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File: 541 KB, 3520x1510, 00139376-87F8-4175-B995-8B8A7BA9851E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12752048 No.12752048 [Reply] [Original]

Is it pathetic that I get deep meaning out of Star Wars?

>> No.12752069

What is that deep meaning?

>> No.12752080

no. It’s not profound, but it’s still fairly well made.

>> No.12752086

Of course not

>> No.12752099

Very broad themes of good and evil, redemption, living in the moment etc, so simple a child could understand

>> No.12752124

This. Lucas drew on ancient and modern stories, the nature of good and evil and the myth of the eternal recurrence, Jungian archetypes and the hero's journey. Moreover, it's fairly entertaining (whether deliberately or unintentionally) which should be the aim of any narrative.

>> No.12752209


>> No.12752418

>eternal recurrence
How so?

>> No.12752513

Certainly not. Its structure is pretty deep. It's just played for simple kids/family entertainment.

>> No.12752563

it is the foundational epic of the one world culture of the 22nd century. Unironically the most impactful art piece of the 20th.

>> No.12752576

Only if the deep meaning is that it's one of the most distilled, perfect examples of filmmaking that exists.

>> No.12753792


>> No.12753800

what "deep meaning" did you get out of Last Jedi?

>> No.12753812

This film brought us the blockbuster mentality, which is still fucking with film to this day. You can thank Lucas for the groundwork for any shitty capeshit you've ever heard of.

>> No.12753825
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I've never watched Stars Wars before. Is it good?

>> No.12754216

Not really. You can get deep meaning out of any story if you read deeply enough into it.

>> No.12754222

Yes and no. Taste is a fool.

>> No.12754240

God is dead.

>> No.12754269

Original trilogy is better than 95% of anime.

>> No.12754285

So are hemorrhoids.

>> No.12754287

If you like any kind of manchild media such as games, anime, comics or board games then you will enjoy it

>> No.12754295


Whether we as an audience like it or not, George Lucas's Star Wars Trilogy is but a perversion of one of the hallmarks of American ideology, I am of course speaking of rebellion.
For example, the main protagonist of the Trilogy, Luke Skywalker, quickly aligns himself with the opposing force fighting against The Galactic Empire, appropriately called The Rebellion, while simultaneously fulfilling the role as the 'under-dog' in all respects, given his humble beginnings, and so on. However, the most well-known fault of his, it being that his own father is but a powerful figure in The Galactic Empire, I'm of course talking of Vader, entirely paralyzes the idea of him truly being a rebel.

What the audience fails to see though, is that they themselves, though they want Luke to win at the end of the Trilogy, they never truly can fully associate themselves with Luke, because they are always connected to a Vader in their life, or what Lacant calls, the big other.

>> No.12754308


Thus, we are doomed to live our confusing lives, just as Luke is, trying to escape from this Big Other, rebelling in a sense, and the individuals who claim to be helping in this rebellion, in this instance Yoda, are really preparing you for this big other.

Even at the end of the Trilogy, a hologram of what is believed to be Vader, is still watching over Luke. But, because of all of Luke's mental preparation, the big other is now appeared to be overcome, all because of the notion of rebellion.

>> No.12754314

Our whole reality can be traced back to 70s California and starwars just reeks of that particular place and moment in time. A journey to the depths of the boomer subconscious. Vague 'eastern' spirituality as a cover for narcissism, the collective trauma (and romantic idealisation) of WWII and the Bomb, obvious Jungian and Campbellian influences, imagery imported wholesale from Kurosawa and Frank Herbert's dune. The nostalgic relapse to childhood(wasnt Lucas also the man behind American Graffitti)
Fond memories of Flash Gordon serials. (https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=AlEWl3igd0c)) Starwars' 'used future' of rusty spaceships is the dreaming of an industrial society growing conscious of its own age. Deindustrialization and ecological catastrophe entered the public consciousness in the 70s. The hero's journey as the ur model of postfordist subjectivity.

Thats also why the original trilogy's success has been too hard to replicate. The prequels represent a further enclosure within Lucas own boomer neuroses beyond what's comfortable for most people. While the recent sequels are a managerial focus group product, carefully designed to tick off all the boxes, nostalgia, diversity and inclusion requirements. JJ Abrams blaming the lukewarm fan reception on Russian disinformatsiya KGB ops. Exhaustion of 20th century mythologies.

>> No.12754462
File: 576 KB, 621x390, Screen Shot 2019-03-13 at 10.56.21 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its pathetic that I get deep meaning out of 70s soft rock?

File next to the whole earth catalog, Christopher Lasch's cultural criticism, Altman's Nashville, the apollo program, Jimmy Carter, Carly Simon, moebius(and 70s fantasy art in general), and it suddenly starts making a scary amount of sense.


>> No.12754593
File: 154 KB, 516x572, Screen Shot 2019-03-13 at 12.05.42 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The setting is no longer ''the future'' but "A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away....". Compare the NO FUTURE chorus in the sex pistols 1977 hit single God Save the Queen. Collapse of temporality. Commodification of Nostalgia,


>> No.12754671

deep isnt the right word for its meaning, but every maturing kid should see the binary sunset scene

>> No.12756124

It is buddhist in nature and very obviously so. Jedi are space monks. It is actually a religious story set in pseudo futuristic setting. It often purpusfully does not make sense (a light saber is blatently archaic and unneffective), just to convey a mythical aesthetic. Jabba the hutt is basically a muslim with a harem. Corussant is a modern city but amplified. Despite being sci fi it is more of a mirror image of todays society.

Jung is a total hack and pseud btw

>> No.12756156

>Jung's a hack and pseud?
How come? Genuinely curious

>> No.12756849

It's kind of slow like Jacky Brown or an old western.
Other than that, it's perfect.

>> No.12757583

Because anon didn't get it.

>> No.12757652
File: 114 KB, 920x592, RogerDean3PR040411-920x592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12757707

idk about "deep" in any sort of articulate sense, but Luke meeting Yoda on Dagobah in Empire and that whole sequence had a profound influence on me.

>> No.12757762

Original trilogy is bretty gud. The prequels are fun. The newer stuff is just generic hollywood trash.

>> No.12757818

>thinks it's buddhist
>still calls Jung a hack

It's quite clearly Taoist, the force is the Tao, the balance of good and evil (yin and yang), etc. Whilst the Jedi were based on Shaolin Monks who were Buddhist, they are a very Taoist flavour of Buddhism.

I think it's more likely that he was not influenced by Jung but by myths that had said archetypes and maybe his (((collective consiousness))).

>> No.12757838


>> No.12757853

dude I love this art

>> No.12757879

No. Stories are meant to do that. If you don't get deep meaning out of a story, it's not worth your time, or you need to grow.

>> No.12757885

>I think it's more likely that he was not influenced by Jung
Lucas was taught by Campbell, who was a student of Jung.

>> No.12757904
File: 185 KB, 1120x700, b6cbe071fa8a194f0ff9d7ef845f1e5b-700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Roger Dean, he did album art for YES, ASIA among other prog rockers. People forget hippies were really into Jung, Tolkien, California was the meeting place of East and West, SF and Fantasy, Cybernetics and Counterculture, narcissism and ego death fusion with the universe. Even Deleuze and Guattari took in Jung via Californian cybernetic zen. Jordan B Peterson is 70s man af. What is the esoteric meaning of boomerism?

>> No.12757934


>> No.12757954
File: 615 KB, 1089x889, IMG_1497.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Top shelf thread, OP.

>> No.12757964

What was the symbolic significance of that scene in your mind? Coming of age? Are the dual suns somehow important symbolically, too?

>> No.12757975
File: 222 KB, 1024x640, Roger-Dean-Freyjas-Castle-1024x640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it has the same eerie numinous feel as early computer generated graphics, though it is actually hand painted

>> No.12757980

Been reading a lot about this subculture lately. It's becoming something of an obsession to see how all these art movements and worldviews collided. I became vaguely familiar with it through Mad Men, but didn't realize the full scope of it until last year. Any book recommendations?

>> No.12757985

Looks similar to the Star Wars concept art. Same guy?

>> No.12758059


>> No.12758063
File: 87 KB, 1022x474, CgQ8mDTUUAABC7d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The whole earth catalog
From Counterculture to Cyberculture by Fred Turner
The Minimal Self by Christopher Lasch
War and Peace in the Global Village- Marshall McLuhan and Quentin de Fiore
Steps to an Ecology of Mind- Gregory Bateson
In Watermelon Sugar by Richard Brautigan
PKD's work of the 70s and 60s

what have you read? I'm not an expert, just following what Bateson referred to as ''the pattern which connects''

>> No.12758260

one executive was so wound up that he forever abandoned his three piece suit, put on jeans, allowed his hair to grow and forever remained here as an... uh gardner


>> No.12758271

Honestly, just Wikipedia. I wouldn't have time to do anything else if I read all the work I was interested in, I just like to see how the dots connect.

>> No.12758427

Nah, Lucas is just a hack. The "morality" is brainlet-tier, the themes moronic and on the nose. I liked it as a kid, but it's cringe now.

>> No.12758502

it's better than any anime, the only ones i know of that come even remotely close are
1) akira
2) dragon ball
3) jojo's bizarre adventure
4) logh

>> No.12758509


>> No.12758545

Oh I just realized why you and trip mentioned anime because of that pic I posted.
I don't actually watch anime. I just used the pic to shitpost on a different board.
What's logh?

>> No.12758593
File: 239 KB, 1000x1392, 1513602814892.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah star wars is deep man....

>> No.12758655

No. If youre sincere and it genuinely spoke to you, I think that's great.

But it's pathetic that you concern yourself with what others think. You don't need anyone's approval about this kind of shit.

>> No.12758701

legend of the galactic heroes

>> No.12758714

it's comfy

>> No.12758773

LOGH is the patrician space epic of choice which discusses more realistic themes such as democracy vs. monarchism on their own terms, bu without all the hamfisted Good and Evil schlock.

>> No.12758889

>What is LOGH
The war and peace of anime

>> No.12758902

>bu without all the hamfisted Good and Evil schlock.
Sounds pretty nice. Reminds me of video game factions that I like. I'd read it if it has a comic.

>> No.12758992

There are a series of novels currently being translated, but the anime is better.

>> No.12759010

Hi there!

You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of 4chan are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!

Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bait to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!

>> No.12759504

Jungs archetypes are vague and not at all universal or timeless. Synchronicity is basically L ron hubbard levels of stupid woo. But the best reason is that it does not hold up to any scientific method. The archetypes and his entire breed of psychoanalysis are absolutely free of any tangible real world application. His psychoanalysis is incredibly naive, archaic and conservative (as in conserves pre scientific biases). Freud was rigorous and tried to stay scientific. Thats why atleast some of his ideas survived (talk therapy for example). Jung gave the world nothing of merit. Him not existing would not change anything. His entire body of work is useless, esoteric bullshit. But I get why he is popular. He has the aura of a mystic and probably gives people a sense of higher meaning. He is pure shite if you are actually live in the 21. century

>> No.12759610

Freud is gay, and so are you. Jung may be nonsense, but at least it's interesting nonsense.

>> No.12759633

Cool. I don't know what I'm supposed to do with this information, anon.

>> No.12759642

>le scientism prevails
Go back to plebbit you flaming faggot
I don't even like Jung and I see you're clearly ignorant

>> No.12759770

This scientisim creates real world results you sperg. This has nothing to do with reddit you plebian. I like descartes kant and hegel. Not Mckenna, jung and peterson. See the difference? Jung is literally an intellectual astrologist. I am not into naive realism ("scientims" xD). But if you create a methodology about concrete reality that does not hold up, you are probably full of shit. Psychoanalysts experimented with real people, so they should be held acountable like a scientist and not like a philosopher. Else I could make high and mighty claims about archetypes and "heal" people with gibberish. Know what thats called? Scientology

>> No.12759786

Ever notice how it’s the same movie every time? The republic, the rebels, the new republic, they’re always trying to destroy a giant super weapon. Galaxy constantly needs to be wrestled away from some extra-burnt top sausage

>> No.12759814
File: 367 KB, 810x810, 683F622C-821A-4402-A56B-A132BB74B765.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Akira, yes. But the others? Fuck that. I’m talking Ghibli

That’s because you’re cringe now.

Oh. W/e

>> No.12759823

Okay butterfly if you weren’t masturbating then why were all of your posts shortened immediately to one word responses and then a pause interrupted your posting?

BUTTERFLY IM ON TO YOU. I think you should just give in at this point

>> No.12759835

I mean I guess I’m overreacting? She’s not exactly directly responding to me... wait a second you responded to me earlier though?!?

Hmmmm very interesting butterfly, so I think it’s time to masturbate


Contemplating the divine and the demiurge has made it seem apparent that it’s time to masturbate

>> No.12760538


>> No.12760603

one sun sets (his youth) as another (his destiny) rises.

>> No.12760615

Star Wars is profundity for the lot, shiny surface, but nothing beyond that. The original trilogy in particular, the one that's revered in contrast to the newer stuff, is truly as bland as anything that follows. It's all basically just a standard hollywoodian capeshit made with the 80s standards. The deepest level Star Wars has ever reached is in a video game KotOR2, which speaks volumes about the overall quality of the story.
If you're just stitching together a bunch of written and tacit mythologies together, and without any particular aim other than to make it a good-vs-evil epic saga, then all you get is entertainment. The deep insight you claim to be drawing is incidental and imagined, you're reading too deep into it.