12810120

Based and idealistpilled

>> No.12810123

In my experience philosophy bros are like lit anons. They are either outsider loners with trust issues and a god complex who already have a few manifestos written or right wing YouTube junkies that take masculinity and Jews very seriously and already have a few manifestos written.

>> No.12810124

i know 1 person who is 100% everything in the image

>> No.12810132

Philosophy is about as narcissistic as it gets.

>> No.12810146

Philosophy or philosophers?

>> No.12810149

It's glass, not plastic, and holds a large volume of liquid. Come at me bro.
Thanks for the info.

>> No.12810152

I don't agree honestly. Philosophy I think has a substantial amount of wishful thinking, trying to escape reality by reinterpreting it. But it's not really narcissistic except in so far as only the intelligent can do it, but that's true of many disciplines.

>> No.12810165

>negative stereotypes are now hip and socially acceptable

wow cool world we're living in

>> No.12810172

I mean for a person to say they are going to dedicate their time to thinking about things and writing them down to share because their thoughts are special requires some degree of narcissism. The impulse is no different than when Stacy posts a picture of her lunch online. I appreciate it, but it is still narcissistic.

>> No.12810176

what is glass bottle(cup) for?

>> No.12810181

The main impulse with philosophy isn't to share your thoughts though, it's to understand, because you have a deep desire to do so for whatever reason. You can do it completely alone, although you will go a bit crazy without at least a friend to talk to about the subject. I've known people from all walks of life who spontaneously engage in philosophy even thought they have no academic experience with the subject. The questions simply present themselves, and you try to find answers, usually by seeing what others have said before you.

>> No.12810196

The writing and sharing part is the narcissistic part. It says I did something new, and I'm at least partially right. Not all narcissism is unjustified.

>> No.12810199

they take our T

>> No.12810205

I'm not disagreeing with you about that and it's beyond obvious from reading a Hegel or Schopenhauer(idk why they sprung to mind dont read into it) that narcissism plays into it.

But the actual desire to do philosophy isn't that.

>> No.12810208

I think you are right there

>> No.12810210

kill yourself you pathetic discord tranny

>> No.12810216

i see it in a similar light as autobiographies. sure, you've had unique experiences and thoughts, but it still took a level of narcissism to share. but maybe it's one of those thin line sort of things.

>> No.12810230

>Femanon from Reddit
>from Reddit
>Any anon
>from Reddit
>the concept of a Femanon
>existing outside the minds of newfags who think vaginas exist on the Internet
Go back there and fucking stay there you newfag loser

>> No.12810235

Had friends like this - one was poor and one was a poser. Can confirm it was super gay in both cases.

I'm vaguely familiar with the OP archetype but they usually aren't philosophy students, just effete low-IQ men who latch onto feminist ideology because what few social groups they are involved in inevitably become dominated by women since all the men are pushover fags.

>> No.12810238

Doesn't that just make it more narcissistic though, acting like you are walking some line. Get over yourself, nobody is above ever being narcissistic is the way I look at it haha. If you are right nobody cares. If you are wrong and admit it its not a big deal.

>> No.12810253

I think there's a reason Christianity teaches humility and warns so strongly against pride, or Buddhism focuses so much on letting go of conceptions of self.

You're right though that you can easily use humility as a concept to further your own narcissism. It's kind of a fucked up trap because the line between valuing humility for its good effects, and shifting to valuing yourself for being humble, is incredibly hard for most people to see, it just kind of happens outside your direct awareness.

We could say the same for the virtue of trying to understand that philosophers have, though I still maintain that's less a conscious attempt at virtue and more an obsessive inclination some people have.

>> No.12810255

Reddit. Go back.

>> No.12810263
File: 8 KB, 241x209, funnyfrog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

make me baby doll

>> No.12810268

i meant that more as there's a thin line between confidence or narcissism, or something like that, and that you cross the line unconsciously.
>nobody is above ever being narcissistic
i agree, but i also believe self-consciousness and anxieties and all that sort of stuff can determine someone's willingness to publish their life and/or beliefs

>> No.12810269
File: 23 KB, 428x343, IMG_7258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12810270
File: 381 KB, 540x693, 1552620422592.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A person without mental illness will know more than the person with mental illness

>> No.12810272

shut up nerd this isn't your sekrit club anymore and reddit is based.

>> No.12810274

Often true though isn't it? I mean a psychiatrist who has dealt with many schizophrenic patients almost certainly understand the disease better than a schizophrenic.

>> No.12810279

probably the worst analogy you could use

>> No.12810282

That's possibly one of the worst examples you could use to make your point.

>> No.12810290


I can guarantee you I’m being genuine, not trolling, and I wish you’d do more things like recommend me songs and refer to us as the two of us’ and stuff.

Fuck, today sucked. Good night...

>> No.12810294

Get yourself together

>> No.12810301

Where do you live? I'm going to find you and kill you or hire a Hitman to do that. Either way, you'll die.

>> No.12810311

Oh I get it. You’re jealous of me.


>> No.12810314

Answer me. Where do you live?

>> No.12810317

Alert, Nunavut

>> No.12810320

You fucking seal clubbing son of a bitch. I'm taking the train up there and I'll fucking find you.

>> No.12810322

>Alert, Nunavut
So how cold is Eskimo pussy really?

>> No.12810507

It's the glass part of a mason jar. Traditionally, these are used for canning food at home. You can also use them to cheaply hold candles and prevent them from being blown out by the wind, as well as many other uses. "Moonshiners" in America's South stereotypically serve their moonshine in jars (cheap and easy way to separate quantities of alcohol for sale), and urban hipsters who saw this have taken to serving all kinds of beverages in them for aesthetic reasons. They aren't very good for drinking out of because of the lip on the edge of the jar and the width of them in your hand, but they choose form over function.

>> No.12810523
File: 27 KB, 386x418, DpDOm0dV4AAdK3M.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It makes philosophy students sound severely autistic and unpleasant as people
>which is not the case.

>> No.12810606

>outsider loners with trust issues and a god complex who already have a few manifestos written
>or right wing YouTube junkies that take masculinity and Jews very seriously
