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File: 428 KB, 1400x2100, chapo guide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12780592 No.12780592 [Reply] [Original]

Ok, I LOVED this. Any more books like this that explain lefty politics but not in a super academic way? Bonus points if it's irreverant.

>> No.12780596

>but not in a super academic way?

because you're too low iq to understand it? if you're a leftist then at makes sense

>> No.12780650

um maybe I have a job (unlike you) that requires me to read all day so when I get home I like to maybe not read something like that??

>> No.12780982

2/10 bait, gtfo

>> No.12780987

0/10 troll, no one who reads chapo has a job, nevermind one that requires reading

>> No.12781255

I am an attorney

>> No.12781270

This thread will involve discussions on wether race is real or not, on how the existence of soviets means all socialists want genocide and whether Andrew Yang's idea of giving everyone NEETbucks is retarded or not (actually both sides agree it's retarded but they'll discuss about the different reasons why it is, your opinion on why it is retarded is wrong btw).

>> No.12781305

Just like the last thread, right?

>> No.12781355

Hopefully, let me start this one of properly:

Social democracy increases the rights of the people but does so at the expense of people in other nations which it exploits to fund its own social programs. This fact combined with the failure to adress the fundamental problems inherent to capitalism, namely: the undermining of democracy through privatised ownership of the means of production means that the social democrat is nothing but an accomplice to the status quo and should not be, in effect, considered any differently than a liberal.

This is why only revolution, through traditional democratic means or otherwise, will achieve a truly just society.

>> No.12781386

This but ethnocentrically

>> No.12781400

you ignore the part where revolutions never work the way they're supposed to, even if some (ie cuba) turn out fairly well

a revolution fixing everything would be great, but impossible

>> No.12781406

Excellent, my plan is comming to fruition.

>> No.12781417

It's all or nothing I guess? Fucking dipshit

>> No.12781424

nah senpai racist (not using ur bs terminology)/right wing revolutions have an exclusively terrible track record

>> No.12781433


the point i'm making is that, while capitalism is bad, trying to change it through revolution doesnt work reliably. im not a succdem and i get that succdemism doesnt work either, but i would rather live in a sort of bad society than rolling a die

>> No.12781445
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Just read Marx, big guy. If you don't want anything too dense stay away from Capital, though

>> No.12781448




>> No.12781521

>Insinuating I promote a right wing revolution and don't just want this thread to devolve into a shouting match.

P.S. If we're being unironical, the only valid revolution is a revolution of a united working class, that even includes brown and trans people.

>> No.12781534

"I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro’s great stumbling block in the stride toward freedom is not the White Citizens Councillor or the Ku Klux Klanner but the white moderate who is more devoted to order than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice; who constantly says, “I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I can’t agree with your methods of direct action”; who paternalistically feels that he can set the timetable for another man’s freedom; who lives by the myth of time; and who constantly advises the Negro to wait until a “more convenient season.” "
-Martin Luther King Jr.

Radicalise like daddy King did or face the wall.

>> No.12781571

agreed. if ur antiidpol ur not a leftist, at least in praxis
didnt say i was a moderate, didnt say wait. i said such a season will never come. but i was talking about capitalism as a whole, not idpol within a specific country, an issue that can be addressed, not completely but partially, separate from capitalism as a whole

>> No.12781590

poor nazi can't handle a slap and that trans people exist. :(

>> No.12781645

Then how do you propose solving issues that are perpetuated by capitalism without by itself addressing capitalism?
And if you do mean to adress capitalism how do you propose overcoming it without revolution? Because the fact that police and military exist as the perpetuators of private property forms a problem here.

>> No.12781656

i propose their is not currently a solution, just like some people will die of cancer because there is currently no cure, people will suffer from capitalism because there is nothing we can do to change the system as a whole

i can address it a little bit through real, meaningful charity work and other forms of direct action, and contribute long term by studying it to see if maybe im wrong, but as for now i've accepted things will be shitty.

>> No.12781671

>P.S. If we're being unironical, the only valid revolution is a revolution of a united working class
how are you going to do that while you moronic fuckwits support capitalist strategies that fracture and divide the working classes into competing groups?

you can't, because capitalism is in a dark alliance with leftism. deleuze totally nailed what was on the horizon.

>> No.12781676

I'd love to see you die in a terrorist attack

>> No.12781700

>Actually literally everybody is a capitalist because you live under capitalism.
You have entertained me with the capitalist strategies meme, what are the capitalist strategies that the left (I'm excluding liberals here for obvious reasons) utilises that will at the same time perpetuate capitalism?
Charity work is probably the most perverted form of direct action possible, unless you mean literally providing help and setting up means for people to sustain themselves instead of the "just give money to non-profits bro" meme.
Also: Don't be a doomer, look at the Gillets Jaunes, real change is possible but it'll take time and perserverance.

>> No.12781722

i used to be ok with trans people when they just were random online autists, but after they became a meme in the mainstream media,, i was forced to become transphobic out of sheer contrarianism.

>> No.12781728

CPS is apparently okay with that kid stripping in the gay bar and being whored out on TV so

>> No.12781757

CPS is also okay with kids with childhood obesity and Child pageants.
Could you provide a source on that stuff though, cause I doubt it's as bad as you make it out to be if nobody gives a fuck.

>> No.12781784

I mean I agree but when trump suggesting sending premade meals to welfare cases they chimped out

>> No.12781816

>You have entertained me with the capitalist strategies meme, what are the capitalist strategies that the left (I'm excluding liberals here for obvious reasons) utilises that will at the same time perpetuate capitalism?

Didn't say "utilise," I was very clear with my language, I said "support". The basic notion of a strategy is having some goal along with some methods to reach that goal. If one group A has a goal in mind, and uses some methods to obtain that goal, and another group B stops people from criticizing the methods unto which group A is using, then even though they might be at odds with their ends, they still tacitly support group A.

The common meme on the left is that identity politics and mass immigration are both grounded in capitalism. These means are clearly divisive. Look at any of the empirical work on multiculturalism and social trust, for instance. They are means for capitalist ends. I've yet to see any /lit/ leftist say otherwise. Yet at the same time, you people defend this. Shutting down any disagreement as automatically "racist" or "bigoted".

Defending such things is tantamount to support of capital. You would say the same thing about rightists or liberals, yet you get a free pass and act smug (like you are now) whenever anyone points this stuff out. The growing "woke capital" phenomenon is an explicit evolution of your alliance with capital. D&G were right about the rhizomic nature of capitalism and its ability to evolve through symbiosis and alliance.

>> No.12781839

The reason why they were pissed is because it suggests that poor people are not capable of making their own decisions which is plain dehumanising.

On the kid who danced in the gay bar (not stripped as you said) yeah, that is kinda fucked that adults are sexualising them. It also lead to an investigation that took months. That hardly seems like CPS being okay with it.

>> No.12781846

>The reason why they were pissed is because it suggests that poor people are not capable of making their own decisions which is plain dehumanising.

"but let me tell you poor people about why you need to support communism and why you are a dumb-dumb for not listening"

>> No.12781849
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just radical liberals at this point. fuck off

>> No.12781855

>The reason why they were pissed is because it suggests that poor people are not capable of making their own decisions
They're not and especially if they want to be fat as fuck and ask me to pay for it at the end of uncle sam's boot
>It also lead to an investigation that took months
And nothing happened

>> No.12781865



>> No.12781875

If you are saying what I think you are saying then I'd answer that it is perfectly possible for something to be handy for capitalists yet at the same time be a good thing. Workers staying alive is handy for capitalists yet nobody on the left would argue this is bad.

If you are also refering to the 'multicultural societies are less trusting' meme, know then that you are resting on shit science that has been rightfuly criticised and that the reason you have been called out as racist for utilising it as an argument is because it is essentialy a racist dogwhistle.
The problem of divisiveness is not the result of the 'other' existing, it is the result of capitalist interpretation of this lack of trust, solve capitalism and you solve the problem that supposedly 'follows' from multiculturalism.

Woke capitalism is a problem for sure, but foregoing any and all attempts at inclusiveness in the name of stopping liberals is tantamount to a right wing populism.

>> No.12781876

Read Spinoza to understand why you are retarded.

>> No.12781880

t. reactionary that needs to be shot

>> No.12781895
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t. bugman who is actually going to be shot

>> No.12781907

>The problem of divisiveness is not the result of the 'other' existing, it is the result of capitalist interpretation of this lack of trust, solve capitalism and you solve the problem that supposedly 'follows' from multiculturalism.

True. Communistic and Socialistic societies have zero racism. Only when Capitalism is introduced does this idea take root.

>> No.12781921

>If you are saying what I think you are saying then I'd answer that it is perfectly possible for something to be handy for capitalists yet at the same time be a good thing.

It's not perfectly possible at all. You don't seem to understand competitive strategy and what I've outlined. If you're in a jiujitsu or boxing match, you don't let your opponent punch you in the head or choke you out, and then say "this is a good thing". It's literally the cuckoldry the /pol/ complains about.

>If you are also refering to the 'multicultural societies are less trusting' meme, know then that you are resting on shit science ...

lol feel free to point out where any of the following are "shit science":

Ethnic diversity, trust, and the mediating role of positive and negative interethnic contact: a priming experiment.

>"Ethnic diversity is associated with lower trust for both natives and immigrants."
>"For both, the cognitive salience of ethno-cultural diversity causally reduces trust."

Ethnic diversity and its impact on community social cohesion and neighborly exchange

>"Our findings indicate that social cohesion and neighborly exchange are attenuated in ethnically diverse suburbs"


>"I find a negative relationship between ethnic polarization and trust and a U‐shaped relationship between ethnic fractionalization and trust."

Effects of Heterogeneity and Homophily on Cooperation

>"The results show that heterogeneity hampers between-group cooperation at the dyadic level. In addition, endogenous sorting mitigates this negative effect of heterogeneity on cooperation."

Predicting Cross-National Levels of Social Trust: Global Pattern or Nordic Exceptionalism?

>"Cause and effect relations are impossible to specify exactly but ethnic homogeneity and Protestant traditions seem to have a direct impact on trust, and an indirect one through their consequences for good government, wealth and income equality."

The Geography of Ethnic Violence

>"Our analysis supports the hypothesis that violence between groups can be inhibited by both physical and political boundaries."

Good Fences: The Importance of Setting Boundaries for Peaceful Coexistence

>"Our analysis shows that peace does not depend on integrated coexistence, but rather on well defined topographical and political boundaries separating groups, allowing for partial autonomy within a single country."


>> No.12781924

Does Ethnic Diversity Have a Negative Effect on Attitudes towards the Community? A Longitudinal Analysis of the Causal Claims within the Ethnic Diversity and Social Cohesion Debate

>"Studies demonstrate a negative association between community ethnic diversity and indicators of social cohesion (especially attitudes towards neighbours and the community), suggesting diversity causes a decline in social cohesion."

Trust in a Time of Increasing Diversity: On the Relationship between Ethnic Heterogeneity and Social Trust in Denmark from 1979 until Today

>"The results suggest that social trust is negatively affected by ethnic diversity."

Ethnic Diversity, Economic and Cultural Contexts, and Social Trust: Cross-Sectional and Longitudinal Evidence from European Regions, 2002–2010

>"The results show that across European regions, different aspects of immigration-related diversity are negatively related to social trust. In longitudinal perspective, an increase in immigration is related to a decrease in social trust."

Political Scientist: Does Diversity Really Work?

>"A study conducted by Harvard political scientist Robert Putnam suggests that diversity hurts civic life and that differences can actually translate into distrust. The political scientist and author explains his findings on the flip-side of cultural diversity."

>"The more diverse the group around us, ethnically, in our neighborhood, the less we trust anybody, including people who look like us. Whites trust whites less. Blacks trust blacks less, in more diverse settings."

The downside of diversity

>"Harvard political scientist Robert Putnam -- famous for "Bowling Alone," his 2000 book on declining civic engagement -- has found that the greater the diversity in a community, the fewer people vote and the less they volunteer, the less they give to charity and work on community projects. In the most diverse communities, neighbors trust one another about half as much as they do in the most homogenous settings. The study, the largest ever on civic engagement in America, found that virtually all measures of civic health are lower in more diverse settings."
>" "The extent of the effect is shocking," says Scott Page, a University of Michigan political scientist."

>> No.12781929

>The problem of divisiveness is not the result of the 'other' existing, it is the result of capitalist interpretation of this lack of trust, solve capitalism and you solve the problem that supposedly 'follows' from multiculturalism.

No. You've got the causal analysis ass-backwards. It arises out of the means that capitalism is using. There was internecine tribal in-group out-group feuding long before capital existed. Capitalists are using something ancient to make people fight among themselves, and the problem would still exist even if you got rid of capital, because you guys support the same means. Also, what does it even mean to say "the result of capitalist interpretation". Feel free to give an argument on the group or systemic phenomenology of capitalist interpretation and how this generates divisiveness.

>> No.12781937

Do not mistake what I said as a complete solution to racism. What I intended to say was that capitalism creates a situation in which racism can fester more easily and is encouraged to protect existing power structures. Not that it would be a complete solution.

>> No.12781954

They despise liberals more then conservative at this point wtf you on about?

>> No.12781963

i said radlibs. if liberal ideology were a box, they fit neatly inside.

>> No.12781996

1. It is impossible for me to target all of the papers you have thrown at me individually, this is just gish galloping.
Instead I will simply link this study which has done an indepth study on this which is considerably better than what I could ever hope to do in a few hours: https://openpsych.net/forum/attachment.php?aid=709
2. as already shown by my example of the health of the working class, the idea that supporting the same means or at least similar ones is in any way a support of the ends is a complete perversion of theory.
This theory rests on the idea that a specific means must come to the same end every single time in any possible circumstance which does not make sense when taking into account the complexity of social behaviour.
The theory you are proposing would conclude that every act you do must be a complete negation of the acts of your ideological opponent.

>> No.12782009
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You are free to reply but I've had my fun for the day, enjoy reading your 20th century postmodern philosophy (and I do mean this sincerely)

>> No.12782075

>this is just gish galloping
Gish galloping isn't a counter-argument. It's called supporting one's statements with evidence. Your paper on p474 says it doesn't even consider the effects of European mass immigration:

>Thus, we have little reason to expect that recent migration countries, such as those in Europe, will necessarily experience a similar setback in social cohesion at some point in the future.

Yet several papers above I linked to show just that. Sorry, but I cannot take this seriously.

>This theory rests on the idea that a specific means must come to the same end every single time in any possible circumstance which does not make sense when taking into account the complexity of social behaviour.

The empirical evidence from multiculturalism and break down of social trust suggests this is what happens nearly every time. Now layer over the other policies that capital supports -- idpol, open borders, mass immigration -- and it becomes obvious what is happening. They are engineering divide and conquer. Even if you were in control with some communist or socialist party (or whatever you support), the same social conditions would be present no matter your goals. This state of affairs undermines your ideology. How are you supposed to build a system based on comradeship with no social trust? You cannot.

Fine, I will leave the thread as well.

>> No.12782165

Rapist frat house? But why?

>> No.12782195

Chapo have become the scumbag leftists they hated so dearly.
Read Ital armchair man you nerd.

>> No.12782220

Fuck you Virgil. Please get eggboy on Chapo.

>> No.12782237

Even your ideal society is not just.

>> No.12782255
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As long as leftists continue to deny the reality of this the struggles towards their ideal society will be in vain.

Tribalism and ingroup loyalties are at our very core.

>> No.12782263

>He believes in a fixed human nature

>> No.12782264

Atlas Shrugged

>> No.12782310

OP here race is real btw

>> No.12782313

>he believes humans aren't flawed by their design/evolution/the fall
Yeah dude fuck science we're divine compared to every other lowly evolved creature, except we aren't... whoa!

>> No.12782347

>He believes having imperfections means that any current imperfections are static.

>> No.12782356

Uh excuse me cletus but evolution is a slow process. Calm down, yer pee paw weren't no monkey! (maybe a nigger 100,000 years ago tho)

>> No.12782426

>He believes human nature is solely defined by genetic makeup.

>> No.12782452
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>not in a super academic way
where do you think you are?

>> No.12782466

Hey OP, whats his name?

>> No.12782499
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>Believing anyone on this board using academic lingo isn't actually just larping.
Oh I am laffin

>> No.12782638

Lmao this is raw ideology

>> No.12782641

Is this real?

>> No.12782657
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Is this you?

>> No.12782780


>> No.12782795

Love judging the value of opinions by how repulsive they are to the average normie.

>> No.12782848

They're just liberals who want slightly higher taxes.

>> No.12782857

zizek tries too hard to look like he doesn't care about his image

>> No.12783750

Hopefully, let me start this one off properly:

Knightly orders increase the rights of the pious but does so at the expense of heathens in other realms which it crusades to fund its own Hospitals. This fact combined with the faokure to address the fundamental problems inherent to ursury, namely: the undermining of grandmaster/cardinalship elections through collecting interests on the means of crusading means that the chivalric knight is nothing but an accomplish to the status quo and should not be, in effect, considered any differently than a conservative.

This is why only revolution, through traditional biblical means or otherwise, will achieve a truly saved society.

>> No.12783811

Uh-oh, we've got a science denier! Vaccinate your kids you inbred flyover retard

>> No.12783820

>environment has no effect on personal development
found the dumbass engineering freshman. back to r*ddit you go!

>> No.12783825

What is your point then pal, we need to systematically dismantle the entire black community and subjugate them to the prevailing white order? You're a heartless piece of shit dude.

>> No.12783827

ik you think this is an epic win but you sound like you are 15

are you 15?

>> No.12783835

Chapo are just terminally unfunny. I tried to give them a chance, I really did, several times even. I enjoy Cumtown and they're reasonably similar podcasts. But Chapo just come across as terminally unfunny perpetually upset hacks. How the fuck are they like ten times more popular?

>> No.12783837

Hey man I'm not the science denying retard who's going around saying "black people create their horrible environments". The only edgy 15 year old here is you.

>> No.12783844

>ive never read history and will lose my job in five years when i get doxxed for being a racist pos

>> No.12783846

>a bloo bloo I'm not allowed to say that black people willingly cause terrible environments for themselves
Poor dumb racist :^(

>> No.12783923

>How the fuck are they like ten times more popular?
Because they're the normie PC option and they make sure never to stray too far off the neo-liberal plantation.

>> No.12784199
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>> No.12784216

>Chapo fags

>> No.12784444

"Objection your equality! I refuse to defend my client because he's a filthy capitalist pig!"

>> No.12784489

>Cheering a global doxx

Why do lefties on here do this? Do they think theyre actually safe? Wew

>> No.12784496

Do not insult my uncle like that dickhead

>> No.12784502

>Actually, everybody is a neoliberal because neoliberalism is bad and Chapo is also bad hence they are the same thing.

>> No.12785674
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>> No.12785817

Quads prove that this is unironically the correct thing to do.

>> No.12785835
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>people on /lit/ are intellectuals

>> No.12785889

Yeah the "humor" of the commie world is even worse than their politics, which is saying something.
It's like a schizo homeless person saying something incoherent then laughing to himself like it was incredibly clever.

>> No.12785897

Work retail and your opinion of EBT will change overnight.

>> No.12785910

unqualified reservations by curtis yarvin does an excellent job of explaining lefty politics

>> No.12785956
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I don't think their styles of comedy should be considered similar.
Cum Town is refreshingly genuine, it's literally 3 retards chilling out and making tasteless jokes. No pretense, rarely anything heavy or political.
Chapo is just bitter and irony-poisoned, the "humor" is fucking garbage wrapped up in pretense. My friends always try to get me to listen to it and it's the AIDS tier "poopoo diaper corncob kickflip sharezone, look how flippant and not mad I am" "humor" that's made Twitter all but unusable.
Pic related

>> No.12786102

Why are people still replying to this 1/10 bait thread?

>> No.12786172

>I've worked in retail, this gives me instant access to what is going on in the minds of poor people.
Just cause some poor schmuch buys a pack of beer once in a while doesn't mean he can't make his own decisions.

>> No.12786203

>I need to feel better about myself for studying the wrong thing in college

>> No.12786328

anyone use snoopsnoo to check the post history on front page chapo posters? got damn it's the most normie shit imaginable. sports subs, city subs, gaming subs, gamerghazi. what da fuck.

>> No.12786410

It's almost as if these "commie" larpers are just your standard liberals. Imagine my shock.

>> No.12786609

It's almost as if outside of terminally autistic circles it's possible to have multiple interests.

>> No.12786627

One time I saw a guy wearing a Chapo shirt out in the wild, looked just like an onions boy; patchy facial hair, beer gut, balding head, and thick black glasses. Made eye contact with him and got as far away as I could. Jumped on a bus and the driver was a trannies. Clown world

>> No.12786723

crazy shit world upside down world elliptical not round world no sound world no doubt world flying pigs dumb world silly boys world large ladies' world scoundrel world lounge world war world uptown world sham world hyper world sluggish bog world fake hug no love world culling world endless world wordless world thoughtless world my world not your world our world not their world end world fast world sun world sacrifice world sanctify world cradle world warn world motherly world arctic world paternal world sensual world blossom world static world casual world traffic world working world formal world anarchic world lawful world lawless people world unjust world your world not my world clown world

>> No.12786751

>Clown world
Thanks, forgot to filter that one!

>> No.12787130

Liberals BTFO

>> No.12787402

Haven't bothered to read through all the posts but as a leftist I'm glad we've found common ground

>> No.12787414

imagine using filters lmao even for tripfags

>> No.12787415

Have bothered to read the posts, guy with one single source has definetely fucked up by not addressing the fact that social trust being lessened by immigration is caused in large amounts by the perception of the immigrant group, change that perception and most of the problem is actually solved without dehumanizing the other.

Other than that guy number one pretty much pissed all over source spitting bro.

>> No.12787424

Also the idea that complete social trust is necesary to communism or can even be achieved is pretty stupid, it will work against worker solidarity but social trust is not the sole nor in any way a necesary driver towards worker solidarity and why am I bothering replying to day old fagposters.

>> No.12787473

>change that perception and most of the problem is actually solved
Ah yes, the strategy of brainwashing the native population into thinking that being replaced is beneficial. Guess that isn't working out.
How about "keep immigration low and make them integrate"?

>> No.12787497

How about keep immigration nonexistent and level every other place on earth because they don't care about "environmentalism" and there are too many people and those dumb inbred brown necks can't control themselves

>> No.12787506

But you can't just level everything if you care about environmentalism

>> No.12787523
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>the reddit "w-we can be funni-edgie internet guys too, but in morally superior way" community
>producing anything worthwhile
Simply ebin.

>> No.12787547

Look faggot I said -everywhere-, the mountain ranges, the forests, all of it. no but really fuck libs and noborders commies with their people are killing the planet blah blah blah now lets import and support literally billions of people who don't give a fuck about that, while also slowly but surely handing then control of our nuclear and otherwise horrific and inhumane weapons how is killing everyone else with our cool shit not the clear answer? Of course, I'm expecting coherent thoughts from people who spent 40 years trying to find "the gay gene" but now want to destroy the concept of men and women so

>> No.12787551

>le 4channel meme arrows
fucking owned him. I can't wait to screencap this and post it on r/4chan

>> No.12787558

>jade pointers

>> No.12787575

>The great replacement is real btw
Read a statistics textbook and a book on population changes over time or neck yourself.

>> No.12787579

>oi neck urself xDDD
Imagine expressing yourself like this

>> No.12787589

If you would ask a Gaell whether having sex with Romans would mean the 'replacement' of his people he would probably say yes, yet nowadays we look at this idea as ridiculous.
Yet nowadays we apply the same principle to 'Western' people as if anyone other than modern people would consider them a single monolithic people.
Race is a social construct, stop being cucked by white nationalism and start living in the real world.

>> No.12787595

not an argument

>> No.12787597

>Lel you do not use the exact same language as i, the great authority on what is right or wrong, would in your situation.
Neck yourself.

>> No.12787625
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>t. uttah, uttah mongs who should just neck themselves like the cunts they are xDDDDD

>> No.12787634

not an argument

>> No.12787641

The Queen is a smelly old hag.

>> No.12787642

>.t utter mong
neck urself cunt

>> No.12787650

i dated an attorney
now I actually hate attorneys

>> No.12787652
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Nah, he's right you don't have any arguments and should just cease existing if you're not willing to learn.

>> No.12787656

neck urself

>> No.12787693

>no, u
Neck yourself

>> No.12787704

>n-no you
>neck yourself
apeximum cringe

>> No.12787764

Because they’re self-aware. Knowing people hate liberals isn’t the same as hating liberals.

>> No.12787779

>personal development is determined entirely by environment
Hi, Lysenko.

>> No.12787796

Are social constructs unimportant?

>> No.12787811

Yes, women secretly crave rape. Bernie Sanders wrote an essay about this.

>> No.12787825

Is this supposed to be a real answer? I see social constructs as important for what I think to be obvious reasons. They're things developed by a civilization/society in order to keep itself in a condition suitable to propagate itself forward. The rules are not founded on nothing, we are not much smarter than those who came before when it comes to things like this. If you tear down the walls of the past you might find they were erected for a good reason. And that risk IMO is too much - especially because I'm not sure there's a heap of evidence proving it'd be worth it anyway. Happy to be proven wrong on this.

>> No.12787856

God i wish anarchists were well read.

>> No.12787875

>commie getting asshurt and saying EPIC OWNAGE WOW OWNED to prove how not-mad he is
It's like how you can tell a redditor by phrases like "you sir are a gentleman and a scholar, you magnificent bastard"
I'm begging you to go back whichever rose emoji twitter group DM you crawled from and stop shitting up 4chan with your autistic rage

>> No.12787941

he doesnt have a job in which he can read all day

>> No.12787973

Imagine being this functionally illiterate

>> No.12787982

>Happy to be proven wrong on this
>But I am not willing to "risk" my comfort on any different ideas
I know grandpa, the future is scary.

>> No.12788001

Funny, I was going to call him an pussy for even suggesting you canon-fodder-to-be ought to be entertained at all

>> No.12788014

The problem is obviously not the existence of social constructs in general, it's the sanctification of social constructs, lifting them above any form of criticism that is a problem you absolute mong.

>> No.12788026

See >>12787625 >>12787642 fucking fairy tale talk faggot retard
>pip pip cheerio then, roit up me shitta ya bloody poofta

>> No.12788417

what would an anarchist do with a book? beat a trashcan with it?

>> No.12788575

true post

>> No.12788603
File: 37 KB, 189x122, D1kW_B3W0AERFKA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you could get the same experience just reading reddit threads

>> No.12788624

>cuba turned out fairly well
you can't make this shit up.

>> No.12789002

I think it's time for a struggle session over why /r/chapotraphouse needs more trans cutie threads, and if you don't like it you can discuss it at the next DSA disabled caucus meeting y'all

>> No.12789713

Who would have thought that Steven Bonnell would become the voice of zoomers.