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/lit/ - Literature

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12776246 No.12776246 [Reply] [Original]

Who is the worst shallow platitude merchant in all of literature?

>> No.12776278

Rightwing punditry

>> No.12776286

In The Cannon it is Balazac

>> No.12776383
File: 111 KB, 729x1032, 0B9CEF4E-56E4-4A5C-83B8-ABEAA561016D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You first

>> No.12776464


Rupi Kaur.

>> No.12776551


>> No.12776560

>posting pictures of straight hentai
Continue. :3

>> No.12776577

Also, you are no lesbian. I can guarantee you this: you are not doing anything because of me. You are abstaining completely. And not only that, you change because I influence you.

That last part is very important. You are going to have to tell me why that is a bad thing. We all change and influence everyone else, that's how we live in a society. I knew that by suggesting hentai a couple nights ago it might influence your brain and you might look it up and post an image or two. Believe it or not, I foresaw this influence.

Now try to imagine that but one-hundred fold, directed on that horrid 'sexuality' you have. And then have it work, but have you still torn to it, like a soldier in a battlefield. It might be okay to turn straight butterfly. It might be quite alright, and nothing that offensive to have me try to do it. I think, quite frankly based on your attitude, you should admit you at least have an exception for me. But we can take our time.

In the meantime: I mean this. Don't. Do. Anything. See where this goes. I would love to be with a virgin. I know you think less of yourself because of it, but you have no idea what it's like to my perception. Putting yourself in another person's shoes is key. For me, it's beautiful. Lets just wait this one out. Lets see how we influence each other, it seems like you influence me as well, and everyone influences everyone else anyway.

>> No.12776590
File: 130 KB, 800x978, 02D31E4F-836B-4B35-A00F-249E22AF6698.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>picture of woman means you straight
>picture of two women getting married still mean you straight!
>promise me you no touch girl!

>> No.12776595

I keep seeing you harassing butterfly. Is this your attempt to get her to stop tripping or leave? Get it together man. Tripfags are cancer but you are obsessed. Let it go, for your own sake.

>> No.12776596

Well? It's a confirmation or a denial.

And it's extremely easy to shoot me down right now.

>> No.12776598

Whats with this man? Me and her, we have ups and downs. But what is with these comments when we have downs? Why do this? It's obvious that ups and downs bring us only upward if the ups are higher than the downs.

>> No.12776604

That Russian retard.

>> No.12776618

You don't sound well. I can tell because you write well. Either psychotic or obsessed with a trip code person who only exists in your imagination depending on how sincere you are trying to be. This person you are writing to isn't the one behind the keyboard, just a projection.

>> No.12776627

I was going to say 'you have to be serious eventually', but I suppose that's what sets you apart from most others on this site.

Tell me, do you exercise?I've been suggesting that for a little while too? Or are you going to dodge all of the questions I ask?

I think its somewhat warranted, I need a post like I got on Friday morning butter, be a little serious pls

Don't listen to that fucking retard above either, we both know he has the wrong idea. Someone referred to us as a 'relationship' tonight. I laughed, I don't consider it that myself, and I know it was tongue in cheek, but there is a reason for everything.

>> No.12776640
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I agree that pundits are intellectually dishonest crooks, but I don't think they sell many platitudes.

>> No.12776644

post more anime milfs

>> No.12776780

Butterfly, I understand its hard. You've already done so much better than many women who would be interested in me would do. Hypothetically lets say you are.

I do think you are a beautiful woman, blah blah blah. I would like very much to pursue something. That brings up a litany of other issues to tackle. You have to be thinking of this as teamwork: we are working together to make sure that we accomplish the task required of us: to reach an agreeable point for us.

You left the thread. You didn't deny it per se. So I will say this and if you let it stand, then so it is:

- You are interested in me
- You exercise a lil' bit


I'll sage it because I don't think you'd like it to be front page but if it ends up there don't blame me.

>> No.12776788


>> No.12776813
File: 44 KB, 508x476, E21F779D-6B27-4035-A28A-D0966B550E94.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I take it back, this guy is the worst shallow platitude merchant around.

>> No.12777750

lesbians don't exist

>> No.12777936
File: 290 KB, 500x377, We exist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12777944

No you don't, you still penetrate and therefore are into males.
ANY form of penetration is automatically domination of the feminine by masculine form. Lesbians don't exist. There is no such thing as lesbian sex, it does not exist a priori.
All "lesbians" revel in submission to the masculine.

>> No.12777949

Never read her but probably this

>> No.12777974
File: 267 KB, 600x450, Artemis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My fingers are masculine?

Also, we don't even need to get off vaginally. Some girls (most girls?) don't do it that way at all.
If we're not having sex it doesn't mean we don't exist, it just means we're still "virgins" in your eyes.
>Lesbian porn.webm

>> No.12777984

>My fingers are masculine?
When they are used to penetrate, yes they take on the masculine form. Essence precedes existence.
You know you want a rugged strong MALE to dominate and penetrate you. Or maybe if you're a "lesbian" you'll want a twinky small cute guy, but still a male. It's okay.

>> No.12777985


Well, as a lesbian, all I can say to that is - hey Butterfly, you seem pretty chill. I'm currently going through a Russian literature binge, my Gogol is arriving in the mail soon. Any eccentric favorite books?

>> No.12778027

According to you, I have ten rugged strong males on my hands. What would I need you for? Ick.

Neat. I haven't tackled much of Russian literature as I'd like. I've read the memoirs of Alexander Herzen, which are excellent in character observations and such. He lived through interesting times. Also most of what Bakunin managed to write. He reminds me of Orson Wells
Oh and I read Lermontov's A Hero of Our

>> No.12778030
File: 739 KB, 354x198, ,,V.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12778038

>Well, as a lesbian
Lesbians don't exist so this sentence is automatically invalid
You have masculine penetraters , not males.

>> No.12778046

wtf this pic makes me support lesbianism

>> No.12778049

Oscar Wilde
George Bernard Shaw

>> No.12778052

bro this is 4chan he's not serious(100%), shut the fuck up

wait that applies to the post im replying to and im the real retard that needs to stfu

>> No.12778058

>tfw a hentai artist heard of the beans meme

>> No.12778062

>Oscar Wilde

>> No.12778063


I'll check out Herzen, then, for sure, and Bakunin is already in the stack. Based off of that... if you're interested in Dostoevsky at all, "Notes from a Dead House" is a novella length, largely autobiographical work about his time as a political prisoner in Siberia. I found it fascinating.

Once I've read the memoirs I can start a thread on them. Thanks!

>> No.12778075

Recently I've started seeing anime-style girls as cute. Previously I found them to be just a mere drawing, a poor one at that, and in the context of an animates series, extremely irritating. My strict Anglo aversion and hatred of pedophilia has also waned into apathy and sympathy. I do not like this progression.

>> No.12778217

>tfw no mommy gf

>> No.12778452 [DELETED] 
File: 74 KB, 446x435, i'll handle it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off tranny