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File: 1007 KB, 952x620, kantian vs deleuzean.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12753225 No.12753225 [Reply] [Original]

Kantian vs Deleuzean
Who will win? Will Trump complete the system of German Idealism or will Yang reach the Body without Organs?

>> No.12753229

say traverse the BwO, sounds better

>> No.12753230

It will result in a synthesis

>> No.12753240


>> No.12753242

Trump has the weltgeist on his side, what does Yang have?

>> No.12753250

the War Machine

>> No.12753255
File: 74 KB, 500x375, 1546989470948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

either way, Hegel wins. he's like the ref or the guy that owns the stadium

>> No.12753269

he will rhizomatically BTFO drumpf

>> No.12753275

hyperstition, trump finna get deterritorialized

>> No.12753287

all power to glorious yang

>> No.12753339

who is the critical realist candidate

>> No.12753380

who is the baudrillardian candidate?

>> No.12753388


>> No.12753412

who is the Pythagorean candidate?

>> No.12753446

who is the parmenidean candidate?

>> No.12753451

Who is the heideggerian candidate?

>> No.12753461

Who is the Gregory Berryconian candidate?

>> No.12753482

Why do you have to make it so grand? Its literally just first worlders bloodsucking from the third either way.

>> No.12753487


>> No.12753540

the plane of immanence

>> No.12753556

Wtf when did politics become so patrishun

>> No.12753574
File: 16 KB, 202x250, hop_in_dude.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hop in dude

>> No.12753617


>> No.12753661

I'm sorry
I just don't have enough
of these >>>>
for this fucking post
i'm going ot have to make



what the FUCK oP???

>> No.12753681

lurk more
google kantbot

>> No.12753696
File: 635 KB, 1000x1000, 1552455306497.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eh? You've never seen a thousand bucks before? And you're HOW old?! J-Jeez! Ahahahah! W-Well, we'd better fix that, then! Just close your eyes for a sec, aaaaaaand...


>> No.12753700
File: 64 KB, 681x499, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12753727

this yang guy comes out of nowhere with all this backing and nobody is suspicious?

who the fuck is he and who is funding him?

>> No.12753743

Is that a real tweet?

>> No.12753757

Literally China, this is their actual Manchurian Candidate.

>> No.12753765

Who the fuck cares about niggers. They shouldnt even exist in the first place

>> No.12753771

Jews and trannies. Hes coming to take your guns in exchange of communism. Want that ubi¿ gonna need to see your microchip mark of the beast first.

>> No.12753783

the weak should fear the strong

>> No.12753791


>> No.12753804


>> No.12753831

apex kek

>> No.12754220

Ontological univocity.

>> No.12754221
File: 53 KB, 515x470, D1f6xhuUcAA8Eft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12754238


>> No.12754241
File: 2.50 MB, 2203x3086, astroturf2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12754385

Straight from his website:
>Change the way we measure the economy, from GDP and the stock market to a more inclusive set of measurements that ensures humans are thriving, not barely making it by. New measurements like Median Income and Standard of Living, Health-adjusted Life Expectancy, Mental Health, Childhood Success Rates, Social and Economic Mobility, Absence of Substance Abuse, and other measurements will give us a much clearer and more powerful sense of how we are doing both individually and as a society.
Rein in corporate excesses by appointing regulators who are paid a lot of money – competitive with senior jobs in the private sector – but then will be prohibited from going to private industry afterward. Regulators need to be focused on making the right decisions and policies for the public with zero concern for their next position.
The government’s goal should be to drive individuals and organizations to find new ways to improve the standards of living of individuals and families on these dimensions. In order to spur development, the government should issue a new currency – the Digital Social Credit – which can be converted into dollars and used to reward people and organizations who drive significant social value. This new currency would allow people to measure the amount of good that they have done through various programs and actions.
This is genuinely terrifying.

>> No.12754401

Subjective Thousand dollar-stiution

>> No.12755190

anime memelords on twitter

>> No.12755205


>> No.12755267

I mean if you are going to offer everyone $1000 I think it is obvious all the neets of 4chan are going to back him up plus he is a chink so it adds to the meme factor. not really that suspicious.

>> No.12755853


>> No.12755855
