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/lit/ - Literature

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12794910 No.12794910 [Reply] [Original]

How /lit/ is your city?

>> No.12794919

Probably only me. Although, we have this metal statue of a poet I believe, somewhere along the river that goes right through the middle of town.

>> No.12794922

Which city, you bumbling faggot?

>> No.12794924

used to live in Paris, 9/10 basically everyone even the garbagemen read and people readily sit and discuss literature and if you haven't read anything ever people will ask you "why don't you read?"

now live in a medium-sized city in spain
0.0/10 jeezus

>> No.12794930

A small town of a mere thirty thousand. But you should see the summers, blows up by tenfold!

>> No.12794931

>Knoxville, Tennessee
I think we've got 2 dudes who set their autobiographies here? So that's something
I see a lot of the libraries getting used, but I wouldn't say it'd be the most /lit/ city even in tennessee

>> No.12794932


To much liberal bs, but pretty lit

>> No.12794940

Cardiff. It's alright, but London, Ireland, Manchester etc seem to have the best artistic communities or whatever. Manchester is a great place to spend your teens if you're into new music.

>> No.12794945

we literally don't even have a single bookstore

>> No.12795163

It's full of foreigners, I don't really leave my rich neighbourhood.

>> No.12795229
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>Providence, Rhode Island
Lovecraft lived here (he's buried a stone's throw from my house) and Poe resided here for a while; there's a clear history of horror culture in general. Also Cormac McCarthy was born in Providence, oddly. There are still a few lovely used bookstores and good libraries. Pretty good for a city this size (wouldn't recommend the place overall though).

>> No.12795240

Why wouldn't you recommend it? I'd love to have been born in an historic large town.

>> No.12795301

>somewhere in the Midwest
I don't know if these people even can read.

How long has in been since you were in Paris? Things might have changed.

>> No.12795310

My hometown in Mass was home to a failed transcendentalist utopia, founded by Louisa May Alcott's father and often visited by Thoreau and Emerson. Alcott used the town as inspiration for Little Women.
Pretty /lit/ I'd say
Now living in NYC, not lit at all

>> No.12795312

Not in the slightest

>> No.12795319

It's not that bad, but there aren't many jobs and the culture can be a little stifling. Infrastructure is terrible. Maybe I just dislike cities in general.
At least I'm not in a Connecticut city...

>> No.12795321

Very small town in Appalachian Kentucky, where the only remotely /lit/ thing for several hours is a public library. West Virginia had all the hick writers of note.

>> No.12795349


Just fucking nuke us already. This town is fraught with spinsters, sodomites, and bugmen. Anything anyone ever does in this town is done solely with the intention of being noticed. Most yuppie transplants here don’t even actually read but watch Netflix and go out to restaurants and bars. DC is devoid of culture, as all the ethnic neighborhoods are being gentrified if not already. But in all fairness there are some good bookstores here, even if they’re bougie af—Kramerbooks. I suppose the extent most people here read is whenever a pop politician like Michelle Obama realeases a book and the NPC masses swarm to obtain it. All in all, there are few bookish type here. Perhaps a generation ago it was more literary here, but not anymore. Liberalism was a mistake.

>DC meetup when

>> No.12795362

Vienna: People hang around in coffe houses and read just like they did 100 years ago...

>> No.12795369

Same. Strand bookstore is cool but man some of these books are so far left wing it's insane.

You'll find some cool stuff though.

>> No.12795371

suburban New Jersey is pretty dire but I can hop a train to Manhattan when I get the urge. I have to get a job in the city to get a New York library card though.

>> No.12795381
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5/10 but 4 of the 5 are pseuds who read garbage. Also this is the worst city for anything cultural. Toronto's culture is pretending their NYC.

>> No.12795401

>Major Australian city
Reading is a niche hobby and literature a niche interest for anyone under 50. In saying that, books and bookstores are still quite popular. I suppose we have a lot of closet-readers who are too shy to reveal their interest aloud. Reading literature is somewhat antithetical to popular Australian culture, which prefers sports, drinking, partying, and hook-ups.


>> No.12795416

london is lit as fuck its literally where english poetry comes from we invented your shitty language you're all shit in

>> No.12795418

Intellectual hub, but so far leftwing that it would scare any American. For reference: Marx' mother lived here and it's the most leftist city in the Netherlands.

>> No.12795422

I live in London and its not /lit/ at all. Noone reads and book shops are rare.

>> No.12795426

it's in the US bible belt and full of blacks, so about 0/10

>> No.12795428

i do but im retarded

i live in san francisco too and it's about the same degree of lit

>> No.12795433
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>Richmond, Virginia
VCU creates a presence of a ton of college students in cafes and small bookstores. I see some people reading but not a lot. I'd say we're more /mu/ than /lit/

>> No.12795437

>ann arbor
Generic college town/10
I'm a grad student though so I have a /lit/ social circle.

I grew up around there, I know a few people in their 30s and 40s there who are pretty /lit/, they mostly work at non-profits. Only one of my zoomer family members there is /lit/.

>> No.12795440

My imouto goes to VCU

>> No.12795445

Which hick writers are you referring to?

>> No.12795446

Iowa City is VERY /lit/.

>> No.12795452

Nice. Give me her number and her toes

>> No.12795457
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>How /lit/ is your city?

Considering the average detached house is $2.4 million USD it's not a writer's paradise.
But William Gibson, Evelyn Lau, and Douglas Coupland live here, so fairly /lit/ for a smaller city.

>> No.12795458

She's gay and more /mu/ than /lit/

>> No.12795461
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>Vancouver, Canada btw

>> No.12795463

small town in france, 15k people
two minor authors were born here
no permanent bookstore other than the books department of the local mall
several boxes with free books to pick or give away
nobody likes to read anyway

>> No.12795467

Check out Chop Suey in Cary Town, my lil dude. Richmond is an underrated literary city. Tom Wolfe is from there. Poe lived there for a time, as well.

>t. VCU alumni

>> No.12795469

I only fall for lesbians and i'm more /mu/ than /lit/ as well

Toes please

>> No.12795474

Yeah I lurk in there often. Gf and I pop in every few weeks after hitting up Plan 9 for records and World of Mirth for whatever bullshit we want to waste money on

>> No.12795499


I see people reading on every public transport I'm on and I've worked in a cafe for over 2 years now and rarely is there somebody in there who isn't reading.

The libraries are in great shape (check out Dun laoghaire library if you're ever around Dublin, it's a stunning building and very much in view of the Tower in Ulysses) and you'll often end up in debates about poetry with other Irish people if you've drunk enough when out. (spoiler: everyone fucking loves Heaney and despises Kavanagh.)

Could be worse I suppose. Japan is the only other country I've visited that I've seen more people reading publicly than Dublin.

>> No.12795519 [DELETED] 

A world-famous book was completed in my hometown, but nothing important had its genesis there.

>> No.12795544
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Portland, OR
there's a lot of hipster pseudism and yas kween diversity pushes.
Not that I disagree with the underlying values of egalitarianism and equality, I just find a lot of people opportunistically, maybe even cynically use this public trend to push their subpar work. I'm pretty fucking lefty but constant immersion in idpol stuff really wears on you.
Most people my age here kind of suck. Your average 2X year old moved here recently from some shitty town in the midwest or LA because they thought they were better or more unique than everyone around them and wanted to go somewhere they believed people would respect and appreciate their uniqueness. Imagine a general population of young people always performing. Gets fucking tiring.
One example- I was driving to pick up some meds for my gf she left at our house, and an unlicensed oh so spontaneous instagrammable "moment" lights and music bike parade blocked my way. For fucking fifteen minutes, young people in various stages of undress on bikes and other human-powered vehicles covered in glow and ravelight materials bumping techno kept me from getting back to my house to get something to help relieve a loved one's pain. I honked, they laughed at me. Just stop the fucking parade two or three times so cars can get through. The line of stuck cars stretched for several fucking blocks. They inconvenienced so many fucking people for their fun young people moment.
Anyway I'm stuck here for school and I've made some decent friends through that. I grew up here and all my friends from high school are also taking life pretty seriously, they've been forced to move different places for jobs and school. Less fetishization of uniqueness among us locals, for example we get haircuts that wouldn't get us fired. Meanwhile in the hometown we're surrounded by people who don't give a fuck about getting fired. Get a neck tattoo.
Hard to explain. Hopefully this blogpost didn't make me seem completely unsympathetic. Ready to graduate and move somewhere far more reasonable.

>> No.12795547
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>Cape Town
Anybody else live here? It’s probably the most /lit/ city on the African continent but that’s not saying much. Obviously half of the city is literal slums so straight out the block they don’t really count. The white and middle-class black parts are basically ex-farmers and ex-tribals who buy into the logic of globalist conspicuous consumption (10 years behind everybody else) and have only loose images and intimations of what genuine culture actually is, glimpsed from pop culture. It’s not a surprise, given how isolated we are, but the literary classes are laughably provincial. The most you’ll get out of them is one owning a copy of ‘12 rules for life’ or a Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie novel. You might find a few arty types (let me stress that this a small minority,) attending experimental music gigs or sharing Rupi Kaur, maybe even a couple reading Steve Biko, but the discussion doesn’t go beyond your usual Trevor Noah-grade politics. It mostly comes across posing because there doesn’t seem to be much substance to any of it. That said, the whole city’s aesthetic could be /lit/, but I don’t think it has been tapped into properly yet.

>> No.12795604

There are plenty of small, inexpensive bookstores and libraries here. Most people are not well read except in corny political books like Dreams from My Father and Fire and Fury. There's also a restaurant chain called "Busboys and Poets" and it is a hellhole. It's part restaurant, part bookstore, and part "art" gallery and the theme is leftism. Portraits disparaging the Trump administration, books on "revolution" and identity politics, and a woke, fair trade menu with plenty of vegan options can all be found neatly packaged for softbody liberals to consume in one go.
I'd meetup but I'm a sodomite.

>> No.12795629
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>Gothenburg, Sweden
It's all right, I suppose. It was always known as the more bohemia, working class city in the country. We have some decent, smaller bookstores but most belong to a franchise and stock the same books; tonnes of crime thrillers of course, as this is Scandinavia. Thankfully, our city library isn't too bad, though it fell for the "open workspace" meme a bit too much for my personal comfort. And since people reading on the bus is a measure of a city's /lit/ness, I'll say I see it happen often enough. You won't see half a tram's worth of passangers read; reckon one or two per car is the standard.

Wish I had the balls and attention span to seek out and attend literary events, but I guess I'll just stick to reading in the park.

>> No.12795663

Los Angeles. I don't know how /lit/ it is. I just don't move in those circles, I guess.

>> No.12795679

Tampa Bay here. Not sure really how to rank it compared to other cities I've visited, but there's a decent number of independent bookstores that are somehow still thriving. Also, I know of a few notable writers that live or have lived here; ligotti, berryman, Kerouac, and Jim Morrison to name a few. St. Petersburg is definitely the most /lit florida city.

>> No.12795700

london is very /lit/ if you make it /lit/. swim in the hampstead ponds, attend events at BL, browse at daunt, hang around southbank or the barbican

>> No.12795712

sounds like touristy as fuck. I actually live south bank though.

>> No.12795739

I live by the /lit/™ code and I only do things I think are /lit/™. You wish you could be as /lit/™ as me

>> No.12795742

well i mean members-only library stuff, the ponds are a v intellectual environ if you're regular. i also forgot to mention the theatre here which is the best in europe and quite easy to find your way into

spend more time at the centre then. i was there yesterday watching some jazz and walked past a couple writing groups incidentally

>> No.12795750

LA is definitely not /lit/ unless you are a heroin addict

not /lit/. sorry.

Houstin is very /lit/

>> No.12795765

I don't live in a city

>> No.12795773

>you'll often end up in debates about poetry with other Irish people if you've drunk enough
cringey af

>> No.12795780



>> No.12795782

Then, fuck off.

>> No.12795787


>> No.12795789

You'll never be /lit/ kid. I can feel the same energy that Joyce tapped from

>> No.12795790

>even the garbagemen read and people readily sit and discuss literature
why are you lying on the internet?

>> No.12795795

How close to South Bank? Old Kent Road here.

>> No.12795796

That's fine. You'll never be /lit/ but that's fine

>> No.12795799

>le crazy laddy, drunken irish spirit!
Why do Irish people, like Australians, get so high off their own quirky stereotypes?

>> No.12795800

Didn't Joyce live in Italy for most of his life? I thought he only returned to Dublin a couple of times to try and get his book published and start a cinema?

>> No.12795808

He wrote about Dublin his entire life because it's the city he knew best. Stay jealous I am more /lit/ than everyone on this board other than other Dubliners.

>> No.12795815

Why so aggressive? I was just curious is all. I thought he taught kids in Italy for most of his life.

>> No.12795821

>ann arbor
whats up fellow wolverine
where do you find the lit circles tho? do any of the libraries have events? does /lit/erati have any lol?

>> No.12795827

Italy isn't /lit/. He learned all he did from Ireland

>> No.12795830

Wasn't Robert Ashley from Ann Arbor. Thats pretty cool

>> No.12795849

maybe aye but objectively most things that are done while drinking are cringey

if memory serves from Gebler's biography he didn't return to Ireland after his mid-20's (where the only thing published of his was Portrait of a Young Artist, Dubliners being seen as too obscene to be published. Joyce has a fantastic poem on the subject, I think it's called the Gas Burner or something similar) and even denied an Irish passport while moving between Switzerland, France, Italy during the war because he never saw himself as Irish.

It's wholly ironic that we hold him in such high regard as a figure of literature despite denying himself a Noble prize due to the passport complications (it went to Bernard Shaw that year I think, before they failed to award it 4 years in row) and also openly despising Ireland every year he lived in and outside it.

>> No.12795859

what's it like living in a tax haven?

>> No.12795860

>italy isn't lit
>the catholic church
>fucking Dante

grow up chile

>> No.12795866


>> No.12795873

Ah thanks for the info. Interesting.

>> No.12795877

What do you think /lit/ even is? Ill accept Florence as being /lit/ because of Dante but other than that Italy is definitely not /lit/. The Catholic Church doesn't have anything to do with this board.

>> No.12795893
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>he fell for the city meme

>> No.12795895

Elephant and Castle. Pretty close to New Kent Road.

>> No.12795901

no problem

Dublin is very indifferent to Joyce, really. It's rough because he is a very accessible short story writer at his worst and a very interest novelist at his best but both are glazed over and galvanised into little cute plaques on the road that quote a line from "Bloom's Odyssey" and that is enough to constitute culture around here.

>> No.12795902

Denver. It's hot garbage full of $0 y boy retard potheads. We've got a lot of posers and fetishized bookstores, but they don't sell anything but oprah club tier trash. The most literary people in this town probably read all of 3 novels a year, all of which are either a "best seller" or got a movie adaption.

>> No.12795917

More somewhere more /lit/

>> No.12795922

Wow, that's about 5 minutes from me. You ever been to the Cafe House Restaurant opposite McDonalds? I go there every weekend for an all-day breakfast.

Ireland seems to have a great literary culture, must be nice growing up in a society / culture which admires literary figures.

>> No.12795926

I don't think anyone in Brazil reads books for the sake of being /lit/. We're too busy studying and competing like sperm to be the one that passes yearly state exam to become a doctor or engineer.

>> No.12795938

give me examples of Houston being lit

>> No.12795940

>culture which admires literary figures.
I'm guessing you've never been to Ireland before

>> No.12795944
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Caruaru, Pernambuco, Brasil.
We have a culture of improvisation of poems through music, and of poetic short stories
that's dying.
Old and rich people still consume lit here, and more classic lit than I used to believe too.

>> No.12795946

I'm reasonably close to Manchester, though it would be expensive to travel their every day. I attended events in the northern quarter at a community space though it wasn't literary event. There's a lot more going own there, more variety.

>> No.12795954

No, but comparatively speaking Ireland seems to have a healthy literary culture and punches well above its weight internationally speaking.

>> No.12795961

I feel it in my heart I dunno. What the fuck does being /lit/ even mean

>> No.12795962

Rio de Janeiro
reading is unfortunately not a common activity for most brazilians, most are barely literate, and most of those who do read, only read best sellers, self-help and YA shit
Still, some amazing writers have lived here, and the city itself was setting to plenty of stories, not to mention it's the most /his/ city of the country
so I'd say around 5/10
amazingly enough, the region with the worst living standards and literacy rates is also the most /lit/: the northeast

>> No.12795964

Never been there but I pass by whenever I go to the post office. I'll check it out next time I go that way.

>> No.12795989

Is /lit/ the most british board?

>> No.12795994

No way, most boards have a huge British population, with /pol/, /int/ and /r9k/ having /brit/ generals which always have tons of posters. Occasionally there'll be a good British thread here.

>> No.12795997

it's not so much that one is brought up to appreciate literary figures but myself growing up in Donegal (the only county in Northern Ireland that isn't part of Britain) there was an awful lot of influence both in speech and reciting that excites those who are into literature but it's so common in speech that like I said in my initial reply, one can speak to any one else in Ireland about literature. Everyone has read John B Keane, Kavanagh, Heaney, Kinsella etc. by the time they're out of secondary school.

>> No.12796010

Can confirm. I live in Paris and came home to see the boiler repairman reading Proust instead of working.

>> No.12796012

What's the most /lit/ city in Tennessee then?

>> No.12796015

Was it your wife's copy desu?

>> No.12796017
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Derby, UK

>> No.12796018
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london fucking invented literature

>> No.12796020

>reading Proust instead of working
it's almost as if classicists became popular due to their accessibility rather than their inaccessibility. Really wish this was common knowledge.

>> No.12796038

Yeah they were both reading it in bed for some reason

>> No.12796042

>tfw leaving London in two weeks to return to my small rural hometown

>> No.12796047

what do you mean by classicist? brainlet here, accessibility very important to me

>> No.12796050

no joke: what do people expect is gained from living in a literature-enriched city?

>> No.12796054
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Stockholm, Sweden
You will occasionally see people read on the subway. I do it frequently and see another reader everyday, but remember there are easily 100+ people per train. I would say the city is very liberal, with a speck of leftist. It's mostly women who are 25+ who read here and the random weirdo like me (22m). We have one good library (Kungliga Biblioteket) and the rest are only good for borrowing books. Don't know that much about bookstores but I believe there are a couple good "comfy" ones


>> No.12796055

Seriously though, how is Paris in 2019? I hear so many horror stories. And Houellebecq makes it sound like Blader Runner except full of Arabs and Africans.

>> No.12796060

It's alright

>> No.12796062

For me it's pseud cred.

>> No.12796065

honestly I was being very broad with that word. I just meant anybody published under "Classics".

Go into the most "intelligent" novel with an open mind and you'll gain as much as any Johnny Big Brain (even if it's putting the novel down because you don't like it. People often over-praise big novels simply because they've gotten through it).

>> No.12796073

wish Douglas Coupland got more love on /lit/

>> No.12796076

you got enough water m8?

>> No.12796077

Brooklyn so basically the peak

>> No.12796080

I agree with this. I find certain lengthy older novels to be absolutely dull, tin-eared and lacking in genuinely interesting ideas. I'd say 90% of the books I buy on Amazon (next-day delivery please wagey) are put aside after ten pages or so because I just don't the story interesting enough. And these are mostly so-called Classics. So far in 2019 I've spent well over $1,000 on books from Amazon, yet have completed probably three or four at most, and even then I skipped chapters because the story wasn't moving fast enough.

>> No.12796107

I have decided to just complete write-off most Victorian and Gothic writers for a lot of the same reasons. The relief I felt reading Middlemarch was palpable after trying to trudge through Henry James, Austen, the Brontes simply because of how far removed it was from that genre.

But also my dude if you have a library please use it. I used to spend stupid money on books as well before I began using the library at the end of last year. Idk where you're from but in Ireland we can have books shipped from library to library so everything can be obtained within a few weeks.

>> No.12796109

>Hopefully this blogpost didn't make me seem completely unsympathetic.
You're such a typical Portland faggot. Even without the dumb haircut and neck tattoo.
I moved to Portland 8 years ago and I'm desperately trying to move out. Portland has a nice infrastructure for art, plenty of art spaces, venues, and the largest independent book store in the country. But Portland doesn't value art. Portland (generally) values politics and uses art as an avenue for it.
So Portland could theoretically be /lit/, but as was already said it uses the platforms it has to push yas kween diversity. Mediocre non-whites reign supreme in the arenas of music and literature. It really broke my naive belief that art mattered.

>> No.12796140

The Stockholm city library looks very nice, anon. Ours was built in the 60s and got refurbished a few years ago, so it lacks any sense of history.

>> No.12796148

you sound like you agree with me on all fronts yet you call me a faggot, what gives?
also you're fucking stupid if you don't know where to find apolitical art in this city, or you're purposefully obtuse.

>> No.12796150

lmao someone has a neck tattoo

>> No.12796160

Ashland is the most /lit/ place in Oregon

>> No.12796161

I have no tattoos
you must be one of those mouthbreathing anime fatties I see on the max sometimes.
Take your headphones off and get out of the way.

>> No.12796165

/lit/ is mostly American since America is the most /lit/ country. Wallace, Nabokov, Pynchon, Melville, Cormac.. the list goes on. Joyce was American at heart

>> No.12796173

Ashland sucks. Bunch of trustfund hippy-LARPing boomers and crustpunks.

>> No.12796191
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>not being born in some forgettable rural town and spending your live as a vagabond moving around Europe

Never going to be /lit/

>> No.12796194

Big facts right here
At least theres some cool book stores on Bloor st.

>> No.12796199

>Cormac McCormac

>> No.12796200

how is that /lit/ in the slightest?

>> No.12796205

/lit/ is knowing culture and then transcribing original experience. as such, as a place becomes known as /lit/, it becomes less /lit/.

>> No.12796208
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My overgrown bimbo surfer city is so ugly and illiterate that it's come back around the other side to become literary again. Or maybe I just only see poetry in shit that has no soul, but the trees are pretty nice anyway. Nearby Monterey with Steinbeck's Cannery turd of a novel is probably the closest thing we have to a literary history.

>> No.12796212

No, you're seeing sample bias as per the typical Europoor fart huffing.

>> No.12796215

I'm alluding to Ezra Pound.

>> No.12796219

It has a nice exterior but the inside is a complete clusterfuck of chinese tourists, children crying. immigrants on the computers and just general loud noises. It's very sad, this is why I like Kungliga Biblioteket a lot more, they have actual rules there and aren't shy of enforcing them. Plus a lot of qt3.14 bookthots there

>> No.12796221

do you dislike Cannery Row? Or is there a general distaste for Steinbeck in California?

I thought Doc ordering a beer milkshake was one of the funniest moments of any novel I've ever read and I will always remember Cannery Row as one of my fav Steinbeck's.

>> No.12796222

/lit/ is smoking a cigarette in an cafe in an ancient city while reading a novella in its original language

>> No.12796238

Reminder that you can't be /lit/ unless you've read at least 1,000 works of literature and have at least one book published.

>> No.12796248

>you sound like you agree with me on all fronts yet you call me a faggot, what gives?
Just how you're unnecessarily apologetic and you get butthurt when someone pokes fun at you on the internet, as can be seen here:
>also you're fucking stupid if you don't know where to find apolitical art in this city, or you're purposefully obtuse.
Dude chill. I'm goofin' on ya. So you seem to have the inside scoop, let's say I want to go to a show, check out some cutting edge electronic music of an apolitical nature, where might I go? What scenes?

>> No.12796255

> Moscow
full of idiotic rich zoomers that blast shitty music on bluetooth speakers. a great lot of cool bookstores, and many lit events since it's the capital and all
many people readon the subway. reading culture's gone to shit though, in USSR people read more because there was nothing fucking else to do.

>> No.12796267

Sounds like the environment Dostoyevsky would write in so thats pretty /lit/

>> No.12796277

I try to tailor my lifestyle to be /lit/ but its so hard at times because I don't live near anything cool. I tried taking up smoking and drinking but they both just make me feel dizzy and sick. Is there anything else I can do?

>> No.12796279

Huh, that's a shame. Our library's layout is pretty shitty for just casual browsing (makes me stressed out), but people are always well-behaved.

>this is why I like Kungliga Biblioteket a lot more, they have actual rules there and aren't shy of enforcing them. Plus a lot of qt3.14 bookthots there
Very nice, anon

>> No.12796286

Weed is /lit/ as hell, it just hasn't caught on with the general /lit/ population yet.

>> No.12796287

Go to Brazos bookstore they have a great book club

I live in Seattle it's like 6/10, tons of people read and there's lots of great bookstores but there's also a giant contingent of intellectually stunted tech bros who sneer at anything that's not a programming book

>> No.12796291
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we have the Milwaukee Minotaur :)

>> No.12796297

I see now that you were goofin on me and I regret my actions. Please accept my apology. Take my wife for a spin if she tempts your fancy, as a token of my shame.
Used to be that you could go catch local producers every night at a venue called Backspace but they closed over firecode compliance.
These days if I catch music it's at the Holocene (more local), the Wonder Ballroom (occasional touring acts, occasional local), and the Roseland (mostly tours). Doug Fir has great bands, mostly touring. You can catch me there when Iceage is playing, that's more punk but great stuff if you're interested in music in general.
Various other venues pop up and go away, and there's been some seriously cool collective dedicated to showcasing amazing art. For a while there a group called beatogether or blnkstrs would have a bunch of people pool their money to get LA and SF Beat and lofi producers to come to portland from California and NY, hosting underage shows which always were tons of fun. They all moved though. This was before lofi blew up, it was a really cool moment.

>> No.12796299

Not sure anybody thinks of Steinbeck in California nowadays. He was a little too reflective for our own reflexive myopia. But no, Cannery Row gave me a good giggle. It just sometimes rubbed me the wrong way because it reminded me of the way I too fetishize California's mundanity. The place doesn't really deserve it.

>> No.12796300

it's pretty depressive outside the historical centre (which's packed with said zoomers and restaurants/shops/etc for rich people, a massive part of architecture is ruined by now), feels like a literal commieblock anthill
> just finished reading Crime&Punishment yesterday (didn"t bother to read it in school)
it feels a bit gloomier and less monumental than Moscow if you ask me

>> No.12796304

fuck sake man stop ascribing psychoactive drug effects to an output of talent

what's his name fucking Coleridge was off his nut on opiates when he left us with one of the greatest epics of all time

>> No.12796305

Okay, now this is epic

>> No.12796306

also psychedelics if you're into late-mid 20th century /lit/
taking drugs is a part of /lit/ lifestyle in general

>> No.12796314

(this post was made by pretentious basic bitch post gang)

>> No.12796319

I understand, man. A lot of Irish poetry is a fetishization of the utter depression that living off the land entails and it was very hard to take seriously until I had read into the actual cultural connotations of it all (and this is from a farming background).

>> No.12796335

>These days if I catch music it's at the Holocene
That place has been increasingly yas kween'd lately. I was dragged to a show in which the headliner was a local black girl who just bought a synth and couldn't figure out the presets so we just watched her click buttons on a keyboard until prerecorded tracks started playing and she twerked. People cheered wildly. I'm not even joking.

The rest of the venues you listed are mostly normie-tier. They'll host a decent touring band from time to time, but as I said, very few good things happening here organically.
There's very little in this city when you actually look at it, unless you're into antifa DJs or idpol "music." Don't get me started on literature.

>> No.12796342

You will never be /lit/

>> No.12796366

i'm ignorant; what are "yas kween"s?

>> No.12796371

the lit is garbage, the visual art is garbage.
I have a lot of friends in bands so I guess I'm only exposed to music and people I'm already at least somewhat interested in.
Holocene is definitely hit or miss. Same with the normieness of a venue, in my experience. Depends on the night.
IDK man. I'm pretty ready to leave.

>> No.12796379

a phrase we're using for the process of identity politics poisoning the well of creativity so shitty political art by brown people gets prioritized over good art with or without political message by anyone else.
I'm gonna add, nobody's stopping you from making your own music or trying to scout out people creating stuff you like. Somewhere in this city there's a teenager or part timer 20something making the most creative minimalist techno who just needs someone to tell their friends about him and start going to shows

>> No.12796382


>> No.12796388

Small Polish town

>> No.12796397

large Polish city

>> No.12796401

medium polish Resort

>> No.12796405

based. what's modern polish lit like?

>> No.12796408

>nobody's stopping you from making your own music or trying to scout out people creating stuff you like.
You're a little wrong here.
While no one is trying to stop me from making music in my own bedroom I naively tried to set up apolitical shows and I more or less got shunned by a sizable population of the community for not being inclusive enough. There are a lot of whisper-channel queens who smear people just trying to do their own thing if it threatens their little bubbles.
It's a longer story but basically you CAN be partially blacklisted for being apolitical in this town.
That's why I'm packing my bags.

>> No.12796434
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Draw your own conclusions. I couldn't have a say since I've been here since I'm born. Does it look exotic, otherworldly to you? Something you'd never feel with your own senses, maybe?

>> No.12796435

Yeah the progressive tattle tale social network is bullshit. An article to get your bp up real quick:
That being said, you could most likely just do your own thing without addressing politics one way or the other with some friends and nobody would care. This is a most likely scenario, the outcome you described is much more possible here than anywhere else but still rare.
Yeah I'm leaving as soon as I can too. Where you headed to? I'm thinking whatever city I can find a job in in Texas, the seattle suburbs, or LA.

>> No.12796444
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i can contribute as well (note, it's not a black-and-white photo)
i see threads on int saying commieblock landscapes are comfy, and i can see why, but i agree that we're desensitized by living here

>> No.12796443

it makes me feel very small. those buildings are imposing. the snow and the white sky make the world seem restrictive. but there's something cozy about the bleakness. where is this?

>> No.12796451
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it's also the very centre of the very capital (New Arbat street), not an anthill outskirt

>> No.12796453

I don't know, is Chicago /lit/? I can't read with all the gunshots in the distance distracting me.

>> No.12796459

God the ostentatious wealth display is disgusting.

>> No.12796460
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Another angle for the enthusiasts.

>> No.12796473

on re-reading your post it seems like this actually happened to you, if so fuck man that sucks.

>> No.12796483

i live in los angeles

i want to die

>> No.12796484

I'm thinking Chicago or NYC. Best of luck man.

>> No.12796494

It did. I had all my fliers torn down and any shows I was in were unattended just because I said I wanted to do something beyond political art. I didn't even take a political side. Later I figured out I got whisper'd on facebook.

>> No.12796500

that's bullshit. sorry that happened man. These kids are such fucking idiots, I'm starting to think they will not grow out of it. Hope NY or Chicago treat you better.

>> No.12796509
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also not too far from the center
(yes, it is a printed wall covering the construction site on actual wall. printed covers are common here, not just on construction sites, but over decaying buildings as well)

>> No.12796522

hey me too, my man. double suicide sometime? or coffee maybe?

>> No.12796528

Thanks man. I hope Texas, LA, or the Seattle suburbs are kind to you as well.

>> No.12796569

>But Portland doesn't value art. Portland (generally) values politics and uses art as an avenue for it.
Didn't know that. Dodged a bullet I guess. Heard it was /n/ so it was on my consideration list.
Fuck politics.

>> No.12796609

portland is /n/ as fuck.

>> No.12796623
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>blacklisted for being apolitical

>> No.12796637

Unfortunately our state isn't exactly known for literature.

>> No.12796649

You think a scene full of antifa faggots aren't going to flip their shit because someone doesn't care about their tantrums?
Trimet is pretty good and it's mostly great for bikes, just not art.

>> No.12796693

If the political situation is that bad even /n/ might not make up for it. Unless we organize a cager lynching, which is the only kind of politics I'm in for.
Three things I can't stand: televised sports, celebrity gossip, normie politics.

>> No.12796706

I'm down for cager lynching.

>> No.12796712

he said he was outwardly apolitical. Like he literally said "I want to do something above politics." Which is quite political.
If you're truly apolitical you don't address it at all.
Plenty of bands producers and artists in portland don't address politics and are fine. They do not say that they don't address politics on purpose though. dig?

>> No.12796725

>Like he literally said "I want to do something above politics." Which is quite political.
Holy shit you're stupid.

>> No.12796744

To be clear I never outwardly stated "I want to do something above politics" because I know that the lowest common denominator antifa kid will say what you said, which is that it's political to not be political. A point I don't buy, by the way.
I just didn't want to be a part of all the weird-ass political shit that happens here. I didn't make a statement, it was my lack of statement that condemned me.

>> No.12796852

Doubt like I doubt agony aunt letters. You're telling me you just booked a show without saying anything about politics, and you were blacklisted?

I'm betting you sperged out and had a little rant about the culture or something

>> No.12796885

i moved like 3 months ago, Paris is fine, same as it was for the 6 years i lived there. i always feel like tourists are particularly shocked because they get into the city through Gare du Nord and that place is full of black people, to a degree which the rest of the city isn't. i'd wager it's still like 70% white.

yes, there are arabs and africans, but the city isn't whatever hellscape houellebecq described it as. unless you hate the sight of brown people, in which case it's terrible ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>> No.12796918


>> No.12796971

>I don't know if these people even can read.
The midwestern United States is the most /lit/ part of the world by far.

>> No.12796980

No idea, I'm a STEM PhD student but there are a handful of /lit/ grad students in my dept and we also have a lot of people who collaborate with people in womens/ethnic studies/education departments. It's also just ezpz for me, since I know 3 people here from my undergrad institution.

I occasionally get emails about things from humanities depts and they seem to have social events, and I know the language departments have their own thing.

Huh, I guess so

>> No.12797047

Edinburgh, a very /lit/ city looks-wise, and depending on what part of the city you’re in you can often see people reading. The Harry Potter scourge is a bit too well-ingrained in city culture now though - to the point where the Literature Society Ball at the University this year is Harry Potter-themed. Can be quite exhausting.

>> No.12797079

I live in Leipzig now, which has a rich literary history (Goethe, Nietzsche, Schiller, etc.) and a decent uni. There's a bustling art scene but it seems more focused on music and the plastic arts.
However I do come from a cultural wasteland in the Spanish levant so it has been a massive improvement desu.

>> No.12797093



is this what you're talking about?

>> No.12797099

My local city is london so obviously its quite /lit/ but my local town is croydon which is probably the most /lit/ place in the uk

>> No.12797134

Dude, I gotta say it. Northeast is to Brazil as Ireland is to England. It's just insane how hardship truly translates into pure fucking literature. I'm somewhat jelly of pernambucanos and baianos when it comes to general culture. My countryside Paraná can't compete, it's just impossible. I blame it on how recent everything is: most cities were founded in the twentieth century, immigrants started arriving during the late XIX century, when Italian, Japanese and German culture were already destroyed by Capital. Whilst on the other hand the northeast's been there since the beginning of the nation, developing from a rich Iberian tradition which is being robbed from us.

>> No.12797162

Bunch of closeted homophobic fags. So pretty /lit/

>> No.12797170

>It’s probably the most /lit/ city on the African continent
That's gotta be either Cairo or Marrakesh

>> No.12797183

>My overgrown bimbo surfer city
This makes me think HMB
>so ugly and illiterate
This makes me think Watsonville.
Which is it?

>> No.12797188

Moscow, so erryday we lit

я вoт лю фaлaнcтep и циoлкoвcкий, a ты?

I 'read' this city through Russian Abstract hip hop narratives (бepy пилюлю и пpoглaтывaю чepeз пoлчaca блюю и пaдaю) ++ schizoleviathan byzantine telegram' stuff ++ russian lo-fi e.mu && cinema ++ южинcкий ++ ravinagar'ian math vibes......

Кopoчe лyчший гopoд зeмли, тoлькo eгo пpoживaть нaдo пpaвильным oбpaзoм. Haпpимep, пocмoтpeть "Aйкy" или cхoдить нa диджeя Кaccиpa.

>> No.12797208


Бoгaтый, cчacтливый и гoмoceкcyaльный. :)

>> No.12797222

I currently working (and living) in Buenos Aires, people read in the subway and on cafés, also there is a lot of pretty bookstores

>> No.12797242

He coвceм тaк


>> No.12797311

I live in a small Canadian town and I would suspect it is just me and a few female high schoolers who read in the entire town.

>> No.12797451

God that looks like paradise

>> No.12797453

Do heroin addicts particularly enjoy reading?

>> No.12797481

Chattanooga here and we're going the way of Asheville NC. Got a bunch of Chrtians colleges with good culture nearby though.

Vanderbilt is pretty /lit/ from what I've seen of it.

>> No.12797681
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North Dublin

>> No.12798447
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Brazil is a shithole of ignorance and prejudice towards education. In 2013 a research showed that less than half of the professors read anything for an entire year.

My city fortunately preserved the old public library and has a statue of the regionalist writer Simões Lopes, who was born here, and that's that.

>> No.12798496

I live in a shithole small town with a population of 1,092. I am sure I am the only one who comes here. There are some people in a 15 mile radius who browse reddit, unfortunately. I have talked to them at my place of employment.

It's pretty /lit/, actually. There's a graveyard that swarms with fireflies in the early summer. Nobody seems to know about it. I walk there by myself every night after they start coming out. It's a good four miles.

>> No.12798700

At least we have Nabokov.

>> No.12798725

yeah I went to undergrad there as well and hated it for similar reasons, I'm unfortunately in the midwest now for grad school and quite honestly would rather be back in portland

>Mediocre non-whites reign supreme
kinda true, but portland is still like the whitest major city in the US, it's more white gender non-conforming individuals and white women reign supreme

Plenty do, plenty don't.

>> No.12798740
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It used to be somewhat /lit/, now it's just a playing ground for parking lot owners.

>> No.12798826
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It's gotten much better since the 90's, the past decade has seen a lot of investment in the city centre. The suburbs are surrounded by a mix of smackheads living in council estates and Deanos in their new builds (the same as any Norf city, really). Our city council is currently pushing the tourism meme, so hey, if you're into learning about the Beatles or transatlantic slave trade ports, come on over.

>> No.12798838

>transatlantic slave trade ports
Tell me more about it.

>> No.12798848

I don't know how, i live in a lower-middle/middle class suburb, and the independent used bookstore in our average looking strip mall has The Melancholy of Resistence and Carpenters Gothic in the staff reccomendations. I've picked up JR from there when it was out of print, bought both volumes of The Man Without Qualities, an entire collection of Hawkes books, meanwhile i've been to big used bookstores in the city that have fuck all in terms surprising finds or anything in the way of what i'm looking for.

>> No.12798905


Toronto, since moving here from Brampton, is a cultural wellspring, honestly. You have to look around. Frequent the libraries and you'll see posters for events, including writer's groups. Attend the writer's groups and contribute. Get invited to public readings and parties. Single out the ones who are interesting, and get to know them. You'll discover the culture. Like New York, it's a little subterranean.

>> No.12798906

>Lafayette, LA
If anyone in this god-forsaken state enjoys reading they're hiding underground, just like me. The people are friendly enough but this is a strange, lawless place I have come to. Probably moving back to the northeast soon.

>> No.12798911

Pompano Beach, Florida. Save me from this hell.

>> No.12798917
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I wouldn't say it's very /lit/ at all
It feels much less like an ant colony than other major cities do, however

>> No.12798930

I used to think Chicago was /lit/ when I was like 10.
t. Californian.

>> No.12798935

Funny, that's the same age I realized everyone from California is subhuman.

>> No.12798960

H-heh, I was actually born in W-washington and moved here when I was young...

>> No.12798967

Where in the midwest are you?

>> No.12798980

it's not so bad but a lot worse than other smaller cities. for a evropean capital (compared to london, berlin) it's still nice, too many chinky tourists, and yeah, groids
t. live in med coast close to spain

>> No.12798981


>> No.12799079

Hello, southfag here. Yes, we have quite a few /lit/ people down here, but like you said we usually just keep to ourselves about it. I live in a town close to where Faulkner was born and most people here don’t even know who he is, but occasionally you’ll find someone who is reading outside of a shop or out buying books and then you’ll know. Occasionally I’ll stop to talk with people who are reading (provided that they want to of course) and honesty it’s better than tales I hear of “/lit/“ people in big cities. I think that since reading is less common here that the quality of readers improves becuase there’s less that read for posterity or psued points, most people who read here are actually well rounded individuals who are usually intelligent.
>inb4 “dumb redneck”

>> No.12799087

Meant to reply to >>12798906

Guess I am a dumb redneck haha

>> No.12799099

This is the most /lit/ city if you're into absurdist nightmares
>surrounded by some of the most beautiful wilderness on earth, yet trapped in this city which is just a giant Wal-Mart parking lot with some barrios and middle class neighborhoods
>everyone is either a fat, illegal spic or a fat, lumbering boomer
>politics is either STAND WITH ISRAEL conservatives or Cali transplant
>has existed since 1867 but only started to really develop in the 80s so architecture just doesn't exist
Its like a Newgrounds flash parody of America. And of course those who read here read garbage. My dads bookshelf is full of shit Rachel Maddow told him to read and like, The Road.

>> No.12799146

Im sorry dude

>> No.12799598

San Francisco reporting in.
No one reads here and most are oblivious of the authors that use to live here. When acquaintances found out that I read they struggle to fathom why. I just wish I lived in a /lit/ city. American mentality on reading is shit.

>> No.12799602

find out*

>> No.12799637

You’re thinking of Portugal

>> No.12799641

I live in New York City. Based on what I have experienced I have seldom met people who are well read. In the college I go to the students never read. I am very blessed to have friends who read, though.

>> No.12799642

>Burgertown, Socal. Between LA and SD.

Rich white families doing wholesome park activities. Running, walking dogs, pumping iron. Most are college educated, and have UC alumni traffic plates and stickers. An old cowboy town sits down the parkway where winedrinkers and cheese eaters gather in wood taverns jiving to live rock and country. So everyone’s well read, but not currently reading. Going to a community college 30 min north where most people know and are interested in philosophy.

>> No.12799659

hey man late to the thread but my sophomore year English teacher said that a famous author said that my city C*nc*nnat* was 7 years behind the times.

can any of you fags verify that or was my teacher a pedophile and a liar?
>am drunk and had to really focus in to get the ((((((captcha))))))))

>> No.12799666

>between la and sd

>> No.12799916

>Anglocuck: The Thread
No wonder the board's IQ has fallen off drastically over the past few years and is full of incel NEETs.
>imagine being so privileged as to live in a city
Also, I did a pool few weeks ago and the results showed that most of /lit/ is not anglo. Fucking lying larpers. Now I know for sure you're the ones destroying my board.

>> No.12799994

Paris is like 80% Sub-Saharan today. Keep LARPing though..

>> No.12800033

No, they just cartoonify themselves to the pointthat cosplaying yanks cant tell when they're being tricked or not.

>> No.12800039

Goethe spent a lot of time here if the plaques are to be believed.

>> No.12800113


Live in a C-tier Midwest city, regularly go around the various bookshops and libraries. Over the past 15 years or so it's been ranked near the top of "literary American cities" by objective metrics, though of course such is limited to the United States. I do see people reading very regularly in my daily life, everywhere, so there's something to it.

OTOH I was on the job in this one place slightly suburbia recently on a one-off, mentioned to a customer something about such-and-such book, not getting in his face with it, just passing the time, slightly relevant to exchange. He goes "I dunno, I haven't read any books in years." So both sides in the same locale.

>> No.12800158

Paris is pretty good, a lot of people read and 90% of the publishers are here

>> No.12800169

Goethe was here, Hegel taught here, Hannah Arendt taught here, Karl Jaspers taught here and uhhhmmmmm idk

>> No.12800176

Las Vegas, the anti-/lit/

>> No.12800743

I went to school in a liberal college town and I can say that this is totally plausible. Those social justice types are weird.

>> No.12800754

we have an illiteracy problem

>> No.12800794

Come a little bit to the southeast and be amazed by how completely non-/lit/ Virginia Beach is.
Seems like this city's population is 40% illiterate navy, 50% illiterate poor people, 5% college students that only read YA fiction, and then the rest is a fluctuating cycle of illiterate tourists depending on the time of year.

>> No.12800803

Pittsburgh. Not at all

>> No.12800843

ann arbor

>> No.12800908

Can confirm that Warsaw is alright. Most people on the subway read Jo Nesbo, but you will sometimes see younger (non-boomer) people read Houellebecq and Nabokov.

>> No.12800921
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Only writers group I've come across is something called ink drinks. Was the most self absorbed people I ever met. Also the majority of them were just middle aged women who write as a hobby but call themselves filmmakers and very effeminate men. The whole time they just bitched about politics, mainly Doug Ford and no one really talked about writing at all. Got any good suggestions fren?

>> No.12800923


I live 1 block away from a library, a pub, a theater, a Masonic temple, and 3 schools

>> No.12800928

Bay and Davenport?

>> No.12801156

Try Aeon Books in Chinatown. The owner is pretty cool and they sell used books that comprise tons of rare eastern European/20th century fiction.

>> No.12801162

Sorry about that football season lmao

>> No.12801206

>Miami, Florida

I's alright. there are plenty of book stores and the yearly bookfair is nice. but reading as a culture is not widespread, and whatever does get read adds up to little more than self help and "Now a Major Motion Picture"-core.

>> No.12801216

>Reading the Qu'ran doens't count as reading

nigga please.

>> No.12801239

‘There’s no there, there’ was said about Oakland around the turn of last century. There’s probably even less there there now because it turned ghetto. And again because it may be getting gentrified. Idk. I live in a loft my grandpa is the landlord to.

>> No.12801249
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Our city has exactly one (1) literary figure. He wrote about how much we suck.

>> No.12801286

nice larp

>> No.12801333

I lived in Lyon for a while and got the same vibe. My coworkers all read good literature and watched good film, even if only a little. One read Proust on breaks. France is truly the most /lit/ country. The plain, off-white spine of every novel proves reading to be a deliberate action. There are bookstores everywhere and they are full to bursting with patrician-tier works. God I wish I could go back.

Back in America and nobody reads except professors. The best students will read maybe one piece of literary fiction per year. Regular adults read pap.

>> No.12801341

We don’t talk about Orange County
We don’t reply to Orange County
We hide Orange County

>> No.12801343
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It's the most Irish board.

>> No.12801358

have you never heard of the inland empire?

>> No.12801395

holy fucking shit I remember the sunday mornings at the Père Peinard and then reading the books I just bought while smoking en terrasse like a true french patrician intellectual
shit was so cash

>> No.12801487

Nice, glad someone else knows the feeling.

>> No.12802387


>> No.12802731

I've heard multiple people start shouting at the mere mention of Kavanagh.

>> No.12802811

I spend most of my time these days in Palm Springs, which as far as I know has no native sons who became notable authors. Lots of screenwriters come here for weekends or whatever, but I hate Hollywood people. The rock band Queens of the Stone Age is from nearby, though.

>> No.12802874

I live in NYC, specifically Manhattan. I get the sense that there exist people who read lit. I'm in a very finance-y circle though, so most of my friends read nonfiction such as Thinking Fast and Slow, Everybody Lies, and Sapiens.

>> No.12802945

In my city, no one reads except the people who are with the university.

>> No.12802982

Howth faggot here
How is the plebian life outside of the peninsula?

>> No.12802986

Literally the only good thing about that shithole.

>> No.12802992

>Thinking Fast and Slow, Everybody Lies, and Sapiens.
>I'm in a very finance-y circle
You wreak of absolute piece of shit

>> No.12803048

Chicago's both fake /lit/ and genuinely /lit/ in my opinion. Obviously the fake /lit/ would be the pseuds who live in Logan Square and read the Beats which inspired them to put "Wanderlust" in their Tinder bio. I've met some genuinely /lit/ people in this city though, even in places where I least expected it like parties in the west side. You'd never expect it in a town this depressing and devoid of humanity but looks can be deceiving, I guess.

>> No.12803062

I don't know any great writers from Washington, DC

>> No.12803066

>Phoenix, AZ
Not at all. The only people we have here are faggot slam poets and people who brag about not reading any classic novels

>> No.12803072 [DELETED] 
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Does your city have /lit/ statues scattered around?

>> No.12803076

>200,000 city
>not a single decent bookstore

That should tell you enough. I've yet to meet someone who reads actual literature. The only ones that read a lot are girls obssesed with YA and fan fiction. I can't say anything about people reading in public transport because i don't use it myself, but i'm pretty sure no one does it. I don't think i've actually seen people reading anywhere.

That being said, it's not an entirely culture-less place. Most cultural output comes from music and painting, both of which have produced some quite decent artists, though not as much as other cities in the country.
I once attended a poetry reading and it was shit.
Nontheless, the country itself (Ecuador) is actually very underrated in regards to literature. Many great writers have come from this land, though mostly from the 3 most important cities (Guayaquil, Quito, Cuenca) and a couple of lesser ones, but not mine, definetely

>> No.12803077
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LMAO what are books, just go to the beach nibba

>> No.12803079

Probably the /lit/test city in my country, lots of people read down here even if it's mostly basic bitch shit.

>> No.12803087

Am I afraid of living anons?

I used to want to go out and experience life but now I want to find a nice place to settle down. My appetite for adventure has died down and I think it's because I'm worried about how awful life can be.

>> No.12803120
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Lima, Perú
People read all over the place, specially on commute.
It's mostly self help books and scammy evangelist pamphlets though

>> No.12803127

Fuck your ceviche, ours is better

>> No.12803152

>France is truly the most /lit/ country

Frenchfag and I can confirm, our literature is probably the element of our culture we take the most pride in. The truth is a majority of french people don't really read, but that's the same in every country. We're still the most /lit/ oriented country imo.

>> No.12803180

>ceviche outside of Perú

how /lit/ is your city, chilequatorian anon?

>> No.12803226

>how /lit/ is your city, chilequatorian anon?

I just found out that you also have Chifas there, and that it is basically the same thing we have here. That's nice. I guess we are more similar than we like to admit.

What's your take on Vargas Llosa?

Btw i fucking love Cesar Vallejo.

>> No.12803315


Marito is pretty much required reading here, his early work is great, novels that balance the experimental, the political and the personal. On the other hand they can feel a bit too artifcious and many characters are superfluous stereotypes (specially in the heavy handed "Conversation in the Cathedral") Haven't been keeping up with his most recent books though.

Vallejo is a fucking treasure, his poetry is like no other

Rec me some equatorian /lit/ oh brotha

>> No.12803367

Hull, UK
It's entire lack of aestheticism makes it a pretty /lit/ place.

>> No.12803618

Neruda was born here. But no one will remember his ass after I publish my shit

>> No.12803863

when my friends found out I read for fun they didn't believe me and started quizzing me on it

>> No.12804049

University of Denver has the best creative writing PhD program in the country. You might be a contrarian and say CW programs are sterile or whatever, but if you can't find literary stuff in Denver you're not trying.

>> No.12804332
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there are writer's groups offered through the Toronto public library system. Check those out. Definitely populated by middle aged people but find the ones who are good are make inroads with them. We've since splintered off into our own group

>> No.12804341


lmaaoo I bike past this spot every day

>> No.12804359
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>creative writing PhD

>> No.12804506
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constant suffering

>> No.12804614

>actually wanting to be some soft ass petite bourgeois cocksucker who thinks anyone cares about the musings he shits out after digesting a novella and an espresso
If I see you, i'm going to steal your shoes just to fuck your day up.

>> No.12804626
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No one reads here, which is gerat because our goverment keeps shoving money and infrastructure with the hope brainlets here read, which will never happen, so most of the time I can have privacy and no sound when I read.
I love it.

>> No.12804662

Saw you at Dawn Treader yesterday

>> No.12804703

I agree, there's some untapped sublime that occurs in the brick bungalow sprawls

>> No.12804733

If I don't leave this shithole I'm going to kill somebody.

>> No.12805028

Pretty damn lit, hometown of Rousseau and many writers and thinkers stayed here such as Calvin, Dostoevsky, and Lenin. Lots of independent bookshops with great selections and used bookshops with rare editions, similar French café culture and you'll always spot at least one person reading whether it be on the tram or outside on a café patio.

>> No.12805034

why do eurofags require visas for americans staying over 3 months

>> No.12805065

Chicago has Saul Bellow, who is underrated by /lit/
Wasn't that said by Susan Sontag about Los Angeles?

>> No.12805084
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And by that I meant to say great libraries and tons of books.

It's always almost empty.

Some even have outdoors reading with balcony, it feels like a high class book club and I'm in the middle point of 3 relatively close libraries

they all have free internet and empty computer rooms with high speed internet

They are greatl maintained and you just have to register once a day and you can come in and out as many times you want for that day.

The best part is that the model of public spaces in our country is the equivalent of Kowloon walled city. Make a big ass central park and then throw everything inside it. A barebones gym, an auditorium, spaces for miscelaneous activities, etc. like a college with the college being the libraries, so I canjust take a book from the library and exercise in the park then buy some icecream and walk trough the park, etc. then come back and put it back in the shelf.

Is gr8 I tell you

This is the only time a love the fact retarded demsucs throw money to fix shit that obviously doesn't work because my country is full of brainlets

bonito Mexico

>> No.12805109

My lord. LA doesn't read, SD doesn't read. I can only imagine the suburban wasteland cum naval base between the two doesn't read fuckall.

>> No.12805113

fuck off dude San Bernardino is /lit/ as fuck

>> No.12805119

>joke's on you, I'm from somewhere way worse!

Is the egg showing, or what?

>> No.12805122

San Bernadino is like two hours from LA on average. What makes it /lit/? The professors at the renown CSUSB?

>> No.12805131

It's cold there.

>> No.12805145

>What makes it /lit/?
the fact that I'm from there notwithstanding, plenty. san bernardino is one of the worst cities in the usa in terms of unemployment and homicide, it's the only city on the west coast to have experienced islamic terrorism, it's the seat of the largest county by area in the country, etc. etc.

>> No.12805379

>Vancouver, Canada

Has good access to a plethora of Aboriginal works and Pacific Canadian history related literature by virtue of the central library. Some parts of the city are /lit/ aesthetically (residential areas surrounding UBC, some parts of downtown) but are entirely inaccessible due to housing prices (another anon brought this up) and gentrification/new development destroying much of that charm. Not part of the scene but seems to be mostly hipsters and weird activist types. Overall 5.5/10

>> No.12806122

Laurens, SC
Julia Peterkin was born here and won the Pulitzer for Scarlet Sister Mary. This is one of the most illiterate cities in the country at the moment.

>> No.12806289

Too much burger influence already, so many new restaurants and fast food chains that open up to which people crowd and pay an absurd premium for the novelty of the "American experience", that and at least Switzerland has historically had pretty strict travel/immigration laws

>> No.12806461

denizens read the Bible and live out their comfy lives touring the parks, nature trails, and wineries. They already live in a /lit/opia.

>> No.12806536

Let's meet at the Buchmesse