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12751671 No.12751671 [Reply] [Original]

>Which books gave you the spooks?

Monthly Reading for March: - The Black Company by Glen Cook


Science Fiction:

NPR's Top 100 Science Fiction & Fantasy Books:

SF&F author listing with ratings and summaries:


>> No.12751691

first for sanderfag a waifu and catcher a hack

>> No.12751700

And Lady a whore

>> No.12751728

soulcatcher a shit, Lady is best girl

>> No.12751889
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found this out in the wild today

>> No.12751995

It's the whole Robots series that needs to be read and I'm incorrect it's probably like the eighth or the ninth book if you don't count the Galactic Empire books. Robots -> Galactic Empire -> Foundation should be the correct sequence as they're all set in the same universe

Original Foundation Trilogy (STANDALONE, these are short stories)
Arguably, these are the ones people think of when you discuss Foundation
>Foundation and Empire
>Second Foundation

Robots series (STANDALONE, these are novels)
These are much more detective noir
>Caves of Steel
>Naked Sun
>Robots of Dawn
>Robots and Empire
The other Robot short stories are optional honestly

Foundation prequels (These are novels.)
At this is the point at which the Robots series is crossed over with the Foundation Trilogy so one character and aspects of the Robots universe are brought into the fore into the Foundation universe. These two books might be set chronologically before the Foundation Trilogy but they're written with you having read the Foundation Trilogy and the Robots series in mind and if you haven't plenty of the plot twists will be nonsensical. Of the two, Prelude is weaker than Forward and the two books are essentially the one story with Prelude being optimistic and Forward being depressing (much more depressing than that of the original Foundation/Robots series).
>Prelude to Foundation
>Forward the Foundation

Foundation sequels (Again, these are novels)
The final book ties one of the plot points raised in the Robots Series into Foundation. Unfortunately, Foundation and Earth ends on a cliffhanger as Asimov died before he could finish it. These two books are different from the very comfortable universe set up in the previous books. Foundation and Earth, in particular is much more pessimistic and depressing than the other books and contains elements of cosmic horror.
>Foundation's Edge (Foundation sequel)
>Foundation and Earth (Foundation sequel)

>> No.12752224

Is anyone else astonished by (a) how interesting William Hope Hodgson's life was and (b) how The Nightland is a book that is unique in how pecularly bizarre it is no matter how you look at it?
Regarding the latter: I mean it's a speculative fiction horror romance story, which is a weird genre mashup. It's thick as a fucking brick when most fiction of his time was shorter for mass consumption. The subject matter of the speculation is just so obviously and unsurpassedly weird. And finally the fucking style, that weird awful affected archaic shit. It's just such a literary anomaly.

>> No.12752245
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Is it any good?

>> No.12752430
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Name one good fantasy series released in the past 30 years, I dare you

>> No.12752490

>I mean it's a speculative fiction horror romance story, which is a weird genre mashup.
It's only a weird mashup by today's standards. Back then there were no walls between the various genres: writers would write whatever they felt like without worrying how nicely it fits into a category.

>> No.12752556

I think most writers try to do that, but they get swept up in the tradition of various precedents and established genres that they naturally, accidentally cleave to existing tropes and frameworks. Consider, for instance, how Tolkien basically stuck his hand into the gears of the fantasy tradition and twisted it's path for decades still to come.
People don't try to 'do Tolkien' or try to do fantasy, that just spontaineuosly occurs due to culture and momentum.

>> No.12752597

Which kindle was jailbreakable and I can load a bunch of downloaded ebooks into?

>> No.12752602

So who came up with the 'never ever describe the evil' stricture that seems to dominate cosmic horror?

>> No.12752606

what do you mean by jailbreakabl? you can load stolen books onto ALL the

>> No.12752631

Hi, that anon here. I didn't get to finish my post due to an unforeseen distraction. What I meant to say was: you should never pirate, steal, or otherwise unlawfully acquire any ebook, nor should you violate the end user license agreement provided by the good people at amazon.com(sign up now and get your first month of prime FREE!). If for any reason it should appear that I was in any way advocating theft of any of Jeff Bezos rightful property(which is everything, serf) then I must truly condemn myself to atone in the amazon.com/AgonyPit. Thank you for reading this follow up.

>> No.12752636

>what do you mean by jailbreakabl
I assumed they had protection from drag and dropping free ebooks but I guess I was wrong. So I can slap a micro usb into any cheap kindle and read all my files from libgen?

>> No.12752653

epubs will have to be converted to mobi and pdfs can be really shitty on some kindles, but otherwise yeah, it's not designed to actively block you from sideloading books.

>> No.12752662
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>kindles aren't compatible with epub and other shit
You realise that phones are much better, right? You can download shit off libgen and mobilism at 2AM and torrent off private trackers. There are apps for every file format. It's much more convenient.

>> No.12752678

It's still harder on your eyes. Most of us get more than a healthy amount of screen time.

>> No.12752698

I suppose that's also true.

>> No.12752710

It hurts my eyes if I read for too long on my phone. I'm away from home for most of the day so it's my only option for now but I hate it.

>> No.12752719

there's some more expensive ereaders that simply run (i think) a modified or maybe even stock version of android

>> No.12752806

I'm trying to find a a book I got recommended on another board here a few months ago
It was a post nuclear book in which a world war veteran has an army of horses and hunts down the scientists that caused the war but I can't remember the name.
Thanks in advance

>> No.12752809

the legend of Drizzt the nigger elf by hack italian writer

>> No.12752820

A Canticle for Leibowitz has a post-nuclear anti-scientist Luddite era in it, but I don't think they go into all that much depth about it and I don't remember a war veteran horse general.

>> No.12752891

Farseer trilogy
First law trilogy
Bartimaeous trilogy (in b4 ya)
Gentleman bastards until the third book
Aborshen chronicles
The fionavar tapestry
World of the five Gods
The Coldfire trilogy
Chronicle of the unhewin throne
Rai-kirah series
The wakening series

>> No.12752903

That's not it, though ive head that one is good.
I remember it being a series and horse may have been in the title

>> No.12752905

>Bartimaeous trilogy
ahh, to be 13 again...

>> No.12752973

>The Coldfire trilogy

>> No.12753011

Any sci fi or fantasy where human sexual dimorphism is greater than normal

>> No.12753016

It was a carefree time

>> No.12753043

I'd try the Johannes Cabal series.

>> No.12753111

If your magic system involves "drawing" on something, with maybe the exception of pure mana, it's trash.

>> No.12753134

what if thats one magic system in existence and the one that draws things is acknowledged to be completely trash in combat

>> No.12753135

Found it, Horseclans by Robert Adams

>> No.12753178

He said "good."

>> No.12753187

>if your system isn't the most generic thing possible it's trash

Also basically every magic system could probably be phrased in a way where the user is "drawing" on something unless it's just not explained in the slightest.

>> No.12753249
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>what if thats one magic system in existence and the one that draws things is acknowledged to be completely trash in combat
>trash in combat
I wish you people wouldn't talk about sf/f like it was a video game. It already feels like a low enough art as it is without you talking about armor ratings.

>> No.12753353

The human race has devolved into a lesser being of lower intellect due to the overzealous guardianship of a hyper-intelligent AI tasked with protecting them as a species and thus causing them to never face any stressors that would maintain fitness.

Does this book exist?

>> No.12753366
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What does cyberpunk have on the topics about the environment and environmentalism?

>> No.12753367

I literally send pirated books through the amazon cloud to my kindle. I go to my mail, attach a book then send it to my kindle email and it appears on the kindle; zero fucks given.

>> No.12753391
File: 256 KB, 1024x1024, Three_dick_calibre.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the calibre server is fucking rad dude

>> No.12753469

>he doesn't just use calibre to automatically switch formats

>> No.12753564
File: 617 KB, 600x338, comfy Irish countryside.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are some good comfy fantasy books, preferably set during winter? Just want something that's a pretty relaxed read after getting a little burnt out from war documentary books.

>> No.12753584
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a waifu

>> No.12753616

source on OP's pic?

>> No.12753669

that's not very much a video game assessment, its more its pretty difficult to transcribe things in the middle of a fight, so if you prepared it before hand and had some way to activate it when you need to sure

id think that's a practicality approach more than anything else

>> No.12753683

how many action points will casting cost and do I have to rest/level up between casts?

>> No.12753687
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What do you think of Sci-Fantasy?

>> No.12753710

Dune is one of my favourite books, the who sci-fi mysticism tone was just neat.
Destiny had the potential to be good if it wasn't just an endless MMO-tier grind without an MMO-tier community.

>> No.12753790

I think you got the wrong idea

>> No.12753866
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>> No.12754005

Which book is this soulcatcher/lady stuff

>> No.12754055
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>> No.12754066

>tfw my Kobo read basically any format, doesn't give a fuck about piracy, have a never ending battery and is pleasant to read at night
Reading on your phone is literal retard tier. Physical books are still the best.

>> No.12754107

Weirdly overdone and cliche without actually ever having been done well or a lot.

>> No.12754232

"Happy Person Having a Pleasant Conversation in Public” by Randy Ortiz

>> No.12754243

who's on the cover? is that one eye? or goblin?

>> No.12754260

Phones and tablets allegedly have a worse information retention rate than physical books/EInk readers because the user is more prone to distractions because "oh I'll just check up on my twitter feed real quick" and "gotta reset my gatcha timers" and so on.

This too. It's basically like looking into a lightbulb.

>> No.12754300

Soulcatcher I assume.

>> No.12754322


>> No.12754450

I'd rather have generic and weighty than """""unique"""" and gimmicky.

>> No.12754581

if you want contemporary, laird barron has some good stories. otherwise Lovecraft or Hope Hodgson

>> No.12754662

No idea. I have Children of Time by him but haven't touched it yet.

>> No.12754670
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>laird barron
more like lardass, amirite

>> No.12754683

isn't he like some cross-country dog-sled champion or something? i have only read 'the beuatiful thing that awaits us all' and really only enjoyed a third of the stories in that

>> No.12754895

>lord baron
Arrogant bastard

>> No.12754907

>First law trilogy
Gentlemen bastards
>Chronicle of the unhewin throne
became worse every new book
>Bartimaeous trilogy
Actually decent
>The fionavar tapestry
>World of the five Gods
>Rai-kirah series
>The wakening series
didn't read

>> No.12755071

Is this book any good? https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/18342305-written-in-red

>> No.12755075

fuck off newfag

>> No.12755180

>Gentleman bastards
>until the third book
There are only 3 books... Are you daft ot looking for (you)s?

>> No.12755212
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Have you guys ever met any cute sffg girls on goodreads? I get the urge to chat with the girls who post complaining about the rape scene in this or that book, but I think they're mostly middle-aged or old ladies.

>> No.12755231

Do you mean "drawing" as taking something ethereal from something else, or Sanderson's "drawing" where you use chalk?

>> No.12755236

Agent Cormac series by Neal Asher.

>> No.12755239

I expected a bomb to drop on the house. Disappointed.

>> No.12755246

Soulcatcher was only interested in croaker because she wanted to one up lady for being a stuck up bitch. And lady was only with croaker because she had no where to go.

>> No.12755262

Read the black jewels trilogy instead by the same author.
Also make sure to read the book somewhere private, because your boner will attract attention.

>> No.12755318

>Soulcatcher was only interested in croaker because she wanted to one up lady for being a stuck up bitch
Well I liked their interactions in the first book book but it went pretty much nowhere. Same with series in general. Also, it was hardly believable that Soulcatcher was interested in him and Lady even more so. Anyway, not the first waifu stuck in series that went downhill.

>> No.12755335

Since John Conroe, Will Wight and William D Arand have become full time authors, their outputs have increased, and they have been popping out books consistently.

E William Brown is now a full time author, and is still moving at the glacial pace he was before. He doesn't update his blog for his fans, he only grudgingly posts on patreon once a month period! for the money. He is the laziest fucking author I've seen.
John Conroe already dropped a book for the year and plan to drop at least three more before the year is out, and E William Brown can't even fucking tell his fans when the next Daniel Black book is going to be released. He is scamming those rubes on patreon and trying to extract as much money as possible.
Fuck e william brown.

>> No.12755340

he doesnt like daniel black. he writes it because it makes money. hed rather work on his space loli story.

>> No.12755351

>The entire book is based on sexual power. There are scenes that describe to varying degrees: rape, prostitution, castration, murder during the course of sex, pedophilia, cannibalism (within a larger context of sexual abuse), using sexual pain to force obedience/as a form of control, etc.
Yeah, no. I'm definitely not reading that.

>> No.12755384

I've dumped a few dozen hours into both games and enjoyed my time with them, but would have probably enjoyed it less if I hadn't been playing with my best friend.
That aside, while the games are hit or miss, the worldbuilding and lore is top tier. I picked up the physical grimoire book when it came out, and being able to read through the entirety of the Books of Sorrow in a leatherbound tome was awesome.

>> No.12755393

Seconding Laird Barron rec
Read the collections Occultation, The Imago Sequence, and The Beautiful Thing that Awaits Us All, and then the novel The Croning
Should keep you busy for a couple weeks.

>> No.12755394

Then release your fucking space loli. He is a full time author and is planning to release space loli marine 2 in September. Wtf is he doing in between?
When people bring it up on his blog, the dick riders come out in force and say when it's out, it's out. They are proud to pay $5 a month for a chapter.
William D Arand posts multiple shit for $5.

>> No.12755401

not everyone can write fast. william d. arand is kinda the exception. most full time authors release a book or two a year. not one every month.

>> No.12755412

You sound upset.

>> No.12755468

I'm not looking for one or two a month.
I'm looking for updates. The lazy fag doesn't update his blog.
If he posted what progress was where a lot of people will be appeased. Brown drops off the face of the planet only to return and say "book is out", then vanishes again. What is the point of a blog if he doesn't use it.
He is basically getting 2k a month for doing nothing.

I do think things will change though. He is planning to leave patreon and go to substar or some shit. When he sees the money doesn't flow as easily as it used to, we will see his work ethics increase. Weekly blog updates, wordcounts, chapters done, the works. He is comfortable where he is, and getting knocked off his high padded comfy chair will net massive results.

>> No.12755476

Why do you feel like this man owes you something, anon?

>> No.12755502

>He is planning to leave patreon and go to substar or some shit.
I on his blog and got this link https://www.subscribestar.com/william-s-corner he already has 82 patreons. He ain't changing shit any time soon.

>> No.12755507

Because he does. I'm an entitled American, and everyone owes me anything I want.

>> No.12755528

Because I subscribed to his blog expecting these promises kept https://williamscorner.blog/2017/09/05/re-launch/ but he does no such thing.
Imma just drop his books.

>> No.12755585

>based author steals all the tendies money for incels
Wtf I like Daniel black now

>> No.12755593

The poor mans Daniel Greene

>> No.12755607

>I’m so lonely Croaker owo :3
Nah they totally wanted to bang when they were staking out the rebels.

>> No.12755652
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>mfw they offered tea to the Limper

>> No.12755665

And then I drank a toast to Soulcatcher.

>> No.12755670

>its an American author doesn't understand feudalism episode

>> No.12755677

Which one and what's the problem exactly?

>> No.12755747

kek, just saw that you were banned from discord coz you couldn't keep your raging autism in check. I'm actually surprised it took this long.

>> No.12755762

What discord?

>> No.12755813
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European or Marxist?

>> No.12755821

Are the Galactic Empire books worth reading? I know they're part of the shared universe, but I've heard they aren't as good as the Robot or Foundation series. Am I missing anything if I just skip them?

>> No.12755937
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Damn it's been a long time since a book/ series hooked me like this, if at all. I've read the first five books within the last week, starting the sixth now. I really might start reading more fiction again

>> No.12755949
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Black Company varies later on because Croaker isn't always the narrator, but really only one book is a dreadful slog unless you specifically like what it's going for.

>> No.12755987

Well that started with the second book, really. But I don't mind so far since the writing isn't really different and it can be interesting to read a different point of view. Although it really takes away some of the "spirit of the black company" that was there only in the first book.
Which book do you mean?

>> No.12755997

Bleak Seasons. To be fair the book kinda balances out because the other narrator is the Lady.

>> No.12756000

The synopsis for this book sounds interesting. It seems like the sister is giving up a lot for her brother. Is it actually a good series, or is this one of those books that are highly rated because people are supposed to say they're good? https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/39101032-oathbreaker

>> No.12756012

But that was the case in dreams of steel already.
Well, gotta see for myself now

>> No.12756050
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>mfw that ending

>> No.12756051


>> No.12756053

>naming a book similar to sanderson to trick people into picking up your book instead of sanderson's
Happen to me a bunch of times as a kid
>parents went to buy book I was raving about
>it isn't the book I was talking about
>have to read it anyways cause book aren't cheap anon, and you are not wasting our money

>> No.12756057

Middle aged and old ladies are the best fucks, go for it anon

>> No.12756094

Is it actually decent? What do you have to say about it?

>> No.12756233

There’s a fourth coming out you dumb fuck

>> No.12756286

Actually enjoying Gardens of the Moon despite the Grim derp.

>> No.12756305


>> No.12756399

Do not read Barron he a hack who disowns even people his own horror circle for not having the same views as him. Read Richard Gavin instead

>> No.12756402

It's actually not that bad even though it gets called the worst of the series. Deadhouse Gates is a vast improvement for sure though

>> No.12756414

I never read it. I'm just saying I thought of Sanderson when I saw the title. And it reminded me of being tricked.

>> No.12756417

Yes there is (if he ever releases), and anything after book one is shit. So telling people to stop at the third is stupid.

>> No.12756422

Okay. You gave me a chuckle reading this.

>> No.12756458
File: 296 KB, 620x400, BDB16_IHNMAIMS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Help me /lit/, I need a Sci-fi, Dystopian and post-apocalyptic story that feels really bleak and is set in a future very far from now. It can have religious elements or be philosofic, just not political elements

>> No.12756492
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Reminder: REH's Conan stories take place in the same universe as Lovecraft's stories.

>> No.12756503

Lovecraft never spooked me. I don't see the big rush.

>> No.12756516

I'm sure your own face spooks you enough.

>> No.12756517

It's existentialist more than anything else, the book doesn't 'tell' you why you need to be scared, it just presents a universe so immense and filled with so many things we cannot understand that the horror comes from realising we are insignificant and meaningless compared to it all.

>> No.12756533

>I'm incapable of separating art from its artist
I knew /lit/ was a low-IQ board but wow anon

>> No.12756576

>implying that someone's creation isn't derived from whomst he is
Sperg-tastic post, why don't you slit your wrists before making another embarassing post?

>> No.12756579

this. also lovecraft keeps a lot of things vague. this in turn prompts your own imagination to fill in the gaps. the scariest things are the ones we think of in our own minds.

>> No.12756583

You're only allowed to do that if the author is a racist or right-wing. If not you must screech endlessly about how the author is inseparable from their work and is also a liberal and cultural marxist.

>> No.12756610

So you're saying if you disagree with a person's personal beliefs, you shouldn't be capable of enjoying a piece of fiction that they created?
How close minded.

>> No.12756612

True. It also absolutely does not matter at all.

>> No.12756615

Your average right-wing author usually doesn't let his politics interfere with his writing whereas it's usually the complete opposite with left-wing authors.

>> No.12756622

>It also absolutely does not matter at all.
As opposed to what exactly? Was just a fun bit of trivia, you snide twat.

>> No.12756633

You are completely right.
I have never actually noticed that before.

>> No.12756634

>As opposed to what exactly?
As opposed to shared universes where it does matter.

>> No.12756646
File: 149 KB, 1300x866, 38287026-horses-with-blinders-three-horses-in-front-of-a-coach-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you a horse or just lying?

>> No.12756683

It's true, anon. Your average right-wing author first and foremost wants to write an entertaining story. I'm not saying they DON'T add some of their politics in there (or that there aren't right-wing authors who put politics first), but the entertainment of the story comes first with most of them. But left-wing authors usually put politics first then the story. Even a massive right-winger and Catholic like John C. Wright has said it's wrong for any writer, right or left, to put politics ahead of story. Has any hardcore left-wing writer of fantasy or sci-fi or horror said the same?

>> No.12756692

An argument no one was making or would make.

>> No.12756709

Just consider it a fun bit of anti trivia my dear twat.

>> No.12756722

So people that would like lovecraft are the mentally ill that already have their own demons?

>> No.12756725

You should stick to watching Marvel movies.

>> No.12756728

Name a right wing author who wasn't a great war vet.

>> No.12756736

The army being filled with women is pretty dumb though.

>> No.12756752


>> No.12756758

ban this faggot

>> No.12756796


>> No.12756807

Both. Drawing steel, drawing essence, any kinda finite pile tied to an ability.

>> No.12756824

>implying /tv/ isn't more gay than /lgbt/
As a faggot I'd know.

>> No.12756825

How illiterate. I'm saying that you can't separate the two, maggot.

>> No.12756858

Lard barren

>> No.12756879

>the horror comes from realising we are insignificant and meaningless
That explains why I didn't find it scary - I already knew that. I also don't understand why it's supposed to be scary.

>> No.12756904

You know what you did could result in a ban for yourself.

>> No.12756910

I think it's pseuds hamming themselves up

>> No.12756927
File: 33 KB, 304x475, 9432902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Even a massive right-winger and Catholic like John C. Wright has said it's wrong for any writer, right or left, to put politics ahead of story. Has any hardcore left-wing writer of fantasy or sci-fi or horror said the same?

That's the most non sensical, trumpian logic I've seen today. Is every author obligated to make a statement on the topic?
ONE right wing author, great sample size btw anon, made a statement so that obviously makes what he said the status quo among ALL right wing authors and zero left wing authors have commented on the topic so that obviously means ALL of them want to shove their politics down your throat amirite anon?

By the by, pic related by right wing nutjob Dan Simmons(of Hyperion) is the most politically motivated SFF literature of the last decade, probably of all time. There is nothing, literally nothing from the left that even remotely compares to it.

>> No.12756931
File: 280 KB, 500x374, dorks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never read the rules.

>> No.12756959

Feel free to name a single hardcore left-wing writer who has said it's wrong to put politics ahead of story. Just one. And Jemisin is worse than Simmons with the political bullshit.

>> No.12756982

Shut the fuck up you dumb cunt. You better hope I never find out who you are

>> No.12756991


>> No.12757018

Seems like you already posted one.

>> No.12757198
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Any sci fi or fantasy where human sexual dimorphism is greater than normal?

>> No.12757202

Not to mention that the only author they can think of is a member of a tax-exempt pedophile syndicate.

>> No.12757216

>dat pedo projection
oof. Still waiting on you to list a single hardcore left-wing author who said it's wrong to put politics before story.

>> No.12757242

All art is informed by politics. Saying you don't 'put it before the story' is meaningless.

>> No.12757250

>All art is informed by politics.
lol spoken like a true leftshit, thus proving my point that the average leftshit author puts politics before story. I'm glad you finally agree with me.

>> No.12757262
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Help! I've been utterly bamboozled by the internet argument master. How will I ever stop being such a tremendous faggot??!?

>> No.12757279

>they're mostly middle-aged or old ladies.
That's even better anon,go fuck those nerd milfs

>> No.12757284

Yeah I know but it's the only one I know specific to what I referred to and don't know if there are more, essentially I'm looking for some existencialist shit, with few or almost no characters

>> No.12757286

>yfw Jemisin said she's going to write Lovecraft shit just so she can shit all over his legacy
Feel free to show me any right-wing writers who have said or done something similar.

>> No.12757340

Very little if any art before modernity is informed by politics. Or at least tainted by ideology if that's what you mean.

>> No.12757356

>so she can shit all over his legacy
Nah,there have always been shitty Lovecraft pastiches,like the Titus Crow series by Brian Lumley in which the main character uses a laser cannon to btfo Cthulhu

>> No.12757362

No. She SPECIFICALLY said she wants to write Lovecraft stories because she hates Lovecraft and wants to shit all over him.

>> No.12757394

Lovecraft's work was totally political though. Every single story is framed with decline of the west paranoia and racial hostility. He doesn't manage to keep his politics out of his work, if that is at all possible as you say.

>> No.12757401

Lovecraft put his fear of squids, asians and blacks ahead of his story.

>> No.12757408

It's your mother Junior. Time to eat your vegetables.

>> No.12757419

>Lovecraft's work was totally political though.
No they weren't.
>Every single story is framed with decline of the west paranoia and racial hostility.
No they are not.
>He doesn't manage to keep his politics out of his work
Except he puts the story BEFORE politics. Left-wing writers are still infinitely worse than right-wing writers. Not only because they do put politics before story more often than not, but also because it's praised endlessly by the mainstream.

>> No.12757427

No he didn't. Lovecraft's first priority was to write horror to horrify readers THEN came his dislike of everyone who wasn't a WASP.

>> No.12757444

>lovecraft called black people the N word so I will defend him and everything he did!

>> No.12757451

Jemisin wanting to write Lovecraft pastiche only for the sole purpose of shitting on Lovecraft is infinitely worse than any politics Lovecraft himself included in any of his works.

>> No.12757469

No one gives a shit. Lovecraft was shit anyways.
>shit shitting on shit to make a bigger shit pile

>> No.12757487
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Wish we had authors like that today...

>> No.12757493

I like the concept but I've rarely read anything along those lines.
I mean Warhammer falls in that category but that is its own thing already.

Are there some recommendations in that direction? (besides dune which was already mentioned )

>> No.12757547

Wish we had more authors that had savages hunt the warmongering milk skins.

>> No.12757559

I like the concept but I've rarely read anything along those lines.
I mean Warhammer falls in that category but that is its own thing already.

Are there some recommendations in that direction? (besides dune which was already mentioned )

>> No.12757575

Just bought Memoirs Found in a Bathtub by Lem and The Gods Themselves by Asimov, what am I in for fellas?

>> No.12757594

>Very little if any art before modernity is informed by politics

Take a art history class at your local community college, brainlet.

>> No.12757601


>> No.12757616

lol you give a shit, you little faggot.

>> No.12757646
File: 35 KB, 318x630, serveimage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what books and stories have you anons read so far this year? Here's my list:

>The Autopsy (short story) - Micheal Shea
>Last of the Amazons - Steven Pressfield
>The Throne of Bones - Brian McNaughton
>Worms of the Earth (short story) - REH
>Legion from the Shadows - KEW
>Conan: The Road of Kings - KEW
>Conan and the Emerald Lotus - John Hocking

>> No.12757674

>tfw if we want to rattle the pol invasion we just shit talk lovercraft (he is shit already though)
based. good to recognize one's weapons.

>> No.12757678

>the conanfag shows himself
So you are the fag that was shitting up the threads recently.

>> No.12757685

Go wash your pussy hat, incel.

>> No.12757691


>> No.12757697

>tfw I've almost exclusively read non-sf&f so far
I can do better. Should I read Lord of Light, Hyperion or The Doomed City first?

>> No.12757698
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>>tfw if we want to rattle the pol invasion we just shit talk lovercraft (he is shit already though)
>based. good to recognize one's weapons.

>> No.12757704

Lord of Light

>> No.12757716

Lord of Light

>> No.12757722

Are there any at least halfway decent books with ninjas sneaking around/flipping out and killing everything all the time? Please don't make me read Mortal Kombat novels.

Only one I know of right now is Timothy Zahn's Blackcollar series, which is scifi.

>> No.12757726
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>> No.12757739

Those are shit too. Better than gayfags' conan, but still shit.

>> No.12757748

Night Angel Trilogy (kinda)

>> No.12757753
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>> No.12757759

If I like both NK Jemisin and Lovecraft what does that make me?

>> No.12757767
File: 45 KB, 297x475, 30314861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know of one book where theres one ninja girl but its all really steriotypical anime ninja things with superhuman powers and clan vendettas.
its also only a small part of the book. its a good book though its from the guy who wrote waldo rabbit. it is a standalone book though so no sequels.
pic related.

>> No.12757769

Keep seething, nerds lol

>> No.12757783

Please go read horseclans,thank

>> No.12757803

Would you stop spamming that shit? You're becoming the new Throne of Glass poster.

>> No.12757812

So asimov was a ruskie spy?

>> No.12757815

Probably a quadruple agent

>> No.12757816

Newfag. Night Angel was here before you came, and will be after you an hero your way out.
People read it and liked it
Fuck off and neck yourself.

>> No.12757833

A nigger faggot

>> No.12757835
File: 18 KB, 400x400, eccea232d6dd4c8d99ca2f8f526ab498_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you so upset though?

>> No.12757841
File: 608 KB, 565x492, y-you're the one who is upset!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why are you so upset though?

>> No.12757847

I will quote you my favourite part of the first book:
>Elene, I'm not asking you to fuck. But maybe some day, I'll earn the right to ask you for something more permanent." He turned, and facing her was harder than facing thirty highlanders.
Amazing writing really. Brent Weeks is a retard and The Way of Shadows is a self insert power fantasy for 12 year olds.

>> No.12757849

No it wasn't, stop lying. It was rarely mentioned and always trashed by others when some ledditor like you came here and tried to talk about it. It's a piece of shit series that's so bad that I would put in a tier below other trash like the Cosmere books and KKC.

>> No.12757861

Why does blatant cursing like this come across so cringey in most fantasy?

>> No.12757870

I was here since the first thread newfag. And Night Angel was recommended to me by outer lit before the general became a thing.
Neck yourself.

>> No.12757871

Better than the blatant racism in lovecraft and conan.

>> No.12757876

>tips pussy hat

>> No.12757886

I read that a while back, it was Terrible and IIRC more of a Assasin's Creed knockoff.

Yeah I'm thinking more of actual spy-ninja stuff. But I'll take a look at it.

No it's a crank letter. The author apparently didn't know that the Soviets did build the first nuclear power plant, and then discovered that GADZOOKS! Asimov was born in Russia (and immigrated to the US when he was like 3 or 4 years old) so therefore must be somebody to be watched!

IIRC the FBI ignored it and only investigated Asimov later when he showed up on a Communist Party USA internal list of persons potentially sympathetic to socialist goals, and considered that he might actually be a unknown microbiologist at Boston University who'd been informing to the Soviets but they dropped him from the suspects list because he'd been fired from the university for not doing any research.

>> No.12757896

USA in general, and McCarthy in particular, were a mistake.

>> No.12757908

Nice try, Mohammed.

>> No.12757922

>Nice try, Ivan.


>> No.12757940

Nice try, Moshe and Abraham

>> No.12757949
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>> No.12757963

>he'd been fired from the university for not doing any research.
so asimov was a wanker?

>> No.12758015

IIRC he got hired in 1949 but quickly found he was making more money as a writer and switched to just lecturing, and basically stopped doing research entirely after getting tenure, being fired a couple years later.

He also had such a reputation for sexual harassment that women going to conventions would be warned not to get on elevators with him, and conventions would kick out men who complained about him harassing their wives/girlfriends. Asimov was essentially a proto-"male feminist nerd" if you ask me. (this was also contemporary to the SFF community also agonizing over if they should ban Walter Breen from conventions because he was a child molester)

>> No.12758038

Wow, sounds like he was based as fuck. Guess I should read him.

>> No.12758056

Because Tolkien wrote the most compelling fantasy novels ever with hardly any cursing. Throwing it in is a sure sign that you're trying to make your writing feel "grown up" without any effort.

>> No.12758179

Sorry didn't realise I was wrong, thanks for the counter argument though

>> No.12758294

he's right tho

>> No.12758318

>reading Grant Morrison's Doom Patrol run
>remember I have a copy of Ficciones gathering dust, open something at random
>it's fucking Tlön
>realize Orqwith is a reference to that very story about halfway through reading it
>was planning an RPG campaign using Don't Rest Your Head, realize the Mad City is probably inspired by Orqwith which was inspired by Tlön
>also realize that Tlön uses most of the motifs I liked in Phyl-Undhu when I read it last year but in the hands of a far more skilled writer
That was a pretty good mindfuck

>> No.12758339

Borges was great

>> No.12758609

>lying redditor pretending to be sffg for le up votes gets destroyed by >>12757870

>> No.12758613
File: 36 KB, 420x619, 420-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this! Propagandizing reptilian miscegenation! Awful.

Can the Lovecraft nazi back me up here? If you taste the scale you wont live to tell the tale I say.

>> No.12758624
File: 30 KB, 420x619, 413-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how dare the reptilian pro interspecies love shills push these vile, barbaric, sultry, naked,.. exotic, beautiful, uhh xenos on our kids!

>> No.12758654

Hark! More propaganda most foul.
These reptile monsters wont rest until every good human boy is fantasizing about hefting a helpless mermaid girl in his arms and making love to her. And yes, love it will be, and true love at that, yet the wider world won't understand the beautiful taboo shattering love they share in spite of whatever disdain the close minded have for them. uhh so yeah. frankly this should be made illegal TODAY.

>> No.12758661
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forgot my pic

>> No.12758730

Never go full retard, anon.

>> No.12758734

just want to die lads

>> No.12758742

Thanks for the support, anon. We need to stand up and stop these shills before their big-assed alien siren song corrupts any more young minds. Stay strong, brother.

>> No.12758796

Nice,didn't know the ghost of Philip k Dick posted of 4chin

>> No.12758901
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sff high or sober?

>> No.12759177

What if I based my villain on the god-emperor, only the golden throne is as much a giant pipe organ as it is a breathing apparatus for a rotting corpse. Its song has horrific psychic effects, and its pipes span vast distances, connecting to pipes in cities hundreds of miles away. There its influence isn't as great, but the whispers emanating from the pipe inspire nightmares that draw people to it.

basically, it's a pied piper.

sober. My inhibitions are weak enough in all the wrong ways as it is.

lick the cloaca and our men will take ya

I guess it just feels fake, edgy and shallow. Usually the curses overshadow a more diverse lexicon.

I noticed it when I tried reading The Gentlemen Bastards. Couldn't get more than 15 pages into the first book

>> No.12759592
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just finished all of will wights unsouled series. The dialogue was pretty reddit at times but over all it was fun and I'll read the next one when it comes out. Are there any other comfy series like that? Not necessarily chinkshit inspired. I tried to read house of blades but the main character was so naive and retarded I dropped it. Does it get better?

>> No.12759595

Disturbing image.

>> No.12759763

Guns of Dawn was decent albeit a little YA-ish at times, especially pretty much anything revolving around the tattooed scout dude with his monkey people friends.

>> No.12759875
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>Basic premise actually sounds pretty neat until they mention fucking "gender identity" as a central theme
Anyone read it? Does it absolutely beat you over the head with "muh gender fluid character" or is the plot decent enough that you can ignore it?

>> No.12759909
File: 38 KB, 446x688, 406E836E-568F-4007-A000-DCF4CC5CE037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

VII chapters in and I’m bored out of my fucking skull.
When does the conflict kick in?

>> No.12759925

Like the last 30 pages
The problem with a lot of speculative fictions is that the plot is just the framing device for what is basically a tour of the authors worldbuilding ideas

>> No.12759938

I wanna write a story but I need some legal advice? Can I use real places (locations) in my story without getting sued? Not like a state or a city but something like a national monument or national park like the Grand Canyon or Statue of Liberty. Or even something like real street names like sunset and vine?

>> No.12759962

Pretty much any kind of public land and landmark (street names and monuments for example) is fair use, it's public shit own by the government.
Stuff owned by corporations or individuals might get you in some shit if they find out about it (unless of course they're a sponsor), so don't go making references to Pizza Hut or something.

>> No.12759986

Okay thanks anon!

>> No.12760065

Oh one more related question, what about if I name a character after a brand for example nike or pizza hut but don't reference them as a brand but as a character like Mr. Nike or a woman named pizza last name hut. Technically pizza and hut are their own independent words could i get away with naming someone like that?

>> No.12760111

You’re only infringing their trademark if it seems as though you’re trying to spin it so it looks like your product is synonymous with their product, or if you’re depicting their product in a way that may negatively (and unfairly) impact public perception of it. Having your character go to Pizza Hut for a slice while they discuss something is fine, having a slovenly, gluttonous character named Pizza Hut who gives people cancer just by looking at them is not fine (though you could probably just call it satire/parody and get away with it.) I mean, Pynchon references Coca-Cola/Pepsi in like every book, and he’s definitely (probably) not sponsored by either.

>> No.12760128
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It might be different for books then, I know for stuff like movies and tv things are a little stricter which is why you get shit like this.

>> No.12760217
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Say what you will about the Harry Potter books but these illustrated editions are maximum comfy.

>> No.12760247

>release a new cover edition once a year
>fans keep buying millions of them
>FREE money

>> No.12760283

Your samefaggotry is just as bad as your taste in books anon.
Pretending all the time because you don't fit in can be exhausting, you can stop and return to leddit, I'm sure they won't judge you there for liking Night Angel or any other bad YA written by hacks.
Or you could clean that toilet you call a face with bleach and save the planet some oxygen, I'm sure everybody will appreciate it.

>> No.12760313
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>Which books gave you the spooks?
The Screaming Staircase and The Whispering Skull. Pretty intense at times for Young Adult books but they do feel sincere and not cynical, plus mixing Ghostbusters with a little Hardy Boys is a great premise for this type of fiction.

>> No.12760664

Legally they can get away with anything short of defamation, same as books. Practically, no one wants to annoy a multinational that can afford to pursue legal action because defending yourself costs a shit load of time and money even if they don't have a case.

>> No.12760764

>>Which books gave you the spooks?
Memoirs of a sinner, near the end, when Gil Martin has usurped the life and hope of Robert, and every attempt Robert makes to divorce thier lives only leaves him in greater agony.
A Doorway into Summer, in the part where the main character is being drugged and mentally programmed by a woman he thought he trusted. I think it was just my frame of mind at the time, but that entire scene just made me feel absolutely disgusted.

>> No.12760838

Fellowship >Return > Towers

>> No.12760858

If I had to just go with the books and not the specific parts then I will got with Fellowship > Towers > Return.

>> No.12760860

Thanks for the warning, deleted her book from my Kindle.

>> No.12760900

What would be the reverse lovecraft leftist story even? Instead of fears of race mixing it would promote it? What about the all the old god shit?

>> No.12760908

Consensual tentacle porn?

>> No.12760920

Pff, don't have to be leftist to like that.
tentacles (mindflayers) > blacks (unless "black" is a drow elf in this scenario, then it's ok).

>> No.12760960

Not reverse Lovecraft, but leftist-progressive Lovecraft.

>"Primitive savages" actually being very knowledgeable about the true nature of the horrors beyond time and space that the ignorant Westerners are fucking around with.
>Instead of middle-class white guys losing their minds after witnessing the brutal truth of existence, it's black women losing their minds after witnessing the brutal truth of existence (but only after all the mediocre white guys lost their minds first).
>Smug white guys getting their shit pushed in by cosmic terrors while queer women save the day because of secret vagina magic that's probably related to periods.

>> No.12760961

there is such a thing.

>> No.12760975

Cthulhu bribed his kids into Yale.

>> No.12760991

The true eldritch monstrosity is late-stage capitalism as personified by the Elder God Jeffbe-zos, a horror made of endless tentacles slumbering near the Amazon, forever assisted by his gibbering spawn, E'lonm'usk, Opener of the Way.

What is dead may never die, except through judicious application of the guillotine.

>> No.12761105

Just read Cormac McCarthy's The Road, and I'm glad it wasn't long. About the only things blander than his apocalypse were his characters and his writing. Lazy fucker can't even commit properly because there are still a bunch of commas and apostrophes. And there's one paragraph a third of the way through that slips into first person for some reason.
What might be worse is that the odd sentence is actually pretty good, which suggests he's doing it entirely on purpose.

>> No.12761143

Percy Jackson and the Kane Chronicles got away with it, you can too.
Also a great author can talk about pizza hut, without saying pizza hut. If you expect only brainlets to read your book then I'm sorry.

>> No.12761167 [DELETED] 

You what mate?

>> No.12761189

But it was rich righties that do the bribing for centuries.

>> No.12761197
File: 257 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_2019-03-14-09-21-53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You what mate?

>> No.12761329

Anyone read more of the Strugatsky bros work? I've read Roadside Picnic and Hard to be a God but i'm wondering about the rest.

>> No.12761429

The Doomed City should arrive in the mail any day now. However some anons told me to read Lord of Light first.

>> No.12761464

That’s the point you stupid cunt.

>> No.12761661

Just finished Black Company. Damn why did I wait so long until reading this.
Probably gonna start with the next books right away since it's been quite a while since I was hooked this much.

>> No.12761689

When I Was Summoned to Another World with RPG Style, [Likes NTR] Skill Appeared

>> No.12761761

Bought Lud in the Mist today. Why can't we get more short length fantasy novels and why does everything now need to be some 1000'd page doorstopper?

>> No.12761766
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I don't think you could do a politically reversed Lovecraft without completely changing the genre tone, themes, etc. Fear of the alien and of the poorly understood, fear of genetic deterioratiion and miscegenation all underlies his horror.

>> No.12761780

Publishers love long ass series. Door stoppers doesn't make as much sense from a publishing standpoint, I guess authors write them because they want to write the next big epic.

>> No.12761788


Harry Potter and Tolkien effect I guess. The authors want those big nerd culture credit and the money they bring in.

>> No.12761857

Fear of the alien and poorly understood doesn’t have to be a right wing/racial thing. The latter probably would have to change.

As much as I hate to admit it, yeah Lovecraft being racist probably is essential to what makes his work so creepy and compelling

>> No.12761872

authentic lovecraft may be fundamentally rooted in racism, but the side of lovecraft's work that's popular doesn't have the same limitations. its fueled not by fear of foul breeding, but by fear of death or subjugation by entities who are indifferent to our suffering and dont identify us as sentient.

ironically, the political implications of lovecraftian horror are the same as the those of anti-lovecraftian horror

>> No.12761906

Look at this nerd, doing the monthly reading faster than us. Let’s fucking get him

>> No.12761926

I'm trying to write a fantasy novel, shit's hard

Respect to the people who write crazy-long epics like that but damn if that's not a lot for one book

>> No.12761928

Who's your favorite character, you old spook?

>> No.12762002

From the Company I'd go with the wizards. They where always pretty fun and interesting when they where in the scenes.
From the Taken: Shifter seemed pretty interesting even though he only got a little spotlight.

Croak and Lady are interesting characters of course and especially the evil monarch bitch kind of angle is something I haven't encountered before in that depth.
I dunno how I feel about Raven and Darling getting their own plot line in the next book though. From the few spoilers I've read they go off doing something else than the company and the book follows it.
I enjoyed reading everything from one point of view instead of several pov threads that often is so common in fantasy novels. On top of that I didn't really like Raven the old edgelord and his mute chosen one sidekick. But maybe that will work out.

>> No.12762076


>> No.12762095
File: 629 KB, 1256x2063, hyperion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Blocks your path

>> No.12762107

Plots converge not long into the book. Some argue Raven's B-plot is actually more interesting AND it becomes a central one.

>> No.12762343
File: 103 KB, 1024x1454, Darling_the_white_rose_the_black_company_by_irontree-d92swzx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Raven is quite the character in his own way. Also I think Darling's story wraps up quite nicely. She got a well deserved happy ending after all the shit she's been through. However I can't say the same for Raven though poor guy.

>> No.12762390

Anyone read Quicksilver by Neal Stephenson? Picked it up today since I was familiar with his name having Snow Crash on my shelf which reminds me I need to read Snow Crash.

>> No.12762397

>you will never rape darling until she is mute
Why live?

>> No.12762419

What are the best sci-fi novels that really work with the space=ocean iconography/aesthetic/etc.? I love the idea, but I've never actually read anything with it.

>> No.12762420
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>> No.12762431

Stop being autistic. Black Company does the grimdark in a decent way and doesn't go over the top fellating itself like Lawrence does. But it's obvious you've never read it.

>> No.12762435


You mean a sea opera? Kind of like space opera. Except everything takes place down in the ocean. I think there was an Image comic that did a similar concept but I can't remember its name at the moment.

>> No.12762443

I love the fact for all the shit they do you don't really realize how powerful the Taken are until Silver Spike and the Limper comes back. It's like he has spell contingencies for spell contingencies and just REFUSES to die. Makes you wonder just how had the Lady would be to defeat in a straight up fight.

>> No.12762447

Normie nerds love long series because they believe long=good

>> No.12762462

I don't think that's really a valid argument because normies, who feel inclined towards reading in the first place, will basically read anything as long as it's popular.

>> No.12762464

Alright, looking forward to it then.
Truly the worst feeling.

>> No.12762465

No, not a sea opera. Look at a lot of our space terms already; they're nautical in nature. Things like space ship and space pirates and the idea of space being a frontier for voyage, like the sea was in the age of discovery.

>> No.12762469

I think he meant more in the sense that space is treated like an ocean. Treasure Planet is one of the best movie examples.

>> No.12762492

Why is everything starting to feel so insubstantial to me? Every book I read just ends up feeling derivative. Then I try to write, and I have no interest in creating anymore - only distracting myself and consuming.

What do I do to escape this feeling? How do I get back in touch with my inner creator, /sffg/?

>> No.12762512

Start going to church.

>> No.12762516

get laid

>> No.12762521

I do.

>> No.12762538

Get a job faggot

>> No.12762548

Clean your room

>> No.12762564

A late-afternoon revision-mode thought: People ask me sometimes why I'm so *blatant* re racism and other bigotries, in my fiction. Wouldn't a more subtle approach work? Answer: No. A more subtle approach doesn't work.

SFF does subtle coverage of bigotry all the time, actually. Allegories all over the place, esp in secondary worlds. And probably because of that, readers who are fluent in SFF are used to separating real-world bigotry from its fantastic (or futuristic) counterpart.

Which is precisely how we ended up w/a genre that, for most of my life, thought of itself as anti-racist. Look at all the allegories! Meanwhile no black characters. Few writers, editors, etc., of color. Open bigots everywhere.

Allegory does not reinforce reality. It obscures it.

>> No.12762568

Ok, maybe that's the problem. Move out then, as far away from daddy as possible.

>> No.12762587

Thread Slave get to work. Pronto

>> No.12762599

Fucking idiot, it's only on page 2, don't rush me.

>> No.12762607

lol Jemisin is living proof there is no racism against blacks in publishing or literary fiction. That cunt won a Hugo three years in a row and has been endlessly praised by the mainstream.

>> No.12762614

do your work knave

>> No.12762633



>> No.12762953

its not even that grimdark except a couple of scenes. its mostly a military novel about a band of mercenaries. its pretty based
right? im also moving on to the next book
darling is definitely my favorite character

we arent supposed to be talking about this yet though!

>> No.12762973

And that chink was nominated for the three meme problem

>> No.12763551

No, it's bad, really really bad.

I wanted an interesting story in an interesting world then in the first two pages a brave native woman beats up a white cis pig for looking at a literal prostitute