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File: 62 KB, 300x517, bukowski.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1278116 No.1278116 [Reply] [Original]

Bukowski. One of the best American Poets. BAng discuss

>> No.1278117

that picture makes me feel sick.

>> No.1278122

My 40+ year old female English professor loved his work

>> No.1278125
File: 117 KB, 720x540, 45007_141584112543887_100000768974695_184930_2531520_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol make you feel better?

>> No.1278126

NO. persona/legend surpasses actual work. andy warhol syndrome.

>> No.1278128

yes its a nicer picture, i guess but dont go all >>>/s/ on us.

>> No.1278131
File: 52 KB, 451x600, asdf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whoops i mean

>> No.1278148

how do you figure? his work is what created his persona...

>> No.1278163

I liked that one poem where he was drunk when he wrote it and swore a lot.

>> No.1278201

I've kind of had it with these "intellectual rockstars" like Bukowski, Kerouac, Feynman, King (go ahead, green text King and Intellectual, he's still more wealth then you and have more books then you. Well, published books) Anyway, I'm tired of these "I'm an intellectual and I drank everyday, partied as hard, did mass drugs, and fucked so many bitches and I'm a millionaire." Did you see the bitches Bukowski fucked? The cheap shit he drank? The bitches Feynman fucked? King and his drugs? Bukowski fucked horsed face disgusting bitches. He enjoyed cheap shit. Feynman fucked nerdy mouth breathing girls. King took all these drug in his home. Not at parties, at friends, at home by his lonesome.

Besides. Sagan was the pimp. Married a sexy girl, fucked everyday, smoked weed all the time, drank great booze, was the best, nicest fucker on the planet. We need more Sagans and less Feynmans and Bukowskis.

Alright, I'm done. 1/3 will understand and 2/3 will hate me and green text me to death.

>> No.1278217

I love you, please stay on my /lit/.

>> No.1278224

nigga u drunk

>> No.1278229


>go ahead, green text King and Intellectual, he's still more wealth then you and have more books then you

But so has Justin Bieber

>> No.1278232

haters gonna hate.

>> No.1278261
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>> No.1278625
File: 60 KB, 299x198, dillon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]





>> No.1279051

When did Bukowski ever claim to be an intellectual?

>> No.1279071

I just like reading his fucked up stories, he fails at trying to be intellectual.

>> No.1279094

why is this idiot trying to sound so damn sinister? completely ruined the reading for me.

>> No.1279100


the point flew so far over your head, you never even caught a glimpse of it. but it's all good, the world needs people like you to motivate the Bukowskis

>> No.1279159

Have you read up on him? Surely you've seen the little "What does Bukowski think of writers" thing. He tries to seem like an intellectual, but I think you might of read a bit far into the intellectual part. To be a writer, a "classic" (aka very famous, not beowulf classic) writer, you would need to be intellegent, right? So he is considered a classic writer, he also talks about how much he he drank and the woman he had. So "intellectual rockstar". I hope I answered what you asked.

That's a very broad, blanket claim. I hope you aren't just throwing a blanket to make it seem like your trying to make me think that I missed something that isn't there. If you tell me what your trying to say, I'll tell you my side, but until then, blanket Bukowski hurt.

>> No.1279171


ok, Carl Sagan boy. let me waste a tremendous ammount of time and energy in trying to explain the subtle beauties in the writings of a drunk old man loser, and how perhaps we as readers could take something from that.
If you didn't get anything from it, that's fine. Go live the good life in the Cosmos. That goes over my head just as readily, so don't be defensive about "missing something"

>> No.1279181
File: 31 KB, 510x385, you mad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmm. I see what your saying, and I now noticed what it's all about. You Mad. Youmad I said something about Bukowski. Thank you for saving me time.