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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 116 KB, 750x972, bsgj6rfue3021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12781732 No.12781732 [Reply] [Original]

>What's the last book you rated 5 stars?

Monthly Reading for March: The Black Company by Glen Cook


Science Fiction:

NPR's Top 100 Science Fiction & Fantasy Books:

SF&F author listing with ratings and summaries:


>> No.12781772

Give me short stories

>> No.12781783

No memes, this is the best short story I've ever read.


>> No.12781803

Thank you. I'll read it and tell you what I think.

>> No.12781809
File: 26 KB, 564x223, Stuff I've read so far.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what all have you read so far this year, /sffg/? And what are you planning on reading?

>> No.12781820

Stanislaw Lem, The Cyberiad (anthology)
Philip K. Dick, "Faith of our Fathers"
Gene Wolfe, The Death of Dr. Island
Cordwainer Smith, Scanners Live in Vain
Jack Vance, The Dragon Masters
Arthur C. Clarke, The Nine Billion Names of God
Harlan Ellison, Adrift off the Islets of Langerhans

>> No.12781827


>> No.12781831

The only SFF I've read so far is The Once and Future King and The Wizard Knight. Might make a /chivalry/ chart.

Ahead, I've got some James Blish, some of PKD's minor works, Heatseeker by John Shirley, the second book of the Cadwal Chronicles by Jack Vance, and I'm going to check out the Eden! manga by Hiroki Endo. After that, I'll see.

>> No.12781844
File: 93 KB, 680x1069, f_knight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it possible to do a female knight without coming off as a tryhard? By that I mean the usual garbage where the author goes on about how this particular woman can keep up and even surpass the men. I guess the easiest way to do it is to introduce magic that gives them enough power to make up for their physical shortcomings, but for what I'm writing I want to keep the magic small and subtle instead of going full anime like Sanderson does.

>> No.12781845
File: 34 KB, 342x342, 617ySf3g9bL._SX342_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished Circe, it was ok. Starts of really well but doesn't quite stay at the same standard throughout and the ending was disappointing. Still glad I read it though, the writing is beautiful and the story engaging.

Planning on reading Latro in the Mist next as I'm craving more books related to Greek mythlogy. Feel free to rec something if you know any others.

>> No.12781863

2019 has been a slow year. Read--
Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell
The Goblin Emperor
The Gutter Prayer
The Rise of Ransom City
The Fall of the House of Cabal, The Brothers Cabal, The Fear Institute, Johannes Cabal the Detective, Johannes Cabal the Necromancer + all the shorts
The Winter of the Witch
Elysium Fire
The Prefect
House of Suns
The Book of Atrix Wolfe
Master of Sorrows
The Ruin of Kings
A Labyrinth of Scions and Sorcery
The Fifth Head of Cerberus
Spinning Silver
Thomas the Rhymer
Lords and Ladies
The Nine
Kingdoms of Elfin
City of Brass
The Kingdom of Copper
Blameless in Abaddon

I really want to read some books that haven't been fucking uploaded anywhere.

>> No.12781892

I think tomorrow after work I'm going to make a recommended SFF audio dramas image. It's a medium that doesn't get anywhere near enough love.

>> No.12781899

Does she have to be a knight?

>> No.12781914
File: 633 KB, 1200x734, Audio-Drama-Flowchart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like this one?

>> No.12781920

Some of the Doctor Who Big Finish stories are god tier

>> No.12781922
File: 3.72 MB, 6538x3999, bD0Xr5s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hi res

>> No.12781939

Oh shit I didn't know that existed. Never mind I guess. Thanks.

>> No.12781957
File: 20 KB, 181x233, MedicineFourHumoursMedievalWC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So is enosh and damasca the entire world? But their fighting forces always seem tiny when they're not utterly ambiguous. Is the reason that 9 sacrifices is such a big deal because the entire population of the setting is like 30000 people? I wish worldbuilding was a bit better outside of the gates

>> No.12782038

>play chess so well everyone watching starts crying
I want to die

>> No.12782047

Are you reading hxh?

>> No.12782060

No, something that's almost as bad. The Wandering Inn.

>> No.12782117

How do you decide on which series to read next if you want to read several of them? Flip a coin?

>> No.12782124


>> No.12782190

Just follow your heart anon, you always know which one you want to read more.

>> No.12782243 [DELETED] 

Instead of handshake events they should do choke you, slap you, and spit on your face events.

>> No.12782380

Are Clariel and Goldenhand worth checking out if you liked the Abhorsen trilogy? I'm always kinda weary on sequels that come out over a decade later after the main story clearly ended, kinda smells like the author desperately trying to cling to relevancy.

>> No.12782531

do you think people would go for story that's mostly weird fiction, with some gratuitous chemistry and jojo battles thrown in?

>> No.12782552

Second Foundation
Concrete Island by J.G Ballard
More Than Human
The World Jones Made by PKD
Starship Troopers
Lord of Light
The Complete Works of H.P Lovecraft
Junkie by William Burroughs
High-Rise by J.G Ballard
Maybe i will read some Dick but i haven't read much fantasy this year so i may read some.
>The Throne of Bones
Based and Ghoulpilled

>> No.12782668

I read 35 shit fantasy books so far. Cba to list them.
Planning on reading a couple Amazon self published shit books.

>> No.12782669


>> No.12782673

Don't forget to shill the good ones.

>> No.12782725

Will do.
Blue mage raised by dragons
Got some fresh shit I'm sampling. Will shill if good.

>> No.12782767
File: 219 KB, 500x800, monthly reading.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12782775

>but for what I'm writing I want to keep the magic small and subtle
Sounds like that would be perfect for what you're aiming for. You don't need to throw fireballs and lightning to be a knight on equal footing with males. Some enhanced reflexes, strength, luck or whatever should be enough.

>> No.12782805
File: 211 KB, 964x1500, Blood-song-france-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any book as comfy as this?

>> No.12782827

Just don't even mention it lmao?
Who gives a shit if she's just there.

>> No.12782844

>Based and Ghoulpilled
The Return of Liron Wolfbaiter was probably my favorite story in that book. I just love the idea of a slightly inept version of Conan trying to figure out what the fuck is going on in a literal city of nightmares.

>> No.12782881
File: 3.64 MB, 1563x2500, CoverMakin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The web novel Worth the Candle has updated after over a month and a half hiatus, the longest in the serial's history. On the plus side, the update was a monstrous 43,000 words, divided across 6 chapters. What do you think, /sffg/? Was it worth the wait?

>> No.12782891

>no soulcatcher mommy

>> No.12782929

Circe was decent. Also read ‘The Silence of the Girls’ if you want more of the Iliad/Odyssey written in modern prose.

>> No.12782936
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>> No.12782953
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Derp, forgot the link

>> No.12782979

Fuck off Alexander, nobody here wants to read your litrpg trash. I've got to say it looks especially shit even by the low standards of litrpg. A story based on drawings and tabletop games? Yikes, talk about nerd service.

>> No.12783009
File: 66 KB, 650x801, untitled-photo-u1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Gap Cycle 1-5 which holy shit, let me tell you, each book is like exponentially longer than the last. I finished the first one in like 2 hours and the last one took me at least 12
Oryx and Crake
The Laundry Files 1-8 (on 8 now)
So really just the two big series, I'm looking forward to getting the Laundry Files done with so I can get onto some new shit, preferably not a series
Might just read some Lovecraft even though I've read most of it already.

>> No.12783027
File: 181 KB, 346x1270, Amaryllis Penndraig.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LOL, I'm not Alexander Wales you fag. I'm just a fan.

Also, calling Worth the Candle a litrpg is like calling Worm a superhero story.

>> No.12783070

The writer literally has it listed as a litrpg you dumb daggit.

>> No.12783111

What exactly was the Excession?

>> No.12783125

Are you reading the rest of Atwood’s series? Year of the Flood isn’t bad though a touch long, but MaddAdam is a bit shit.

>> No.12783131

Finished Black Company and really enjoyed it. Heard the quality lessens later in the series, but was wondering where the decline starts. What's a good jumping off point?

>> No.12783300
File: 556 KB, 1655x1673, Discworld.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12783305

Ideally the first.
The second and third are very good as well tho and I'd recommend reading them. After that it goes downwards in my opinion so you might stop then.
The next jumping off point is after the fifth book but I don't think you'd stop there if you've read so far. Starting with the sixth it's just very different from before and most people don't like the change but reading for the story might keep you going.
t. Almost finished with the seventh book

>> No.12783320

It was kinda tragic how you could track Pratchett's dementia progressing throughout his later books.

>> No.12783326

Thanks for the breakdown anon. Will finish the second and third and see how invested I am from there.

>> No.12783343

Lords and Ladies
Foundation and Empire
Secound Foundation
The Many Coloured Land

currently: The Golden Torc

>> No.12783375
File: 91 KB, 677x602, pewp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reading The Crippled God right now.

>> No.12783384

I once saw an interview with him about working with dementia and his new book "Nation" where he said: "It's the best book I've ever read" which was somewhat morbidly funny, he then corrected himself to best book he's written.

I like that book very much.

>> No.12783405
File: 157 KB, 565x541, 1549629162559.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is fantasy art of women always ugly? It's like women in western games

>> No.12783499

Anyone read any of The Secret Texts series by Holly Lisle? I always get interested when most of the low goodreads scores are about rape.

>> No.12783651

Worm is a superhero story. An unconventional one if your a casual but a superhero story.

>> No.12783689

Especially when it’s lady.

>> No.12783718

Question for those who have read black company:

In which book does Croaker finally bang the Lady?

>> No.12783722

Try book 2 and 3.

>> No.12783740

Am I supposed to keep track of what I read and when? Off the top of my head:
A Scanner Darkly
Fifth Head of Cerberus
Boogiepop 1-6 for the animu
魔女の宅急便 (Kiki's Delivery Service)
Flashman 1
Shadow of the Torturer
Some Conan stories
The Road
The Martian Chronicles
The Stars my Destination

Plan to read Black Company. Might try some LitRPG to see how bad they really are. And the rest of New Sun.

>> No.12783801

That's what goodreads is for.
It keeps track of all the books I read and my thoughts about it.
I usually just read my jottings and I remember what happened in a book. If you've read a lot like me (over a thousand) it's required. Also writing about the book you just read helps you remember more.

>> No.12783839


>> No.12783874

I remember the books from the titles. I just don't remember offhand which books I've read. So it's only an issue for the open ended "what have you read" question rather than "have you read X".

>> No.12783982

You should always record what books you have read. In the days before the internet, I have lost the names of those books to the sands of time. I will never find them again and the world is poorer for it.

>> No.12784073

I only go to goodreads to read the retarded reviews which are usually written by some dumb cunt crying about racism and sexism so I can have a good laugh.

>> No.12784085

Compared to 4chan where some dumb cunt is posting racism and sexism and thinking it's not retarded.

>> No.12784122

Case in point.

>> No.12784379


>> No.12784386
File: 2.02 MB, 2294x429, Banner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's my point. Worm is a deconstruction, so telling someone that it's a superhero story creates false expectations. They go in expecting Superman and Spiderman and instead they get BEEEEEEES!

Same with Worth the Candle. You tell someone it's a LitRPG, and they immediately expect a power-leveling munchkin harem fantasy with an infinite-determination protagonist. Instead, they are going to get things like princess Amaryllis spearheading an industrial revolution and Joon's struggles with becoming a better person than the horrible shitbag he was back on Earth.

>> No.12784414

Amazon (with the release of their book printing service) is now a publishing house. Unlike the Big Three publishing houses, there are no gate keepers.
Please list some of the good books you found on the Amazon catalog.

>> No.12784457

The cover alone makes me not want to read it.
Just do it is a boss, anime into another world characters have to fight him, and a sentient house looks like it will rape characters that sleep in it.

>> No.12784480

Covers are a big expense for self published works especially good covers. That's why most are shit.

>> No.12784482

just fucking end me

>> No.12784504

What, Amazon prints self-published books now?

>> No.12784529

they did that sine 2017.
its on demand printing so there are no costs assoiciated with it other than the amazon cut for the materials.

>> No.12784537

>Worm is a DECONSTRUCTION, so telling someone that it's a superhero story creates false expectations

>> No.12784540

Damn, what a time to be alive.

>> No.12784546
File: 200 KB, 600x862, 1504303106999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is shit, then there is shit. I'm sure I can meme up a better shit cover than that shit >>12782881

>> No.12784630
File: 25 KB, 284x433, 6321854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking hate this cover, especially when I have to see it everytime I go through my goodreads profile.

>> No.12784641

Opinion discarded.
Surely that's just a lazily shopped shitpost, not a cover.

>> No.12784662

How long does it take for Rand and the other guys to stop being retarded and useless in WoT?

>> No.12784683

He reaches different levels of retard throughout the saga. But most of the women stay retarded and useless forever. By the midpoint of the series, WOT was more of a hateread than anything.

>> No.12784685
File: 167 KB, 1056x1072, severian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it natural to read Book of the New Sun and have absolutely no idea what is happening some times? I'm on Claw of the Conciliator and I'm reading about a play and its straight up confusing me.

>> No.12784686

14 books

>> No.12784693

They don't,they use the power of autism to save the world

>> No.12784703

Depending on your retard tolerance level either in The Gathering Storm or the epilogue of the last book.

>> No.12784720
File: 21 KB, 318x470, hsruf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12784726
File: 216 KB, 1000x1335, The_Lady_(The_Black_Company)_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fan art is fan art.

>> No.12784757
File: 452 KB, 2054x3607, Croaker_standing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This artist makes Lady looks too young in my opinion. On the flip side they captured what I imagine Croaker's appearance to be pretty spot on though.

>> No.12784759

It's natural. I think the play is a parable for Severian's story and most of the things in the play have not happened yet so it's understandable that it's confusing. Also, at least to me, many parts remain obscure even after finishing the series.

>> No.12784772

Isn't she supposed to be barely 20 or something? It's more like Croaker being older than her so everyone teases him. At least physically.

>> No.12784777

soulcatcher is my favorite

agreed, croaker looks amazing there

>> No.12784786
File: 82 KB, 220x250, croaker_t.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think he's too handsome there, though.

>> No.12784800

Fuck. Do the women at least stop treating him like he is a retarded manchild a bit before that?

>> No.12784806

Never. It gets so much fucking worse dude.

>> No.12784807
File: 24 KB, 381x507, deep seductive voice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12784812

No. I wonder if WoT would be an impossible sell to someone who didn't read it when they were younger.

>> No.12784814
File: 228 KB, 1024x1299, Croaker_the_black_company_by_irontree-daz1ifv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't he supposed to be somewhat ruggedly handsome? At least at the start since the series spans years. I think pic related represents what he looks like in the beginning at least.

>> No.12784818
File: 15 KB, 280x280, 4cRlD__0_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Non-Player Character" by Eliezer Yudkowsky

>> No.12784826

These books really gave me a fetish for 500 year old dominant sorceresses who could obliterate me at any second and can read my thoughts when I'm thinking about eating their ass

>> No.12784835

Funny, I think of that artist's rendition more as what he looks like later on, after you-know-who gets you-know-whatted and they go you-know-where with you-know-who (the other one).

>> No.12784842


>> No.12784858
File: 458 KB, 617x385, PortShadows-crop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bitches, get out

>dat feel when utter redundancy of Port of Shadows when we could've gotten a proper continuation or actual prequel set during the Domination

>> No.12784864

lol no
Depending on your woman tolerance level they hardly do it after. Jordan operate on the assumption that women are from Venus and men are from Mars, meaning that any time they interact with each other they will engage absolute autism mode. Understanding this makes the books more enjoyable, but my advice is to drop the series anyway.

>> No.12784872

does black company have any sort of cuckery?
never read them but i think i might the premise sounds interesting.

>> No.12784873

Oops, forgot that transhumanism.org is kill. Need to use internet archive for those links.

>> No.12784878

Reminder that Lady gets fat and stops taking care of herself after finding a man whilst Soulcatcher puts effort into her appearance despite lacking a head.

>> No.12784894

Goodness. It gets worse?

I'll keep reading a bit, I am not exactly hard to please, maybe I'll be positively surprised and it's not like I have anything better to do.

>> No.12784900

Raven's wife took a lover and tried to assassinate him

>> No.12784905
File: 69 KB, 420x694, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks to a based anon from a past thread, i discovered David Gemmell.

>> No.12784907


>> No.12784908
File: 104 KB, 809x538, Port-of-Shadows-feature-809x538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Port of Shadow's cover has Croaker front and center so he looks closer to your pic than he does >>12784786.

>does black company have any sort of cuckery?

>> No.12784911

Yes, actually. You need to read to Silver Spike to get to it, though.

>> No.12784922

I don't think Harriet let Jordan have any friends, Mat, Perrin and Rand have nothing in common except autism.

>> No.12784927

And he paid her back in kind by strangling her to death while she begged for mercy.

That aside Raven in general is a massive fuckup from beginning to end. It's actually pretty entertaining seeing his character throughout the series.

>> No.12784931

Pretty sure one of the Black Company covers has Lady as a blonde.

>> No.12784935
File: 9 KB, 300x223, 6185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unironically has a character (an adult man) use the term 'magic sky wizard' to refer to God

>> No.12784938

he strangles her while she begs for mercy though

>> No.12784942

is that the only instance of cuckery?

>> No.12784948

>Black Company

So who's the strongest wizard of the Company?


>> No.12784958

>Lady gets fat
Wtf i love Black Company now?!

>> No.12784968

Croaker, who admittedly knows little about magic, says Silent is the most consistent one while the other two are more along the lines of illusionists and conmen.

>> No.12784969

Oh my God, yes. I've read almost all of these and they blew me away. Good choices

>> No.12784977
File: 150 KB, 1024x1454, Soulcatcher_by_Mikey_Patch_(Irontree).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure why you're so obsessed with cucking anon. If you just want to know if the main character ever gets cucked then the answer is no. His wife's batshit crazy sister tries to seduce him though in an attempt to hurt her sister.

>> No.12784987

magic is never explained enough to really talk "power levels" in black company. other than the taken being orders of magnitude above company wizards.

>> No.12784993

>obsessed with cucking
its the opposite actually.
ive read so much miserable fiction that i cant stomach betrayal and drama for the sake of drama anymore.
i tend towards happy ending and feelgood stories nowadays.

>> No.12785002
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TWO weeks nig/lit/s

>> No.12785018

I feel like they really upped her crazy rating in later books. Early Catcher basically came off as one of the few Taken with her own code and semblance of honor. Then again, it could just be because the Limper was the primary Taken she was compared to and her rival.

>> No.12785024

I feel you anon. So many authors love the "deconstruction" meme these days that it's actually rare to fiend a regular happy ending that isn't downer or bittersweet. That goes for romance too, two well known and popular modern fantasy books have dumb love plots. You have Kingkiller with that whole cringey Denna stuff and now Sanderson is shoving in some dumb love triangle in Stormlight Archive. It's why I enjoyed Codex Alera since all the main characters have nice relationships going on with no cucking or love triangles and they all earn their happy endings.

>> No.12785032

You don't like Dun Daniel? Are you a bardist?

>> No.12785043

>Codex Alera
agreed. that was fucking great. the development also felt really natural between tavi and kitai. it progressed appropriately and in a way that was not overbearing and naturally weaved into the story as part of it. wish more relationships felt like that.

>> No.12785046

Cook fell in love with his own character,

>> No.12785052

>you will never defile and knock up lady
Why live?

>> No.12785075

I'm 32 and never read it as a kid, and I'm repulsed by it now. Dropped it during book one.

>> No.12785085

Imagine being older than 31 and using 4chan lmao.

>> No.12785095

/ck/ is full of 40 year olds and /k/ is full of veterans.
ever since shazbowl 4chan has gone mainstream.

>> No.12785100

I would love to desu, you do not deserve to be alive if you comment on novels you haven't read.
Different anon btw

>> No.12785123

/sffg/ seems to have been rediscovered by rationalfags. As a long time rationalfag myself I would like to say that the finest pieces of literature ever written are as follows:
Mother of Learning
Worth The Candle
Practical Guide to Evil
If you think otherwise, when the time comes for me to transcend humanity and become its eternal AI-assisted ruler, I will torture you forever.

>> No.12785127

>imagine being a newfag and not using 4chen for more than a decade.

>> No.12785153

Do Lady and Soulcatcher eventually settle the score in a oil tub while scantily clad perchance?

>> No.12785162

No they have a messy fight/threesome to see who can make croaker cum first.

>> No.12785169

Nah I heard they were pretty shit so I'm not gonna bother

>> No.12785225
File: 397 KB, 1600x984, Trandor - coruscant-e1411691792626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are the best books about city planets?
Does Asimov spend a lot of time describing Trantor?

>> No.12785232

is the plot from upcoming dune movie adapted from the first book only,*

>> No.12785242

It's an adaptation of the porn game

>> No.12785354

I wish.

>> No.12785356

>the lady

only way you're defiling her is if she feels like it. and that kinda defeats the purpose.

>> No.12785380
File: 541 KB, 500x775, 1547415830559.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this a joke? Shazbowl was a blip compared to chanology

>> No.12785422

Go back to outerlit with your stupid outerlit memes.

>> No.12785440

Anyone read Aliette de Bodards work? If so how is it?

>> No.12785448
File: 346 KB, 972x936, IA7d8Bq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

channology got tumbler and obscure internet forums interested in 4chan. also fox news and all that jazz but it was at a time where the internet was not really normie friendly.
shazbowl was witnessed by millions. and endorsed by hi-rez games all over social media and took the spotlight on twitch and was one of the biggest events of 2013.
and then later obviously gamergate happened.
as fun as it was to watch how one chick cucked her bf with 5 guys just to get positive press for her game. the fallout from that was a huge detriment to everything internet.

>> No.12785619

>Aliette de Bodard
That's a gay name.

>> No.12785773

Three Body Problem are the greatest sci fi books of all time. Prove me wrong.

>> No.12785795

It's Chinese.

>> No.12785915

Anyone younger than 26 is a fucking newfag, there's no way around it.

>> No.12785944

What a fucking meme genre. I'll check it out.

>> No.12786125

reading WoT. I hate it.

>> No.12786146

I don't really keep track too good.
The decent ones I remember were Daevabad and some of the Kane books

>> No.12786263

Don't force yourself to read through it. It's one of those books where reading it as an adult is an extremely painful process.

>> No.12786274
File: 181 KB, 1032x1400, serveimage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and some of the Kane books
A few chapters into pic related myself.

>> No.12786301

>tfw got 12 books in before I dropped it

>> No.12786342

Get on my level. I read 15 books before dropping it.

>> No.12786388

Is it worth reading WoT to get to the polygamy/harem? I was hoping that all these annoying bitches would end up sucking Rand's cock but apparently even Egwene actually finds herself someone else.

>> No.12786426

Theres little to no polygamy and no harem. And those annoying bitches never go away and just multiply. But im only on book 11 so what do i know

>> No.12786541

Nah Rand only ever spends time with one woman at once

>> No.12786548

So what exactly is so great about Fune? I'm about half way in and it's okay.

>> No.12786550

Better to drop it before I have invested too many hours to stop myself, I guess. None of the characters made me care about them, anyways. Rand seemed to be the least annoying of the "protagonists" but then again, judging by The Eye of the World, the novels are bloated by shit like the overgrown party splitting up, pov changes and superfluous dream sequences.

>> No.12786568
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But cover art does the same. Espc
Ecially anything dnd or sword and sorcery stuff. Always very masculine faces

>> No.12786572

I'm late to the game but Kane sound dope as shit. I've read some of the Conan short stories and loved them. Where can I start with Kane?

>> No.12786647

Any of the books really. The full-length novels are all stand alones and Night Winds and Death Angel's Shadow are short story collections. I'd say start with Night Winds because the stories in that book are really fantastic.

>> No.12786704

Maybe your continuous exposure to anime has made your perception of what is considered masculine different?
Clear cut and lean faces aren't really that exclusive to male faces.
Nine of the images in this thread for lady are what I would call masculine.

>> No.12786793
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When it comes to Sword and Sorcery stuff the females usually have "masculine" shaped faces as due to the nature of the settings they're in. They also barely wear anything and have top tier bodies to play off their male counterparts who are the same. I'm not sure what kind of appearance you expect them to have.

>> No.12786808

NK Jemisin

>> No.12786822
File: 180 KB, 991x762, based frazetta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can one man have been so based? I wonder how much fantasy and scifi shit his art has inspired over the years.

>> No.12786823


>> No.12786835


>> No.12786847
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Sword & Sorcery is fantasy for chads.

>> No.12786853

What's her deal? Is she really only popular because of her "fuck whitey!" rhetoric? Any non biased review I've read of her books seem to come to the conclusion that they're painfully average at best.

>> No.12786884

>Is she really only popular because of her "fuck whitey!" rhetoric?
That and the fact that she's a black woman.

>> No.12786890
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Too bad all his kids are money grubbing shits who fought over their father's works.

>> No.12786892

I read a lot of Heinlein and Orson Scott Card growing up, and other than that I've only some of the Dune books, Hyperion Cantos, and the Foundation Trilogy.

Is there any contemporary sci-fi that is reminiscent of 50s-70s scifi? I know Hyperion came later though.
I heard really good things about Leviathan Wakes, but that might have just been because of the show or something

>> No.12786909
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>> No.12786929

>over the barrier and through the grass into fucking hell I go one lane silver car two lanes horns horns horns three lanes SEMI WHAT’S A FUCKING SEMI DOING ON THE FDR IT’S TOO TALL YOU STUPID UPSTATE HICK screaming four lanes GREEN TAXI screaming Smart Car hahaha cute five lanes moving truck six lanes and the blue Lexus actually brushes up against my clothes as it blares past screaming screaming screaming

This writer won 3 Hugos in a row. Don't EVER forget.

>> No.12786948
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>> No.12786962

I dont get it

>> No.12786968

read it

>> No.12786997

>no trigger discipline

>> No.12787027

Only incels have to worry about trigger discipline.

>> No.12787029

I started to skim entire books and straight up skip chapters with certain characters halfway through the series, and nothing of value was lost. You probably already probably know which characters you better erase to avoid getting an aneurism.

I felt dirty doing that because I'd never had done something like that before but this series has an insane amount of worthless fluff and the most insufferable characters in all of fiction. I started to self harm because I hated the females so much. I don't know whether Jordan has issues or whether he has never talked to any woman besides his apparently utterly insane wife or what the frick was up with that.

>> No.12787038

>the entire military and law enforcement arm of every country in the world is populated by incels
Checks out.

>> No.12787044

That statement is more true than you think, but I won't get into that here.

>> No.12787075

>come for science fiction and fantasy
>leave troubled by some damning revelation

On topic, I haven't read a fantasy novel since The Hobbit when I was twelve or so. If I wanted to pick up again with a novel that encapsulates all the current memes in the genre, where should I begin? And in case you ask, I'm dumb, not trolling.

>> No.12787090

>If I wanted to pick up again with a novel that encapsulates all the current memes in the genre
either Sanderson or GRRM, take your pick

>> No.12787091

>If I wanted to pick up again with a novel that encapsulates all the current memes in the genre, where should I begin?
The current biggest memes would be grimderp and 'woke' fantasy. I'd say the Prince of Nothing series is probably the most grimderp crap currently out there. As for 'woke' crap you can't go wrong with anything by Jemisin. But a novel that combines both? Not too sure.

>> No.12787117

you are like baby.
i read ALL of WoT.
and you know what?
i cant remember a single thing.

>> No.12787134

Not even how many books it has. Impressive.

>> No.12787145

im counting the prologues.
and all the extra literature like the companion books.

>> No.12787206

That makes it even more impressive that you don't remember anything.

>> No.12787216

it wasnt the only thing i forgot. i pretty much forgot all of discworld.
its just been so long and if i have to be honest none of them were really memorable. i have faint recollections of guards guards but thats about it.

>> No.12787320


>> No.12787441

It's written in a way that retroactively gives context and meaning to events or dialogue that occurred earlier. Wolfe has said that he thinks the best kinds of books are those that are better when re-reading them, and has taken that idea to his own writing.

>> No.12787456

Fantasy with cock and ball torture?

>> No.12787492

Wasn't really a thing until about the 90's when Jeff Coopers four laws really started catching on.

>> No.12787553

What's easier on the eyes for reading ebooks, bros: white background with black text or black background with white text? Or maybe some other color combination?

>> No.12787647

so a friend of mine told me to read this chink novel
i was skeptical because those arent very good and all the same shit anyways. but holy fucking shit this is really fucking good. i finished the first story arc and some moments really got my blood going with anticipation of things.
has anyone else read this? does it continue to stay like this?
its really great that its completely translated and now being professionally edited and turned into novels but i cant wait for all the novels to come out so im reading the web version that is complete. this story is really gripping.

>> No.12787649

>He doesn't default to Tomorrow

>> No.12787658
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Anyone read pic related?

>> No.12787669

I can read all day long using my kindle paperwhite. That's pretty much all I can say on this matter.

>> No.12787816

>chapter begins with a father and daughter having a knife-throwing contest to see who gets to bed the new slave-girl first
lol I'll chalk that up to Wagner having started writing this book when he was a teenager because everything up to this chapter has been excellent, but I'm not looking forward to spending time with this GIRL TRYING TO GET BY IN A MAN'S WORLD BY ACTING LIKE A MAN character.

>> No.12787820

>chapter begins with a father and daughter having a knife-throwing contest to see who gets to bed the new slave-girl first
what book is this.
asking for a friend.

>> No.12787829

The father wins though.

>> No.12787837

i - he still wants to know.

>> No.12787840

See: >>12786274

>> No.12787847

my friend is thankful.

>> No.12787879

What books are you guys waiting for to be released?

>> No.12787931
File: 40 KB, 430x285, 4812866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zero Tango by Justin Shier

>> No.12788267

>Into the forest they surged, where trees were giant pillars of this temple of war. And the sacrificial altars were glutted.

Need more prose like this in modern SFF.

>> No.12788422

heh nothin' personal kid
>teleports behind genre fiction and unsheaths hanzo steel katana named Worldbuilding

>> No.12788427


>> No.12788439

>To fight alongside Death is heady wine for those who evade his sword, so that life becomes a new bride, to be sported with in full before dawn dispels the magic of the first night.

Based and prose-pilled.

>> No.12788444

This. I wish he would he would have fallen in love with Soulcatcher....

>> No.12788475


>> No.12788480


>> No.12788501
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I finished druss the legend last week. Continuing with legend now. Its quite comfy in here.

>> No.12788514


After reading so much Karl Edward Wagner and his brand of horror-filled Sword & Sorcery recently I'm looking forward to watching this movie when it drops in a few weeks.

>> No.12788517

Glad Gemmell is starting to get some love here. He popped my fantasy cherry years ago when a bongistan online recommended him.

>> No.12788539

Yeah. It's pretentious, dense as fuck and the amount of rape, incest, pedophilia, bestiality etc is through the roof. 3/5

>> No.12788564

Literally nothing but fan fiction for a cheap Texan anime. It appears /co/ has gotten me addicted to shitposting and the mods only allow us there while new episodes are airing.
Doesn't help that there's one guy pumping put around 50k words each week which keeps the few minutes of spare time I have occupied.

To make things worse I also started writing fanfics again. It was just supposed to be a quick exercise on a reluctant protagonist, but now I'm looking forward to a 600k words trilogy. Somebody help me out of this.

In other news, I'll probably end up reading Die Dunklen Lands eventually because I'm weak willed and can't wait for the associated Blind Guardian album to come out, even though this year has already been very generous with power metal releases.

>> No.12788707

Soulcatcher was a better dictator than most of the other taken. She ran her own little Domination fairly well.

>> No.12788759
File: 86 KB, 500x423, serveimage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goddamn. The review I read for this claimed that the book has an awesome beginning and end, but drags A LOT in the middle... and they weren't fucking kidding. Jesus Christ. I'm about 70% through this and I haven't skimmed pages like this since I read Malazan which sucks because the first 6 chapters are really great, but then the next 10 chapters are the slog of slogs. Aside from a battle and some nice prose here and there you can pretty much skip through most of that middle section and have a perfectly clear idea of what's going on story-wise. Such a damn shame too because the first 6 chapters are some fantastic Sword & Sorcery, but that middle-section is mostly just dull, pointless politics and intrigue between two nations with a dull, pointless female character leading the way. Not to mention the characterization of Kane just feels WAY off in regards to this shitty female character. Hopefully this story picks up now.

>> No.12788764
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Ideal: e-ink display, white background black text for day, opposite for night.
Secondbest: oled with pitchblack background

>> No.12788768
File: 32 KB, 638x633, whatagreatchildhoodfriend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not having daddy issues

>> No.12788776

Lack of worldbuilding is honestly my biggest issue with modern fantasy. I even read sanderson for it, and he has the worst dialogue of any fantasy writer I know. Honestly worse than most YA, worse than eragon. But I'm sick of fantasy where I have no sense of what world things are happening in. Bloodsong was uniquely good for the new wave of single pov powerfantasy because it didn't neglect it (and it wasn't sanderson)

>> No.12788784
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>someone uploaded the book I wanted filling my book request so I can read it after two months of waiting

>> No.12788792

>Lack of worldbuilding is honestly my biggest issue with modern fantasy.
I didn't know it was Opposite Day.

>> No.12788912
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Is Lady best 500 year old demigod maiden? Or is Kiss-shot?

>> No.12788945

I didn't know you were a retard

>> No.12789015

I'll choose c - Soulcatcher please Jeremy.

>> No.12789141

Soulcatcher doesn't love croaker. She just wanted to fuck with her sister's man, and in turn fuck with her sister. She didn't want lady to have nice things or be happy.

>> No.12789154
File: 61 KB, 800x600, GRI APPROVED.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the amount of rape, incest, pedophilia, bestiality etc is through the roof
You don't say. By chance you aren't making this up, or pretending to be outraged so people would read? I mean those things you mentioned are awful, and would puf anyone off of reading.

>> No.12789164

Who is this nerdy, fun time looking cum dump?
Why do you keep posting her? This is the third time I'm seeing her.

>> No.12789166

Was it a super sales book?

>> No.12789186

To my black company aficionados.
Do you think end of book 10 lady is cheating on croaker, now that he can't satisfy her?
I honestly thought the new black company was going to be a sequel. Not a prequel.

>> No.12789201

Nah, you can tell when she reads his diary

>> No.12789209

She is a literal psychopath. It's expected that she would would think that she loves him after pretending so long.

>> No.12789212
File: 44 KB, 548x201, BLRW trigger review .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>By chance you aren't making this up
Just read some reviews on Goodreads, it's a fantastic shitshow. Half the top reviews are 5/5 while the rest either rated it 1/5 or didn't even manage to finish it.

>> No.12789241

Port of Shadows felt like a mess to read to be honest. As for your question, no I don't think Lady cheated on Croaker. Not only would it be out of character for her but it also wouldn't make a lick of sense in terms of the following books

>> No.12789246

Sounds like he's trying a little too hard to outdo GRRM in the "bad shit happens to people" department. I don't remember him getting that grisly in A Brief History. Also, isn't trypophobia mostly a visual thing? Like, you've got to actually see the holes for it to affect you rather just hearing that something has a lot of holes in it?

>> No.12789249

>2019 book
>Barbara Hambly still includes a line about niggers not doing their work and hook nosed jews hoarding money
There's always something weirdly /pol/ about these books.

>> No.12789350

Will read it now.
These trigger cunts are stupid. We all have to die. How does loss of a child, loved one, or significant other trigger someone? I could understand if we were those immortal filthy elves, and someone dying would be a tragedy. But as a human the only thing that is a given in life, the only thing you can be sure to expect after that first breath, is that we will die.

>> No.12789369

I am talking about a maybe future sequel. I know she never did the deed. I'm talking about Abraham Lincoln memorial in Washington D.C. Croaker. Not flesh and blood croaker.

>> No.12789382

Careful so you don't cut yourself on that edge mate.

>> No.12789393
File: 33 KB, 590x350, saville-370439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What you on about?

>> No.12789492

I still doubt Lady would ever cheat on even golem Croaker.

>> No.12789529

are there any good sff books that address how useless peaceful protest is?

>> No.12789532

She falls for him in the first book, pay attention.

>> No.12789577

Im readin the gathering storm and rand fucking finally seems to have grown a backbone.im guessing this doesnt last?

>> No.12789596

You never want white/black anything, the contrast is too high. I never tried light grey/dark grey, no opportunity, but dark grey/light grey works perfectly fine at night if you turn the light down.

I would expect dark background/light text to have little impact or perhaps even have a negative impact on ereaders.

>> No.12789611

Sword of truth.

>> No.12789629

As someone who has PTSD, cunts like that make me angry. When I say something triggers me, people think it mildly annoys me and that I'm a bitch, so nobody gives a heck, thanks to these retards.
Rule of thumb, if something doesn't best case ruin your day and worst case ruins your week with *cripplingly intense* negative emotions, it didn't trigger you and you need to shut the frick up.

>> No.12789636

If you define growing a backbone as going full Prince of Thorns, it does not last.

>> No.12789639

Peaceful protest works if the government cares about you for, whatever reason.
If you're a Jew in the third Reich or a worker in a democratic country that allows lobbying, then it is useless, yes.

>> No.12789654

>Also, isn't trypophobia mostly a visual thing?
Yeah it is, and most of those "triggers" aren't even triggers, they're daily life crap anyone will come across all the time. Not that that person knows what "trigger" means.

>> No.12789702

I get triggered by people who have triggers

>> No.12789716

Most posters on this site are.

>> No.12789747

Don't know what people expect from someone who's barely out of their teens and going insane, Rand gets plenty of shit done considering the circumstances with the entire world trying to use him. A lot of those people decades, sometimes hundreds of years older. Pacing issues in later books aside if you want a mary sue edgelord who never fucks up you might as well stick to litrpg.

>> No.12789761

My problem with Wheel of Time isn't Rand though, it's mostly everything else. And that fucking ending too.

>> No.12789763
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>that literally retarded newfag who thinks the fucking SHAZBOWL brought newfags en masse to 4chan

20% through Crippled God and it is beginning to roll along now, just finished the parley bit.
>Tavore wants to steal the goddamn HEART OF THE CRIPPLED GOD AND SET HIM FREE
wew lads

>> No.12789766

Did you ever realize that the Abraham Lincoln statue is manspreading?
Probably drives the feminist wild. They probably want it demolished.

>> No.12789829

I wonder how his wives feel now that Rand is in Moridin's body. Must be awkward when they have sex.

>> No.12789831

Dumb nigger

>> No.12789835
File: 15 KB, 166x180, ambushed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw resolution between Tavore and Felisin

>> No.12789903

Felisin a shit

>> No.12789904

His woman body guards kick him in the balls at one point and instead of vapourising them he says 'it's their right'.

>> No.12789922

Well in the first book it seemed that she liked him. And to me it also seemed more believable than Lady being interested in croaker. Though I suppose later books changed her attitude somewhat. Not that I really care about croaker, you could always have her a different husbando. For me black company books were about four things - merc job, Goblin and One Eye fights, Taken and Soulcatcher in particular.

>> No.12789927

>writer I know from porn games is now doing litrpg and xianxia

Damn, everyone is jumping on that train.

>> No.12789981
File: 169 KB, 1280x801, half-life-2-1152066-1280x0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Books like this?

By which I mean:
>A to B story
>"Hard" Sci-fi
>One or two character focus
>The feeling of something much bigger unfolding

>> No.12789999

That basedboy look have not aged well. Too bad really, I used to like the game.

>> No.12790001


The Langoliers
The Mist

I know they are King short stories but they capture the feel and tone quite well

>> No.12790003

>A to B
More like B to B1 amirite

>> No.12790026

It was the 90s. It was a different time. A better time...

I just got around to reading the supposed Episode 3 draft and that got me interested in the series again. It's certainly aged, but it's still a damn fine game.

I've read both already unfortunately. Good suggestions though.

>> No.12790126


I recommend the game series Dino Crisis. It's an obvious Resident Evil clone made by the same company but still a fun series with a similar concept.

>> No.12790199

Dino Crisis 2 was one of the first games I played on the PS1 back in the day. It helped that I was a massive Jurassic park fan at the time, so that shit blew my mind. Dinosaurs are cool as hell, I don't care what anyone says.

>> No.12790379

>The Langoliers
the movie short gave me fucking nightmares as a kid.
i often had dreams of waking up in a world devoid of everything and slowly being devoured by unspeakable horrors.
would recommend.

>> No.12790413

>caring about people besides themselves

pick one.

honestly, I want to write a story about this. something that conveys the uselessness of marching with a construction paper sign in the face of indifferent parasites without being edgy.

>> No.12790557
File: 127 KB, 857x1200, the-bergariad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is /sffg/ opinion on David Eddings and The Belgariad? Just started reading "Pawn of Prophecy"

>> No.12790605

Generic fantasy, but comfy with fun worldbuilding, and every MC gets their moment.

>> No.12790610

Immature and pointless. I specifically remember some passage about how the enemy had gathered like ONE MIRRION TROOPS and this wankery over big numbers were apparently supposed to be super cool. The same feeling was there during dialogue (especially when they talk about magic) and general worldbuilding. However, it was like 10 years since I read it so I might be wrong.

>> No.12790738

Eddings actually set out to write something generic because he thought it was sell but that doesn't stop the execution being a very comfy coming of age fantasy with fun characters. It's YA done well before YA was even a label and became the associated with the trash we get these days. Also tiny red-haired dryad tsunderes ftw.

>> No.12790773

Only retards think world-building is more important than story and characters.

>> No.12790774

I still love those books, but I read them in middle school, so it might be nostalgia. I think he did better with the Elenium saga, which is essentially the same story arc but with holy knights. The whole thing was tighter than the Belgariad, and Sparhawk is a way better protag.

>> No.12790794

3 Body Problem

>> No.12790796

Top tier comfy.

>> No.12790804


I'm reading it right now. The movie looks very dated but I always thought it was an underrated King novel. My one complaint is the bonds guy is a little cheesy as a human conflict villain.

>> No.12791019

>book has montage of hero beating up children and laughing

>> No.12791075

>based and parentpilled

>> No.12791123

Finished Gardens of the Moon, it was okay found that I enjoyed the start more than the end. I like the concept of gods meddling with human affairs but the world was needlessly depressing which got on my tits after a while.
Should I continue? Don't want another Wheel of Time situation.

>> No.12791158

So far I've read destroyermen and Rally Cry. I'm in the mood for a more magic based isekai novel. Anyone got recommendations?

>> No.12791180

IIRC he went to a book store, saw a copy of Lord of the Rings on a shelf and went "that old turkey is still floating around?" and the bookseller told him it was actually on it's 70th printing, at which point I imagine his eyes popped out of his head Bugs Bunny style to the sound of a cash register.

>> No.12791236

> I read them in middle school, so it might be nostalgia
It's not. They aren't high fantasy and yes they are very cliché but that doesn't stop them being a good read.

>> No.12791243

>start reading long ass epic fantasy series
>Don't want another Wheel of Time situation

>> No.12791335

>t. nostalgia fag

>> No.12791564

Did you buy a physical copy of this? Kane physical copies are very pricey and I can't find pdfs online.

>> No.12791595

Epubs and mobis, son.

>> No.12791603


>> No.12791609

As in I don't want to get pissed off with it half way through, dense cunt.

>> No.12791616

Shit, thanks.

>> No.12792073

Deadhouse Gates is unironically the best in the series

>> No.12792209

Sword & Sorcery

>> No.12792301


>> No.12792320


>> No.12792409

Yeah the gods fuck with mortals, but mortals can also fuck with gods especially if they're ascendants.