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File: 57 KB, 600x525, ios_large_1540062920_image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12768354 No.12768354 [Reply] [Original]

What are good book recommendations for a starter?

>> No.12768369

Pentti Linkola.

>> No.12768434

Stop posting thots

>> No.12768435

Ted Kaczynski - AntiTech Revolution
Jacques Ellul - The Technological Society

>> No.12768441

Usually I'm immune to thotposting but there's something about this girl that makes me want to fuck her face every time I see a pic of her

>> No.12768450 [DELETED] 

I’d love to see some muscular black men spit roast her

>> No.12768458

The opposite of facism kek. Ellul is a christian anarchist and TK is a pure anarchist. I love how people misunderstood the core component of the manifesto

Facism requires organization which requires a state which requires technology. The end.

>> No.12768462

Fascism. It's spelled fascism.

>> No.12768468
File: 57 KB, 500x417, The-headquarters-of-Mussolinis-Italian-Fascist-Party-1934-small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

easy to see how a confusion could arise.
>post yfw my face is your face

>> No.12768471

i never said that Ellul or Kaczynski were fascists, but reading there works is essential to understand how to preserve nature, therefore its essential reading for an ECO fascist.
Also a state doesnt require technology.

>> No.12768477

gr8 b8.

>> No.12768491

organization is a technology. coordinated execution of collective goals is a technology. these are not natural formations, but artifices requiring training and habitation.

>> No.12768494
File: 2.48 MB, 1200x1465, we live in an environment .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OwO you're so warm

>> No.12768496
File: 104 KB, 800x600, marie-kondo-netflix-glitch-meme-pic1-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12768504

This. Except for “facism” and Td being “pure anarchism”. He’s marginally an anarcho-primitivist

This “eco-fascism” is another cheap capitalist ploy

Primitive authoritarianism. Great. Just great. Let’s all march backward in time.

No u

>> No.12768525

habituation** whoopsie

>> No.12768539

Stop deciding what ideologies sound cool before knowing anything about them

>> No.12768559

We need an agrarian socialist society and another Pol Pot

>> No.12768562

I remember looking through my recommended vids and one of them featured an absolute unit of the basketball american variety who labeled himself a catholic monarchist minarchist libertarian. At that point you're pretty much lost.

>> No.12768571 [DELETED] 


This is a newly published eco-fascist work, i think you might like it! :- )


>> No.12768660 [DELETED] 

So these are the people who make up that godawful 8ch clique.

>> No.12768675

It's basically just a word salad at that point.

>> No.12768700

>Born on October 23rd 1999, Belle Delphine (real name Mary-Belle Kirschner) is an English cosplayer, model and social media personality of Jewish descent.

>> No.12768739

>catholic monarchist minarchist libertarian.
that's perfectly compatible

>> No.12768783

She's cute though.

>> No.12768790
File: 1.82 MB, 500x478, WhatAmIReading.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"""white woman"""
pick one

>> No.12768796

Refer to >>12768700

>> No.12768797
File: 251 KB, 1200x1800, blondeDubu03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh, i should have read that post first
pick one

>> No.12768806
File: 239 KB, 796x1200, 55-gthumb-gwdata1200-ghdata1200-gfitdatamax.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jews are cuter than Asian girls regardless

>> No.12768814
File: 157 KB, 1000x1500, dubu_laughs_at_you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jews are cuter than Asian girls regardless
Mr Loifenfeld, please....

>> No.12768816

Go give her some money, pay pig

>> No.12768827
File: 254 KB, 683x1024, gettyimages-930259754-1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't you post a recent pic of her?

>> No.12768836
File: 167 KB, 1200x1537, melanie-laurent-at-operation-finale-premiere-in-new-york-08-16-2018-9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, sure

>> No.12768839

Who is this beautiful trans woman?

>> No.12768853
File: 193 KB, 950x1427, 4489607-exclusif-melanie-laurent-enregistrem-950x0-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mélanie Laurent, she has a 5 year old son

>> No.12768878 [DELETED] 

Fuck off

Also ozzie murderer was just a psycho, not an ecofascist

>> No.12768932

I went to a Catholic university and met many conservative blacks like this

>> No.12768940

She also has visible herpes sores.

>> No.12768948

Most people who aren't incels have herpes.

>> No.12769000

Her face is very barren thanks to heavy makeup and camera techniques. The only features are her eyes, which she is using a lot of eye makeup for and her mouth and braces, which are further pronounced by her thin upper lip. Add to that that she is aiming for an "innocent", naive look (light pink lipglos instead of red lipstick) and it's clesr that she is aiming to appear like a 14 - 15 year old, making use of taboo effects.

Tl;dr: Thots are nothing but trickery, moral degeneracy and a waste of time.

>> No.12769014

Think of your sons. Wouldn't you like to gift them such a chin by copulating with that woman?

>> No.12769041

so you're just admitting that eco-fascism is purely a meme-term created by retards on /pol/ who are either trying to justify their own fascist larp or to usurp the environmental project from the left

>> No.12769223

ecofascism is a slur used by liberals to refer to people who think authoritarianism is justified in trying to prevent the crashing of the earth with no survivors. this is seen to be in bad taste, because saving the world is only allowed if it doesn't interfere with consumer freedoms.

>> No.12769231

also, amidst the wrangling of the masses, if a little extermination of most non-whites frees up space and other scarce resources and allows for the creation of a white ethno-state then, well--so much the better!

>> No.12769317


>> No.12769328

>used by liberals
Lel it was made by business people to poopoo all over hippies, "you can't pass regulations that's literally fascism I can't believe you this is literally Hitler." Hop of the American Republican vs. Democrat train.

>> No.12769369

>Lel it was made by business people
aka liberals.

i'm not using the phrase in the american sense of the word, you are.

>> No.12769455

literally no liberals every use the term "eco-fascism", it's the newest alt right memeterm on their aesthetics fueled ideology. And none of them actually have any real insights on environmentalism apart from "its the africans who r causing it", "we're just gonna force everyone to uhhhh...use green energy i guess?" or similarly inane shit.
it has nothing to do with any kind of theory and is just a justification for their authoritarianism and so they can say "im a right winger but i also believe in climate change"

>> No.12769464

>the fact that you think you can solve overpopulation by literally genociding people
absolutely delusional friend

>> No.12769573

i keep clicking the 'add irony' tab in the options menu but it never seems to work.

>> No.12769596
File: 170 KB, 1080x1891, 5b55fd9776f0f2299fdf348da0857d4aac2aa7fd909b0adf4dce1770fe917163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12769959

>None Need Starve
>Except Jews, Gypsies, Homosexuals, the deformed and all those socialists over there

I doubt this chart

>> No.12770166

>wasting your food from your land on degenerates and traitors