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12761295 No.12761295 [Reply] [Original]

>want to become a published author
>terrified of having a Wikipedia entry

Anybody relate to this?

>> No.12761299

Don’t worry, you’ll never have one

>> No.12761300

I'm just worried that bibliographers will discover that I lied about my ancestry and which school I went to

>> No.12761309

Tell your family to keep it edited the way you want then

>> No.12761833

90% of non-/trash/ authors have "Anon, born in 1992, is a british writer. His works have been labeled as pretentious pomo schtick. He has no wife and children." as their wiki entry anyway.

>> No.12762451

>am famous writer
>try to edit my Wikipedia page so that it can be more accurate
>edits get rejected by moderators because I didn't specify my sources

>> No.12762458

you wont get published dont worry about it

>> No.12763368

>published author

Might as well try becoming a terrestrial radio jockey.
What fucking decade do you think you're in?

Upload your .pdf to a service that gives out ISBNs, sell through Amazon. There, you're done.

>> No.12763386
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If this man can make it, you should be able to aswell

>> No.12763396

my aggressively middlebrow undergrad creative writing professor has a wiki page and it's pretty much just a reformatted resume

some of you will probably have wiki pages someday but there's no way it'll be anything more than what ol kevin has

>> No.12763409

>want to become a self published author
>cant write book

>> No.12763623

>want to become a published author
>don't know how to read
hwoasok kofajwi fkaljwo jfopa

>> No.12763830

brutal jesus

>> No.12763845

I for one look forward to being outed as a rapist

>> No.12763853

I am kind of afraid of being accused of racism (or whatever) online; I don't "Anon accused of racism in controversial new article" to be floating around the top page of my Google results for the rest of my life.

>> No.12763858

I have an encyclopedia dramatica entry, what are you worried about?

>> No.12763869


>> No.12763879

lol who are you fag

>> No.12763882
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>want to become a published author
>terrified of having my diary desu in a Wikipedia entry

>> No.12763996

>Want to become published author
>Don't want to appear in public at all or have pictures taken of me because I am a sperg

>> No.12764002

most published authors don't have wikipedia entries.

You guys know how fucking easy it is to get "published?" jesus fuck. That's how fucking pathetic you are. A lot of magazines will specifically say what they're looking for in their next issue. WRITE THAT.

Secondly, being a "published author" is no big deal. Dorks think the world is going to open up for them once they get published. Once you actually do get published you realize that you're still a common nobody, and this is just like step 2 of 100 towards getting fame and riches through publishing.

>> No.12764004

source it as "my diary desu"

>> No.12764009
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>having to do a speech when i win a big award

>> No.12764037

When I become famous, I'm going to walk around in a big latex suit and have a mask similar to what Daft Punk wears and stilts so no one can guess who I am.

>> No.12764060

I'm going to be the first author who chugs a beer and fires a machine gun during his nobel speech

>> No.12764069

just use a pen name pleb truth is your shit isn't going to be read by anyone anyway

>> No.12764084

Been called a rapist twice and moved to a different town. Makes me pretty scared to make music or anything else again. Don’t ever date feminists guys because they’ll say you raped them if you break their black hearts.

>> No.12764089

Or do what a few fuckers did: all the way evil.

That is the only reason a washed out painter, an r9khv, an S&M buttbandit aristo and an unironic samurai larper are read.

>> No.12764101

That's why you roleplay rape scenarios and record it.

>> No.12764103

>Anon was born in London into a secular Jewish family.[3]

>> No.12764122

The only thing that kept me out of court was the fact that I had recorded the crazier one threatening me if I didn’t do what she wanted ( to continue dating her ).