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/lit/ - Literature

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12779570 No.12779570 [Reply] [Original]

What are some /lit/ movies? I'm looking for something to watch tonight before returning to my shit job tomorrow.

Last movie I saw was Pickpocket, which was basically a French retelling of Crime and punishment.

The MC goes in a path a bit different in the end tho.

>> No.12779613

Sticking with the theme of French retellings, I watched Jean Cocteau's 'Orpheus' (1950) the other night. It's a modern version of the Orphic myth with some artistic liberties taken. In the movie, Orpheus is a poet rather than a musician and he falls in love with the personification of Death who is a sexy French bitch with leather gloves and a motorcycle-gang entourage. You guys would like it.

>> No.12779659
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If you allow for "book adoptions", then basically every second movie will do...
So let's try to get more out of this..

Wonder Boys is a movie about writers.
Bridge to Terabithia is about a childrens book.
Party Girl is about a librarian.
And there's the Never Ending Story movies about a book.

>> No.12779706

tarkovsky had some good ones. i found solaris to be more moving than stalker but that's just me, they're both great

if you just mean of literary quality bergman films shit, at least from what ive seen of him, rather like theyre staged, probs b/c he also directed theatre. a scene is established, everyone says their lines, cut to the next

>> No.12779708

god I wish that were me

>> No.12779745

Bresson's movies are like that too. Almost theatrical by their stiffness. Curiously it doesn't make them bad.

>> No.12779898


>> No.12779910

Is Cool Hand Luke good? My coworker pushed it on me but I don't watch movies really

>> No.12779913

Synecdoche, New York

>> No.12780118
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>> No.12780170

it's peak paul newman, of course it's good

>> No.12780179

8 1/2
Blade Runner
The Seventh Seal

>> No.12780266

>the 9th gate
>barton fink

what are the rest?

>> No.12780274

None of these are /lit/

>> No.12780970

Danton, Fanny & Alexander, 9th Gate, donno
Melancholia, Naked Lunch, Barton Fink, donno
Misery, donno, In Cold Blood, Under the Skin

>> No.12780975

I retract my last "fuck off."

>> No.12781257


>> No.12781290

The Leopard
The American
Consequences of Love
(to stay in Italy)

>> No.12781421
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watch something by Rohmer like pic related or La Collectioneuse

>> No.12781434

>Fanny and Alexander
>9th gate
>Venus in Furs
>Naked Lunch
>Barton Fink
don't know what that is probably shit
lesser Haneke
>In Cold Blood
>Under The Skin

>> No.12781435

You mean Capote.

>> No.12781456

Thank you, I needed to know if you thought these were good or not.

>> No.12781506
File: 243 KB, 1400x924, A Stop at Willoughby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, you're right. Never saw it

The only think you liked was bourgeoisie nostalgia? Was it the fart jokes?

>> No.12781526

John Le Care adaptations are often good.

>> No.12781630

Imagine thinking that Fanny and Alexander isn't the best movie on that list by far

>> No.12781646

beautiful girl

>> No.12781648
File: 35 KB, 700x430, happy-go-lucky-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its really nice actually. The only feel good picture on the list I guess.
What do you think of Happy-Go-Lucky, Nights of Cabiria, or Captain Fantastic?

>> No.12781660

It seems like you're watching movies primarily for the plot. Why? There's so much more to the medium.

>> No.12781669

>implying any Haneke is good

>> No.12781673

I think you have a really nice face butter :3

You should turn a woman down for me one of these days if you haven't already.

>> No.12781675
File: 173 KB, 1280x720, Սայաթ-Նովա.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Koyaanisqatsi, Powaqqatsi and Naqoyqatsi are pretty awesome

As is The Color of Pomegranates (Sayat Nova)

>> No.12781680

You're nauseating

>> No.12781687

ouch butter what happened. Why can't we do something cool on this site together? Weren't we last night? Don't we have a large influence? what happened to you today? Aren't you interested in me?

Did I do something wrong ;_;

>> No.12781811
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My Dinner with Andre
Life is Sweet (pictured)
Defending your Life
The Man Who Would Be King

>> No.12781853

Everything by Paul Thomas Anderson except maybe his first film is /lit/. Moonlight and Beale Street are very /lit/, especially the latter since it's based off a James Baldwin novel.

>> No.12781867

Came to reccomend Paradjanov

>> No.12782093
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>> No.12782107


That's "Capote," not "In Cold Blood," btw.

>> No.12782123


The use of MC is so fucking reddit-tier I cringe to see it here. Just type "protagonist."

>> No.12782149

Imagine being this philistine.

>> No.12782282


I'll drink to that

>> No.12783200

Smilla's Sense of Snow

>> No.12783236


There are no /lit/ movies.

>> No.12783252

Like watching paint dry

>> No.12783274

Blood Simple
A Man Escaped
Chungkin Express
Nobody Knows
George Washington (2000)
The Conversation
Glengarry Glen Ross
A Pigeon Sat on a Branch Reflecting on Existence
Wild Target (1993)
The Cook, the Thief, His Wife & Her Lover
The Thin Blue Line

>> No.12783332

fuck yea it is
fuck yes
thank you for this
get out
fuck yes
seconding the seventh seal
barton fink, naked lunch fuck yes
good thread

>> No.12783360
File: 17 KB, 220x325, 220px-Reprise_film.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some Anon recommended Reprise in a similar thread not too long ago. Good watch and def /lit/ approved as far as I'm concerned.

>> No.12783394
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the film version of pic related, with Isabelle Adjani.

>> No.12783416

The end of tour, about the touring of infinite jest, great dialogue

>> No.12783432

The unidentified one in the second row is Repentance (1987) I think.

>> No.12783452

John Boorman's Excalibur, great cinematic version of the Grail legends.

>> No.12783645
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Is Paterson lit approved?

>> No.12783852

it's pure autism, so yes.

>> No.12783886

Conan the Barbarian
Le Samouraï