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/lit/ - Literature

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12792147 No.12792147 [Reply] [Original]

Meet Sonny Hall

this 20 year old from London’s poetry is being compared to Allan Ginsberg and Charles Bukowski in the public eye

how does this make you feel ?

>> No.12792154
File: 308 KB, 750x1334, 1E3908EF-C6C8-4877-95F0-7AC627E8069F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here is an example of his work

>> No.12792155

>how to have feminist sex

No thanks, I’ve seen all i need to.

>> No.12792156

Poster, Original. Dislike him. A cheap sensationalist, clumsy and vulgar. A phaggot, a claptrap journalist and a slapdash comedian. Some of his greentexts are extraordinarily amusing. Nobody takes his involuntary celibacy seriously.
This thread. His best work, though an obvious and shameless imitation of Bukowski.
His previous thread. Dislike it intensely.
His next thread. Dislike it intensely. Ghastly rigormortis .

>> No.12792168

he probably gets a ton of art ho pussy, that fucker

>> No.12792169

>be me, wants to be a poet
>have no originality/creativity whatsoever
>get brilliant idea
>i will start reading all the poetry i can and recycle ideas in fresh ways
>get labeled as gret poet

>> No.12792179

It makes me want to destroy capitalism for ruining art.

>> No.12792184

The guy is one of the biggest male models in London, thus the world. Pussy no problem for him I’m sure

>> No.12792187

I think my sister wrote poetry like this in middle school

>> No.12792193

reminder that beauty is the final frontier

>> No.12792199

I've read worse. If this came up in a rate thread we'd probably like it

>> No.12792203

looks too much like a middle class bourgeois faggot to be bukowski

maybe if the photo was in black in white and he was holding up a beer bottle

>> No.12792212

these guys are more bukowskis lane


>> No.12792214

How do people like this fella and Rupi get so famous? Obviously it isn't due to the merit of their work. Is it all just marketing?

>> No.12792216


OP here. agree actually, not *too bad*. Just find the podium he’s given quite shocking, but I guess Instagram clout is the game now.

>> No.12792225

it's fucking shocking, what are you retards talking about?

>> No.12792230

this guy was/is an established male model, so he’s got agency links and a platform already, solidifying business links in the art world and building a platform/core group of young female fans who will pay for his poetry

Rupi is more of a freak, she was *in* early a case study of the business opportunities that can be self generated in IG. Largely self made from effectively marketing her IG page and then collarbtiny and working towards publication/tours etc.

I don’t like Sonny Hall or Rupi’s work. But sonny’s path was much easier/straightforward; just posted some poems off a modelling platform and managed to solidify the money. Rupi’s path much more unique and rarer.

>> No.12792236

if I read it on a thread here I wouldn’t think it’s complete shit id just think it’s amateurish and lacks finesse as do some poets here, that’s all my point is/was

>> No.12792243

I would be embarrassed if my work was this middling and I was getting as much praise as he.

>> No.12792245

Makes sense. I don't like Rupi's poetry at all but she's a very skilled marketer, I think some anon even posted a quote from her on here where she was geeking out over which book cover illustrator would attract the most people.

>> No.12792252

He clearly has never read poetry before but I do like this better than rupi kaur

>> No.12792266

Even for a rate thread it woudn't be that good. And we tend to be rather indulgent in rate threads (which is a good thing but besides the point).

>> No.12792300
File: 145 KB, 1440x962, DD63AF63-3E08-4843-BA06-16AA99EB1C8C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not understanding basic words essential to your own language
>calling yourself a poet
the Absolute state of anglos jfc

>> No.12792309

I don't like it

>> No.12792311

reads like an amateur

>> No.12792317

he's got that dark-hair-fair-skin-light-eyes-northwestern-european look that arty girls cream over, even if his poetry's mediocre
also it's only really anglos, irishmen and the french that look like him, and arty type girls also love a fat english or gallic chode

>> No.12792330

i have that look too, why dont girls cream over me ;_;

>> No.12792331

its called lifestyle marketing.
People buy commodiites in order to exercise their identity.
Its very clear rupi and this faggot are all marketing.
Their poetry ranges from mediocre to unbearable.

The type of poets that would appeal to a person who posts on lit would be ts eliott, ezra pound, bukowski, that kid from the basketball diaries.

Someone who is actually an authentic genius or fuck up

>> No.12792341

sorry, doesn't work if you're morbidly obese :(

>> No.12792344

im not, im really scrawny

>> No.12792350
File: 101 KB, 946x1200, DZJqv9_WAAID0zv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hawt poet boy :3:3

>> No.12792361

holy skinny fat, batman

>> No.12792363

you may have to move to camden town, smoke 60 cigarettes a day and pay £20 for a bowl of cereal in a shit cafe before the magic kicks in

>> No.12792367

how tf is this guy a male model

>> No.12792390

I don’t give a FUCK about instapoets

They can do what they like, I’ll keep mine and they can keep to theirs

>> No.12792411

they aren’t just instapoets though

they are poets, they occupy the popular discourse and popular space. where else do you think the next Bukowski is going to come from ? Instagram is what dictates what the publishers do.

>> No.12792426

Honestly, it isn't that bad. It isn't good, but it's not awful. It's boring, stale, derivative, lazy, pretentious, try-hard poetry, but that describes 19/20 poems you'll ever read, and you can't really slam someone for being average. I can see pretentious art and scene girls liking it. It isn't intimidating in terms of metaphors, thematic depth, or complexity of prose (unless you consider uncoordinated to be complex), ergo, it's easy for the drunk, baked, or dimwitted to follow along. It helps he's moderately good looking, provided you're into the smug-yet-mediocre kind of guy.

you're wasting your time posting here, and not out there havin a drinkypoo with the ladyfriends

>> No.12792449

these guys arent poets, they are images of poets

im sure there is some philosphy book written about this having to do with the psychosis of capitalism

>> No.12792467

I mean, ask yourself why poetry is manifesting itself on a platform that deals with images and not the written word.
This isnt poetry, its modeling

>> No.12792476

He has the kind of look that makes you want to beat him up.

>> No.12792482

post poetesses, misogynists

>> No.12792709

Gobsmack McQuag'g is Getting Rave Reviews - Here's Why Them/They Poetry is Topical & Important

by Chaim McGonagal

>> No.12792760

Burn it

Burn all copies

>> No.12792779

The next Bukowski will be some angry millennial dude that doesn't get published until he's 40.

>> No.12792782


How can we break through?

I mean if any of us have talent, great talent, and we're doing something great and new and original.

The poetry world is depressing. Most outlets publish junk like this. Then there are places like classicalpoets.org for 'traditional' poetry but it's not a good outlet, either. I sometimes feel like the way to break through is to craft poetry that can be sung, as in a pop song or rock song, and get a cool band together and "publish" your poetry that way - your song lyrics. At least that way if your band gets popular, everyday people will be able to recite your work.

>> No.12792793

poetry, as most of the traditional art, it's death, why are you so shock about it?

>> No.12792883

i have only ever seen one other thread about an instapoet that's a guy

>> No.12792998


I am the guy you replied to.

I think it is to poetry's real detriment that poetry is governed by the poet. But this is just how it is, and really how its been for a while. The poet who breaks in from the outside is an exception. It's really a masturbatory circle jerk of MFA's. The Bukowski route is an anomaly.

I didn't study a creative course at Undergrad, I did law. I joined the creative writing society, I performed and submitted poetry at national competitions. I had some early minor successes and professors of poetry commended me on my work. I was predicted to achieve great things in poetry (if thats a thing ?). But when I left University, my co-writer and a close friend committed suicide. That made it difficult for me to go into poetry with greater momentum.

I was working on a spoken-word band project thing. I agree with you actually. I think that's the best way to get it off the ground. But even that is incredibly hard. Luck is a huge factor. And truthfully, most spoken-word/band projects have 15 minutes in the spotlight (if that), the only guys with longevity are the pop-stars.

I think ultimately, you just have to keep creating. Keep creating, keep living a life that keeps you inspired, and keep pushing.

I haven't got a break, nor do I have any idea if I'll get one. But I damn well know that wont stop me writing. Just dont let yourself rely/expect to ever make a penny from it. Dont let the gatekeeper dissuade you.

>> No.12793009

I've never understood suicide. You're going to die eventually anyway. What the fuck is the rush? Just wait. Seriously, what kind of stupid faggot kills himself?

>> No.12793019


>> No.12793044

Sounds like he wears friends' deaths like a badge of honor

>> No.12793047

I wasn't romantically involved with her, I loved someone else, but it was a girl.

Honestly man, I got no idea why she did it. I thought she was the most level-headed girl I'd ever met. Was a star student, president of societies and shit. Christian, didn't drink, didn't do drugs. No sign of any depression or anything.

I have no idea why she did it. No one does. No note, nothing. I can't believe what she put her family through. This is only 4chan so I'm not saying this is about me, but it fucked me up real bad. Every day from April to December I was thinking about her, I became depressed and sheltered. Grieving is over now thankfully, rip all the lost souls all out there.

>> No.12793058

>How to have feminist sex (And other 2019 life hacks)
OH MAN OH MAN I must have really fucked up big time in my previous life to warrent incarnating in this historical epoch.

If I kill myself will the demiurge just send me to an even greater clown world or will some sympathetic Aeons admire my bravado and spring me from this material hell forever, guiding me to their transcendental realms of bliss?

>> No.12793198

Because then you suffer less.

>> No.12793203


>> No.12793229

if we're being honest though, any 20 something year old poet whose work is getting praised will always get shit on here because of sheer jealousy regardless of how good it is

>> No.12793238

how can you be a 20 yr old poet? what do you even have to say at 20? you're fucking 20 lmao.
partying and drugs and girls and overdoses and loneliness and poor me i'l never have to worry about starving to death or getting bombed from the fucking sky but im. so. fucking. SAD. jfc can we end this bullshit already is there literally no one interesting in the western world anymore?

>> No.12793290

That's not skinnyfat

>> No.12793294

He has such empty eyes.

>> No.12793299


>> No.12793303

Depends. A rich male model like this guy? Probably yeah. I feel like people would be more inclined to accept the genius of some awkward looking dorky recluse though, even if he was young.

>> No.12793304

literally the only thing this guy has on me is his hairline, fuck i'm fuming

>> No.12793321

>Wherever they burn books, in the end will also burn human beings.
Time to skip a step.

>> No.12793327
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>> No.12793331

this is on the low side of average.
>should of
fucking hell. only reason why he's popular is because he's a pretty boy. he's rupi kaur milk and honey tier

>> No.12793336

Bad and poorpilled

>> No.12793349

>being compared to Allen Ginsburg and Charles Bukowski
I'd be insulted

>> No.12793350

>should of
i honestly feel like doing a hit on him, jfc

>> No.12793371

Thanks for noticing that, I only joined this thread to check if anyone would comment on that. Absolutely clownish

>> No.12793464

>you're fucking 20 lmao.


>> No.12793469

Me to. Those guys suck.

Maybe they mean to say that he'll peak real early.

>> No.12793507

Only if he was a decent poet
Rip phone posters btw

>> No.12794034

This is what happens when an art (poetry) abandons all metrics of quality except signs of personal popularity (social media esteem, esteem of academia, etc.).

>inb4 "what other metrics are there"

>> No.12794051

Personally, I judge poetry based on the letter the first verse starts with. If it starts with an "S" it's a good poem. If it starts with a "D" it's a work of genius, if it starts with a "W" it's a terrible poem. All the other letters are average or indifferent.

>> No.12794095

I liked it, it's really agonizing to read. I can't help but hold my breath.

>> No.12794107

this is exceptionally awful

>> No.12794117

This is what "hot" means in British?

>> No.12794177 [DELETED] 

It sounds like all poetry - self-aggrandizing bullshit written by people who want others to see them as intellectuals

>> No.12794221

>Lovers die but then self-fixing fixation prys and then new lovers arise
Pretty lit turn of phrase there, gotta admit. Almost makes up for the rest of it. I think thats kind of a modern theme in poetry: glimpses of stunning beauty through routine.

>> No.12794267

Seriously, as if now he has license to be a poet because a friend or two of his died. Not different than the scene girls who fetishize suffering while having many luxuries and comforts.

>> No.12794278

I totally agree anon, but, what is so good about this poem? Not in your opinion, but what do people who like him say is so good about his poetry.

>> No.12794286

why do so many models end up getting these hideous prison style tattoos

>> No.12794296

he looks like he's about to die

>> No.12794298

Jesus christ, just hear him speak. He's drugged out of his mind by this point.


>> No.12794444

that middle-class wankers are so eager to burn their name into the history books they'll glom onto the first fairy able to string 3 words together and hail him as a genius, only to out themselves as ignorant mediocrities when they reveal their standards of greatness to be the most inconsequential writers of their respective generations, I know you guys think the age you live in is so special and magical and that historians are going to be so curious about your legacies, it's not true. Your experiences don't go beyond online gaming and in some cases sex, then, because you're clueless, talent-less rejects, you explode into violence, this impotent rage in the face of your inevitable demise, you don't know how to create anything and you think death is like totally unfair, so you try to become ruler over death by massacring your classmates or some brown ones, whoever is easiest for you to disregard as human, you can't see yourselves as men, you still feel like children, because you are, you're only 20, if that, oh my god you guys suck.

>> No.12794476

rocking that dad bod

>> No.12794853

The world is encrusted with subhumanity.

>> No.12794880
File: 357 KB, 1086x1671, infobloss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meanwhile my collection gets rejected by a fucking library. fuck this twink world

>> No.12794928

He sounds retarded. Exactly like the sort of person who would ambush you, still jittering off smack, outside a train station asking to borrow a lighter or 50p to buy a packet of cigarettes.

>> No.12794939

>should of
Whenever I feel bad and stupid for being unaccomplished I'll come back to this story

>inb4 it's a deliberate literary choice

>> No.12794948

>psychosis of capitalism
I am quite positive some pomo faggot out there wrote an entire incomprehensible book on this

>> No.12795015
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It's more interesting than Rupi Kaur, to be fair.

>> No.12795038

>it's better than a shitty diaper
Holy fuck! How does he do it?

>> No.12795055

>compared to Alan Ginsberg

So he's shitty then?

>> No.12795257

So, what do people think about his poetry?

>> No.12795266

Why do guys cross their legs? What happens to their balls?

>> No.12795271

>book gets rejected by library
>but not the migrants playing minesweeper

>> No.12795277
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>> No.12795286

>being compared to Charles Bukowski
>how does this make you feel ?
feel bad for him

>> No.12795287

is he in nambla like allen ginsburg was or is he obscene or something

>> No.12795313
File: 3.86 MB, 288x288, `1499069320377.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you people HONESTLY consider this guy and Rupi Kaur...poets??

wtf has happened to the world. it'seems as if everyone is getting stupider and stupider. imagine either person's poems being published in the 1950's or 1970's. Impossible.
Now they become rich. It's dystopian.

>> No.12795318

This is the era of soundcloud emo rappers who spit out garbage lyrics and get famous for it. What did you expect?

>> No.12795322

Where's your book?

>> No.12795325

Content is not bad, but grammar and rhythm are non-existent. Too bad, "could of" been the next "Voice of Out Generation"

>> No.12795330

looks like he put more effort into his signature

>> No.12795338

The content is one of the big offenders, though

>> No.12795340

>everyone is getting stupider and stupider
case in point.

>> No.12795345

is that honestly impressive to you? is that what you meant by "lit"?

>> No.12795353

industry plant

>> No.12795380
File: 407 KB, 250x250, 1532031623004.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How to have feminist sex
swerve! see ya

>> No.12795387

Obviously. Its jealousy. Most of you faggots are never going to sell a book with your face on it's cover.
I am not saying this anglo cunt is good or has in any way shape or form a discernible talent, he just took the opportunities that he had.
If you want to be known for your work, you better be damn good at something else because nobody nowadays will even pay attention to what you do if you don't look good or are good at something other than writing.

>> No.12795388

Seems like one of those things that would work well at a slam poetry event, but looks awful when written down. The exceptionally poor grammar doesn't do it any favors, either.

>> No.12795396

i honestly didn't expect him to sound this retarded

>> No.12795405

the ironic twist: feminists find it "empowering" to be submissive and degraded like worthless little fucktoys.

i can tell you the two relationships I had with trad girls were vanilla as hell. lame blowjobs and not so much as finger in butthole territory without them complaining, but the feminist pixie-cut cunt I dated for a few months was some of the wildest hatefucking of my life and she took it balls deep hard anal then a2m choked on it like a pro (because she was a pro, being the massive slut that she was)

>> No.12795460

Who would want their face on the cover?

>> No.12795528


>> No.12795776

>there is a market for this kind of "men edition" magazine
>some men actually buy it and find the content rewarding

>> No.12795803

I disagree, i think he sounds fine

>> No.12795826

Guess it's time for a ki11do3er with a xerox machine in the back.

>> No.12795832

this is pure dreck reserved for the worst of the pretenders, the lowest of the low suckling the culture industry's cotton-candy teet. i seriously cannot believe you faggots sometimes, buying into this bullshit, which is bullshit on its face. he's fucking capeshit wrapped in poetry for the middlebrow urbanite crowd. jesus christ wake the fuck up.

>> No.12795845

99 poems, pretty impressive desu

>> No.12795847



>> No.12795968

I'm sure Ginsberg would've liked him. At least he'd like him enough to invite him over for some poetry tips.

>> No.12795996

Hey Ryan! Whats up? Sorry for not answering your last mail. I'll get back to it, promise. Thoughts in other places rn tho. My apologies.

>> No.12796028

Poets nowadays would, because if that doesn't attract readers, nothing will.
Everyone has so much spare time on their hands now that it's no longer a pursuit of the happy few with superfluous wealth and Noble heritage.

>> No.12796030

I didn't hate it

>> No.12796268

nah, this is from the evening standard, a UK free newspaper. the standard is free, no one pays for it.

it has millions of circulation though, because its at every tube station in the UK

a magazine like that is still predominantly read by women

>> No.12796273

by UK I meant London** whoops

>> No.12796843

Utter fag who should get shot in a mosque. Is this what you jerks spend your time doing? Im going back to /pol

>> No.12796869

you should

>> No.12796875

>fuck this twink world
>this is your picture

>> No.12796881

whose eyes are you looking with to think that is marketed for men?

>> No.12796894

Not bad poetry but from the magazine cover you can tell he's doomed for irrelevance. Panflash shit you find at Target shelves.

>> No.12796910

>how to have feminist sex

Is that just asking for consent every single thrust?

>> No.12796933
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check'd but also are you okay man?

>> No.12797322

>ball squeezing sharp tongued baloney spreader
this is actually pretty good

>> No.12797441

it really, really isn't

>> No.12798884

And I bet you never get tired of posting that ctr:c/v!

>> No.12799260


>> No.12799263

if you were in the top floor of a burning building would you jump out or wait for the fire to kill you? people who commit suicide are in too much pain to wait for death.

>> No.12799271
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Never should of come here

>> No.12799294

/lit/ has still yet to produce something better

>> No.12799420

A poem called
"What I want to say to Sonny Hall"

All is in the image

Dawn the peacoat and
Don't forget the cigarette
Berets are out of fashion
There are plenty of other
Stylish hats to wear
That can make you,
For the cost of a tank of gas,
That can make you look the part

Drink to fill and smoke
To look like you have
So many repressed demons
That come out on special occasions
At your creative whim
You are so
Amazing, you,
You must feel so much
Like no one else
Has personal tragedies
As colorful as yours

Really, on your bootstraps
You've done it
The Instagram following,
The publishing deal,
The magazine covers,
I can think of no other reason than
Pure artistic virtuosity
That you've succeeded
I laud you, I praise you,
You gem, you fiery boy-child
And when I read your poetry
I'll remember where it comes from
A well dressed heartthrob
With a macbook pro
And an expensive journal with
Expensive pens

I thought Bukowski killed your type
Unfortunately, he did not knife
Far enough into the generations
To fully penetrate the internet


>> No.12799434

He's a Brexit supporter

>> No.12800035

You should of

>> No.12800050
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>> No.12800231

whatever. His stuff isn't terrible but it won't last either. His poetic career will last as long as his looks, if that.

>> No.12800235

I know next to nothing about poetry and am a prose guy really, but I think I could do better. Some anons shoud greentext a poem like this right now and see if we can do better.

>> No.12800247


>> No.12800413

his success seems to be entirely based off of his good looks and connections in the fashion industry, which is quite sad because it shows that actual merit/talent doesn't matter anywhere near as much as looks/connections do in the art world (though i'm sure this is common knowledge)

>> No.12800427

>I know next to nothing about poetry and am a prose guy really
this is a big mistake

you can be a prose as opposed to a poetry writer but you can't avoid reading poetry, that shit don't fly

>> No.12800432
File: 145 KB, 620x413, Author-William-McGonagall-copyright-Public-Domain-Parisian-Photo-Co.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beautiful Railway Bridge of the Silvery Tay!
With your numerous arches and pillars in so grand array
And your central girders, which seem to the eye
To be almost towering to the sky.
The greatest wonder of the day,
And a great beautification to the River Tay,
Most beautiful to be seen,
Near by Dundee and the Magdalen Green.

Beautiful Railway Bridge of the Silvery Tay!
That has caused the Emperor of Brazil to leave
His home far away, incognito in his dress,
And view thee ere he passed along en route to Inverness.

Beautiful Railway Bridge of the Silvery Tay!
The longest of the present day
That has ever crossed o’er a tidal river stream,
Most gigantic to be seen,
Near by Dundee and the Magdalen Green.

Beautiful Railway Bridge of the Silvery Tay !
Which will cause great rejoicing on the opening day
And hundreds of people will come from far away,
Also the Queen, most gorgeous to be seen,
Near by Dundee and the Magdalen Green.

Beautiful Railway Bridge of the Silvery Tay!
And prosperity to Provost Cox, who has given
Thirty thousand pounds and upwards away
In helping to erect the Bridge of the Tay,
Most handsome to be seen,
Near by Dundee and the Magdalen Green.

Beautiful Railway Bridge of the Silvery Tay!
I hope that God will protect all passengers
By night and by day,
And that no accident will befall them while crossing
The Bridge of the Silvery Tay,
For that would be most awful to be seen
Near by Dundee and the Magdalen Green.

Beautiful Railway Bridge of the Silvery Tay!
And prosperity to Messrs Bouche and Grothe,
The famous engineers of the present day,
Who have succeeded in erecting
The Railway Bridge of the Silvery Tay,
Which stands unequalled to be seen
Near by Dundee and the Magdalen Green.

>> No.12800477

It's alright, dare I say pretty good, after the Charlie Chaplin bit. Everything before that is hot trash.

>> No.12800577

"poetry" without metre or rhyme isn't poetry
anyone who thinks otherwise can go fuck themselves

>> No.12800613
File: 58 KB, 528x644, 72ADD3F4-CF60-495B-A330-9C274F2A49A2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Resembles my ex girlfriend.


>> No.12800618

That’s not me obv


>> No.12800621


>> No.12800631

have some standards you subanimal

>> No.12800648


I'm a week into no contact. Deleted everything, all the pictures, the contact information. Blocked the phone number before deleting it. Deleted all the active social media accounts she was aware of, banned myself from checking any of hers. Told my friends, they don't mention anything connected to her around me.

It just hurt, the double-take.

It'll pass away into nothing soon enough, like this douchebag's career in poetry.

>> No.12800661

I thought it was pretty funny, the Chaplin line was pretty good

>> No.12800716

Good job, but don't give up. Shape up mate, you can recover if you have the will

>> No.12800735

stfu fag nobody cares

>> No.12801892

based felix. hmu whenever, line's always open

>> No.12801910

that's pretty good lol. for a second i thought it was BY sonny hall and i had to double take because i actually enjoyed it

>> No.12801916

achievable natty?

>> No.12802021

How much do you want to bet that because this kid comes from an affluent family and is rather handsome that he will be considered genius. His life will be swell, with all of the pleasantries of affluence. Everyone within his circle will tell him about how spectacular he is. I feel sorry for him, his life is now a facade

>> No.12802410

I predict he'll die by overdose or suicide, models are already notoriously unstable and a model who's also a popular poet who probably knows his success is independent of the quality of his poetry...

>> No.12802633

>rich male model
lol. He aint exactly broke but calling him rich is a stretch. first and foremost male models get paid shit. Even the top male model doesn't come anywhere close to the top ten richest female models.

>> No.12802900

I've been writing a poem a day simply because I can post it on poem sites and people actually read them.

I've never taken poetry seriously, it's like VHS tapes, very niche, notice how it sells to women/students that are being taught about Edgar Allen Poe in high school.

No one cares about poetry except poets. If you wanted money, and what job I think any decent poet of olden times would have done if born today, is become a copywriter.

Copywriters are the manliest writers. I know that for sure, because I've never seen a single book mentioned on /lit/ about them since I've been posting here since '05. If 4chan doesn't talk about it, you know it's worthwhile.

>> No.12803296

will the savannah bait poster move onto this chap now? was this posted by that user? hmmmmmm

>> No.12803513

>maybe you should of dropped dead instead
>should of