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12771144 No.12771144 [Reply] [Original]

Desperately need life affirming books.
>stuck in a mental rut
>made stupid and rash choice
>afraid to unmake it because of others people judgement of me
>regrets of wasted youth haunt me nightly
>afraid to have dreams because I feel I'm incapable of even thinking of realizing them
>loneliness eating it's way out from the inside
I'm 23, soon to be 24. I'm still rather young. I need something that will make me want to grab life by the balls, or just grow a pair of my own.

>> No.12771166

the conspiracy against the human race

alternatively my diary desu

>> No.12771170

On the heights of despair

unironically write a diary

>> No.12771176

his diary desu

>> No.12771222

Aren't those depressing as fuck? I have Ligottis Conspiracy on my shelf but I'm afraid to read it. I need something to pull me out, not push me further down the void.

>> No.12771224

The Way of the Pilgrim if you want to take the Russian bread pill

>> No.12771241

You need to hit rock bottom.

>> No.12771267
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Philosophy: Who Needs It and pic related. If you want something deeper than meaninless platitudes, try the operants of this philosophy and its application of the "benevolent universe premise" and refutation of the "malevolent universe premise".

>> No.12771297

You asked for something life affirming. Cioran lived to 84. He was one based motherfucker. All the other existentialists as well.

No book recommended here will make you feel wholesome. If you just want anaesthesia go watch some CGDCT anime and get a waifu.

>> No.12771320

>No book recommended here will make you feel wholesome.
So whats the point of reading books?

>> No.12771359

Brothers Karamazov
Anatomy of Melancholy

>> No.12771363

read robinson crusoe if you haven’t already.
and the best man for this sort of business is will shakespeare

that’s not true

>> No.12772379

Peterson's 12 Rules, unironically.

>> No.12772433

No don't read this trash

>> No.12772520
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