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File: 31 KB, 564x296, 539729b509fc26b6d1876c11f8e10b64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12801116 No.12801116 [Reply] [Original]

>You like Houellebecq, dude? That's cool. I'm more into Mishima myself.

>> No.12801140

Chad, I think Mishima's works also have a lot of merit to them. What do you like the most about him?

>> No.12801149

Chad is a closeted homosexual

>> No.12801168

I like the way he flexes his muscles all over the libtards

>> No.12801182

How would I feel if I were to be that woman?

>> No.12801188

Women are mechanical turks

>> No.12801283

Women experience life passively, feeling in an instantaneous way, but disconnected from one instance to the next. Their heights of pleasure and pain are intense but fleeting, for they have no understanding of the future and no connection to their past.

>> No.12801327

Based incel

>> No.12801409

fucking based

>> No.12801474

How does anyone look at a photo like this and NOT want to become a sissy? To wear such a tiny piece of swimwear and hang onto a hunk the way she is...

>> No.12801557

Where did I fuck up that you think I like Houellebecq?

>> No.12801562

this but without the sissy part

>> No.12801573

I think you should stop jerking off

>> No.12801577
File: 144 KB, 901x684, 415FB909-7D46-49E4-802E-8227852D6779.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s actually pretty easy,anon, when one isn’t a fucking faggot such as yourself.

>> No.12801584

I would serve him unquestioningly just to taste the scraps he discards on a daily basis.

>> No.12801586

i was just joking guys. but it is kind of unfair that girls get to be submissive without any problems while guys can't hang off of their maternal girlfriend like she is there to him

>> No.12801588

This but with a dominatrix

>> No.12801610
File: 162 KB, 896x698, C63C4C5F-C4AB-47CD-8E2B-4CD2215C5BC8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This faggot shot is fine in private and with a woman but in public a man should never be submissive.

>> No.12801633

w-why is it "faggot" to want the woman to lead? didn't you love being loved by your mother when you were a kid? don't you still want that, anon? is it so wrong for a boy to grow in age and still desire that?

>> No.12801639
File: 190 KB, 888x707, 4EF1A874-792B-414A-A384-7AA6031E1478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes because you’re not a boy anymore, anon.

>> No.12801642

>implying my mother loved me
Haha fucking loser. Get a load of this piece of shit!

>> No.12801653
File: 313 KB, 905x485, klokov.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12801659

A faggot is a man who is sexually interested in other men. How the fuck does that apply to female-led sexual relationships?

>> No.12801660

but what i still feel like one, inside? and literally can't be dominant even though i've tried to? what if it's just a bad charade for me, and i'm only being authentic when i'm acting as the little boy?

i'm sorry to hear that, anon. other girls can fill that void

>> No.12801666

s-stop being mean pls

>> No.12801671

>other girls
No thanks. Not gay either, but when I look at a woman, all I want to do is choke the life out of them.

>> No.12801674

Then you're probably defective or stupid.
We don't like you because men like you cause problems to us normals. Since normal men rule the world you will always suffer

>> No.12801677
File: 200 KB, 1200x945, 0D7B769E-DCD7-49EB-B5AF-FA263521FD92.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because he’s acting like a faggot

Need me to draw out a chart, faggot?

>> No.12801687

that's really unhealthy, please seek help or cure yourself

i don't see how i cause you problems but okay anon. i'll leave thread now, i understand that i'm "abnormal"

>> No.12801689

You have to love the internet. Look at how this discourse has degenerated here from such an innocuous starting point.

I think this is another reminder to stay away. Lol

>> No.12801692

Only if you have a dumbfuck view of gender where being dominant makes you a man. Even in that case, submissive hetero males wouldn't be faggots, they'd just be female.

>> No.12801695

I'm not unhealthy. I'm in control.

>> No.12801699
File: 357 KB, 433x429, 249CDF85-4148-4A47-8C19-D863E2C47BE0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You must live in a society


>> No.12801703

Thank you for being humble and respectful enough to accept that and stop bothering others

>> No.12801710

Nice argument retard. You just have an extremely antiquated view of gender and sexual expression. Maybe try a little facesitting sometime, you might like it.

>> No.12801717

Is Houellebecq actually good or a meme?

>> No.12801721

what if i'm a twink and my older bf takes charge and desires me in a more feminine submissive role?

>> No.12801726

I'm asexual.

>> No.12801729
File: 99 KB, 600x820, 47455F8F-7F0E-4509-81AA-47A5D3EC6CCD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just because these modes of faggotry exist doesn’t mean they’re normal or cool, John waters. You’re a child playing with your own feces. Grow up

>> No.12801974

I want the girl. I'm sure you're white...

>> No.12802070

the guy looks more like a Turk

>> No.12802148

based and chokepilled

>> No.12802950

Women are not attracted to submissive men in public or private. And if you ever meet one she is either a tranny or has other mental problems.

>> No.12802961

You really do need to stop jerking off. Women are incapable of leading and will not be attracted to anyone who forces them to

>> No.12803082

artist for this?

>> No.12803089

then i really feel depressed. too depressed to speak. i wish your words were not true.

i don't do that in the first place. you guys just feed me such depressing information that i wish i were never born like this. but you guys just want me to kill myself so what difference does it make to you. u only further remind me how cruel this world is. why do i have to be like this

i left the thread but came back just to check on it. i'll leave. don't worry. i'm presently looking into links like:


to try and understand my condition. whatever. just be grateful to yourselves that you're "dominant" and "masculine", because i never gained that essence while still remaining in love with women, so now i'm just hopeless and dejected and lost and depressed. please don't tell me to kill myself, i'm leaving the thread, don't worry. i'm not "normal" like you are

>> No.12803091

Come to terms with your autogynephilia eh, mommyfag?

>> No.12803104

hsts here, wish we gross agp fetishists were just banned from taking hormones.

>> No.12803107

This is true. They lack agency. They don’t drive cars, they ask the gas pedal to move the car. Everything is magic.

>> No.12803134

You shouldn't feel depressed man, you should feel motivated. Motivated to become more of a man. Everyone is born submissive, the whole point of becoming a man is losing your submissiveness and becoming the manliest of mans you are capable of being.

Read some Mishima, he can explain it much better than I can.

>> No.12803138

Hey, as long as you’re happy with it that’s cool dude. We all gotta start somewhere right. Here, want a nice cool beer? Cheers. Oh, is that your sister? Stacey? She’s so cute. She looks just like you,lol. Cya, been fun hanging around. And watch the waves, you’re get wet in 15 minutes.

>> No.12803145

was just making an opportune joke, anon. i dont want to be chad, or a girl who likes chad, or a girl at all.

>> No.12803154

What if I've tried and it's unnatural? What if I don't *want* to be that in the first place?

>> No.12803157

Why do I have to betray my identity for the sake of society? :(

>> No.12803206

It's not supposed to be easy, anything that is ultimatley fulfilling is always difficult. It's a constant struggle becoming a man. Everyday you must be a more capable man than the last.

Does the power not appeal to you? Do you really want to live a life of passiveness and nothingness? Wouldn't you like your ancestors to look down on you and be proud of what they see?

>> No.12803244

You know there are female brain surgeons right?

>> No.12803274


>> No.12803284

no it honestly doesn't appeal to me. being a little boy is the only appeal in the world. that was the last time in my life i felt happy and like "someone". i belonged. i had friends, i had fun, i had everything. life since has just been hell. i don't care about manliness or ancestry, i just want to feel happy again, and to be loved (i've never had a girlfriend before, or any girls liked me romantically since i was a kid)

>> No.12803319

The thing is that being a manchild is ultimatley not very fulfilling. You can fill your time with videogames and anime that will make you feel good in the moment but over the long run it will just make you more depressed.
You don't need to be a huge jacked dude to get a girlfriend. Girls are just attracted to guys who are working towards a goal. Whether that goal is just self improvment or towards something bigger than themselves.
Personally my philosiphy is that fulfillment is the only thing that will give you happiness. And in my opinion the easiest method to be fulfilled it to obtain a wife and have children with her that love and respect you. And the only clear path to that is to become a man. That is why I preach manliness so much.

>> No.12803325


>> No.12803334

Who says you can’t?

>> No.12803339

My mom was the leader in our house and our dad the woman. My mother dominated him. It’s true that it makes for unhappy marriages things have gotten better now that we’re grown up.

>> No.12803343

Good and pretty funny

t.reading submission

>> No.12803357

Which work do you recommend?

>> No.12803366

I appreciate your advice, and I don't just want to drown myself in hedonistic outlets of anime and gaming and so on, I don't even do that now. But I have some kind of messed up psychology where I can only perceive women in a "maternal role" to me, wherein i see them as a caretaker and someone who leads me, and I genuinely can't see or want anything besides that. My ideal of fulfillment would be to have such a girl and for the two of us to live in an insulated world where it's just us loving eachother without other worries. I don't want kids - I want to be hers. I know, it's messed up. But my psychology somehow ended up here and I can't really change it

Such girls don't really exist, and guys are certainly not allowed to be seen in such a role in public without immense mockery. And the girl would be mocked too, of course. So it's a no-go from every angle.