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/lit/ - Literature

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12775666 No.12775666 [Reply] [Original]

>I don't read fiction

Why do brainlets say this? Do they think it makes them seem smarter?

>> No.12775669

fiction is for man children

>> No.12775673

Do you feel smarter after saying this?

>> No.12775686

Just being honest OP

>> No.12775691

all non-fiction is fiction anyway

>> No.12775709

Make-believe is crucial to early childhood development, don't feel bad. Someday you may also become very interested in girls, or more likely men because you read so many gay ass books.

>> No.12775711

this is exactly what it is: incel self-flagellation in some attempt at 'redeeming' themselves. i think it mostly comes from the kind of retards who read any form of genre fiction that has no sort of literary acclaim. basically they're mad that they can't read above an 8th grade level.

>> No.12775733

All books are fiction, some are just deluded.

>> No.12775792

>Why do brainlets say this?
Because I don't usually read fiction.
>Do they think it makes them seem smarter?
Glad to help.

>> No.12775797

just watch tv for fiction unless its like ulysses or some shit

>> No.12775807


>> No.12775826
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Imagine unironically watching fucking television

>> No.12775828


>> No.12775856

Because I consume fiction in other medias. Assuming that most audiences use fiction as a form of escapism, books are a really sub-optimal means of immersing oneself in an alternative reality.
That's not to say I don't read any fiction, but I do pretty much avoid fiction 99% of the time.

>> No.12776207

waste of time that could be used learning

>> No.12776226
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>says reading fiction is dumb
>watches shitty movies

>> No.12776232

I do sometimes because I have nothing to do during long hours of work (right now)

New Girl is okay. Anything else good on Netflix everyone? Hulu? :3

>> No.12776264
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that pic really makes me miss doodie.com gifs

are you considering works of fiction that have a point to them, philosophically or politically or otherwise? do you know anything about literature?

>> No.12776271

I switched over to The Ranch for now. Let me know if you guys think of something.

>> No.12776279

They think that reading nonfiction is somehow a better use of time, even though they will never do anything with any of that information.

>> No.12776296

>books are a really sub-optimal means of immersing oneself in an alternative reality
Maybe in principle, but in practice it's much cheaper for someone to write a book than to produce a film or video game that renders its images in a believable way. An author is literally limited only by their imagination and how much time they have on their hands, not "oh, we can't pull that effect off." So if one wants something specific out of their escapism, they might be more likely to find a book that explores whatever they're interested in.

>> No.12776619

Fiction is for pseuds.

Just look at >>12776279. He literally cant even comprehend learning something valuable from a book. These are the types of people who read fiction, people who want a decoration for a bookshelf and the ability to project their intelligent onto others by giving some pathetic interpretation of some book other people told them was the most intellectual.

>> No.12776637

Non fiction does not exist so they are just dumb

>> No.12776643

Because their crippling autism causes anything they're unfamiliar with to put them in a fit of existential tard rage

>> No.12776645
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>> No.12776647

>truth doesn't exist

>> No.12776653

nothing is entirely true, you can't avoid some level of fiction in any work.

>> No.12776680

Very big brained.

I'm literally burning my electrical engineering books right now and buying whatever faggot philosophical self help nonsense you have on your coffee table.

>> No.12776719

I barely read fiction because it's a waste of time just like watching tv or playing vidya, one should read books mainly for self improvement/learning skills.
Now I'm reading Infinite Jest and I'm at 100 pages to the end and I can tell you I wasted two months of my life.

>> No.12776754

Schopenhauer enjoyed Goethe and Shakespeare, midwit pseud

>> No.12776760
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sorry, I don't read non-fiction, in fact no one does
everything that's ever been written down is, by default, fictional - manufactured to represent some segment of reality in some way, but still manufactured

>> No.12776762

I dont read fiction though, i dont need to... i barely watch movies or TV-shows for that matter either. But i listen to fiction while jogging, exercising, making food and doing chores. When i actually have time to read books, i want it to be something of substance that increases my knowledge base on a subject of interest, not mindless escapism or make-believe to keep me "entertained".

Say "i dont read fiction" doesnt make me smarter, but actually not doing it makes me less stupid.

>> No.12776765

Good fiction teaches us to be human and increases our empathy and understanding by reading what other people might encounter and endure.
You cannot say that it's not a rewarding experience to read for example Tolstoy and experience what Pierre, Andrei, Natasha, Anna and Vronsky experience in their completely fictional lives.

>> No.12776773

because they are unintelligent bugmen unable to grasp the didascalic power of stories and symbols

>> No.12776817

It's a result of a late capitalist mode of thinking, pay it no mind.

>> No.12776846

Maybe because they don't read fiction

>> No.12777062


>> No.12777323

Are you going to slap my mom and call my mom fat while you at it, kiddo?

>> No.12777393

just because his dad made him feel like a weird pussy growing up doesn't mean your mom isn't a fat whore or that either of you aren't a genetic abomination