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/lit/ - Literature

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12768678 No.12768678 [Reply] [Original]

What are some books about 20-somethings with no direction or purpose in life?

>> No.12768684

Kafka on the shore. 15 yo but weird af, could pass as 20 something

>> No.12768686

Norwegian Wood.

>> No.12768692

The book called Get a nice shirt, shower and go to respectable bar to meet a nice lady + Get a job.

>> No.12768778

My diary desu

>> No.12768858

>meeting women in a bar
Low standards.

>> No.12769108

True, but most of men find their wives in bars. It's quick and easy which is really most feasible for these guys.

>> No.12769115
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Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.12769123

The Sun Also Rises
Bright Lights Big City
Less Than Zero

>> No.12769132

My Twisted World

>> No.12769144

Normal People

>> No.12769541

>marrying some random slut you met at a bar
Yikes and cuckpilled

>> No.12770592

you're thinking of Death on the Installment Plan, now read it

>> No.12770638

No Longer Human

>> No.12770654

you really need a wingman to pick ladies up at a bar tho

>> No.12771446


>> No.12771463
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based viewpoint
kind of disgusting really

yeah because having a job and a girlfriend will give your life anything more than a sisyphusian meaning. pleb

this isn't exactly a literary subject OP... plenty of movies and songs and tv shows about that though... maybe popular hits of the showa era by ryu murakami?

>> No.12771469

>this isn't exactly a literary subject OP
Just a rare one

>> No.12771473

The half of Murakami novels that aren't about 30-somethings with no direction or purpose in life

>> No.12771493
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it's usually depicted as freedom or sovereignty in literature (and film)... movies and tv shows, being part of the superstructure tend to depict directionless/purposelessness as something negative and unacceptable

also tao lin really deals with 20-something millenial nihilism so i've got to recommend taipei here too

>> No.12771535

I'm glad someone else remembers our boy.

>> No.12771600
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>> No.12771638

So basically you have to do random things to find your path?

>> No.12771968

>because having a job and a girlfriend will give your life anything more than a sisyphusian meaning.
Biological and social behaviour is totally the source of your "buaaa no direction or purpose in le life".
It literally would give you responsability and an mature viewpoint on life that no books, beside the Bible, would ever give you.
You should really need to follow my "cringy" advice now that you stated that you are a mutand.

>> No.12772257
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Siddhartha was the son of a 4th century Brahmin (a priest). He learned to read, write and practice ceremony like his father. As Siddhartha came of age, he became restless and unsatisfied with his father’s teachings; he leaves town in search of the ultimate wisdom.

>> No.12772306

This guy on this picture evokes irrational hatred. A perfect depiction of an irredeemably weak individual, the instinctive response being to expel him from the group immediately.

>> No.12772347

Sounds based will read

I love philosophy especially enlightenment era stuff but I dont think it improved my life in any useful way. Do you have more reads on actually applicable philosophy?

>> No.12772492

does not being not successful and broke equate to no direction or purpose in life

>> No.12772528

Then what? Have sex, go to work, pretend this make you happy?

>> No.12772595

You must imagine a wageslave happy.

>> No.12772600

we need a /self-help/ board


>> No.12772609

literally fanfiction

>> No.12772650

god i wish i were tao lin

>> No.12772658

I really think something should have been found with that request.

Who’s with me

>> No.12772679

>True, but most of men find their wives in bars.
i dont think so

>> No.12772687

you're fucking stupid, why are you even on this board? go read jordan peterson or something you fucking brainlet

>> No.12772695

ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh im a mediocre 20something with a small penis who likes to catalogue my interests in terms of internet forums!! maybe ill read notes from underground or maybe that unabomber manifesto!!!

>> No.12772699

12 Rules for Life

>> No.12772705

ahhhhhhh maybe if i release a few endorphins - have sex and lift weights and the like - ill reach some form of enlightenment that i can help share the stepping stones for on said internet forums!!!

>> No.12772713

I’ve read the Dhammapadam too. I just recommended the german bhudda novella because it’s short and the story moves quicly.

If you want contemporary self-help, then I don’t have a recommendation at this time. I liked Siddhartha for it’s take on personal identity and the pursuit of enlightenment.

>> No.12772716

what did he mean by that

>> No.12772731
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>> No.12773078


>> No.12773122

Maybe that was true in the 1980s but now even tinder is superior to a random barslag.

>> No.12773141
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>> No.12773166

is it all about reaching the goal or enjoying the reaching itself?

>> No.12773198

The Book of John.

"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God" John 1:1

"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, so that whosoever believeth in him, should not perish, but have everlasting life" John 3:16

If already saved, then Job.
>"the LORD gave, and the LORD hath taken away, blessed be the name of the LORD".

>> No.12773213

What is a better way?

>> No.12773257

Rec me a mission hill episode.