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/lit/ - Literature

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12769566 No.12769566 [Reply] [Original]

Greek and Latin are overrated. Here are the top 5 /lit/ languages:
1. French- strongest literary tradition nuff said
2. Chinese- to prepare for when the Chinese ubermench take over, gives you access to a goldmine of untranslatable literature, and you get to talk to superior chink waifus
3. Portuguese- to read Pessoa and the goldmine of untranslated Portuguese poets
4. German- to read the blackpilled Austrians
5. Japanese- to watch anime and read manga in their intended languages

>> No.12769587

based ritsubro

>> No.12769592
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>1. French
lol no; I do admit though, French will always come second or third in linguistic debates but never first.
>2. Chinese
>3. Portug-
>4. German
should be higher tbfh
>5. Japanese
This ones debatable to read classical Japanese Folklore, not the reasons you gave.

>> No.12769595

Have you learned your top 5 /lit/ languages?

>> No.12769601

I never learned anything in my life

>> No.12769602

Those five languages can easily all be learned within a year, anon.

>> No.12769604

Dumb keionposter.

>> No.12769625

Is the Ritsu Gif poster another character in the /lit/ cannon?

>> No.12769640
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>> No.12769643

do you wanna be my boyfriend

>> No.12769669
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i dont do 3DPD :3

>> No.12769718

i understand

>> No.12769732

God I wish I had another kon season:(

>> No.12769737

Yeah no. That simply isn’t possible unless you have von Neumann x Einstein level IQ. Especially if you’re past peak language acquisition age. Perhaps you could get a grasp of one them in a year, but all five of them? No.

>> No.12769937

>read classical Japanese Folklore
Why would anyone ever do that

>> No.12769943

kill yourself

>> No.12769947



>> No.12769962

you gave no specific examples to back up any of your claims

>> No.12770191
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>> No.12770326

>strongest literary tradition

>> No.12770332
File: 190 KB, 1200x926, finnish_language.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Finnish- ascend to shitposting godhood, enjoy the Kalevala in the original, and speak the beautiful language of the angels themselves.

>> No.12770334
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>La Rouchefoucald
>Barbey d'Aurevilly
>Villiers de L'Isle-Adam
>Des Forêts

>> No.12770339

based weeb

>> No.12770340

I've learnt French, and I've been learning German and Japanese. Portuguese is extremely similar to Spanish, which I've already mastered. It'd take me 4 months at most to master Portuguese.

>> No.12770599

how did you do it

>> No.12770604


>> No.12770624

The cultures that actually have a literary tradition:
Greater Germany
So yeah learn these languages first unless you have a literary idol like Pessoa

>> No.12770633

>peak language acquisition age
are you von Neumann ÷ Einstein level IQ?
Adults are smarter, now start learning anon

>> No.12770661

I'm HSK3 Mandarin, learning Russian too. Aussie

>> No.12770674

Definitely either French or Latin for me because most references and quotations are attributed to them in english literature.

Japanese surely as their culture is so unique and different from ours.

>> No.12770679

Here's a better ranking, top 10 languages:
#1 Papiamento
#2 American Sign Language
#3 Lojban
#4 Medieval Latin
#5 Rotokos
#6 Early Modern English
#7 Icelandic
#8 Lithuanian
#9 Serbio-Croatian
#10 German

>> No.12770698

I digress, and would instead replace Japanese with Russian.

>> No.12770712
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>5. Japanese- to watch anime and read manga in their intended languages

>> No.12770737

You can became competent in them all within a year, it's much easier now that we have internet access a heap of content, but you won't have the required grip on them that allows proper appreciation of literature (in other words, reading a translation will give you more).

>> No.12770755

>You can became competent in them all within a year
no you can't.

>> No.12770765

You can become the polyglot fag that picks up every girl in the bar, don't do that. If you want to learn a language take it seriously. Both German and Japanese took me less than a year where I can read literature (somewhat painfully).

>> No.12770821

This, OP you are a retarded weaboo, and not even the good kind.

>> No.12770903

Adults are smarter but they don't have the neuroplasticity required to quickly learn languages like children can. Long story short, children's brains are fundamentally wired differently than adults' in a way that greatly facilitates language-learning. You can do it as an adult, but it'll be a much more arduous process.

Also, I generally believe that unless you actually spend time conversing with people who speak that language natively (i.e. not just passively receiving it via text or audio) then you won't really have "mastered" it. Of course, if all you're interested in is reading then that may or may not make a difference to you. Languages are tools like any other.

>> No.12770968

If you want to spend 3 years to learn to form basic sentences, 5 years to communicate properly, 10 years to express complex thoughts, 15 years to read sophisticated literature while having no adult obligations you can buy into all that 'learn like a native' bullcrap.

Otherwise start learning the theorist's way, you might not 'master' it according to your definition but you will take more out of it than even natives and you might eventually write in it like Beckett, Cioran and countless others (they all had their reasons). And no, languages are more than tools, and it takes a non-native to appreciate all the character and subtlety to it.

>> No.12770998

>5. Japanese- to watch anime and read manga in their intended languages
Kindly kill yourself you weeaboo faggot

>> No.12771021
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> Greek and Latin are overrated

>> No.12771069

>Hiíe ne sprecað Ænglisc