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File: 236 KB, 1024x753, Ahab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12799216 No.12799216 [Reply] [Original]

>Talk not to me of blasphemy, man; I'd strike the sun if it insulted me.
What a fucking Alpha. Godc.ucks BTFO

>> No.12799256


>> No.12799284

Captain Ahab.

>> No.12799285

Alluh Akbar

>> No.12799286

Literally who is that?

>> No.12799303

Captain of what?

>> No.12799359

And because of this, he gets himself and everyone else killed.

>> No.12799365

He punches the suns lights out?

>> No.12799371

Nah, that would’ve been kinda bizarre and probably effected the overall quality of the book.

>> No.12799390

It would've been a pretty fucking neat twist though

>> No.12799421

If that happened I'm not even sure what Moby-Dick would be classified as in the literary canon nowadays. Maybe he could have jumpstarted some wacky radical theology-based absurdist movement decades before its time as a direct counter to the American transcendentalists actually Melville just does this himself anyway when he wrote the absolute hodgepodge that's The Confidence Man which makes Henry James look like a joke

>> No.12799451
File: 353 KB, 1700x850, chadlifeextensonist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As far as I'm aware most of the Godcucks in history died as well. At least he went down fighting.

>> No.12799511

And all of the sailors too? I wonder the life quality of their families after their deaths.
Try thinking beyond internet jokes. You might enjoy it.

>> No.12799561

The captain obsessed with Moby Dick

>> No.12799566

most metal book in the canon

>> No.12799569

The Pequod

>> No.12799580

The Confidence Man is actually a really great and interesting book.

>> No.12799581

The Confidence-Man is one of the most interesting overlooked novels in the American canon. It's like a postmodern Canterbury Tales before modernism even existed.

>> No.12799584

the what?

>> No.12799712

Does anyone but anglocucks read Moby Dick for real?

>> No.12799723

I'm a literature professor at an esteemed university in paris, rest assured Melville and most other american authors are regarded as something of a joke here.

>> No.12799738

You're a fraud, the americans are all the rage in French literary circles right now. Frenchies have been sucking Faulkner's dick for decades.

And how daft do you have to be to shit on Melville of all people ? Remember Giono was gay for him.

>> No.12799774

Maybe he should have thought about what the sun might do when he strikes it.
Ahab got absolutely BTFO by our Lord God in his hubris and arrogance

>> No.12799778

fuck off anglo you're making all that up and quite frankly it's pathetic.


>> No.12799784

Si t'es français tu sais que je pense que tu as un coq de un enfant

>> No.12799816

I'm French actually, and the popularity of Faulkner in France is well-documented. Likewise Giono wrote "Pour rendre hommage à Melville" (you know who Giono is right?).

But you need to look no later than Baudelaire to see great French writers being influenced by American literature. Add Mallarmé and Valéry for good measure. The influence of those three is massive enough that even if you weren't LARPing and were legitimately a uni prof your opinion would still be dwarfed by them.

>> No.12799824

shut up fags

>> No.12799833

Low effort shitposting is sad even when it is tongue-in-cheek.

>> No.12799884

you got btfo, how does it feel?

>> No.12799892

you fool! I was arguing with myself to prove a point! all the posts were authored by me!

>> No.12799906

New to this board, huh?

>> No.12800025

Interesting, the French are regarded as a joke everywhere but France

>> No.12800142

>that one parisian literature professor who goes on 4channel instead of fucking his students

>> No.12800196

What is moby dick even about?

>> No.12800201

sperm whales and seamen

>> No.12800213
File: 265 KB, 431x492, 1534861548752.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>aging is a disease that needs to be cured
*locks you in a coffin and buries you 10m underground forever*

>> No.12800238

Clickbait "Did you know these crazy whale facts?!" for a couple hundred pages.

>> No.12800303

Wash your harpoon

>> No.12800554

>I'm a literature professor at an esteemed university in paris
Why would someone do that, go on the Internet and tell lies?

>> No.12800574

The point is that if the sun can fuck with him then he can fuck with the sun, ever a fair play between each other.

>> No.12800597

Reminder Ahab isn’t a Christian. Read what Elijah says about him as well as the whole passage that quote is from.

>> No.12801981

Exactly, he's the only one man enough to call God out on his bullshit.

>> No.12802014

The Pequod

>> No.12802020

a tale of a whale and a whale of a take

just read it dude with an open mind and keep no expectations. you'll enjoy it

>> No.12802023

Based allahu Akbar poster