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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 293 KB, 640x877, C89A0B9DE7E648B4B5093A1E26CDAF40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12758653 No.12758653 [Reply] [Original]

So... is he unironically get zoomers to start with the greeks?

>> No.12758659

This thread will have many replies.

Butterfly if you’re reading this, I think your jewelry is cute :3

>> No.12758675

I hate you PewDiePie, I know that you're reading this board, I hate the way you are, I hate that you have the mental age of a 16 year incel, I really hate you so much that I subscribed to that indian music company, I don't even like indian music but I hate you for ruining internet and literature you fucking cunt go back to your freeze blonde shithole you call home bitch

>> No.12758681


>> No.12758685

Based and redpilled.

>> No.12758690
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hi discord trannies

>> No.12758744


There is no way she is not going to like that comment

>> No.12758769

I also hate PewdiePie because some hacker keeps sending "Sub to Pewds" throughout the entire multiplayer servers.
Pretty sure it's some autistic Rockstar employee having a laugh though.

>> No.12758772
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>entire GTA5 Online multiplayer servers

>> No.12758775
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>16 year old incel

>> No.12758786
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Reminder that Pewdiepie is not white.

>> No.12758802

>I lieg stashues!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.12758813

oh of course, realizing what a pathetic piece of shit pewdiepie is makes you a "Discord tranny"
go suck a cock faggot

>> No.12758814


>> No.12758815

>tfw you will never get a cute based superior mediterranean gf even though you're retarded just like pdp
why am i even on this planet, o sacred god of mine

>> No.12758825

Why is the guy who screams at horror games telling 12 year olds to read Plato?

>> No.12758831

>I still live in 2012

>> No.12758839

Yes, the last time I paid attention to PewDiePie was in 2012 when I was thirteen.

>> No.12758841

Is he implying that the Republic is satire or that he agrees with "tyranny?" It's hard to tell.

>> No.12758853

its almost like 7 years is a long time.

>> No.12758862
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>be PewDiePie
>be a weeaboo
>want to appear intelligent and not have people think you're just a stupid anime fan (which you are) so you google the most critically acclaimed Japanese writers



>> No.12758866

Hey, I was 13 in '12 as well :) Want to be friends?

>> No.12758871
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>> No.12758973

yeah, long enough to become a pretentious posturing maggot.

>> No.12758982


>> No.12758986

pewdiepie is fine by me.

>> No.12758998

cringe and underagepilled

>> No.12759004

i'm almost 40 and i wouldn't be embarrassed to call him my son

>> No.12759024

How could you have a 29 year old son at 40?

>> No.12759031

the nords were just at a different stage of development, they've obviously made up for that with the development of modern europe largely deriving from them, the meds were in the same boat once

>> No.12759033

back in the days, if they sat you on a chair and your feet reached the floor, you were considered old enough to be a family man.

>> No.12759052

puberty hits earlier around 11 and you somehow find a women to fuck

>> No.12759056

Get a job

>> No.12759067

i'm unironically a therapist

>> No.12759074

Unironically this

>> No.12759103

Get a real job, you hermaphrodite

>> No.12759159
File: 145 KB, 812x1226, ec28fd5a0173890056b87239ca3e1fe7-napoleon-emperor of france.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but his proposed model state would just be tyranny by another Name
oh no a non-democracy how terrible

>> No.12759165


>> No.12759182

Are you Jordan Peterson?

>> No.12759212

What does it feel like to sell snake oil to people who doens't now any better ?

>> No.12759234


>> No.12759263

This post was written by Bhushan Kumar

>> No.12759327

well that explains your retardation

>> No.12759452
File: 3.46 MB, 1091x1332, rip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dislike this youtuber not because of his psuedo-intellectual posturing or his immature, quite frankly cringy content that caters to edgy teens and underdeveloped failsons alike. What I truly dislike is how his following has plagued the internet. You can not go on any forum or site without some brain dead Mongolian fuck telling you to "subscribe to pewdiepie" or unironically referring to him as "pewds" in some faux-endearing tone. It's embarrassing. His fans will have you believe that he has evolved, that the person who was playing slenderman and screaming at the television like an escaped asylum patient is no more, that now he is a sophisticated Übermensch who "gets it." The truth is that his adolescent viewers have grown up physically but remain mentally stagnant. They still enjoy the same brain dead schlocky entertainment they did as children but now they have dignity you see, now they must veil their immaturity behind a veneer of irony and intellectualism. They must spread their delusions to the masses enmasse, refusing to accept the putrid state of their being, failing to realize that their minds have remained still from when they first started watching these videos. Instead they live in fantasy and trade in delusions, undeniably, they are not simply content to writhe in their escapist filth but they must pull others down into the muck. The will not be satisfied until this mass hysteria has successfully permeated the mind of every individual on the internet. Indeed, this is an issue of ideology and idolatry. I merely dislike the youtuber but I truly despise his acolytes for they are the ones who do his bidding and it is due to them that I can't shitpost on this misbegotten hellhole for two seconds without seeing a thread about this guy. If the lord smote every single one of these individuals it would to be far too kind. One can only hope that these foolish individuals come to their senses one day and finally grow up. It is much more likely however that the whole of humanity while enjoin in their escapist delusions, and that my friends will surely mean the end of us and the end of what little life remains on this wretched planet. Steel your souls and sage.

>> No.12759570 [DELETED] 

His tweet doesn't really mean anything. The only reason it doesn't appear stupid is that the tweet he is replying to is frustratingly idiotic and myopic, and it is a fairly common "criticism" of the Republic. It amounts to this: "I glossed over the parts of the Republic that focused on education, the soul, forms, music, poetry, and Justice, and instead read the dialogue for the sole purpose of criticizing the city's regime because of "muh tyranny" and "muh socialism". I mainly wanted to sound well-read in political debates."

>> No.12759579

Cringe but also based and redpilled

>> No.12759603
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>More children being told to read is somehow a bad thing

>> No.12759813
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That would be cool. A rising tide raises all ships

>> No.12759824

The propaganda in the West is so strong that people literally cannot comprehend that something other than a Democracy/Republic might be better.

>> No.12760023

I'd also be embarrassed to date a Med.

>> No.12760027

Cringe and cringepilled

>> No.12760029
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>> No.12760033

turn on the location pewds I want to fight you pussy

>> No.12760127

This post was written by a 20 year old incel.

>> No.12760184

Did he take this video down or something? I've heard a lot about him having a retarded take on Kierkegaard but can't find the video anywhere

>> No.12760188

pewdiepie has good taste in books.

>> No.12760200

Ive never seen someone unironically seethe so hard on a blue board before. Chill out, none of what you said matters.

>> No.12760204

>t. 20yo psude

>> No.12760210


>> No.12760368

Pewdiepie should read some Popper

>> No.12760392

ill stop posting frogs if you faggots stop posting about this tremendous homosexual

>> No.12760404

this is dumb. he’s just encouraging people to read. sorry people are finding out about your top secret books.

>> No.12760408

where were you when pewdiepie made reading a hip activity.

>> No.12760419

Good reply.

>> No.12760435

He seems to genuinely think that The Republic is Plato advocating tyranny with philosophic reasoning.

He should read Atlas Shrugged instead as it would blow his tiny fucking mind.

>> No.12760454
File: 9 KB, 264x200, HomerTroy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its great to see but its not like its the first time literature has been mentioned in pop culture

>> No.12760455

yo, that's an edgy opinion you have there

>> No.12760458

The Simpsons has referenced Pynchon multiple times but nobody rushed out and read him because of Homer.

>> No.12760462

Yeah, but Pewds literally tells people to read, read a lot, and read these specific books. Which is a good thing.

>> No.12760489

So does /lit/ and look how that's turned out

>> No.12760668

t. bitch lasagna

>> No.12760674

Is there a single entertaining video this guy has put out?

>> No.12760760

Some post butterfly's jewelry

>> No.12760780

no it's not, it just creates more annoying pseuds

>> No.12760782

t. underage pewdiepie cocksucker

>> No.12760787

It´s either/or

>> No.12760789
File: 272 KB, 855x561, pewdiepiebgkumbi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hey PewDiePie, it's me, BG Kumbi. Please respond to my videos about you again. I need to hit 100k subs. Thank you!

>> No.12760809

lol'd at the responses because half of /lit/ needs therapy and the other half needs euthanasia

>> No.12760817
File: 220 KB, 613x521, goToWorkSlave.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using incel as an insult
Keep being bluepilled you cucked trash of a human.

>> No.12760849

Discord tranny on suicide watch

>> No.12760855
File: 41 KB, 554x554, D6B520E6-5986-48FD-A05A-BA97ED4277D8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12760979

have sex

>> No.12761040

Incel is an insult
.t volcel

>> No.12761045

i prefer the right

>> No.12761060

>unironically being a monarchist in 2019
Literally "Daddy Issues: the Ideology"

>> No.12761206


>> No.12761225

Then isn't it the perfect government for 2019?

>> No.12761344


>> No.12761349

Most people here want to pretend you can't find Mishima or Dazai by searching Japanese literature. They aren't /lit/s secret

>> No.12761359

We'll be OK as long as he doesn't find out about Infinite Jest

>> No.12761365
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>> No.12761373
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>> No.12761388

For one second I thought you were describing /lit/

>> No.12761390

It's been always like this, fool
If you told someone in the XVII century that monarchy is shit you would be execrated

>> No.12761614

I mean, he's diving head-first into books like Beyond Good and Evil and Either/Or without the slightest preparation. He's bound to misunderstand it.

>> No.12761632

>le Plato was merely pretending meme
Enough of this weakass apologism.

>> No.12761671

Healthy 9-year-old goes to Youtube, gets pumped with massive content of many creators, doesn't feel good and changes - PLATO. Many such cases!

>> No.12761745

>doens't now

>> No.12761787


>> No.12761953

>YouTube celebrity leads a lot of normies to read quality literature
>on /lit/, this is somehow a bad thing

Why are you so bitter and elitist?

>> No.12761958


>> No.12761967
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>quality literature

>> No.12761972
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>next up

>> No.12761982

a lot of his books are actually on /lit/'s top 100 ;)

>> No.12762005


We found him ladies and gentlemen, the true Scotsman.

>> No.12762207

What is the specific age range that gets spergy over pewdiepie? I'm 22 and I think I would kill myself if I loved a blond retard this much.

>> No.12762214

And by love of course I mean what most of these snobs have on display in this thread.

>> No.12762278

It's unironically on his reading list

>> No.12762294
File: 85 KB, 1023x682, 1551883510566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"is he unironically get zoomers to start with the greeks?"
>He read Kierkegaard and Nietzsche first

>> No.12762351


>> No.12762388

Genuine question: Why is this a bad thing? Why does the intention matter when consuming literature? Let's say for instance it is posturing, and the only reason he reads is out of a desperate desire to seem smart. Are he and his followers not affected by the source material?

>> No.12762391

She looks exactly how i thought she did.
Fucking terrible.

>> No.12762393
File: 80 KB, 831x920, 1552498421166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's perpetuating the Spectacle, man

>> No.12762434

I'm not sure what you mean, and I know nothing of "the Spectacle". What does this have to do with intentions while reading?

>> No.12762565

The only preperarion for Either/Or you need is a state of existential dread you shithead

>> No.12762567

pretty based post

>> No.12762571

It's okay guys he still doesn't know about The Leopard.Unless his Italian wife tells him about it,that is.

>> No.12762580

>based greeks: hey dudes lets sit around and make up hypothetical state, maybe it will help us to better understand the nature of justice

>> No.12762585


>> No.12762592

that ain't her tho

>> No.12762943

who is that?

>> No.12763044

Are we sure this person doesn't have a penis?

>> No.12763051

>varg is norwegian

>> No.12763258
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>also retarded soi faggots: If you read something, it must mean you agree with it!!

>> No.12763268


>> No.12763507

Elon Musk. Meme review.

>> No.12763525


>> No.12763577

I used to think he was being 100% non-pseudy and sincerely just wanted to get kids to read, but then I saw his Baudrillard video.