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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 73 KB, 850x400, quote-you-will-never-know-the-feeling-of-a-driver-when-winning-a-race-the-helmet-hides-feelings-ayrton-senna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12753777 No.12753777 [Reply] [Original]

what are some examples of non-philosopher philosophers?

>> No.12753835
File: 101 KB, 602x401, main-qimg-665734954f7eb25c8109726e6decb004-senna-different-dimension-monaco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, /lit/?

>> No.12753849

god I hate athletes, psychologically they feel as if it is warfare, and that winning a car race is the same as a grueling victory over the enemy, truly pathetic self absorbed individuals

>> No.12753856

I would not really call this philosophy. He is addressing the issue of focus versus concentration, which is covered very well by Brian Enos in Practical Shooting Beyond Fundamentals. If you consider your two racing quotes to be philosophy then you will likely find Enos to be a sage.

>> No.12753861

Sam Hyde

>> No.12753871

What a dumb question. Anyone who expresses abstract thoughts could be considered a "non-philosopher philosopher"

>> No.12753876

Most of the best competitors I have ever known only truly competed against themselves. A lot of them had no idea how to compete against someone else. Of course, none of them were competing in any of the niggerball variants which are filled with people with this fault.

>> No.12753878


This absolute faggot cope. Do not say: "I've actually experienced combat." In this event, you are even more of a loser cuck faggot.

>> No.12753881

Yogi Berra, Johan Cruyff.

>> No.12753886

Not him, but listen to some of the interviews with niggerballers. Many speak as if anon's contention were true.

>> No.12753892

>worship people who kick ball or you are a LOSER FAGGOT

sounds like you just can't handle the fact that your heroes are actually egotistic nobodies

>> No.12753897

um george carlin and bill hicks xD

>> No.12753900
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>> No.12753902

you are missing the point (not him btw)
>god tier = warriors
>delusional tier = athletes
>shit tier = cunt who complains about athletes being delusional

>> No.12753904
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Dr. Goebbels

>> No.12753908

>pointing out an obvious flaw in society makes you worse than said flaw you point out

really smart anon

>> No.12753916

Shit tier = people who observe, form opinions and express them?

>> No.12753922

He didn’t make a general case for it, just said it applies to this situation in particular

>> No.12753926

Don't be such a contrarian, its obvious what his line of thinking would mean.

>> No.12753933
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>> No.12753942

>god tier = warriors
>delusional tier = athletes
>shit tier = cunt who complains about athletes being delusional
If I am shit tier then what is the tier below me that is complaining about my critique?

>> No.12753947

>god tier = warriors
>delusional tier = athletes
>shit tier = cunt who complains about athletes being delusional
>hellscape tier = people who complain about people complaining about athletes being delusional

>> No.12753954

>down the rabbit hole we go

>> No.12753962

Are racers even 'atheletes'? Nigga you sit in a car and press the gas pedal. It's about as physically demanding as me playing Starcraft

>> No.12753975

Even golf is considered a sport. Racing is way more of an athletic venture than golf.

>> No.12753988

athletes today basically just means a participant of a sport, we'll be calling professional gamers athletes soon

>> No.12754007
File: 34 KB, 330x549, orangutan-7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a modern f1 driver has the same fitness level as an olympic athlete and they lose 10kg per race

have you ever gone through that amount of physical exhaustion in your entire life?

>> No.12754014

yeah last night with ur mother

>> No.12754017

>god I hate shitposters, psychologically they feel as if it is warfare, and that winning an argument is the same as a grueling victory over the enemy, truly pathetic self absorbed individuals

>> No.12754027
File: 551 KB, 1600x1126, senna film.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>then you will likely find Enos to be a sage
Everybody already considers Senna to be a sage
Watch pic related and you'll see
It might not be >muh moral relativism dialectic materialism tier but it sure as hell isn't not philosophy

>> No.12754030

Shitposting has literally nothing to do with warfare, its a civilized mans game to be ironic and silly, the complete opposite of war. Sport is a caricature, a reenactment of warfare, something to sate the blood lust of man whilst attempting to retain his civility.

>> No.12754036

>a reenactment of warfare
I would consider it more of a parody.

>> No.12754043

t. never watched 80s racing

>> No.12754044

Then maybe you should read Enos as well.

>> No.12754078
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>/lit/ discussing motorsports
I knew I was surrounded by dweebs but not to this extent. Did somebody seriously compare racing a late 80s f1 car to playing statecraft?? You dumb faggots

>> No.12754084

be gentle with them, they don't know what they're talking about

>> No.12754110

true intellectuals talk about literally everything

>> No.12754144
File: 56 KB, 850x400, quote-life-is-5-what-happens-and-95-how-you-react-kanye-west-89-46-87.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12754147
File: 55 KB, 850x400, quote-everything-i-m-not-makes-me-everything-i-am-kanye-west-34-48-42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12754152
File: 54 KB, 850x400, quote-nothing-in-life-is-promised-except-death-kanye-west-31-17-74.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12754258


>> No.12754259

Goebbels was lying he hated Christcuckery

>> No.12754263

goebbels, who just believed what ever hitler did, thought jesus was an aryan freedom fighter against jewry, and that paul the jew corrupted his message

>> No.12754321 [DELETED] 
File: 59 KB, 768x512, bruce_lee_3206690-56a5ffd73df78cf7728ad4d0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Senna. Both him and Bruce Lee were too exceptional individuals to be left alive past 33/34. Together with Jesus Christ and Alexander of Macedon.

>> No.12754330

Faggot money-making machine block-head postmodernist athlete.
Those are probably not even his own words, some dickhead posted that fake quote pic on Facebook just to get likes.

>> No.12754335
File: 59 KB, 768x512, bruce_lee_3206690-56a5ffd73df78cf7728ad4d0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Senna. Both him and Bruce Lee were too exceptional individuals to be left alive past 33/34. Together with Jesus Christ and Alexander of Macedon. None of them left a heir child (Bruce Lee's son was also murdered).

>> No.12754471

nobody uses facebook anymore old man

>> No.12754503

Guy Debord- Comments on the society of the spectacle (1988)

>> No.12754583

This. Senna was pretty bad at Starcraft even for those times.

>> No.12754585
File: 76 KB, 850x400, fischerOnWomen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12755329

Truly one of America's greatest athletes.

>> No.12755356
File: 80 KB, 850x400, quote abbout fischer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Greatest chess player ever. He was more creative and hard working than the Ruskies.

Im prolly going to read this https://www.amazon.com/Bobby-Fischer-Comes-Home-Friendship-ebook/dp/B00IEOZ2N4

>> No.12755357


A girl saying "no no no, please no" to forced anal sex also makes him unstoppable

>> No.12755362

Shit b8

>> No.12755363

I mean Senna did die during a race

>> No.12755367

Slight giggle

>> No.12755382

It's better than larping.

>> No.12755622


>> No.12756176

Rene Guenon

>> No.12756191

Unironically philip k dick and his exegesis.

>> No.12756203
File: 111 KB, 717x463, 5DF8C1BE-EFDE-4CBA-BE0B-FF0D7307C384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yesterday I woke up sucking on a lemon

>> No.12756213

based as fuck

>> No.12756216

Miguel de Unamuno. His most famous works are fiction. Also, Shakespeare and Dostoiévski

>> No.12756542
File: 562 KB, 1000x689, 1552503534480.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he raped her
Yikes! Are you possibly from reddit?

>> No.12756775


There’s a change of e-mails by Ronaldo’s lawyers were they talk that he admitted that he forced himself on her, and also an interview by Ronaldo himself were he admits she said “no” multiple times. The lawyers were working with the clear fact that their client was guilty of a crime:


Also, it’s important to know that consent to sexual acts can be withdrawn at any time according to the law of most countries, and in the US. So if the girl went to his suite and his room but ended up saying no (even if they were kissing and making out before), it means that she isn’t consenting in having sex.

>> No.12756787

Some people (really most people) don't like rapists and would avoid associating with them.

>> No.12756802

Damn, those are all good quotes desu. Ok, third one is meh, but the first two are kino

>> No.12756903

aren't we all

>> No.12756957

You do know what board you’re on, right?

>> No.12756960

Alright, I just finished reading the entire article you sent me. I'll try to respond as concisely as possible but still not miss anything important.
>There’s a change of e-mails by Ronaldo’s lawyers were they talk that he admitted that he forced himself on her, and also an interview by Ronaldo himself were he admits she said “no” multiple times. The lawyers were working with the clear fact that their client was guilty of a crime
The entire article is based on one document and makes all it's point based on this one document. The document is a questionnaire that Ronaldo answered. There are two different versions of this questionnaire. One that basically says Ronaldo raped her and one that clears him. Der Spiegel claims they have the accurate unadulterated version. From the article I had no idea where they got this document from, but it says at the top it comes from a group called "Football Leaks". In 2016 and 2018 they put out massive leaks on corruption and other sinister documents. From what I found it was 7 million documents.

So my question is, do we know if Football Leaks actually reports truthfully? It's hard to say, how do you verify 7 million documents? This one document has been said by Ronaldos lawyers to be fake. Der Spiegels response? Prove it, basically prove your innocence which is ridiculous, nobody should have to prove a document is false if it is put up against you.

>Also, it’s important to know that consent to sexual acts can be withdrawn at any time according to the law of most countries, and in the US. So if the girl went to his suite and his room but ended up saying no (even if they were kissing and making out before), it means that she isn’t consenting in having sex.
Yes she is allowed to cut off sex in the middle of the act, I'm not denying it. I noticed one thing in the article though, the same document Der Spiegel uses to allege criminal activity against Ronaldo (the accurate one that is) says that she actually gave him a handjob and was for the most part very active. She might have said no to one particular act (anal) which Ronaldo should have stopped doing if she said so, but the problem is that she claimed that she never gave him the handjob. So if you're going to be using this document against Ronaldo, you're going to have to question her legitimacy as she has already lied once.

>> No.12756983

Honestly don't care and generally speaking most men don't care (privately) so long as he isn't a caricature of violence in public, whatever happens in closed doors is on the woman for poor judgement of picking the guy, so long as he didn't drag her there.

My neighbour is this horrible domestic violence type guy and yeah the woman (mid 30s) keeps fucking driving her car around to see him, she never actually leaves because she probably gets off to him being an absolute cunt, she has absolutely no reason to be there.

>> No.12757014

>She absolutely has no reason to be there
You've got a pea-brained perspective on domestic violence my friend. I think you're an asshole.

>> No.12757024

Alright, give it a go, give me 1 good reason why she endures this off her own accord.

>> No.12757029

>You've got a pea-brained perspective on domestic violence my friend. I think you're an asshole.
How is he an asshole for pointing out an obvious fact? You dont trust violent people, simple as. He is not an asshole for pointing out she is retarded for putting her dick in the shredder

>> No.12757030

Maybe she thinks he'll kill her if she leaves.

>> No.12757052

This is such an infantile response.
Kill someone? Do you have any idea how difficult that would be let alone to get away with it.
If someone wanted to kill you, you would leave and never come back.
Do you honestly think Stockholm syndrome can turn people into sleeper agents?
This guy gets it, play with fire and you get burnt, walk into the fire and you're a moron.

>> No.12757054

nerds are actually higher competitors then athletes. anon is just a faggot.

>> No.12757066

>People in domestic violence situations don't kill each other
this is infantile. People kill their spouses all the time and they usually don't get away with it. I know 2 women personally whose boyfriends tried to murder them before they finally left and got restraining orders.

>> No.12757081

>I know 2 women personally whose boyfriends tried to murder them before they finally left and got restraining orders.

>> No.12757091

Ever heard of Lorena Bobbitt

>> No.12757093

Yeah, that's what I'm saying, they don't get away with it. It's a null/void scenario. It's great that you know 2 women who almost got murdered, I've shaken hands with moon people.
If you're a woman and you get to the point where your "boyfriend" could want to murder you, you're a fucking idiot. Those women were fucking idiots for not leaving ASAP.
You are absolutely accountable for your own choices, even if that means not dealing with your problems.

>> No.12757101

>When somebody you love hits you its your fault
You're a real son of a bitch. This isn't "being realistic", its just washing your hands

>> No.12757112

>Falling in love with a psychotic is totally fine and not a clear declaration of your poor judgement of character.
I'm not saying it's her fault for getting it. I'm saying if you get to his bedroom for the 10th or so time and you still don't know him, Darwin is waiting for you to stick a fork in a light-switch.

>> No.12757115

Yeah except violence isn’t a spontaneous thing that randomly inflicts people like a fever. Unless they are psychopaths like Ted Bundy and hide it very well that is. It’s very easy to identify violent people unless you’re willingly blind. And trust me, most of these women have an attitude of ”but he wouldn’t do it to me!” so they definitely know

>> No.12757129

Getting abused regularly also fucks with how you think you deserve to be treated. And statistically speaking, in an abusive situation, right after you leave is when they're most likely to try and kill you.

>> No.12757130

most women even volutarily date violent men because of their capacity to defend them better against other men.
Plot-twist: These psycho men when threatened by other men would run away light-speed only for the woman to get stabbed to death.

>> No.12757139

Based Tsuu

>> No.12757185

The regularity is the key here.
What happens the first time she's abused, the very first time?
Is the denial of that fact not a conscription of her poor judgement? You're putting so much accountability on the man's sake to kill them eventually, but this domestic men don't want to 'conclude' their relationships, they want to torture these women forever, it's a lifestyle not an 'event'. Abusive men would rather just start abusing another woman than kill someone and risk prison. To play your card, I know a woman who was abused apart from the one I mentioned eariler, she's bereft of any life herself. She shunned her only son for a period, she lived for the victim status because being a victim made her life seem tragic and honourable, victims are always painted as angels. In reality her life was quite average. Being a victim by choice is hilariously narcissistic because you think people are after YOU, as if you're such a special girl/boy.

>> No.12757193

I like this one.

>> No.12757217


>> No.12757235

What happened to one of my friends was this. She moved in with a high school boyfriend right after graduation, had a bad relationship with both of her parents. Quickly became the sole housekeeper in a tiny apartment full of degenerates, including a guy who raped her frequently. Scared to move back home, because of her parents, and because she did this instead of going to college. Left her boyfriend. He came to her place of work and tried to strangle her to death in front of her co-workers. She moved back home. Her dad shames her for ever even dating that guy. It was fucked up, I knew him and he seemed harmless too.

>> No.12757243

Read Plato.

>> No.12757255

Why was he so based?

>> No.12757299

Whenever someone brings in a personal account, that is also touching I feel for them, especially the young.
However, after almost every action you could easily put in "and then she left". She didn't have to put herself through any of that, a youthful issue I know, but honestly the state is at a point where if you're a young woman, you can ask for a house fund, no problem, work, no problem. I'm guessing drugs were involved. I really hate to say it, I really do, but your friend has poor judgement and reasoning skills. Which is sad because I'm sure that came from bad parenting, but nonetheless is true. She probably knew the guy did drugs. All of it is just one giant mistake and yet you can't (although you are doing a good job as a friend) deny how much of the tapestry of this was dependant on her enabling of her own poor actions or his. Sad to hear about the father being a failure. I can only guess what happened was she felt out with her father and he didn't have the guts to tell her she wasn't old enough to make her own decisions yet.

>> No.12757316

Except she did leave eventually and look what fucking happened. Now she lives with her dad who still shames her for it, and she's an attempted murder victim.

>> No.12757323

Also drugs were not involved. They were just lazy slobs. You make a lot of assumptions about people who are in abusive situations.

>> No.12757333

Kanye is pretty based here

>> No.12757357

"...eventually", yes and that precise delay is what I meant by poor judgement.
A general in war realises every second spent waiting/scheming is a second that the enemy could strike. Her dad shames her because he failed himself and can't bare the thought of seeing his failure in her resultant lethargic actions. Yes and being a 'victim' nicely covers up any sort of accountability. No one is ever 100% a victim. Also I'm assuming she was involved with a guy who did drugs because of her poor reasoning ability.

>> No.12757359

>You make a lot of assumptions about people who are in abusive situations.
And so do you. Your arguments so far has been personal anecdotes

>> No.12757366

So have yours
>That's what I meant by poor judgment
I mean your opinions of her are the same as those of her father, so insulting him looks kind of weird on you.

>> No.12757373

François Laurelle

>> No.12757396

It's called empathy, just because I'm calling your friend in such atrociously callous terms, 'a moron' and consolidating this with your story, doesn't mean I don't feel touched by her supposedly abused youth.
Why not empathise with the father, no one in these stories were there (even you) to tell her to get out early when she was clearly mentally incapacitated by her own ignorance.

>> No.12757482


>> No.12757560
File: 75 KB, 463x700, joshua slocum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what are some examples of non-philosopher philosophers?
"Philosopher" is a strong word, but my choice is Joshua Slocum.

>First man to sail alone around the world, as the title implies
>The book is full of his observations, thoughts, adventures, encounters, and the tales of his journeys
>Fairly insightful and genuinely down to Earth.

It's one of my favorite non-fiction tales, and I love Slocum's style and observations. Barnes and Nobels has a pretty great edition that includes a biography, a glossary of the many nautical terms he uses, and so on, and it's part of their classics so it's fairly cheap.

A favorite line of mine from the book:

"I had already found that it was not good to be alone, and so I made companionship with what there was around me, sometimes with the universe and sometimes with my own insignificant self; but my books were always my friends, let fail all else."

>> No.12758808

Yeah they are. You tried driving a racecar mate?

The steering alone is holy shit strenuous. Reaction time x high load x controlled exertion. Like trying to drive a weight machine.

>> No.12759070
File: 489 KB, 577x382, Red-Wings-Justin-Abdelkader-beating-in-Mike-Blunden-game-2-Tampa-Bay-Lightning.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe pansy sports like baseball and football.

Hockey coaches run hockey lines quickly the same way Marius did

>> No.12759096


>> No.12759557


>> No.12760558

Everyone can experience this phenomenon and not just by driving but by doing almost anything you're good at

>> No.12760560

Imagine being the guy who brings Ronaldo to a philosophy discussion

>> No.12760565

>he thinks there is any sport even slightly comparable to warfare

>> No.12760568

Cuck boy office workers also die from getting hit by a truck. Can they also be comparable to soldiers?

>> No.12760739

t. messoy fanboy

>> No.12760785


>> No.12760807
File: 86 KB, 633x394, 2w0fs7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


bubbles from the tv show 'The Wire'

>> No.12760815

t. nerd who got owned by alpha jocks

>> No.12761122

actually philosophical

>> No.12761409

I wonder if Ayrton could articulate what it feels like to have a driveshaft jam into your skull?

>> No.12761518
File: 30 KB, 600x250, marcel-prousts-quotes-7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Proust basically discovered modern temporal experience. Walter Benjamin argues pretty convincingly that it BTFOs Henri Bergson

>> No.12761615
File: 611 KB, 947x600, MadFrog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read culture of critique to find out

>> No.12761752

>Russian Strategy

Throw games against your top dog and accept 12 move draws with the rest of your "comrades".

>> No.12761758

why was so based /lit/?

>> No.12761774

Ass blasting the soviet union and Roasties left and right.