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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 894 KB, 1632x1212, political-art_schmertzleroccupypoliticsjpg-4534962d6a8564d0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12763170 No.12763170 [Reply] [Original]

more like this, /lit?




i want access to more academic/expert/cultivated reading lists that deal with power and politics. so far these two guys offer the best reading lists i've come across--where does /lit find their obscure/elite political knowledge?

>> No.12763285

First, read Foucault alongside primary sources. It is mandatory if you do not want to lose it entirely. Reading exclusively primary sources takes its toil. There is NOTHING to ready you for the insanity that ensues a good and deeper reading into the nature of our society. Which is why you must ground yourself in Foucault.

I am quite familiar with the CIA after almost a decade of investigation. I've came up with a saying to summarize it all:
There no CIA agents, only reagents.
It is crucial to understand what it means. Philosophy died and it was replaced by the CIA. All these statements sound schizophrenic at best, but there is no way around it. The way power operates is newish and our psyche have not fully reached the next cultural development milestone to comprehend and apprehend the innerworkings of the so-called ruling institutions. "Elite political knowledge" as you put it, is unexplainable as of right now. It is an entirely new philosophical paradigm, a raw concoction of occult esoteric knowledge, scientifism(?), dialectic... See? It already does not make sense. Most of these *cannot* be reconciled, to our juvenile psyche that is. The concotion will turn into a delicate nectar eventually, once it had the time to decant. I wish I was more articulate, english isn't my native tongue too, because this particular topic has infinite, unexplored depth to it. You want to dive into it? Foucault and CIA declassified papers is the first step. I would highly recommend going for declassified shit about a topic you are interested in, which is how I got into the CIA in the first place. I was big into counter-culture, psych rock, huxley and drugs when I was a teen. Then I moved on to psychiatry, psychology, behaviorism.. all that jazz. All of these can be traced back to the CIA.

Keep in mind; There are no CIA agent, only reagents.

>> No.12763292

Someone posted a thread with a pic about an anon who was deep into CIA reading about a week ago. Didn't have time to reply as it was deleted, I couldn't find it in the catalogue. So there are probably other /lit/ users who are knowledgeable on this topic.

>> No.12763301

Seek help.

>> No.12763341

I understand your concerns, but I am a 150iq student at the most prestigious literary school in France, so I'm think I'm doing fine kek. If you expected someone talking about the CIA and how power operates in our society to make sense, you are entirey misguided. I'm pretty sure the first greeks to come up with philosophical concepts were seen as complete looneys, which is inevitable really. Most of these concepts must have been quite juvenile in their interpretations too. Only pretentious and cowardly people like yourself dare not approach unexplored concepts and try to bring sense out of them. While you enjoy the comfort of your sterilized academic field of choice, exchanging with your most gentle and domesticated intellectual friends, I would rather dive into the unexplored and misunderstood parts of our society.

>He thinks politics writes itself. He thinks neoliberalism consciously assembles itself

>> No.12763354

>French academia
>pick one

>> No.12763392

Somebody post that +100 image collection of a public library which holds arcane knowledge, we /lit/plebs aren't worth of!

>> No.12763438

You seem to have a warped perspective and way of thinking. Your post implies that you perceive academia as forbidden or secret knowledge. And, that you fetishize the obscure.

It would perhaps be best to find an actual teacher since you are likely to misinterpret or misunderstand philosophy and social science in a potentially harmful way. But, since you're going to be looking for material, you might as well expose yourself to the following, rather than schizo ramblings, to avoid you culturing memetic hazards.

General philosophy (including political philosophy):

/lit/ Philosophy Project:

Example Academic Reading List:

>> No.12763472

True patrician class
Thank you for the window

>> No.12764225

Are you talking about DC anon?

>> No.12764278

you mean g_o_ w_r_?

>> No.12764300

You need to find your own path and end up making lists like that.

>> No.12764314

>It is crucial to understand what it means. Philosophy died and it was replaced by the CIA.
Power has always been prior to Philosophy. Why do some ideas catch on and not others? Well, some power center found them useful to promote.

>> No.12764318


pennington is the real DC anon

rapture LARPS as this dude, and somebody else/others post photos from his library occasionally

>> No.12764899

>you mean g_o_ w_r_?
whats this anon

>> No.12764991
File: 87 KB, 1022x474, CgQ8mDTUUAABC7d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Adam Curtis' Blog is gr8 if you enjoy connecting the dots


Great Wiki containing lots of free books on anthropology, theory, avant garde art, cybernetics, technology, scans of publications ranging from the vorticist newsletter Blast to the whole earth catalog and 90s cyberpunk zines.


Suzanne Treister- Hexen 2.0 Schizo's Tarot.

>> No.12764995
File: 79 KB, 489x800, PentaclesKing_EconCyb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12765080
File: 53 KB, 397x283, full-spectrum cynicism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12765152

based homeless guy on the library computer

>> No.12765528

based NPC

>> No.12766052
File: 6 KB, 188x267, Gramsci.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my diary desu

>> No.12766291

What an anti-Semitic picture..

>> No.12766548

I want more academic sources

>> No.12766993


>> No.12767005

Pin shin

>> No.12767029
File: 59 KB, 490x800, TAROT_WofF-Cybernetics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12767215


shalizi's are great but all over the place

pennington's are comprehensive and exhaustive but more limtied

are there other academics out there that are more balanced? are there institutions that do this? i know places like yale and oregon have PhD level reading lists, but these tend to be pretty general still and cover just major names--who else covers obscure stuff?

>> No.12768889


>> No.12769275

glowworm library. there was another thread where people proved it was a hoax cooked up by some assistant professor. i mean it's not a "hoax" per se, the library exists, but the hype around it is entirely manufactured. it's not "elite knowledge" but some trust fund kid who bought every book in those "Top 100" lists you find online

>> No.12769620


rapture is the hoax; the library straight up exists. the guy who runs it i doubt come son 4chan, but you can go to the website right now--his photos are legit and his reading lists are honestly some of the best i've seen

i think the hype around it generated here is false but the operation seems real--he's openly associated with stanford/cornell