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12754204 No.12754204 [Reply] [Original]

Books about finding authentic meaning in life in this here postmodern world?

>> No.12754217

Endless jape by Davy fester

>> No.12754227

My diary tbdesu

>> No.12754236


Neverending Larks by Dave Waltz

>> No.12754273

The Bible

>> No.12754286

The Qur'an, by Allah, with Muḥammad ibn ʿAbdullāh

>> No.12754293

why do you think there is no meaning in life?

>> No.12754301

If I though that then why would I be searching?

>> No.12754304
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"Laughs Gallanty and points to a book grasped in your puny hands"

>You won't find the meaning of life in there!

>> No.12754307


>> No.12754315

why do you think there is meaning in life?
and what is this meaning? (better not be religious shit)

>> No.12754338

the meaning is doing whatever the fuck you want and not worrying what other people think. keyword "worrying" in the second part. you can still show interest if you want. it sounds cliche as fuck but that's literally it.

>> No.12754344

Why do you keep posting Chloe Swarbrick?

>> No.12754360

that's not meaning
and I already do what I want and don't give a fuck

>> No.12754362

this I have friends that know her, stop

>> No.12754367

Because I would do unspeakable things to her if she let me

>> No.12754372

DFW’s This is Water speech

>> No.12754378

are you content? if yes then you don't need meaning, either because you have it, or because you can go without it. if no then you clearly want something that you don't have/haven't done, in which case try getting/doing that.

>> No.12754391

>t. letzter mensch

>> No.12754395

>better not be religious shit
>meaning is doing what the fuck you want
>don’t give a fuck
This is truly a thread infested with teenagers

>> No.12754409

>t. hasn't read TSZ and just uses terminology for shitposting

>> No.12754436

>people were much happier when they had greater meanings in their lives

this is false, and the assumption that narratives played a large role in the purpose of people's lives is also untrue. "Great meanings" and its impact is purely conceptual.

>> No.12754441

Any arguments for your claims, Einstein?

>> No.12754448

sure thing buddy, you go back to Church and have fun molesting the little boys

>> No.12754467


>> No.12754469

I have personally met her, she's cuter in person.

>> No.12754483

Kek, I’m not Christian myself but just saying ‘better not be religious shit’ is so ridiculously close-minded that I can’t believe you’re actually not baiting.

>> No.12754530

I had a one night stand with Chloe Swarbrick. She's a prude inside and out. Even the pussy is gluten-free.

>> No.12754536

Pics or it didn't happen

>> No.12754605


>> No.12754992

you cannot argue for people's happiness or meaningfulness based on logic, the only reliable source material is literally asking ancient people about how they percieve their lives. And based on literature, I am pretty sure they thought life was as depressing as today. Only today we have the internet to endlessly circlekerk about "muh existential angst XD"

>> No.12755087

my diary senpai

>> No.12755160

I'm not an atheist. You don't need religion to believe in some sort of God.
opinion discarded, religion is shit

>> No.12755174

are you 14?

>> No.12755253

>green party memelord


>> No.12755284

Gave me a chuckle, 6.5/10

>> No.12755294

To live in accordance to God. If you want to take out the religious aspect of it then to do meaningful or fulfilling work as well as building and maintaining relationships with people.

>> No.12756498

This was before she was famous, like 5 years ago.

>> No.12756511

Julis Evola?

>> No.12756520
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>> No.12756535
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Heidegger, the last great philosopher

>> No.12756571

It is meaningless but the brain doesn't like unresolved meaning so you either inherit (religion, philosophy) or make (pursuit, craft) something to keep you too busy to bother with it

>> No.12756586

I've never heard of this girl before, but I looked her up and apparently she is from New Zealand, so I believe it. I've heard all the girls there are massive whores.

>> No.12756590

fucking pleb shit lol
go drink some monster and watch the new marvel movie, ape

>> No.12756627
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