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File: 536 KB, 828x943, F7ECB7D4-5FF8-4ACD-A952-63E70117DD8C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12798469 No.12798469[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Plebbitfag here, just want to thank /lit/ for the good lefty content you’ve been putting out <3 bash the fash

>> No.12798481

no problem sis

>> No.12798487

Imgurian here.


>> No.12798503

Would you have sex with her?

>> No.12798504

I've seen jannies routinely get rid of contra posts and comments because he shills his own shit here. This proves it once and for all.
He needs gamma knife surgery and psychiatric institutionalization.

>> No.12798520

i'm interested in what his sissy penis tastes like. rosé?

>> No.12798526

I would, but I'd probably fuck a half-shaved chimp in a dress (procreative genitals not relevant) at this point.

>> No.12798565

totally she’s hot as hell. pity all she does is talk about being trans though, her anti capitalist / anti-muhwesternciv stuff was great

>> No.12798600

Wonder what kinda guys she likes?

>> No.12798616
File: 25 KB, 500x500, 40-og.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

listen, I'm drunk. But my mom raised me gender fluid and handled my molestation at six years old terribly. Fucky ou and your mermaid children transt support. Children shoudlnt' be trans. Fuck you. Shit will mess you up mentally, fuck my life, fuck, fuck.

>> No.12798617
File: 22 KB, 662x478, 1552513694997.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nicholas is a heterosexual man with autogynephilia. He does is not attracted to men and has lied about this repeatedly. It's called meta-attraction, he "likes" men because it arouses him to be thought of as a woman, not because he is genuinely attracted to them

>> No.12798619

WHERE can I find men like thIS!!!!????!!!!

>> No.12798621
File: 27 KB, 326x499, cands.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is capitalism, this is what capitalisnm looks likes. *ckalps my hands*

>> No.12798626

Im a zoome,r you can't find me lol.. I'm just a first year uni studenbt

>> No.12798634

I made the image and posted it over there. Don't know if it was a "good move" or anything, but there you go. Maybe a little something to defuse this silly website rivalry. Not everyone on 4chan has taken the lobsterpill and I thought it would be cool for them to see that.

so call me names or AMA or whatever.

>> No.12798635

fake and trans

>> No.12798644

no i meant the guys like the one in your pic wtf

>> No.12798649

> I was abused and had no adequate support and I'm messed up because of it
> so fuck support organizations

>> No.12798651

8/10 bait. The AMA gave it away

>> No.12798654
File: 56 KB, 417x480, american.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am not fake, she made me play with dolls, and dress up and wante me to wear earrings when I wa like 7. And when I tld her I was molested she just said thats normal. Now I am mentally ill, like every other zoomer.
lool, just like, find uni dropiots .
I' m goint got bed. byebye

>> No.12798656

why do those 4chan posts sound like reddit posts

>> No.12798663
File: 104 KB, 661x549, Captura de Tela (554).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12798666

Hello, Ray. But he's still meta-attracted to men, isn't he? So the question is still valid if you add four letters and a dash.

>> No.12798667

Why does reddit care if anyone here likes Contra? I can't watch her vids, they look like they were created for an audience of people with severe ADHD from the thumbnails and I also have epilepsy so I have no clue what her vids are actually about other than talking about meme topics like traps and incels.

>> No.12798671

watch the old ones from when she was a man and didn't have a drag budget

>> No.12798674
File: 147 KB, 486x800, 1548959003771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

drunk guy here, basically she is part of the hbomberguy clan, whater clan he is apart of. Controlled by the neoliberals, who just want capital accumulation. Do not trust htme,. This is fake, they want to turn capitalism into a cosmic horror of planet consumtpiosn .

>> No.12798682

Ya his older videos were better. Hes too concerned with making "aesthetic" videos or whatever. Very flashy with little substance. Oh and his voice sounds ridiculous

>> No.12798685
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>> No.12798690

Eh. I'm not exactly a right-winger but this guy spreads misinformation and the way he acts on camera makes me really cringe in my pants. After watching one of this guy's vids, I also got more vids on these really just awful cringey vids about people roleplaying as communists talking about Youtube drama on vids where the comment section seemed to be completely braindead.

>> No.12798693

your mother deserves to be executed by a court of law

>> No.12798705

you think that guy is misinformed? you need to see some real misinformed guy. check out peter coffin.

>> No.12798709

>meme topics
like fascism and capitalism?

>> No.12798712

>roleplaying as communists
this is the most astounding thing about the current climate: People's positions are so wildly different and the discourse is so muddled with irony that we can't even believe a person could genuinely believe something like THAT. It's the exact same with lefties, they all believe neo nazis must, in some sense, be larping.

And people aren't fucking larping. It's incredible.They're still gonna manage to be blindsided by the civil war in a few years.

>> No.12798751

So someone just samefagged in a thread and sent a screencap to contra?

>> No.12798764

I really didn't.

>> No.12798770

based literal drunk literal retard

>> No.12798773

I desire being with a man so bad. Being 3 months on hormones even with a far far better starting point than contra i wonder if guys would even be interested in me beyond just a possible fuck toy. I don't know, i feel like i want to be held and kissed as much as i want to be fucked, maybe even more, and one without the other just saddens me.

>> No.12798776
File: 59 KB, 500x272, 1552642642534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12798784

then the answer is "any men". The attraction is self driven, barely any external input apart from "a penis thinks i'm a vagina, thus enabling my illusion"

shave, get a haircut, dress moderately appropriate for your age, and pretend to have read at least A book: you're in.

>> No.12798789

bit gay, lad

>> No.12798791
File: 30 KB, 540x400, Cj-mrKRUgAAewJE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That sucks anon-kun, there are so many sweet transgirls out there who need a lot of love

>> No.12798804
File: 961 KB, 3261x2174, hMFDYdTq8YJuddI4rObWXg-custom-Custom_Size___2-taming-the-tarrasque.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this. kill trannies and save the kids from them. no more mercy for noggers, trannies, fags, muslims, etc. white men must lay down the LAW, the aryan law of manu. DIE TRANNY SCUM DIE.

>> No.12798809

>like fascism and capitalism?

She is about as interested in viewing both sides of an argument as anyone else who's been in this game for more than a few years.

I love some of her content on a very strictly aesthetic level. Her more recent videos are not amateur productions by any stretch of the imagination but she still plays all the characters in her sketches as though she's a lone operator.

She knows her audience and she knows that they would be very board and disappointed if she made a video which talked about conventional energy and petrochemical production from a more practical mindset.

>> No.12798812

OP has a reddit account lol
what is contrapoints?

>> No.12798816

Here's what you need to do. Write a manifesto, kill your mother, and go on a mass killing spree. A message must be sent for all to hear, like Brenton Tarrant did.

>> No.12798827

some youtuber trap alt-left version of alex jones

>> No.12798829

Nerdy guy who used to make edgelord atheism videos on YouTube, turned into a leftist crossdresser and transitioned. Now he makes $360,000 a year dressing up as a women and bad mouthing capitalism

>> No.12798831

SHH! You mustn't say that name! You mustn't!

>> No.12798833

He who must not be named

>> No.12798835

>people replying to threads like this ever

>> No.12798851

I missed the petrol episode

>> No.12798920
File: 46 KB, 554x601, 1548875765782.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

drung guy here again, ate had some tuna salad with swedish bread. Alcohol effect has lowered, I can write now, at leas t kind of. I will now write that which is at my deepest being.
The system, and capitalism are separated in the sense that they are not the same, the capitalism is more like a tick on the sytsem. The system is the center, the pure human project is the Good, capitalism is the Evil. Good is creation, Evil is consumption. Capitalism, is both within and outside us, since it sticks to the system which is in the same reality.
Capitalism has fabricated a culture to prosper, to survive infinitely, like the 2008 bank crisis. Instead of collapsing it evolves. It made a culture of narcissism a long time ago. In this sense it has created this neo-liberal moral philosophy of hyper-individualisation consciously where people find it cool to be trans and fetishise their children towards it, like what happened to me.
People like contraband or whatever 'her' name is, are created. As a capitalist skeletal centralisation of rebellion by Capital. euthanising the rebellion, letting it be consumed within it. The kind of people that support UBI, a capital tool of overall systematic control. Real rebellion, isn't real. at our current human state. All rebellion is Capital. at its current state. We need to leave this system, Capital is slowly taking over. Infesting itself, in four dimensional information space.

>> No.12798975

You associate generation with "the Good" and have a fucked up relationship with your mother. Creation is good but you see your own creator as vitally parasitic, deluded by capitalism. This is textbook cogdis. Go see a therapist. It is possible to find one that is trustworthy. Non Americans are preferable.

>> No.12798985


Essentially. I expected it to have already started by now, but that assumption was based on the (inflated) self-assessment of the instigators.

>> No.12799003

my mother did not create me, nature and the system did. She was only a flesh battery, with a non self-aware being. Thus being controlled by the tick of Capital and letting Capital corrupt me from a non fully developed conscious state. (Plato was right about the family)
I tried going to a therapist at my Uni, guy treated me like I was any other zoomer with anxiety issues. It was cringe so I left. Dude couldn't do a single pullup, nor had he read the Greeks fully. I asked.

>> No.12799019

Right, like I said, deluded by capitalism. You can't even admit she created you.
>therapist at my Uni
That is the problem. Go to an actual Ph.D. My therapist is literally from Greece and has read "the Greeks," in Greek. They do exist.

>> No.12799025

>nor had he read the Greeks fully
Neither have you, zoomer. You're not so smart if you can't be helped by someone who isn't a /lit/ meme.

>> No.12799066

she did create my temporary image, but not my pure human dasein. My temporary image was part of Capital, in the sense that it wasn't pure and corrupted by my mother, who is infested by Capital.
no, but I'd like talking to a guy who has. Dude was like 40, I'm 19. He should have finished the Greeks, at least for the most part.

>> No.12799093

Your body is the most permanent image you have, pal. What you think is your "pure dasein" is just a small aspect of your body.

>> No.12799154
File: 404 KB, 1409x4759, 6E0047F4-2035-4FBC-9B0A-3A7304AA4D5E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12799166

>mutilating genitals and permanent hormone imbalance

>> No.12799180
File: 316 KB, 1920x1080, 38B7B2ED-FCD5-4210-B9C0-32AAF123E144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Natalie.

>> No.12799186
File: 146 KB, 800x1067, 1549917681385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cringe, what you do with your body is only your lasting image. You should be disengaged with your body. In that way you can handle sickness and pain better than any other, as it's only your flesh in this reality. I realize that while I have been tortured, it was only my body. A non significant image which was detached from my pure soul. While your insides connect with the comprehension of your soul, the visible body image and its pain is only flesh. You're lost and are subconsciously a drought, find the boy within yourself who came to be in its natural state.

>> No.12799502
File: 526 KB, 570x496, 32d8c1bc809a9fd65059e0aace0537bbe9043f6a11d7bab735e7d6d13257ef86.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The ultimate simulacrum.

>> No.12799512

neutral anon here, I don't care for any of your politics and have just read OP image. however I'm writing a thesis on psyops and would like to know if this thread is one (of either side). thanks

>> No.12799517

Yep. Tranny discord here.

>> No.12799521

every thread is a psy-op man the whole internet is a memetic minefield

>> No.12799585
File: 189 KB, 908x1962, B142E904-DB87-41E1-AEE1-C8CD4AC5F2B0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wtf why are atheists so fucking weird?

>> No.12799625

Isn't hontra getting HRT?

>> No.12799663

Feeling the psyop too bro. They want to make leftoid Ecelebs so bad but no one gives a shit and the shilling is obnoxious

Like who the fuck even talks like tha

"this this this"

disgusting normal faggot prose is what it is.

>> No.12799684

Ya but no amount of HRT will get rid of his man hands, wide shoulders, and deep voice

>> No.12799703

>attacking the person and not the arguments

Kill yourselves

>> No.12799711

If you form any solid opinions from 10 minute youtube videos by verified e-celebs you should probably kys

>> No.12799733


>> No.12799742

what if the tranny thing is real and it's not just gay dudes with autogynephilia?

>> No.12799749

It’s not.

>> No.12799753

i know but imagine if it were

that'd be freaky

>> No.12799786

Low energy/deluded post. There is no seperation between body and mind.

>> No.12799795

A couple of the posts seem to be either psyops or sarcastic, especially 'this this this'.

>> No.12800009
File: 59 KB, 600x800, 33c1c3087321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did he say that's misinformation? I hope you aren't talking about the onions video.
Peter deserves the bullet. I hope someone purges hime Stalin style.

>> No.12800053
File: 28 KB, 400x500, baily jay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When i was a kid i used to steal my aunts clothing and cross dress in it. I used to jerk off in her panties and after i would cum i would feel immense guilt.

Never did i think that i wanted to cut my dick off. Vaginas are pretty gross desu. Futinari dick girls are better, you could say a daring synthesis.

I dont know what the purpose of this psyop is, but no one on 4chan or pol is ever going to change their politics because of a low tier tranny eceleb

Now baily jay, that was a tranny

>> No.12800057

He’s bald

>> No.12800065

I was already a very left leaning person, but contra points did open by eyes a bit to trans issues. After years of posting about how everyone is a fag, I’m not going to change anything about what I do or how I act, but I understand the arguments I wouldn’t have never previously given a shit about a little bit better.

>> No.12800074

Me on the right.

>> No.12800084

i think the tiffany tumbles video was genuinely good

>> No.12800087

>this this this
Even reading this makes me want to fucking choke out some random soilent leddit faggot then shit on his copy of ready player one and wipe the shit covered book all over the patchy beard on his pudgy face. Then I want him to watch me smash his switch up with his thanos gauntlet replica and shove the pieces up his gaping asshole (gaping because his mtf gf fucks him in it every night while he cums to the thought of how progressive he is)

>> No.12800093
File: 197 KB, 534x549, 1486996436664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I have found my life and life itself to be absolutely pointless, meaningless, and to be some sort of gnostic prison were human beings are tortured and made to endure endless suffering

The purpose of life is not happiness, or pleasure, or anything for that manner. Life is a meaningless absurdity. A pendulum that swings between boredom and suffering. Attaining the things i desire will not fulfill me as new goals and desires will one day be created. And well, its much too late now, isnt it.

You sound like a giant faggot dude


>> No.12800114

Well duh. Life is Absurd. But it’s not gonna stop me from doing the shit I want to do or think I should do that’s right in front of me. Applicable philosophy is the most important, otherwise I would have offed myself a decade ago.

>> No.12800135

Contra wants to have sex with The Golden One don't (You) me

>> No.12800170

I want to have sex with (You).

>> No.12800178

Someone post the rollercoaster pic

>> No.12800182

I'm the guy who wrote the 'this this this', ama

>> No.12800193

He was a nazi bodybuilder,
She was a communist tranny,
Can I MAKE it more OBVIous

>> No.12800218

wanna be my gf (male)

>> No.12800237


>> No.12800259


>> No.12800282

who tortured you?

>> No.12800310


>> No.12800314

why would you do that, are you a bad person? a nasty anon?

>> No.12800330

>look! even *they* are starting to agree with us! are you tired of winning yet, fellow trannypedes?
does the average reddit nigger realize this is an anonymous website where anybody can post?
do they think you need a nazi badge certified by david duke in order to participate in a discussion?
why else would some of them come here and screenshot their own retarded posts, parading them around to show how successful they are being at influencing internet culture?

>> No.12800336
File: 94 KB, 1440x239, Screenshot_20190202-121107_Clover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It makes me sad man.

>> No.12800389
File: 1.68 MB, 911x988, 1552564862219.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that this is what the disgusting tranny actually looks like out in the wild, away from lighting and camera tricks in his overproduced videos.

>> No.12800398
File: 63 KB, 735x525, 1550449493969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yikes, but uniornically. The left isn't any better than /pol/tards.

>> No.12800401

The thread is embarrassing, they don't understand why you would start with the Greeks and view it as some white guy thing. They apologise about triggers from discussing books.
They critique white nationalists for recruiting young western guys raised on the late culture industry and by parents without foundation. While these people take advantage of lonely and depressed /r9k/ tier people all around the internet to fuel their fetishisation and Inferiority complex.
This would never have happened if people just started with the Greeks. baka.

>> No.12800403

wtf I hate contrapoints now
Thanks Reddit.

She was hotter when she was still a confused he desu

>> No.12800407

She's cute

>> No.12800408


>> No.12800411


>> No.12800421
File: 67 KB, 923x519, 6a5e668b27618a81d64c863286a04206f5e1653cdf605b0dd8397d45770e56f7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blaming capitalism for things cause by postmarxism


>> No.12800424


>> No.12800428

Capitalism and Marxism are two faces of the same coin... They're cause by mankind's slavery to the technique.
Jacques Ellul talks about it in great lenght.

>> No.12800431

Some retard on this very board told me just yesterday that they are basically the same thing.

>> No.12800433

Anyone have a full version of the bra pic?

>> No.12800437

I never felt like a woman in a man's body though, I denounced it even when my mom wanted me to be gender fluid from childhood. Being molested made me fairly homophobic in my teens though which I've fixed.

>> No.12800439
File: 67 KB, 313x286, 1375528764798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12800442

You can always abreact by insulting all the local trannies then.

>> No.12800448
File: 1.30 MB, 1440x1080, 1465125517422.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That guy has a manlier frame than I and deludes himself into thinking he's a girl.

Sad. Should've hit the gym.

>> No.12800461

no thanks, I'm okay with myself after I read the Greeks, having some feminine traits and slight bisexuality isn't the end of the world. I don't think trans people really accept themselves.

>> No.12800463

Holy shit. Is this type of mental illness worse than austism?

>> No.12800466

They don't. And we're creating a generation of freaks by refusing to help them with care instead of giving them instant HTR.

Even the "best looking trans" needs hours of makeup and ressemble grotesque caricatures of feminity outside of photos and videos;

>> No.12800467

Embarrassing. Should have killed yourself that one time.

>> No.12800476

Honestly, they're so naive and dumb it makes me feel bad, like the condescendence one has with people with down syndrome.

>> No.12800480

So you just assume Jordan is whatever tabloids tell you he is? How intellectual and not at all biased. I trust you to finally make the merge between us archenemies, the left and the nazis.

>> No.12800490

That's always what I've never got about them:
>People don't always fit stereotypical gender roles
>Better cut off my penis and flood my body with hormones then