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/lit/ - Literature

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12802722 No.12802722 [Reply] [Original]

LITERARY IDEA thread: post your ideas here. Pic unrelated.

>> No.12802728

Book about ship doggo

>> No.12802756

My homage to Plato: Vybz Kartel escapes from prison and organizes a revolution in Jamaica. He and his bredren from Gaza establish the Republic.


>> No.12802775

you've got a prompt, now write a short story based on it right now.

>> No.12802908


>> No.12804441


>> No.12804465

Jesus christ. Stop spamming this shitty forced """"meme"""" in every thread.

>> No.12804545

Guy eats a bird and feels sick.

>> No.12804592

Fuck off, John Green

>> No.12804612

A single woman nearing her early fifties with no family or friends to speak of comes to an anonymous imageboard to fill the void in her life by garnering attention from people there. Doing everything in her power to do so from making posts with the sole purpose of enraging others to giving herself a username on a site with none.

>> No.12805104

I'd read it.

>> No.12805116

A bunch of teenagers who have read very little, spend all of their time on the internet, are highly influenced by their "peers", though these peers are all imaginary in the existential sense, because there is no one really there, with them, but they get this weird idea that Gravity's Rainbow is actually not toilet paper. In fact, and get this, they actually think Gravity's Rainbow is a good book. No, I'm not kidding. Bear with me on this one. I know it's hard to believe. But they actually frequent an image board and continue to post, every day, about how Gravity's Rainbow, which is essentially unreadable drivel, is some kind of code that if you "understand" it and "like" it, will make you cool, amongst this group of failed nerds. Would anyone believe this premise?

>> No.12805126

Wtf, where is pige

>> No.12805141

Let me amend this.
They also post about what page they are on in this "book". "I'm on page 100 on Gravity's Rainbow." "I'm on page X," as a way to prove they are reading it, and thus part of the club built around it, because if people will respond to them, they will get their dopamine rush, and all will be worth it. While almost literally no one on the image board actually wants to read and enjoy reading. In fact, the idea is more like, that there is this image board which is dedicated to reading, but that no one actually reads to enjoy reading. They just read (or more likely, pretend to read, or skim) so they can post, and get their dopamine rush, which is totally absurd, right? Because if you actually like reading, and enjoy reading, you would never even bother posting on an image board, because reading it all about reading itself, and the feeling you get from it, which should satisfy any social need you have. If you are posting about books you've read, you probably are not reading properly, or not able to actual read in the way that makes you feel all of these social needs are satisfied by reading. So you pretend this weirdo novel is great, because if anyone else likes it, then you can connect with then, etc., etc.

>> No.12805163

A man wins a free boat but doesn't qualify for a boating loicense. He has to navigate a mythic seascape to acquire a license from a sea-based fake licensing operation.

>> No.12805288
File: 31 KB, 500x334, 41cS9KeUCcL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Main character in his young 20s in a populated city comes across people are in need of help. Think of those gta4 side missions with friends) He gives them advice and opens a perspective for them. (He somehow has this kind of wisdom for a 20 something year old which is pretty unrealistic) but he makes their day better and hopefully the rest of their life better. Some of the problems the people he comes across with are pretty trivial and some are extremely serious. An example would be of a young kid he sees skipping school and sleeping on the train. He tries to understand the kid's situation and tries to see what he can do for him.

It will cut to a point in the future where the main character is older (40's) but he's not the extremely kind and angelic being from his 20's. He has a broken jaw where he needs a metal plate to keep one side together and a blind dilated eye from an accident he went through trying to help someone back then. He often reflects on the past when he's with his kids or when he sees something that triggers a memory.

I'm doing it for the wrong reasons though since I want it to be picked up by Netflix where Adam Driver is the older main character because I actually look like a younger him. That's pretty much the only reason I came up with it. I'm pretty far from refining the idea I have.

>> No.12805325

Litbwoy go home to yuh nana...

>> No.12805330
File: 8 KB, 361x143, 12 gauge warrior.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12805332

Are you Philip K. Dick?

>> No.12805348

you know how there are those rewritten versions of Jane Austen constantly getting published, with some new spin or from a different characters perspective or about some gap in the plot? And because it is public domain its okay.

I want to do a rewrite of Raymond Chandler's noir classic "The Big Sleep," in a maximalist, post modern style, from many different characters all writing in different voices, commenting on the tropes of noir and hitting all of the classic beats of the genre, but sometimes from a side characters point of view. Kind of a "Rosencratz and Guildenstern Are Dead" of noir.

>> No.12805349

Did he write that?

>> No.12805351

It sounds like some nonsense he would write.