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12774418 No.12774418 [Reply] [Original]

>250 pages in
>unpleasant, sort of interesting, but emotionless and tiring, nothing really insightful about it
>decide i don't want to read it anymore
>check the wikipedia article to read the plot
>there is no plot

What is actually the point of the book, does anything even happen?

>> No.12774424
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>> No.12774426

Mommy bad

>> No.12774449
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>unironically reading for the plot

>> No.12774457


I just love the woman on the cover. Who is this, I want to be with her

>> No.12774464

Its Annabelle

>> No.12774467

It's got nothing going for it except the promise of some twist ending.


Re-read the post a few times anon, you'll catch up

>> No.12774575

>It's got nothing going for it except the promise of some twist ending
>what is a novel of ideas? What is a zeitgeist novel?
überpleb, stay in r/books

>> No.12774632

maybe i see it as trivial because he sounds like r9k incarnate

>> No.12774678
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>Everything that criticises muh libertarian post-60s, sex crazed culture is a r9k incel
Good lord, no wonder you cant read the book, you are completly obsorbed with stigmas and dumb shit. He doesnt even shit on women in any instance of the book just so you know it. Perhaps try to read the book until the end before droping shit on it.

>> No.12774703

I'm not saying he's wrong, I'm saying his criticism is trivial to me since I've seen it a million times. I'm not appreciative enough of him being ahead of the curve I guess. Bruno is meant to be sympathized with but I despise him for embodying the thing you accuse me of being, a person that would criticize the presentation of degenerate culture as degenerate.

>> No.12774714

Actually scratch that, he is obviously aware of his degeneracy, I guess I dislike him for being a weakling and giving in.

>> No.12774775

Neither Bruno or Michel are meant to sympathized. They are just two diferent weird creatures that spawned from Annabelle due to her shit parenting and ideals. Bruno is a sex crazed preverted animal that cant contain his emotions and many times takes nietzschean style choices when someone attacks his ego. Michel on the other hand is almost a complete 180 of Bruno, being much more calm, lives in solitude, almost chaste and obsessed with work. Story is indeed very melancholic and also a autobiographical work from the author.
The book imo, makes a lot of good points specially when both bruno and michel talk about Huxley and Brave New World.