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File: 11 KB, 480x360, amazingathiest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1277243 No.1277243 [Reply] [Original]


Any fans of TheAmazingAtheist here? I think he's fucking awesome and would love to chill with him and smoke dank. I love his no-bullshit style.

>> No.1277257

Are you serious Anon? He is mearly a man who gets off by shock. I mean watch his review on the history and covers of Lolita and you realize that he never read the book or know anything about it and clearly needs to make a "shocking" video to stay on channel awesome.

seriously anon he is a lame want to be richard dawkings

>> No.1277274

He's fucking retarded and needs to get shot.

Same goes for than other famous atheist on youtube who is a trap.

>> No.1277276
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this is the TAA's gambit in a few greentext lines

>you know what really pisses me off?
>rabble rabble
>i was molested as a child

>> No.1277289


I can't find that video. Link please.

>> No.1277292


Well, to be honest with you, your observations about him are all kind of obvious and occurred to me the first time I watched his videos. His style is an acquired taste, hard to really "get". Kind of like Radiohead.

>> No.1277293

A fatter version of Seth Rogan. Not that that's a bad thing, both can be entertaining.

>> No.1277298
File: 18 KB, 400x289, patrick bateman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont know why he is so popular among pseudo-philosophers. He is self admittedly jaded and overly cynical, no dick, disgusted with himself, and a pedophile. The guy is more screwed then a catholic priest.

>> No.1277302

it is under his other name "the distressed watcher" where he does movie trailer reviews and music


>> No.1277309
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>His style is an acquired taste, hard to really "get"

wtf is this, wine connoisseuring for youtube? It's not hard to get, you just need to have a affinity for prickishness in order to plug into him, I've watched him on and off for over 3 years because people love posting his retarded shit on boards and forums, and its exactly as the above two anon's described. It may be obvious, but thats cause the guy has a small bag of tricks.

>> No.1277313


thanks anon

>> No.1277316

>pseudo-this, pseudo-that
>sexuality + penis size accusations

I think it's safe to assume where you lie in terms of IQ. Are you just bitter because the man has enough talent to gain such a large following?

>> No.1277317

well he did this for the banned book month, and his main thing was getting other people to know about it and to read

and godamn I need some sleep, I can't write clearly

>> No.1277336
File: 23 KB, 360x240, ronburgandy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There is nothing i said about his dick, his perspective, or his pedophilia (oh, i'm sorry, 'sexuality') that he has not admitted himself on cam. Just go take a look for yourself.

>> No.1277337

sorry same fag here but fucking 2:27 all my rage

>> No.1277339


Small bag of tricks? Have you seen all the different topics the guy covers? Have you ever really watched his stuff?

I think you're just one of those guys who gets a kick out of broadcasting the fact that he doesn't like something.

>> No.1277344
File: 7 KB, 252x199, bateman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


yes, small bag of tricks. He may cover a lot of topics, from justin beiber to the westboro baptists, but in the end it is the same old snarky, cynical, sarcasticly dry zingers over and over and over again.

>> No.1277350
File: 13 KB, 375x360, really.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I think you're just one of those guys who gets a kick out of broadcasting the fact that he doesn't like something.

oh shit, you mean like the amazing atheist?

>> No.1277354
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>> No.1277355

3:37 another rage moment (that is not Dolores you dumb fuck ;_;)
he also doesn't get the fascination with the stocking plus legs

>> No.1277370


I rage'd pretty hard.

>> No.1277383

This cunt likes to believe that he's a politician, economist, theologist, philosopher, and Seth Rogen, all rolled into one. He clearly doesn't know what he's talking about.

>> No.1277392



Effective, but you get 0 points for originality and 0 for effort.

>> No.1277405

The only thing amazing about him is that he seems to embody all the hallmarks of the ideal atheist

Aggressive, neckbearded, fat, glasses, unkempt, cynical, overly jaded, short on patience, loud, arrogant and with a hard-on for Nietsche.

He's like the apotheosis of athism.

But yeah, he should stop with the book (cover) reviews an stick to doing what he does best - disproving the impossible

>> No.1277409
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can we /thread now

>> No.1277425

no no dude I pointed out that the book covers were a special anon. He does what he can do, and that is shit on pop culture and talk about the joys of atheism

>> No.1277431

He is a fat ugly idiot who annoys the fuck out of people who don't have brain damage. Liking him makes you fucking stupid.

>> No.1277454

>The book neither condemns or approves the actions of the main character
No, it condemns it. He condemns it.

And then fucking "Look at the covers". Fucking judging a book by its cover. Laughed at first, but then pissed me off.

>> No.1277459

A douche, through and through.

>> No.1277469

Urgh. Did I actually just read somebody call this guy an "Acquired taste"? *shivers*

>> No.1277480

eh? he was talking about the narrative, but of course since he only watched the movies he has trouble understanding the fact that it is very unreliable. Also you are speaking in retrospect for when you are reading it H.H. never delves into his actions to morally

>> No.1277508

I agree with him almost 100% of the time. He seems to be pretty smart. Anyone who has a problem with his personality/delivery doesn't understand that you need to be controversial/assholeish/assertive in order to get people to listen to you on the internet. If you act like that you'll get lots of haters as well as loyal followers.

>> No.1277510


Word, brother. Nice to see someone round here who is honest and not just a fucking hipster.

>> No.1277513


>lots of haters


>> No.1277515


>> No.1277518

His douchebaggery is self-evident to anyone with a quarter-inch of brain.

>> No.1277525

Yeah, I try to be upfront about shit like this. I hate "artsiness" and people who think they're "deep". Probably an American thing.

>> No.1277529

You just used the word "douchebaggery" to criticize someone else. I don't have the proper vocabulary to explain how much of a faggot that makes you.

>> No.1277530

I'm an atheist and I've only seen one of his videos, and I was agreeing with what he said until he said something like "You're either born a skeptic, or you're not." And that just struck me as an incredibly stupid thing to say.

>> No.1277533


>hate douche asshole atheist Youtube celebrity
>must be a hipster

>> No.1277559

The Amazing Atheist is a whining, overreacting, self-centred asshole who needs to accept the fact that not all religious people are monsters.

I'm an atheist, and he pisses me off to no end. It's because people think all atheists are dicks like him that we get such a bad rap.

>> No.1277570


Stop distancing yourself from him. You're all the fucking same. You all think it's "brutal" and "edgy" to not believe in God, while secretly believing there's an afterlife. It probably started during your metal phase and you never grew out of it.

>> No.1277573


>MFW a keen interest in science and history as a child meant I was an atheist when I was 9.

>> No.1277576



That's was the worst attempt at trolling I have ever seen. Remember, subtlety is your friend.

>> No.1277578


>he said something like "You're either born a skeptic, or you're not." And that just struck me as an incredibly stupid thing to say.

What an extremely petty detail to pick on him for. Sounds to me like you're nitpicking to justify your jumping on the TAA-hating bandwagon. Good job, you fucking sheep.

>> No.1277585

See, even Anon anyone can say incredibly stupid things. Let's not be too hard on The Amazing Atheist.

>> No.1277586

>mfw the amazing athiest is trying to defend himself in /lit/

sure is books

>> No.1277590

Nah, I don't hate him. I'm saying that comment turned me off and I haven't returned to his vids since. It's not like there's any shortage of people talking about how RELIGION IS BAD on youtube. That gives me the luxury of dismissing people for "petty" things like that.

>> No.1277594

i like him and agree with most of what he says. except i believe in god...

i fucking hate that twerp cody though

what do you haters watch?

>> No.1277600


See, to be an "atheist", you've either got to be pretending to fit in,

>interest in science and history as a child

or have autism. If you're into "science and history" as a child, you won't be developing the right emotional faculties to confront deep questions. What's really happening is you're ignoring the question of if there's a god, which is a long way from "not believing" in god. In a lot of cases, atheism is synonymous with autism.

>> No.1277602

Hate him

>> No.1277603
File: 18 KB, 366x380, God damn it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1277622
File: 13 KB, 300x300, 1284695046479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Logic = Autism huh

>> No.1277625

ITT Atheism and Autism conclusively linked.

You're doing some good work in here, boys.

>> No.1277627


>> No.1277643

it's amazing that christians know how to operate the internets.

>> No.1277646 [SPOILER] 
File: 30 KB, 427x599, 1288352609468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1277649


Not all of them are retards. A significant portion, but not all.

>> No.1277656

Reported, enjoy your ban.

>> No.1277658

Sure is /lit/ in this thread.

>> No.1277659

this seems like a good guide for "philosophical positions to avoid"


>> No.1277667


Oh is this a no adult image board? I checked the spoiler button so it wouldn't do it to anyone unless they clicked on it.


>> No.1277700
File: 123 KB, 607x511, natalie dee fatty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the thing that I can't fathom about this asshole: if he's so smart and got everything all figured out and is so great, then why is he still fat? You think that superior brain could whip up a nutrition and workout schedule and he wouldn't be a gigantic lard ball.

>> No.1277765

Someone who is so adamant about disproving something goes down the list in my book. I mean, why so angry? Do it in an apathetic and slightly sardonic way and a lot more people will listen to you. That's what Winston Churchill and Oscar Wilde did. Part of being 'controversial' is having wit.