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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 774 KB, 1074x1200, mishima-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12765869 No.12765869 [Reply] [Original]

What was his fucking problem?

>> No.12765874

The archetypal warrior poet. I have also heard he was a homosexual but I am not sure if this is true. Could someone provide evidence if so.

>> No.12765879

It seems INFJ's (Mishima, Hitler, Jesus) and ENTP's (Alexander the Great, Socrates, Machiavelli, Leonardo Da Vinci) have always been the greatest of history. Maybe the odd INTP here and there but for the most part these two have been at the forefront.

>> No.12765883

Can someone explain why he need to spend so much time describing the simplest of things?

His books could be 1/10th the size of he cut out the bloat

>> No.12765890

INFJ and ENTP also have a certain level of emotional detachment from experience. The difference is that the ENTP can hide this detachment, to make it seem as if the emotion he shows most often is genuine. This fact surprises many people because of how emotionally receptive the ENTP jest is, the ENTP mask. While INFJ do not hide this disconnection as much for they are introverted to a greater extent. The reason for such disconnection from experience and emotional interaction is because of their dreamy like nature, as if they are looking into something else. They have an entire world within in which they choose to favour. This gives the dreamy look often held by INFJ and ENTP, the mysterious charm and spirituality to them.

This is why ENTP's and INFJ's get along so well because they can share this dreamy existence as if they have always been disconnected from reality and the truth, the objective is within.

>> No.12765891

Have you ever heard of a thing called literical aesthetics? Poetry?

>> No.12765902 [DELETED] 

dumb niggers

>> No.12765907

>Can someone explain why he need to spend so much time describing the simplest of things?

>> No.12765912

numb diggers

>> No.12765918

His obsession with death

>> No.12765923

Any one that says "dumb niggers" is from Instagram. Besides I am aware of how lofty and often idiotic sociology is, though the typing's can still grasp a general character of the individual, still Jung's original workings were better.

>> No.12765925


>> No.12765927
File: 762 KB, 800x600, yukio-ishima.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least Japanese people had the good sense to make him a cute girl when they put him in their video games.

>> No.12765959


>> No.12765970
File: 864 KB, 800x600, yukio-ishima2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not an anime, you stupid nerd.

>> No.12765972

anyway anime aesthetic, fag

>> No.12765979

please please gtfo weeb

>> No.12765984

Anyone that reads Mishima is a weeb.

>> No.12766031

no retard. That's not how it works

>> No.12766187

Pewdiepie's favourite author is Mishima.
Pewdiepie is a massive weeb that eats up anything Japanese while denouncing the same shit from other sources as bad. Such the religiosity and nationalism of Japanese.
Therefore, anyone that reads Mishima is a weeb.

>> No.12766193

Alright autist.

>> No.12766195

He was like the opposite of a warrior. Avoiding death so much that he killed himself just so he can be in control of it.

>> No.12766196

Logical phallus. Your siligism is incorrect.

>> No.12766201

What if being a weeb just means you like Japanese culture. Is not liking a Japanese writer appreciation for Japanese culture?

>> No.12766203

Kek no I wouldn't say that was avoiding death. He literally did sepaku and had a militia. Was obsessed with hardness and physical ability as much as poetry and culture.

>> No.12766206

What other reply said
Also he faked illness to avoid fighting in the war and the regret/guilt made its way into his thought and work
Still a great writer

>> No.12766220

I mean more of he was scared of it. His worst nightmare was getting old and dying of something like cancer

>> No.12766258

Didn't Kenzabuo Oe write a dystopian novel where Mishima takes over the country?

>> No.12766280

Fuck off weeb

>> No.12766359

which one?

>> No.12766426

Just like a true warrior.

>> No.12766437

He just got off to them. He wasn't one himself

>> No.12766477

How do we know he faked illness?

>> No.12766479

>source: dude believe me

>> No.12766483


>> No.12766500

that he isn't choking me with those arms

>> No.12766526


He wrote about it in Confessions of a Mask

>> No.12766562

Link or quote?

>> No.12766717

>no fuck was given at all

>> No.12766887

>just believe me bro

>> No.12766947
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>> No.12766994

around 12 minutes in someone says he faked it. Not sure where this is coming from.

Wikipedia says he was misdiagnosed.

>> No.12767007

Confessions of a Mask wasn't purely biographical.

>> No.12767201

Well isn't that an incredibly intelligent, it only took a few hours to come up with that argument.

>> No.12767392

anti-based, bluepilled, and cringe

>> No.12767411

>t. jealous INTP

>> No.12767737

Thanks anon. Although that doesn't show he faked it, but it does show he felt ashamed of an inner cowardice.

>> No.12767840

The fuck you have against sociology

>> No.12767844


>> No.12767860

He went from virgin to chad. The most powerful kind of men

>> No.12767867

So you're clueless about science. Maybe reading a book or two could help you.

>> No.12768024
File: 926 KB, 1556x2400, 91syGRShqaL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

his sea of fertility series were one book, it would be one of my favorite books of all time. i can talk about the politics here but it would require a wall of text. his views on conservatism and beauty are really what make these books.

>> No.12768074

Mishima was a pretentious hack

>> No.12768078

>said the faggot that doesn't know what "hack" means in this context

>> No.12768079

I think its from the fact that he wrote a book about the life of a gay guy. He married a woman though and because he was a manlet he asked for her to be shorter than him.

>> No.12768095

>and because he was a manlet he asked for her to be shorter than him.
[citations needed]

>> No.12768111

He was depressed about his self-perceived lack of masculinity, including his height and taking sickness to avoid the draft, and was incredibly sensitive about it to the point of coming unglued over the smallest comment from someone that he could twist into thinking was an insult about him. His homosexuality was probably only in his head but was probably exacerbated by his fear that He was so unmasculine that he would naturally be gay.

He had a really high value of aesthetics, so high that he was an obsessive romantic and idealised the classical eras of Japan (he idealised Japan the way that some moderns idealise Sparta). Suicide became an obsessive A E S T H E T I C goal. A meaningful suicide, however, was required so he essentially invented a political persona (he was basically apolitical most of his life and didn't give a call about the Tenno until later) to justify a death that could be both "meaningful" and be in the middle of pseudo-combat.

If you want to get Freudian, Azusa and Natsuko fucked him up by essentially depressing and traumatizing him at the same time.

>> No.12768118


Not that poster but both the Nathan and Scott-Stokes biographies mention this. He also required that she not have read any of his books.

>> No.12768153

t. PewDiePie fanboy

just because he was prolific doesn't mean he wasn't a hack, you illiterate fuck.

>> No.12768164

oh, this comment again

>> No.12768168

oh this stan again

>> No.12768176
File: 18 KB, 846x846, 123123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i seriously fucking hate the ubiquity = quality and ubiquity = truth mindset that this entire fucking site seems to be plagued with. it's retarded poison and kinda defeats the purpose of an anonymous message board.

>> No.12768187

no he wasn't lol what do you think about that i win

>> No.12768200

No, what you hate is the truth.


>> No.12768230

I didn't even knew he posted a video on him fag

>> No.12768231

>the truth
Ok retard

>> No.12768339 [DELETED] 

A pivotal moment in Mishima's life was when he feigned tuberculosis to not be drafted for WW2. Some are of the opinion that this largely shaped his later obsession with dying a warrior's death in a postwar world.

>> No.12768358


>> No.12768359

He wrote several books about homosexuality. Forbidden colors is one of my favourite books not even ashamed

>> No.12768883

Why should I care about his work?

>> No.12768900

>psychological "typing" of people born before this horoscope tier pseudoscience bullshit was even concocted
>valid even REMOTELY

>> No.12769251
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>> No.12769294
File: 209 KB, 500x700, 1550264416583.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He wasn't swole enough and he was too gay.
I hate that this fruity chink faggot is among my favorite authors now. I've read Sailor and Golden Temple. I love the way he's able to present the story from the profound perspective of someone that society would simply label mad. It shows the absurdity and prejudice of modern moral values.

>> No.12769405
File: 78 KB, 1676x955, the last samurai fight in the rain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>grew up weak and lonely under his grandmother, who kept him away from the other kids
>dad trains him to be a man
>already too late, the effect his grandmother had on him already made him effeminate in some ways
>became famous as a writer at only 24
>die hard bodybuilder and nationalist
>confused about himself for his whole life and took his own life
is there a sadder postwar japanese author?
do you think he knew his fate and tried to change it or do you think he just said fuck it and embraced it? can it be changed?

>> No.12769509


>> No.12769560

Literally everything about this man, even his Stans decades later, reeks of insecurity.
Is this peak fragile masculinity?

>> No.12770498

Well seems possible I suppose but not necessarily.

Hey I m a ENI--P

>> No.12770507

That Cuck, Hirohito

>> No.12770515

the face of /fitlit/

>> No.12770710

I like this.

>> No.12770726
File: 29 KB, 297x264, c6835035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bodybuilders look like THAT..?
weak show, all around

>> No.12770782
File: 74 KB, 350x462, yukio_lifts_weights.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well anon, he started with a body this weak...

>> No.12770784
File: 49 KB, 357x504, mishima_yukio2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To end like this

>> No.12770840


Keep in mind that he was a Japanese man, they often have much higher Oestrogen levels as well are naturally less muscular. So to get as muscly as Mishima did it is quite an achievement. Also it's a shame some guys have uneven abs.

>> No.12770842

Butters does squats I'll bet... :3

>> No.12770854

imagine being a male and believing in the briggs myer test

>> No.12770866

When Yukio Mishima said he was trying to make his body resemble the steel, this is what he meant.

>> No.12770870

I'm actually a female anon. Kawaaaaaaai

>> No.12770872

Pleb spotted.

>> No.12770879
File: 45 KB, 313x499, 51Ra6qO23RL._SX311_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man do I have a book you'll hate

>> No.12770880


>> No.12770891

female cringe, too

>> No.12770892

thucydides never said this

>> No.12770901

Beautiful book. Changed my life.

>> No.12770924

Alright incel

>> No.12770930

Where should I start with Mishima's writings?

>> No.12770932

Are you her internet defener?

>> No.12770947

I am her, fucking virgin.

>> No.12770966

He was obviously bisexual. Classically samurai bisexual. One of his lovers leaked love letters. You can look that up online. Also all those shirtless pictures of him there are were him posing for gay photobooks.

>> No.12770971

hahaha you're pissed.

No, sorry, not a virgin. Please note though, that kind of mentality actually brings everyone down. I think it's kind of adorable you get all pissed off when someone says cringe. But I never saw any seasoned veterans act like that. I never saw butterfly act like that. I never saw her call anyone an incel or a virgin either. Must be because she is a cool person. Like a really cool person.

My cool person. :3

>> No.12770988

>He was obviously bisexual. Classically samurai bisexual.

Bitch WTF. What did you mean by "Classically samurai bisexual. I do not think there is really enough evidence to call him definitely bisexual but it is possible. Like Leonardo Da Vinci we can only have fain theories.

>One of his lovers leaked love letters. You can look that up online. Also all those shirtless pictures of him there are were him posing for gay photobooks.

They were not gay photo-books but generally in celebration of the human form. Could you supply evidence for his lover leaking the love letters though.

>hahaha you're pissed.
>No, sorry, not a virgin. Please note though, that kind of mentality actually brings everyone down. I think it's kind of adorable you get all pissed off when someone says cringe. But I never saw any seasoned veterans act like that. I never saw butterfly act like that. I never saw her call anyone an incel or a virgin either. Must be because she is a cool person. Like a really cool person.
>My cool person. :3

Huh well aren't you a faggot, no one here was a female you complete autist. The virgin and incel calling was simply female representation. Just another orbiter it seem, "buttfloy pls huv sex wit me".

Butterfly is just normal, not any personal grudge against her or the guy dressed up called Butterfly.

>Must be because she is a cool person. Like a really cool person.

>My cool person. :3

Fuck man this is cringe. Did you lose your virginity to one of those fat awkward girls?

>> No.12770993

Ahhhh now it makes sense. You are the bitter incel. Lol.

>> No.12771006

And no retort saying you aren't an incel? Looks like we know why you call others incels.

>> No.12771019

Well you see I am a Chad, the thing is I did not find this website because I was an incel or unpopular and so found somewhere to belong but found it just simply because I was raised a National Socialist so it was not to any detriment of popularity. I just find it funny that you seem to think I originated this attack.

It was 8 minutes ago and I have already expressed that the reasoning for using words such as incel and virgin were simply to represent the female character. If you had half a brain you would realise such a thing which one simply has to read my statement on, it isn't by any means a theory of deduction to currently damaging words.

>> No.12771025

>national socialist
Lets see, you already lied about being a woman. I'd wager one of these things is a lie as well.

>> No.12771078
File: 149 KB, 1225x888, 5859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they were not gay photobooks
Lol. They were made with the specific purpose of being homoerotic. One of them was literally called Ordeal by Roses (Barakei). Bara (rose) is a euphemism for homosexuality in Japanese. The photographer was also openly gay.
You have to be some sort of a brainlet or delusionist. Mishima was obviously interested in men. I said "samurai bisexuality" because that is exactly what it looked like to me. Marriage but relations with men on the other side. If you didn't know, homosexual acts between samurai were quite common. And it's no secret that Mishima was obviously heavily obsessed with samurai culture. And of course there's his numerous gay-themed books including his semi-autobiographical "Confessions of a Mask" but that's not really important.
>love letters
Jiro Fukushima, Mishima's lover, published a book named "Dead Author's Letters" in which he revealed love letters between him and Mishima and discussed their relationship in general. Mishima's family sued Fukushima for not respecting Mishima's privacy and the book was forced to stop being sold after only a couple months.

There's no theorizing here. Here's your last (you). You could stay delusional if you'd like.

>> No.12771090

It was simply to see the result. Some men enjoy pushing buttons for the sake of it to see a reaction. To see a plan followed through as entertainment. You see people are different and do not have the same perceptions and interactions with the world. For you see the best way to shit post is the best way to lie. To mix truth with falsity and an extreme falsity at that. This was my sociological shit post, with the MBTI if you are unaware. For this was my point with the shit post, that all these Men, Jesus, Hitler, Mishima share this similarity and similarity's. And those other Men, Socrates, Alaxender the Great, Machiavelli, Leonardo Da Vinci share similarity and similarity's. They are named INFJ and ENTP in Myers Briggs but it only partially covers the truth and so is mixed in with to much incorrect and anecdotal theory.

But it does capture that small part of them.

Also I am both Chad and National Socialist, I was born extremely lucky to win both the genetic and ideological lottery from birth onward.

>> No.12771116

>Lol. They were made with the specific purpose of being homoerotic. One of them was literally called Ordeal by Roses (Barakei). Bara (rose) is a euphemism for homosexuality in Japanese. The photographer was also openly gay.

I find them to be quite beautiful or at least the one you have posted to be honest. Although it does sound fairly obvious that he was bisexual I still need the sources.

>You have to be some sort of a brainlet or delusionist. Mishima was obviously interested in men. I said "samurai bisexuality" because that is exactly what it looked like to me. Marriage but relations with men on the other side. If you didn't know, homosexual acts between samurai were quite common. And it's no secret that Mishima was obviously heavily obsessed with samurai culture. And of course there's his numerous gay-themed books including his semi-autobiographical "Confessions of a Mask" but that's not really important.

I have never heard of homosexuality within the Samurai, please show me sources and or quotes from his confessions of a Mask which I have not read yet.

>Jiro Fukushima, Mishima's lover, published a book named "Dead Author's Letters"

Any pdf or link? Can I purchase one?

>There's no theorizing here. Here's your last (you). You could stay delusional if you'd like.

Someones a little angsty.

>> No.12771328

His problem was greatness (and gayness, of course)

>> No.12771350

lol nigga was 5'2 and you're asking what his problem was?

>> No.12771370

Actually 5'3. Which is not very short considering his Japanese ethnicity. I do not believe his height was a struggle for him. The average height in Japan now is 5,7 and we know that globally height averages have somewhat increased since the turn of the century.

>> No.12771388
File: 11 KB, 307x76, Screenshot 2019-03-16 at 13.34.17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Average height of Japanese males aged 17, around the time Mishima was that age.

>> No.12771401

There you go.

>> No.12771403

>It was simply to see the result
>...a-a-also I AM CHAD AND NAT SOC

>> No.12771426

Moral decadence. The problem is that he really doesn't proposes some solution or something constructive. Killing himself was a stupid thing and had no effect that he expected it would had in Japan. He kinda tried to be a new Socrates but pathetically failed.

>> No.12771434

ahahahahahahahaha aren't you a retard, considering you pull people up on how long they took to reply I will do the same.

Haha sounds like someone insecure and can barely formulate an argument because that short bit of writing took you an hour and forty minutes.

Now onto the subject matter.

>ehhhh you can't do something to see what happens for pure entertainment
>and still be a chad
>ehhh don't you know the duality of being a socially/biologically fit human being and doing something random for entertainment cause you can't be both eeeeeehhh

Well this sure sounds like a pathetic man trying to grasp onto anything he can to elevate yourself to my worth, or you'r just bad at arguing.

>> No.12771445

Honestly my dude. With the brevity of my posts and the absolute verbosity of this unit I propose I win this exchange.

Good day sir.

>> No.12771466

>Moral decadence. The problem is that he really doesn't proposes some solution or something constructive. Killing himself was a stupid thing and had no effect that he expected it would had in Japan.

What do you mean it became global news and put him on the map in places all over the West, he was famous. Especially within Japan he awoke many to their roots again and his following grew exponentially. He most definitely had a great effect by his sacrifice, not to say it was necessary but he would of simply ended up as swindling away, although still probably respected him sacrificing himself showed power and will, it showed the flame to of dyed burning at its greatest and all the tree's within the forest rather than slowly dwindle away as a parasite consistently nothing more than simply a small burn that will be forgotten.

>> No.12771474

>Honestly my dude. With the brevity of my posts and the absolute verbosity of this unit I propose I win this exchange.
>Good day sir.

Huh that was pretty funny anon, and I say Good day sir. As well.

>> No.12771537

Briggs Meyer is just a horoscope for university graduates.

>> No.12771545

How the FUCK did they take Singapore from the Chad British?

>> No.12771548

It was a shit post anon, read further down.

>> No.12771553

because the Brits were virgins and the Japs midget Chads.

>> No.12771696

anyone here read forbidden colors

i'm 90% of the way through it and i just lost interest for whatever reason and haven't finished it. don't know why, i definitely enjoyed the characters and themes up until what's-his-face regained some sense of morality.

>> No.12771811

Shorter soldiers live longer

>> No.12771822

You shouldn't. Go back to /pol/ and throw more buzzwords around

>> No.12771830

is there a sadder post? the answer is no

>> No.12771837
File: 36 KB, 590x421, 34634645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He isn't that muscular, he just has low body fat. MC Ride doesn't work out yet look at him

>> No.12771890
File: 101 KB, 329x654, gemas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>British leadership assuming the massing of Japanese troops, the ultra heavy artillery bombardments and first landings were a giant feint
>having significantly more experience then the Commonwealth troops
>a huge emphasis on maintaining their momentum
>being smaller & harder to shoot
When not facing militiamen with 8 days of training the Japs found fighting a bit harder than slaughtering Chinese civilians

>> No.12771900

Pic is not a very muscular man, and yes having ow body fat helped but he was still quite muscly for an East Asian.

>> No.12771908
File: 16 KB, 485x360, 1532644167764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to become the British equivalent of Mishima but I think that would involve walking around in a red coat. British masculinity is dead

>> No.12771930
File: 105 KB, 1200x630, karlmarx1-2x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the only quote I like from Marx and it seems appropiate for you

>> No.12771950

he had a severe peter pan complex.

>archetypal warrior poet
dude...no. unless you're confused and meant peter pan crossed with don quixote.

>> No.12771962

He wasn't going for the Mr. Universe look. He was just taking care of his body

>> No.12772043

compare the pics the nigger poster is right

>> No.12772105
File: 143 KB, 1277x557, 1_WmghYGzr5s3ilePs78G-bA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did he really read all of those books

and did he know smoking is bad for your health

>> No.12772122

considering he wrote a lot of novels and plays in 33 years (considering he started to write being 12 years old). Probably. Most of his books were written in less of a year

>> No.12772145

reading sailor...sea at the moment. surprised how good it is.

>> No.12772267
File: 85 KB, 727x763, 581108_ra473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The piece Nabokov wrote on his death had me laughing out loud.

>> No.12772274

Most of those are probably reference books.

>> No.12772283

you're making the myers briggs test look bad.

>> No.12772308

why this nigga need a reference book

he need to refer to how to write or somethin haha

>> No.12772313

The quote comes from Hegel and he took it from the Greeks

>> No.12772329

[citations required]

>> No.12772374

Got a link/reference?

>> No.12772395

Sounds gay af

>> No.12772446

Anyone who likes Mishima today is a /pol/ack desperately trying to repress their sexuality and/or gender. Prove me wrong.

>> No.12772457

No idiot, you have to prove your point first

>> No.12772564

The actual quote which mentions he took it from Hegel.

>> No.12772566

And that's a Natty athlete body.

No, it doesn't look the guy in the "gym supplement". We all know the /fit/ market is dominated by steroids and other drugs to enhance performance.
Fuck, even sports are dominated by them.

But, without hesitation, it's a body of someone who appears to be ready for a athletical activity, with full use of the body

It's something still admirable on the this age of #fatpride.

So yes, not much, but still miring those

>> No.12772591

He himself said it: "I want to make of my life a poem, a barbaric poem"

>> No.12772596
File: 106 KB, 660x738, 30851_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He hasn't enough memes

>> No.12772839

Is it MIshima or miSHIma?

>> No.12772953

Would you care to share your views on the sea of fertility? I recently read Spring Snow and though I found it beatiful, I don't understand completely what is Mishima trying to convey. For me, the moments of greatest signification in the novel are those where Mishima puts the characters in the middle of a pathetic, infinite and ever-changing world. For example, when Kiyoaki, Honda and the two Siam's princes are on the shore and Mishima then compares the flow of history with the waves dying in the beach, or when Kiyoaki is in his room watching some beetle resting in the window. Beauty appears as the dissolution in this eternal flow.

>> No.12772959


>> No.12772980

Either one

>> No.12773716

Can you post the fucking piece already?

>> No.12774285

A related article

>> No.12774888

>Mishima, Hitler, Jesus
Quite the list you got there buddy

>> No.12775475

Which is your favorite of the tetralogy?

>> No.12775513

It’s debatable if he’s gay, maybe just homoerotic. He also has plenty of books concerning heterosexual love as well. It seems more an obsession with and sexual manifestation of his desire for a beautiful death. A lot of the homoerotic imagery in his literature features the narrator (assumed to be him) identifying with the suffering and death of the object of their sexual desire and gaining that sexual gratification in the imagery of themselves in that position. It just so happens that Mishima is a man, so he fixates on himself (a man) as that object of sexual-masochistic desire.

If that all makes sense.

>> No.12775598

Myers Briggs is glorified horology, and nothing makes me cringe more than people talking about how the various star signs of personalities interact, as if they can actually tell who's what and that relationships are that easy to predict.

Replace that with Murakami and I'd agree. MIshima is pretty unknown in the West and his stuff has more in common with Oscar Wilde than weeb shit.

>> No.12776343


>> No.12776369

>Quite the list you got there buddy

Check em, trips. And yes I know don't forget the ENTP's as well.

Yea that actually genuinely makes sense man, for one who has not read much of Mishima this helps. His struggle to reach that ideal. Possibly spawning from an inner shame of cowardice.

>Myers Briggs is glorified horology, and nothing makes me cringe more than people talking about how the various star signs of personalities interact, as if they can actually tell who's what and that relationships are that easy to predict.

I agree sociology is for the most part autistic but as I have said it is falsity mixed with truth. MBTI (although more so Jung's original) do have the ability to gab an essential character about the individual. Although judging people we don't know too much about is most likely going to be incorrect.

>> No.12776496

>implying this isn't every novel writer ever

>> No.12776544

Relationship compatibility at its core generally comes down to shared values. Myers briggs just converts and simplifies this shared personality trait, for example the op said ENTP and INFJ are highly compatible, this could be because they both have an Intuition function as 1st, and both share Extraverted Feeling. Both partners sharing Fi or Fe will usually get along well and understand eachother.

Fe looks for the external societal value of morals when they make value judgements. Fi looks for their own individual emotional experience before making that judgement

for example, you might notice Fe users "fake" emotions if you are a Fi user, while an Fe user will not as deeply sympathize with an Fi user, but would first react to what is socially appropriate.

Ne and Ni functions are inverse too. Ni users will find Ne users scatterbrained but interesting, while Ne users will find Ni users unrealistic or dreamlike.

Again not OP btw but feelsgood to see another Myers-Bro

>> No.12776599

stop posting

>> No.12777060

keep reading autist.

>> No.12777942

Complete horseshit past the first sentence. Replace ENTP and INFJ with Libra and Gemini and that wouldn't be out of place at the back of a newspaper. Myers Briggs is not accepted anywhere outside the business community, and that community is well known for their weirdness and use of bad pop psychology.

If you are genuinely interested in this look into OCEAN. It is accepted in psychology and has a lot less problems, but unlike Myers Briggs you don't come out of it with a 4 letter identity, rather your place on various scales of openness etc.

Yeah Jung is cool, from the little I know of his work.

>> No.12777965

>lift for years
>>turbo manlet so should see massive gains
>still end up looking like somebody that does pull ups every once in a while and nothing more
How low was this dude's testosterone level?

>> No.12777971

read >>12770840

>> No.12778041

Mishima was in way better shape than this guy

>> No.12778057

its just an example of a low body fat body