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File: 64 KB, 720x960, thewayofman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12774760 No.12774760 [Reply] [Original]

>hey dude want to be manly?
>Just read this literal homosexual lmao

What a wasted cover

>> No.12774826

mad respect to the hustle of manosphere losers who have managed to squeeze every last penny out of incels lmao

>> No.12774850

Fucking other men is the most masculine act possible

>> No.12774860
File: 94 KB, 682x1024, DwnWcPnUUAAOS3L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And if they are dressed like princess, does that make it the manliest manly act possible?

>> No.12774870

But the message of the book is true whether he's gay or not.

>> No.12774876

>manosphere promotes manliness by promoting the most stereotypical masculine endeavors and behavior
>"jus bee conan brah"
>have to develop tactics just to exploit women
>writers end up looking like outcaste Tolkien characters and attract an audience of orcs
>barely known film critic youtuber who's 5'7, does the basedboy smile, and liberal ends up with 9/10 wife who's not only taller than him but loves him devotedly

Incels deserve to be scammed by trash.

>> No.12774877

No you retard, it's not masculine to fuck a twink

>> No.12774880

womans can't so yes

>> No.12774887

It's okay to be gay but not to be a trannie.

>> No.12775708

"Until you can function as a competent merger of the group and carry your own weight, you are a supplicant and a drag on the collective. A child is a child, but an incompetent adult is a beggar. One of the problems with massive welfare states is that they make children our beggars of us all, and as such are an affront and a barrier to adult masculinity. It has become clinched comedy for men and women to laugh at men who are concerned with being competent. The "men refuse to stop and ask for directions" joke never seems to get old for women, who are more comfortable with dependence, or socialist types, because reducing men to a childlike state of supplication and submission to state bureaucrats is required for big government welfare states to function. Masculine loathing of dependence is a bulwark to the therapeutic mother state."
Jack Donovan the way of men

>> No.12775737

>emasculating other men isn't one of the greatest acts a man can commit.

These anons's got it right.

>> No.12775761


lmao. imagine writing a whole book because youre still mad about your mom not loving you enough

>> No.12775788

Men in NS sleeper cells are surprisingly open to homosexuality as it is an excelent way to build comradeship and brotherhood, also helps root out and expose feds and infiltrators.

>> No.12775827

>dude just form a tribe of virile, strong men to belong to no homo

I actually liked Androphilia though

>> No.12775836

What is the high IQ verdict on masculinity

>> No.12775867
File: 115 KB, 450x728, 9781788731577-4f24c93871d376efaf059ac12bc3811c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gender is obsolete

>> No.12775910

Why do women continue to sexually select for masculinity then

>> No.12775929
File: 92 KB, 520x512, niceChoice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because the women you're talking about are low IQ, did you even read what he responded to?

>> No.12775954

I am both posts

>> No.12776007


I know that you were joking but the irony is that Gary guys always love masculine men. That's why the fantasy is always a straight guy. So it's no surprise that Gary men will have a lot to say about masculinity.

>> No.12777124
File: 32 KB, 522x274, 1_1d-pq0EQTb8V-kzncQ13wg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The ultimate conclusion of NEETchuh.

>> No.12777155

Masculinity is the driving force of civilization and humanity in general, and is based, as per The Greeks

Socrates was not only ripped, he was FUCKING ripped. Pretty much every Greek philosopher, poet, tragedian, and so on would have been, because they were all adult male citizens, and either had to fight in the army or (later) row in the fleet. Or both.

People underestimate the level of physical exertion these things required. These guys worked out EVERY day. They worked out so much that they actually liked working out. They lived to work out. Their entire leisure time was composed of working out and getting gay over how hot their bods were in the balmy Mediterranean sun. The first ten fucking pages in Plato's FIRST dialogue have Socrates lusting over a teenager's sweaty, manly pecs through his toga. Socrates likens himself to a lion that is about to gobble up its prey. He can barely control himself. That is how the Western philosophical tradition starts: homoerotic lust for ripped abs. When Alcibiades, the manliest man in history, bursts into the famous drinking party, at which the guests are discussing the urbane topic of Love, it is to ask Socrates why he never fucked him in the ass when they cuddled. You know how the dialogue ends? Socrates goes to the gym and works out.

>> No.12777171
File: 214 KB, 1280x941, freedom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Start with the Greeks.
Cuck with the Canucks.

>> No.12777187

Yes, my father drove around LA for three hours and then we arrived late for dinner to our relatives' house.
And in Toronto we walked for half the day through shitholes only to arrive at our destination after it had closed.
But at least Dad proved he was a REAL MAN. Great lesson.