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12790146 No.12790146 [Reply] [Original]

was it him?

>those comments

>> No.12790149

No. He lives in Russia now.

>> No.12790150

seems to line up with the recent Enquirer snaps

>> No.12790152
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>> No.12790161

Oh shit I didn't know about that. That is amazing

>> No.12790182
File: 238 KB, 828x1159, tp2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more like Posh-modern amirite?

>> No.12790205

>lives in nyc

>> No.12790224

so I guess all this time the only reason he ever wrote his books was to make some money what a hack

>> No.12790227

>I don’t wanna be a public figure
I hate the news.

>> No.12790246


>> No.12790259
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>> No.12790262


>> No.12790266

>lives in a small country town where he sticks out like a sore thumb and photographers have no problem finding him

>> No.12790279


Hi, Tom :))

>> No.12790282

Its a shame but they don't get to decide how the world works or if people are interested in seeing photos of them.

>> No.12790291

Yes, they do. Do you think there were people petitioning the editor to publish pictures of Pynchon? If the media stopped printing gossip columns, people would forget they ever used to read them after about 3 weeks.

>> No.12790299

People are going to be posting and talking about these pictures for thousands of years. Every thread about it just proves the interest

>> No.12790307

Idiots will. Why is the visage of an author relevant to his work?

>> No.12790335

To know the person who created the work. You can't pretend to be so socially inept that you haven't even wondered about the person behind the art.

>> No.12790336

is that an owl sitting on the lower window?

>> No.12790345

Think about a simple example. If you have never seen your father would you want to see a photo of him or would that be irrelevant to you because only dumb people like doing that.

>> No.12790357

I have wondered, of course, who hasn't. But if an author deliberately requested he be left undisturbed, I wouldn't spend months tramping around NYC trying to snap a shot of him, just so some fat housewife can glance over his mug briefly before flicking overleaf to the Brad Pitt section.

It's a sense of entitlement to people's private lives which these rags promote in the public, and it should be stamped out - not just turned a blind eye to.

>> No.12790364

Are you joking?

>> No.12790381

Ok well thats you. I for one think its interesting to see the picture even if it was an invasion of his privacy while being out in public.

no. would you want to see a photo of jesus or plato? or does it not matter to you on any meaningful level

>> No.12790396

It might be 'interesting', just as it might be 'interesting' to see a photograph of Jesus or Plato, but your interest shouldn't infringe on someone's right to personal privacy. This selfish promotion of the reader's whimsical 'interest' over the subject's desire for solitude is exactly what is wrong with modern journalism.

>> No.12790404

It might be poor etiquette but it's not illegal. He didn't even notice his photo was being taken unlike the other time

>> No.12790461

I never said that it was illegal (although there are restrictions on journalistic practise pertaining to privacy laws in a lot of countries). I'm not sure why you're so intent on eroding the privacy of a man who, I assume, you respect, seeing as you're so fixated on seeing what he looks like. Perhaps it is just that American obsession with dragging everything into the light - where privacy and seclusion is taken as a personal affront by those who deem it 'pretentious'?

>> No.12790483

I've never met that bastard and i have no curiosity whatsoever. You're clearly some soiboi bugman commie dickswallower so idk where you get off talking about muh father

>> No.12790538


>> No.12790544

NYC is a lonely fucking place, to be fair.

>> No.12790554

obviously it's stills from Planet of the Apes

>> No.12790595

.brug mp3 wave nigga snapchat wave

>> No.12790688

Let it all out

>> No.12790694

Not everyone holds the same stance on it as you. Its rude sure but its not the end of the world. Should we have respected Kafka's privacy and burned all his works like he asked?

>> No.12790715
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Im pretty sure Pynchon was smarter than Kafka desu

>> No.12790717

Not everyone, but at the very least the Pynchmeister himself does.

>> No.12790733

a fake one, yeah

>> No.12790747

how much does a flat cost in a building like this in America? asking for a friend.

>> No.12790766

Hey, anon, what’s your address? You seem to be a good conversationalist, and I’d like to know more about you.

>> No.12790776


>> No.12790915

I’m pretty sure he’s a way worse writer, and therefore probably not as intelligent.

>> No.12790918

typisk svenskere

>> No.12790926

hey Kafka's still pretty good all things considered

>> No.12791081

buying? probably close to 800k 2 room 2 bathrooms.

>> No.12791268

the address for this building is in the archives

>> No.12791284

This is a classic six in manhattan. Shit’s worth about $1.5 million easy

>> No.12791286


Suspenders are so much better than belts. I wish belts hadn't become the fashion and suspenders continued. I wear suspenders when I do outside work and they're just super comfortable and more supportive. Wearing suspenders for your trousers and then load bearing suspenders for a separate work belt is super comfy.

>> No.12791320

Where better to be faceless than within a crowd?

>> No.12791323

>get your fucking hand away from me. I dont like people taking my people
What a fucking snowflake. I always knew he was a hack but that he is also a coward? Sad! If he had any saving qualities he would have smacked the paparazzi like Hemingway would have.

>> No.12791341

He's cute desu.

>> No.12791350

>hit a journalist in NYC
What could possibly go wrong

>> No.12791355

Is this confirmed?

>> No.12791408

looks exactly like the goofball i imagined

>> No.12791873

that's shopped

>> No.12791874

Best place to hide is in plain sight.
Just another anonymous face amongst the nameless millions.

>> No.12791955

>One of those Famous Reclusive Authors
>Haven't bothered reading his later work
The joy people have in admitting their own ignorance is terrifying.

>> No.12792433

yep typical Jewish American