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12797415 No.12797415[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>calls García Lorca "Lorca"
>calls García Márquez "Márquez"
>calls Marcus Antonius "Mark Antony"
>pronounces Borges "Borjes"
>calls pijamas "pajamas" like a retard
>spells marihuana "marijuana"

>> No.12797416

those are all correct

>> No.12797423

>those are all incorrect

>> No.12797424

stupid frog poster

>> No.12797470

I think people pronounce Borges' first and middle name worse than his last desu

>> No.12797618

Who cares

>> No.12797630

Tienes que volver

>> No.12798071


>> No.12798074

>different countries typically have different ways or saying things


>> No.12798076

no u

>> No.12798082

Justify the spelling "marijuana". 3-2-1 Go.

>> No.12798102

I don't have to. People can use the language they want. Do you have a problem understanding the word? If not then there is no problem.

>> No.12798110

>Finnegans Wake

>> No.12798147

You can't justify it. The J in marijuana does not sound like the Spanish J nor like the English J. It's an utterly retarded spelling caused by the sensationalist press that doesn't make sense. I'm sure as an Anglo you've grown accostumed to words not making sense but this is ridiculous even for your kind.

>> No.12798152

>people pronounce 'jalapeno' as 'hallapeeno'
i know, it's fucking great. latino culture is more autistic than french. kys.

>> No.12798165

The Spanish J is not pronounced like the English J, retard. Makes 100% sense within the language's rules.

>> No.12798169


>> No.12798175


>> No.12798191


uh why are you using the e when it's clearly not pronounced.

>> No.12798204

t. doesn't understand spanish nor has he ever spoken it or even heard a person who has spoken it

>> No.12798208

ha la PEN nyo

>> No.12798216

I thought it was halapeenyo

>> No.12798222

>The Spanish J is not pronounced like the English J, retard.
and zero fucks are given.

>> No.12798226

if you're an ameritard

>> No.12798229

Borges is pronounced "Bor-hess"

>> No.12798264 [DELETED] 

I'm a native Spanish speaker, m8. You pronounce marijuana "mariguana" for no reason at all.

>> No.12798267

Then why are you whining about that word and language, if you don't even know its inner rules, faggot?

>> No.12798269

>calls Finnegans Wake "Finnegan's Wake"

>> No.12798284

>calls John Ronald Reuel Tolkien "Tolkien"
hurr durr

>> No.12798287

I'm a native Spanish speaker, m8. You spell the original marihuana "marijuana" yet pronouce marijuana "mariguana". Following rules you pulled out of your ass. Certainly not English nor Spanish rules.

>> No.12798288

No, it's "Bor-Giss" as in:
"Hor-hey Loo-iss (or Loo-ee) Bor-giss"

>> No.12798295

Protip, "banal" does not rhyme with "anal."

>> No.12798302

It's actually bor-hess with a hard H.

>> No.12798311

Why can't non-Americans pronounce fortune right?
it's forchuhn, not for-tune

>> No.12798315

>Hor-hey Loo-iss (or Loo-ee) Bor-giss
The G in Jorge and the G in Borges are pronounced the same. Spanish rules are consistent for the most part. And the correct pronounciation is the first G. So I guess "Bor-hays".

>> No.12798317
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>calling Homeros Homer
>calling Platon Plato
>pronouncing Cicero Sisero

>> No.12798324

Why can't non-Brits pronounce pijamas right? It's pijamas like original Indian word not "pajamas xD" like a retarded hick.

>> No.12798325
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Please tell me that isn't true. Ive been trying to use it in my vocabulary and have been pronouncing it like that.

>> No.12798331

...I'm so sorry bro, it's true.

>> No.12798333

Is it bah-nal?

>> No.12798334

It's actually "bor-giss" with a hard "G" and hard "S" at the end.

>> No.12798336

It's ba-nal not bainell

>> No.12798346


>> No.12798347
File: 49 KB, 625x625, Godard-et-Anne-Wiazemsky-une-histoire-revolutionnaire (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pronounces pleb with a b like web

>> No.12798353

fuck dude, I hope I didn't embarrass myself. Ill just pray they don't know the word themselves

>> No.12798356


>> No.12798364

Yeah, I hope so too. It's "buh-nahl". Start as if you're going to say "banana" but end with "all" or "Al".

....also, steer clear of "epitome" until you've got that one down.

>> No.12798420

\bə-ˈnal, ba-, -ˈnäl; bā-ˈnal; ˈbā-nəl\

>>calling Homeros Homer
>>calling Platon Plato
Nominative suffixes are pointless in a language without declensions.

>> No.12798433

>believing a cheap English AI voice can teach you how to pronounce foreign words
>pronounces Borges "Borgues"
It's bor-hess. I'm a native Spanish speaker, m8, you can trust me.

>> No.12798442

>Start as if you're going to say "banana" but end with "all"
in England, this would sound like 'Ban-awl'.
bad advice.

>> No.12798448

Well this isn't England.

>> No.12798453
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>> No.12798477

I haven't trusted the Spanish in years. Besides, I first heard the Jorge Luis Borges's name about eleven years ago and have not heard it spoken (by myself or anyone else) since then. At this rate, if I live to be 85, I will use it three more times before I die.

Out of curiosity, are there many Spanish words that pronounce a "g" as an "h"?

>> No.12798485

That's not far off though.

>> No.12798743

All the ones with G before E and I like vagina or emerger ("to emerge"). If you want it to sound like the English G in "get" you must add a U between the G and the E/I as in guerra ("war") or guiño ("wink").

>> No.12798750

No pues gua perros

>> No.12798756

In Spanish, every 'ge' and 'gi' combination, the "g" sounds as "h".

>> No.12798765
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> I like vagina

>> No.12798769

"bor-jays" is the only wrong one
could this be a bait thread? nah...

>> No.12798772

"Marijuana" is not correct by any stretch of the imagination.

>> No.12798779

>calling camuss "camoo"
>calling neatchee "neesha"

>> No.12798785

depends on how you pronounce it eh?

>> No.12798790

It's just how people spell it. You just have to accept that you don't decide how people use language

>> No.12798799

>going out of your way to find out how names are pronounced in their homeland instead of just pronouncing it according to your dialect

>> No.12798811

>Hispanic person speaks normally and without an accent until a Spanish word comes up and then goes all out

>> No.12798818

so this... is the power of monoligual retards.
Que cosa mas grande caballero

>> No.12798822


Nah but I still can rebel against stupidity in my own small meaningless way by spelling it correctly when I have the chance and there's nothing you can do about it.

>> No.12798830

The double R has an actual sound in Spanish, not just there for aesthetic reasons.

>> No.12798865

Better than "buh-ree-doh".

>> No.12798885

Isn't this overdone now? It's a great refference - I had a notion of what was being referenced, re-read the section, and seriously it's just perfect. But this is the 50th time it's been done.

>> No.12799031

callate panchito

>calling tully cicero

>> No.12799034

>she literally cucked bresson
>>According to Wiazemsky's 2007 novel Jeune Fille, she and Bresson developed a close relationship during the shooting of the film, although it was not consummated. On location they stayed in adjoining rooms and Wiazemsky said that "at first, he would content himself by holding my arm, or stroking my cheek. But then came the disagreeable moment when he would try to kiss me ... I would push him away and he wouldn't insist, but he looked so unhappy that I always felt guilty." Later Wiazemsky lost her virginity to a member of the film's crew, which she says gave her the courage to reject Bresson

>During the 1966 filming of Au Hasard Balthazar, director Robert Bresson proposed to her several times, though she refused.[9] In 1967, she married Jean-Luc Godard, and subsequently starred in several of his films; the marriage officially ended in divorce in 1979,[9] though the couple had already separated as early as 1970.[10]

>> No.12799051

you know it's all true, Brandon.

>> No.12799053

what section bro

>> No.12799058

obviamente marica pero eso no va a parar a estos gringos de mierda

>> No.12799248
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Probably because he was like 50 years older than her. I don't blame him for trying though, she was a goddess

>> No.12799283
File: 83 KB, 488x750, 766765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those crazy old frenchmen

>> No.12799849

How do you get to the "H" sound instead of the "J" sound?

>> No.12799931

kill all anglocucks

>> No.12800409

It seems like an anglo hypercorrection. The english pronunciation matches up with how they would otherwise approximate a spanish J (e.g. Juan as Wahn), when they cant be bothered to even approximate it as a H (maybe this is specific to "Jua"; and to the wine–whine merger). So going from J to H to W, and vice versa, thus spelling it with a J. I mean it's wrong, but in a way that makes sense to angloid's poor understanding of spanish.

>> No.12800452

Ehrm, the P is silent sweety.

>> No.12800520


>> No.12800526

Fucking kek

>> No.12800746

It's bah-naal.

>> No.12800773

Marijuana is an amalgamation of Maria and Juana. The pronunciation of the "j" is perfectly consistent with Spanish rules.

>> No.12800790

You don't, it doesn't exist in spanish.